package edu.umd.hooka.alignment; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityReducer; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.umd.hooka.Alignment; import edu.umd.hooka.AlignmentPosteriorGrid; import edu.umd.hooka.CorpusVocabNormalizerAndNumberizer; import edu.umd.hooka.PServer; import edu.umd.hooka.PServerClient; import edu.umd.hooka.PhrasePair; import edu.umd.hooka.Vocab; import edu.umd.hooka.VocabularyWritable; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.aer.ReferenceAlignment; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.hmm.ATable; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.hmm.HMM; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.hmm.HMM_NullWord; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.model1.Model1; import edu.umd.hooka.alignment.model1.Model1_InitUniform; import edu.umd.hooka.ttables.TTable; import edu.umd.hooka.ttables.TTable_monolithic_IFAs; import edu.umd.cloud9.mapred.NullInputFormat; import edu.umd.cloud9.mapred.NullMapper; import edu.umd.cloud9.mapred.NullOutputFormat; /** * General EM training framework for word alignment models. */ public class HadoopAlign { private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(HadoopAlign.class); static boolean usePServer = false; static final String KEY_TRAINER = "ha.trainer"; static final String KEY_ITERATION = "ha.model.iteration"; static final String MODEL1_UNIFORM_INIT = "model1.uniform"; static final String MODEL1_TRAINER = "model1.trainer"; static final String HMM_TRAINER = "hmm.baumwelch.trainer"; static public ATable loadATable(Path path, Configuration job) throws IOException { org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration(job); FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(conf); DataInput in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(; ATable at = new ATable(); at.readFields(in); return at; } static public Vocab loadVocab(Path path, Configuration job) throws IOException { org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration(job); FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(conf); DataInput in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(; VocabularyWritable at = new VocabularyWritable(); at.readFields(in); return at; } static public Vocab loadVocab(Path path, FileSystem fileSys) throws IOException { DataInput in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(; VocabularyWritable at = new VocabularyWritable(); at.readFields(in); return at; } protected static class AEListener implements AlignmentEventListener { private Reporter r; public AEListener(Reporter rep) { r = rep; } public void notifyUnalignablePair(PhrasePair pp, String reason) { r.incrCounter(CrossEntropyCounters.INFINITIES, 1); System.err.println("Can't align " + pp); } } public static enum AlignmentEvalEnum { SURE_HITS, PROBABLE_HITS, HYPOTHESIZED_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, REF_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, } public static class AlignmentBase extends MapReduceBase { Path ltp = null; AlignmentModel trainer = null; boolean useNullWord = false; boolean hasCounts = false; String trainerType = null; int iteration = -1; HadoopAlignConfig job = null; FileSystem ttfs = null; TTable ttable = null; boolean generatePosteriors = false; public void configure(JobConf j) { job = new HadoopAlignConfig(j); generatePosteriors = j.getBoolean("ha.generate.posteriors", false); try { ttfs = FileSystem.get(job); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Caught " + e); } Path[] localFiles = null; /*try { localFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(job); ttfs = FileSystem.getLocal(job); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Caught: " + e); }*/ trainerType = job.get(KEY_TRAINER); if (trainerType == null || trainerType.equals("")) throw new RuntimeException("Missing key: " + KEY_TRAINER); String it = job.get(KEY_ITERATION); if (it == null || it.equals("")) throw new RuntimeException("Missing key: " + KEY_ITERATION); iteration = Integer.parseInt(it); if (localFiles != null && localFiles.length > 0) ltp = localFiles[0]; else ltp = job.getTTablePath(); } public void init() throws IOException { String pserveHost = job.get(""); pserveHost = "localhost"; String sp = job.get("ha.pserver.port"); int pservePort =5444; if (sp != null) pservePort = Integer.parseInt(sp); useNullWord = job.includeNullWord(); if (trainerType.equals(MODEL1_UNIFORM_INIT)) { trainer = new Model1_InitUniform(useNullWord); } else if (trainerType.equals(MODEL1_TRAINER)) { if (usePServer) ttable = new PServerClient(pserveHost, pservePort); else ttable = new TTable_monolithic_IFAs( ttfs, ltp, true); trainer = new Model1(ttable, useNullWord); } else if (trainerType.equals(HMM_TRAINER)) { if (usePServer) ttable = new PServerClient(pserveHost, pservePort); else ttable = new TTable_monolithic_IFAs( ttfs, ltp, true); ATable atable = loadATable(job.getATablePath(), job); if (!useNullWord) trainer = new HMM(ttable, atable); else trainer = new HMM_NullWord(ttable, atable, job.getHMMp0()); } else throw new RuntimeException("Don't understand initialization stategy: " + trainerType); } } public static class EMapper extends AlignmentBase implements Mapper<Text,PhrasePair,IntWritable,PartialCountContainer> { OutputCollector<IntWritable,PartialCountContainer> output_ = null; public void map(Text key, PhrasePair value, OutputCollector<IntWritable,PartialCountContainer> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { if (output_ == null) { output_ = output; init(); trainer.addAlignmentListener(new AEListener(reporter)); } if (usePServer && ttable != null) ((PServerClient)ttable).query(value, useNullWord); AlignmentPosteriorGrid model1g= null; if (value.hasAlignmentPosteriors()) model1g = value.getAlignmentPosteriorGrid(); if (trainer instanceof HMM) { ((HMM)trainer).setModel1Posteriors(model1g); } trainer.processTrainingInstance(value, reporter); if (value.hasAlignment() && !(trainer instanceof Model1_InitUniform)) { PerplexityReporter pr = new PerplexityReporter(); Alignment a = trainer.viterbiAlign(value, pr); a = trainer.computeAlignmentPosteriors(value).alignPosteriorThreshold(0.5f); ReferenceAlignment ref = (ReferenceAlignment)value.getAlignment(); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.SURE_HITS, ref.countSureHits(a)); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.PROBABLE_HITS, ref.countProbableHits(a)); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.HYPOTHESIZED_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, a.countAlignmentPoints()); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.REF_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, ref.countSureAlignmentPoints()); } hasCounts = true; } public void close() { if (!hasCounts) return; try { trainer.clearModel(); trainer.writePartialCounts(output_); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Caught: " + e); } } } public static class AlignMapper extends AlignmentBase implements Mapper<Text,PhrasePair,Text,PhrasePair> { boolean first = true; Text astr = new Text(); public void map(Text key, PhrasePair value, OutputCollector<Text,PhrasePair> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { if (first) { init(); first = false; trainer.addAlignmentListener(new AEListener(reporter)); } PerplexityReporter pr = new PerplexityReporter(); AlignmentPosteriorGrid model1g= null; if (value.hasAlignmentPosteriors()) model1g = value.getAlignmentPosteriorGrid(); if (trainer instanceof HMM && model1g != null) { ((HMM)trainer).setModel1Posteriors(model1g); } Alignment a = trainer.viterbiAlign(value, pr); ReferenceAlignment ref = (ReferenceAlignment)value.getAlignment(); AlignmentPosteriorGrid ghmm = null; AlignmentPosteriorGrid gmodel1 = null; if (generatePosteriors) { if (value.hasAlignmentPosteriors()) model1g = value.getAlignmentPosteriorGrid(); if (trainer instanceof HMM) ((HMM)trainer).setModel1Posteriors(model1g); AlignmentPosteriorGrid g = trainer.computeAlignmentPosteriors(value); if (value.hasAlignmentPosteriors()) { //System.err.println(key + ": already has posteriors!"); model1g = value.getAlignmentPosteriorGrid(); //model1g.penalizeGarbageCollectors(2, 0.27f, 0.20f); Alignment model1a = model1g.alignPosteriorThreshold(0.5f); //System.out.println("MODEL1 MAP ALIGNMENT:\n"+model1a.toStringVisual()); //ystem.out.println("HMM VITERBI ALIGNMENT:\n"+a.toStringVisual()); //model1g.diff(g); ghmm = g; gmodel1 = model1g; Alignment da = model1g.alignPosteriorThreshold((float)Math.exp(-1.50f)); Alignment ints = Alignment.intersect(da, model1a); //Alignment df = Alignment.subtract(ints, a); //System.out.println("DIFF (HMM - (Model1 \\intersect DIFF)): " + key + "\n" +df.toStringVisual() + "\n"+model1g); //a = Alignment.union(a, df); } value.setAlignmentPosteriorGrid(g); } if (ref != null) { a = trainer.computeAlignmentPosteriors(value).alignPosteriorThreshold(0.5f); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.SURE_HITS, ref.countSureHits(a)); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.PROBABLE_HITS, ref.countProbableHits(a)); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.HYPOTHESIZED_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, a.countAlignmentPoints()); reporter.incrCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.REF_ALIGNMENT_POINTS, ref.countSureAlignmentPoints()); if (gmodel1!=null) { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); for (int i =0; i<ref.getELength(); i++) for (int j=0; j<ref.getFLength(); j++) { if (ref.isProbableAligned(j, i) || ref.isSureAligned(j, i)) sb.append("Y"); else sb.append("N"); sb.append(" 1:").append(gmodel1.getAlignmentPointPosterior(j, i+1)); sb.append(" 3:").append(ghmm.getAlignmentPointPosterior(j, i+1)); if (a.aligned(j, i)) sb.append(" 4:1"); else sb.append(" 4:0"); sb.append('\n'); } //System.out.println(sb); } } astr.set(a.toString()); output.collect(key, value); } } public static class EMReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<IntWritable,PartialCountContainer,IntWritable,PartialCountContainer> { boolean variationalBayes = false; IntWritable oe = new IntWritable(); PartialCountContainer pcc = new PartialCountContainer(); float[] counts = new float[Vocab.MAX_VOCAB_INDEX]; // TODO: fix this float alpha = 0.0f; @Override public void configure(JobConf job) { HadoopAlignConfig hac = new HadoopAlignConfig(job); variationalBayes = hac.useVariationalBayes(); alpha = hac.getAlpha(); } public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterator<PartialCountContainer> values, OutputCollector<IntWritable,PartialCountContainer> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { int lm = 0; if (HMM.ACOUNT_VOC_ID.get() != key.get()) { while (values.hasNext()) {; IndexedFloatArray v = (IndexedFloatArray); if (v.maxKey() + 1 > lm) { Arrays.fill(counts, lm, v.maxKey() + 1, 0.0f); lm = v.maxKey() + 1; } v.addTo(counts); } IndexedFloatArray sum = new IndexedFloatArray(counts, lm); pcc.setContent(sum); } else { ATable sum = null; while (values.hasNext()) { if (sum == null) sum = (ATable)((ATable); else sum.plusEquals((ATable); } pcc.setContent(sum); // pcc.normalize(); // if (true) throw new RuntimeException("CHECK\n"+pcc.getContent()); } pcc.normalize(variationalBayes, alpha); output.collect(key, pcc); } } /** * Basic implementation: assume keys are IntWritable, values are Phrase * Better implementation: use Java Generics to templatize, ie. * <Key extends WritableComparable, Value extends Writeable> * @author redpony * */ public static class FileReaderZip { private static class SFRComp implements Comparable<SFRComp> { PartialCountContainer cur = new PartialCountContainer(); IntWritable k = new IntWritable(); SequenceFile.Reader s; boolean valid; public SFRComp(SequenceFile.Reader x) throws IOException { s = x; read(); } public void read() throws IOException { valid =, cur); } public int getKey() { return k.get(); } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } public int compareTo(SFRComp o) { if (!valid) throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't happen"); return k.get() - o.k.get(); } public PartialCountContainer getValue() { return cur; } } PriorityQueue<SFRComp> pq; public FileReaderZip(SequenceFile.Reader[] files) throws IOException { pq = new PriorityQueue<SFRComp>(); for (SequenceFile.Reader r : files) { SFRComp s = new SFRComp(r); if (s.isValid()) pq.add(s); } } boolean next(IntWritable k, PartialCountContainer v) throws IOException { if (pq.size() == 0) return false; SFRComp t = pq.remove(); v.setContent(t.getValue().getContent()); k.set(t.getKey());; if (t.isValid()) pq.add(t); return true; } } enum MergeCounters { EWORDS, STATISTICS }; private static class ModelMergeMapper2 extends NullMapper { public void run(JobConf job, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { sLogger.setLevel(Level.INFO); Path outputPath = null; Path ttablePath = null; Path atablePath = null; HadoopAlignConfig hac = null; JobConf xjob = null; xjob = job; hac = new HadoopAlignConfig(job); ttablePath = hac.getTTablePath(); atablePath = hac.getATablePath(); outputPath = new Path(job.get(TTABLE_ITERATION_OUTPUT)); IntWritable k = new IntWritable(); PartialCountContainer t = new PartialCountContainer(); FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(xjob); // the following is a race condition fileSys.delete(outputPath.suffix("/_logs"), true); fileSys.delete(outputPath.suffix("/_SUCCESS"), true);"Reading from "+outputPath + ", exists? " + fileSys.exists(outputPath)); // SequenceFile.Reader[] readers = // SequenceFileOutputFormat.getReaders(xjob, outputPath); // FileReaderZip z = new FileReaderZip(readers); // while (,t)) { // if (t.getType() == PartialCountContainer.CONTENT_ARRAY) { // tt.set(k.get(), (IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()); // if (k.get() % 1000 == 0) reporter.progress(); // reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.EWORDS, 1); // reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.STATISTICS, ((IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()).size() + 1); // } else { // if (emittedATable) // throw new RuntimeException("Should only have a single ATable!"); // ATable at = (ATable)t.getContent(); // fileSys.delete(atablePath, true); // DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( // new BufferedOutputStream(fileSys.create(atablePath))); // at.write(dos); // dos.close(); // emittedATable = true; // } // } TTable tt = new TTable_monolithic_IFAs(fileSys, ttablePath, false); boolean emittedATable = false; FileStatus[] status = fileSys.listStatus(outputPath); for (int i=0; i<status.length; i++){"Reading " + status[i].getPath() + ", exists? " + fileSys.exists(status[i].getPath())); SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(xjob, SequenceFile.Reader.file(status[i].getPath())); while (, t)){ if (t.getType() == PartialCountContainer.CONTENT_ARRAY) { tt.set(k.get(), (IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()); if (k.get() % 1000 == 0) reporter.progress(); reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.EWORDS, 1); reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.STATISTICS, ((IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()).size() + 1); } else { if (emittedATable) throw new RuntimeException("Should only have a single ATable!"); ATable at = (ATable)t.getContent(); fileSys.delete(atablePath, true); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(fileSys.create(atablePath))); at.write(dos); dos.close(); emittedATable = true; } } reader.close(); } fileSys.delete(ttablePath, true); // delete old ttable tt.write(); // write new one to same location } } public static class ModelMergeMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable,Text,LongWritable,Text> { Path outputPath = null; Path ttablePath = null; Path atablePath = null; enum MergeCounters { EWORDS, STATISTICS }; HadoopAlignConfig hac = null; JobConf xjob = null; public void configure(JobConf job) { xjob = job; hac = new HadoopAlignConfig(job); ttablePath = hac.getTTablePath(); atablePath = hac.getATablePath(); outputPath = new Path(job.get(TTABLE_ITERATION_OUTPUT)); } public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<LongWritable,Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { IntWritable k = new IntWritable(); PartialCountContainer t = new PartialCountContainer(); FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(xjob); // the following is a race condition fileSys.delete(outputPath.suffix("/_logs"), true); SequenceFile.Reader[] readers = SequenceFileOutputFormat.getReaders(xjob, outputPath); FileReaderZip z = new FileReaderZip(readers); TTable tt = new TTable_monolithic_IFAs(fileSys, ttablePath, false); boolean emittedATable = false; while (,t)) { if (t.getType() == PartialCountContainer.CONTENT_ARRAY) { tt.set(k.get(), (IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()); if (k.get() % 1000 == 0) reporter.progress(); reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.EWORDS, 1); reporter.incrCounter(MergeCounters.STATISTICS, ((IndexedFloatArray)t.getContent()).size() + 1); } else { if (emittedATable) throw new RuntimeException("Should only have a single ATable!"); ATable at = (ATable)t.getContent(); fileSys.delete(atablePath, true); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(fileSys.create(atablePath))); at.write(dos); dos.close(); emittedATable = true; } } fileSys.delete(ttablePath, true); // delete old ttable tt.write(); // write new one to same location output.collect(key, value); } } static double ComputeAER(Counters c) { double den = c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.HYPOTHESIZED_ALIGNMENT_POINTS) + c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.REF_ALIGNMENT_POINTS); double num = c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.PROBABLE_HITS) + c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.SURE_HITS); double aer = ((double)((int)((1.0 - num/den)*10000.0)))/100.0; double prec = ((double)((int)((((double)c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.PROBABLE_HITS)) /((double)c.getCounter(AlignmentEvalEnum.HYPOTHESIZED_ALIGNMENT_POINTS)))*10000.0)))/100.0; System.out.println("PREC: " + prec); return aer; } static final String TTABLE_ITERATION_OUTPUT = "em.model-data.file"; static PServer pserver = null; static String startPServers(HadoopAlignConfig hac) throws IOException { int port = 4444; pserver = new PServer(4444, FileSystem.get(hac), hac.getTTablePath()); Thread th = new Thread(pserver); th.start(); if (true) throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't use PServer"); return "localhost:" + port; } static void stopPServers() throws IOException { if (pserver != null) pserver.stopServer(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void doAlignment(int mapTasks, int reduceTasks, HadoopAlignConfig hac) throws IOException { System.out.println("Running alignment: " + hac); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(hac); Path cbtxt = new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/comp-bitext"); // fs.delete(cbtxt, true); if (!fs.exists(cbtxt)) { CorpusVocabNormalizerAndNumberizer.preprocessAndNumberizeFiles(hac, hac.getBitexts(), cbtxt); } System.out.println("Finished preprocessing"); int m1iters = hac.getModel1Iterations(); int hmmiters = hac.getHMMIterations(); int totalIterations = m1iters + hmmiters; String modelType = null; ArrayList<Double> perps= new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> aers = new ArrayList<Double>(); boolean hmm = false; boolean firstHmm = true; Path model1PosteriorsPath = null; for (int iteration=0; iteration<totalIterations; iteration++) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); hac.setBoolean("ha.generate.posterios", false); boolean lastIteration = (iteration == totalIterations-1); boolean lastModel1Iteration = (iteration == m1iters-1); if (iteration >= m1iters ) hmm=true; if (hmm) modelType = "HMM"; else modelType = "Model1"; FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(hac); String sOutputPath=modelType + ".data." + iteration; Path outputPath = new Path(sOutputPath); try { if (usePServer && iteration > 0) // no probs in first iteration! startPServers(hac); System.out.println("Starting iteration " + iteration + (iteration == 0 ? " (initialization)" : "") + ": " + modelType); JobConf conf = new JobConf(hac, HadoopAlign.class); conf.setJobName("EMTrain." + modelType + ".iter"+iteration); conf.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); conf.set(KEY_TRAINER, MODEL1_TRAINER); conf.set(KEY_ITERATION, Integer.toString(iteration)); conf.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); if (iteration == 0) conf.set(KEY_TRAINER, MODEL1_UNIFORM_INIT); if (hmm) { conf.set(KEY_TRAINER, HMM_TRAINER); if (firstHmm) { firstHmm=false; System.out.println("Writing default a-table..."); Path pathATable = hac.getATablePath(); fileSys.delete(pathATable, true); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(fileSys.create(pathATable))); int cond_values = 1; if (!hac.isHMMHomogeneous()) { cond_values = 100; } ATable at = new ATable(hac.isHMMHomogeneous(), cond_values, 100); at.normalize(); at.write(dos); // System.out.println(at); dos.close(); } } conf.setOutputKeyClass(IntWritable.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(PartialCountContainer.class); conf.setMapperClass(EMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(EMReducer.class); conf.setNumMapTasks(mapTasks); conf.setNumReduceTasks(reduceTasks); System.out.println("Running job "+conf.getJobName()); // if doing model1 iterations, set input to pre-processing output // otherwise, input is set to output of last model 1 iteration if (model1PosteriorsPath != null) { System.out.println("Input: " + model1PosteriorsPath); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, model1PosteriorsPath); } else{ System.out.println("Input: " + cbtxt); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, cbtxt); } System.out.println("Output: "+outputPath); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString())); fileSys.delete(new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString()), true); conf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); RunningJob job = JobClient.runJob(conf); Counters c = job.getCounters(); double lp = c.getCounter(CrossEntropyCounters.LOGPROB); double wc = c.getCounter(CrossEntropyCounters.WORDCOUNT); double ce = lp/wc/Math.log(2); double perp = Math.pow(2.0, ce); double aer = ComputeAER(c); System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + ": (" + modelType + ")\tCROSS-ENTROPY: " + ce + " PERPLEXITY: " + perp); System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + ": " + aer + " AER"); aers.add(aer); perps.add(perp); } finally { stopPServers(); } JobConf conf = new JobConf(hac, ModelMergeMapper2.class); System.err.println("Setting " + TTABLE_ITERATION_OUTPUT + " to " + outputPath.toString()); conf.set(TTABLE_ITERATION_OUTPUT, hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString()); conf.setJobName("EMTrain.ModelMerge"); // conf.setOutputKeyClass(LongWritable.class); conf.setMapperClass(ModelMergeMapper2.class); conf.setSpeculativeExecution(false); conf.setNumMapTasks(1); conf.setNumReduceTasks(0); conf.setInputFormat(NullInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(NullOutputFormat.class); conf.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); conf.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); // FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, root+"/dummy"); // fileSys.delete(new Path(root+"/dummy.out"), true); // FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(root+"/dummy.out")); // conf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); System.out.println("Running job "+conf.getJobName()); System.out.println("Input: "+hac.getRoot()+"/dummy"); System.out.println("Output: "+hac.getRoot()+"/dummy.out"); JobClient.runJob(conf); fileSys.delete(new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString()), true); if (lastIteration || lastModel1Iteration) { //hac.setBoolean("ha.generate.posteriors", true); conf = new JobConf(hac, HadoopAlign.class); sOutputPath=modelType + ".data." + iteration; outputPath = new Path(sOutputPath); conf.setJobName(modelType + ".align"); conf.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); conf.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); // TODO use file cache /*try { if (hmm || iteration > 0) { URI ttable = new URI(fileSys.getHomeDirectory() + Path.SEPARATOR + hac.getTTablePath().toString()); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(ttable, conf); System.out.println("cache<-- " + ttable); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Caught " + e); } */ conf.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); conf.set(KEY_TRAINER, MODEL1_TRAINER); conf.set(KEY_ITERATION, Integer.toString(iteration)); if (hmm) conf.set(KEY_TRAINER, HMM_TRAINER); conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(PhrasePair.class); conf.setMapperClass(AlignMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(IdentityReducer.class); conf.setNumMapTasks(mapTasks); conf.setNumReduceTasks(reduceTasks); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString())); //if last model1 iteration, save output path, to be used as input path in later iterations if (lastModel1Iteration) { FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, cbtxt); model1PosteriorsPath = new Path(hac.getRoot()+"/"+outputPath.toString()); } else { FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, model1PosteriorsPath); } fileSys.delete(outputPath, true); System.out.println("Running job "+conf.getJobName()); RunningJob job = JobClient.runJob(conf); System.out.println("GENERATED: " + model1PosteriorsPath); Counters c = job.getCounters(); double aer = ComputeAER(c); // System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + ": (" + modelType + ")\tCROSS-ENTROPY: " + ce + " PERPLEXITY: " + perp); System.out.println("Iteration " + iteration + ": " + aer + " AER"); aers.add(aer); perps.add(0.0); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(modelType + " iteration " + iteration + " took " + ((end - start) / 1000) + " seconds."); } for (int i = 0; i < perps.size(); i++) { System.out.print("I="+i+"\t"); if (aers.size() > 0) { System.out.print(aers.get(i)+"\t"); } System.out.println(perps.get(i)); } } private static void printUsage() { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp( HadoopAlign.class.getCanonicalName(), options ); } private static final String INPUT_OPTION = "input"; private static final String WORK_OPTION = "workdir"; private static final String FLANG_OPTION = "src_lang"; private static final String ELANG_OPTION = "trg_lang"; private static final String MODEL1_OPTION = "model1"; private static final String HMM_OPTION = "hmm"; private static final String REDUCE_OPTION = "reduce"; private static final String TRUNCATE_OPTION = "use_truncate"; private static final String LIBJARS_OPTION = "libjars"; private static Options options; @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { options = new Options(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("path to XML-formatted parallel corpus").withArgName("path").hasArg().isRequired().create(INPUT_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("path to work/output directory on HDFS").withArgName("path").hasArg().isRequired().create(WORK_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("two-letter collection language code").withArgName("en|de|fr|zh|es|ar|tr").hasArg().isRequired().create(FLANG_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("two-letter collection language code").withArgName("en|de|fr|zh|es|ar|tr").hasArg().isRequired().create(ELANG_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("number of IBM Model 1 iterations").withArgName("positive integer").hasArg().create(MODEL1_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("number of HMM iterations").withArgName("positive integer").hasArg().create(HMM_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("truncate/stem text or not").create(TRUNCATE_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("number of reducers").withArgName("positive integer").hasArg().create(REDUCE_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("Hadoop option to load external jars").withArgName("jar packages").hasArg().create(LIBJARS_OPTION)); CommandLine cmdline; CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { cmdline = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException exp) { printUsage(); System.err.println("Error parsing command line: " + exp.getMessage()); return; } String bitextPath = cmdline.getOptionValue(INPUT_OPTION); String workDir = cmdline.getOptionValue(WORK_OPTION); String srcLang = cmdline.getOptionValue(FLANG_OPTION); String trgLang = cmdline.getOptionValue(ELANG_OPTION); int model1Iters = cmdline.hasOption(MODEL1_OPTION) ? Integer.parseInt(cmdline.getOptionValue(MODEL1_OPTION)) : 0; int hmmIters = cmdline.hasOption(HMM_OPTION) ? Integer.parseInt(cmdline.getOptionValue(HMM_OPTION)) : 0; if (model1Iters + hmmIters == 0) { System.err.println("Please enter a positive number of iterations for either Model 1 or HMM"); printUsage(); return; } boolean isTruncate = cmdline.hasOption(TRUNCATE_OPTION) ? true : false; int numReducers = cmdline.hasOption(REDUCE_OPTION) ? Integer.parseInt(cmdline.getOptionValue(REDUCE_OPTION)) : 50; HadoopAlignConfig hac = new HadoopAlignConfig(workDir, trgLang, srcLang, bitextPath, model1Iters, hmmIters, true, // use null word false, // use variational bayes isTruncate, // use word truncation 0.00f // alpha ); hac.setHMMHomogeneous(false); hac.set("", "2048"); hac.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); hac.set("mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb", "2048"); hac.set("", "-Xmx2048m"); hac.setHMMp0(0.2); hac.setMaxSentLen(15); doAlignment(50, numReducers, hac); } }