package edu.umd.hooka; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Collection; public class ProfileLogParser { static final int JOB_START = 0; static final int MAP_START = 1; static final int MAP_FINISH = 2; static final int REDUCE_START = 3; static final int REDUCE_FINISH = 4; static final int JOB_FINISH = 5; static final int INVALID = 6; private class nodeData { long mapStart; long mapFinish; long reduceStart; long reduceFinish; } private class itemData { String identifier; int itemType; long timestamp; public itemData(String data) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(data); String currToken = ""; try{ while(!currToken.endsWith(":")) currToken = tokens.nextToken(); //Item type currToken = tokens.nextToken(); if (currToken.equals("JOB_START")) itemType = JOB_START; else if(currToken.equals("MAP_START")) itemType = MAP_START; else if (currToken.equals("MAP_FINISH")) itemType = MAP_FINISH; else if (currToken.equals("REDUCE_START")) itemType = REDUCE_START; else if (currToken.equals("REDUCE_FINISH")) itemType = REDUCE_FINISH; else if (currToken.equals("JOB_FINISH")) itemType = JOB_FINISH; else itemType = INVALID; //Identifier currToken = tokens.nextToken(); identifier = currToken; //timestamp currToken = tokens.nextToken(); timestamp = Long.parseLong(currToken); } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { itemType = INVALID; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { itemType = INVALID; } } } public void Parse(Collection<File> theFiles, long startTime, long finishTime, OutputStream output) throws IOException { BufferedReader inputReader = null; BufferedWriter outputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)); HashMap<String, nodeData> dataHashMap = new HashMap<String, nodeData>(); itemData currData = null; nodeData currNodeData = null; long jobStartTime = startTime; long jobFinishTime = finishTime; String currLine = null; for(File currFile : theFiles) { try{ inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(currFile))); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Input file not found"); return; } currLine = inputReader.readLine(); while(currLine != null) { currData = new itemData(currLine); if(currData.itemType == INVALID) { currLine = inputReader.readLine(); continue; } if(currData.itemType == JOB_START) jobStartTime = currData.timestamp; else if (currData.itemType == JOB_FINISH) jobFinishTime = currData.timestamp; else { if(!(dataHashMap.containsKey(currData.identifier))) dataHashMap.put(currData.identifier, new nodeData()); currNodeData = dataHashMap.get(currData.identifier); switch(currData.itemType) { case MAP_START: currNodeData.mapStart = currData.timestamp; break; case MAP_FINISH: currNodeData.mapFinish = currData.timestamp; break; case REDUCE_START: currNodeData.reduceStart = currData.timestamp; break; case REDUCE_FINISH: currNodeData.reduceFinish = currData.timestamp; break; } } currLine = inputReader.readLine(); } } //Output the information int numNodes = 0; int failedReports = 0; long timeTaken = jobFinishTime - jobStartTime; long preMap = 0L; long mapTime = 0L; long intermediate = 0L; long reduceTime = 0L; long postReduce = 0L; for(nodeData x : dataHashMap.values()) { if((x.mapStart == 0) || (x.mapFinish == 0) || (x.reduceStart == 0) || (x.reduceFinish == 0)) failedReports += 1; else { preMap += (x.mapStart - jobStartTime); mapTime += (x.mapFinish - x.mapStart); intermediate += (x.reduceStart - x.mapFinish); reduceTime += (x.reduceFinish - x.reduceStart); postReduce += (jobFinishTime - x.reduceFinish); numNodes += 1; } } outputWriter.write(Integer.toString(numNodes) + " total nodes reporting for " + Long.toString(timeTaken) + " milliseconds each\n"); outputWriter.write("Total node time taken before map operations: " + Long.toString(preMap) + "\n"); outputWriter.write("Total node time taken for map operations: " + Long.toString(mapTime) + "\n"); outputWriter.write("Total node time taken between map and reduce operations: " + Long.toString(intermediate) + "\n"); outputWriter.write("Total node time taken for reduce operations: " + Long.toString(reduceTime) + "\n"); outputWriter.write("Total node time taken after reduce operations: " + Long.toString(postReduce) + "\n"); outputWriter.write(Integer.toString(failedReports) + " nodes reporting incomplete data (not counted in above) \n"); outputWriter.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) { String directory = "/home/guest/hadoop/logs/userlogs/thistask"; long startTime = 1205673885264L; long finishTime = 1205673915411L; Collection<File> theFiles = null; try{theFiles = FileListing.getFileListing(new File(directory));} catch(FileNotFoundException e){e.printStackTrace();} try{new ProfileLogParser().Parse(theFiles, startTime, finishTime, System.out);} catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace();} } }