/* * Cloud9: A MapReduce Library for Hadoop * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package edu.umd.cloud9.webgraph.normalizer; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * * @author Nima Asadi * */ public class AnchorTextBasicNormalizer implements AnchorTextNormalizer { private static final String[] STOP_WORDS = { "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "you", "yond", "yonder", "yon", "ye", "yet", "zillion", "umpteen", "usually", "us", "username", "uponed", "upons", "uponing", "upon", "ups", "upping", "upped", "up", "unto", "until", "unless", "unlike", "unliker", "unlikest", "under", "underneath", "use", "used", "usedest", "rath", "rather", "rathest", "rathe", "re", "relate", "related", "relatively", "regarding", "really", "res", "respecting", "respectively", "quite", "que", "qua", "neither", "neaths", "neath", "nethe", "nethermost", "necessary", "necessariest", "necessarier", "never", "nevertheless", "nigh", "nighest", "nigher", "nine", "noone", "nobody", "nobodies", "nowhere", "nowheres", "no", "noes", "nor", "nos", "no-one", "none", "not", "notwithstanding", "nothings", "nothing", "nathless", "natheless", "ten", "tills", "till", "tilled", "tilling", "to", "towards", "toward", "towardest", "towarder", "together", "too", "thy", "thyself", "thus", "than", "that", "those", "thou", "though", "thous", "thouses", "thoroughest", "thorougher", "thorough", "thoroughly", "thru", "thruer", "thruest", "thro", "through", "throughout", "throughest", "througher", "thine", "this", "thises", "they", "thee", "the", "then", "thence", "thenest", "thener", "them", "themselves", "these", "therer", "there", "thereby", "therest", "thereafter", "therein", "thereupon", "therefore", "their", "theirs", "thing", "things", "three", "two", "oh", "owt", "owning", "owned", "own", "owns", "others", "other", "otherwise", "otherwisest", "otherwiser", "of", "often", "oftener", "oftenest", "off", "offs", "offest", "one", "ought", "oughts", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "ourself", "out", "outest", "outed", "outwith", "outs", "outside", "over", "overallest", "overaller", "overalls", "overall", "overs", "or", "orer", "orest", "on", "oneself", "onest", "ons", "onto", "atween", "at", "athwart", "atop", "afore", "afterward", "afterwards", "after", "afterest", "afterer", "ain", "an", "any", "anything", "anybody", "anyone", "anyhow", "anywhere", "anent", "anear", "and", "andor", "another", "around", "ares", "are", "aest", "aer", "against", "again", "accordingly", "abaft", "abafter", "abaftest", "abovest", "above", "abover", "abouter", "aboutest", "about", "aid", "amidst", "amid", "among", "amongst", "apartest", "aparter", "apart", "appeared", "appears", "appear", "appearing", "appropriating", "appropriate", "appropriatest", "appropriates", "appropriater", "appropriated", "already", "always", "also", "along", "alongside", "although", "almost", "all", "allest", "aller", "allyou", "alls", "albeit", "awfully", "as", "aside", "asides", "aslant", 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"hers", "herself", "her", "hereby", "herein", "hereafters", "hereafter", "hereupon", "hence", "hadst", "had", "having", "haves", "have", "has", "hast", "hardly", "hae", "hath", "him", "himself", "hither", "hitherest", "hitherer", "his", "how-do-you-do", "however", "how", "howbeit", "howdoyoudo", "hoos", "hoo", "woulded", "woulding", "would", "woulds", "was", "wast", "we", "wert", "were", "with", "withal", "without", "within", "why", "what", "whatever", "whateverer", "whateverest", "whatsoeverer", "whatsoeverest", "whatsoever", "whence", "whencesoever", "whenever", "whensoever", "when", "whenas", "whether", "wheen", "whereto", "whereupon", "wherever", "whereon", "whereof", "where", "whereby", "wherewithal", "wherewith", "whereinto", "wherein", "whereafter", "whereas", "wheresoever", "wherefrom", "which", "whichever", "whichsoever", "whilst", "while", "whiles", "whithersoever", "whither", "whoever", "whosoever", "whoso", "whose", "whomever", "s", "syne", "syn", "shalling", "shall", "shalled", "shalls", "shoulding", "should", "shoulded", "shoulds", "she", "sayyid", "sayid", "said", "saider", "saidest", "same", "samest", "sames", "samer", "saved", "sans", "sanses", "sanserifs", "sanserif", "so", "soer", "soest", "sobeit", "someone", "somebody", "somehow", "some", "somewhere", "somewhat", "something", "sometimest", "sometimes", "sometimer", "sometime", "several", "severaler", "severalest", "serious", "seriousest", "seriouser", "senza", "send", "sent", "seem", "seems", "seemed", "seemingest", "seeminger", "seemings", "seven", "summat", "sups", "sup", "supping", "supped", "such", "since", "sine", "sines", "sith", "six", "stop", "stopped", "plaintiff", "plenty", "plenties", "please", "pleased", "pleases", "per", "perhaps", "particulars", "particularly", "particular", "particularest", "particularer", "pro", "providing", "provides", "provided", "provide", "probably", "l", "layabout", "layabouts", "latter", "latterest", "latterer", "latterly", "latters", "lots", "lotting", "lotted", "lot", "lest", "less", "ie", "ifs", "if", "info", "information", "itself", "its", "it", "is", "idem", "idemer", "idemest", "immediate", "immediately", "immediatest", "immediater", "in", "inwards", "inwardest", "inwarder", "inward", "inasmuch", "into", "instead", "insofar", "indicates", "indicated", "indicate", "indicating", "indeed", "inc", "f", "fact", "facts", "fs", "figupon", "figupons", "figuponing", "figuponed", "few", "fewer", "fewest", "frae", "from", "failing", "failings", "five", "furthers", "furtherer", "furthered", "furtherest", "further", "furthering", "furthermore", "fourscore", "followthrough", "for", "forwhy", "fornenst", "formerly", "former", "formerer", "formerest", "formers", "forbye", "forby", "fore", "forever", "forer", "fores", "four", "ddays", "dday", "do", "doing", "doings", "doe", "does", "doth", "downwarder", "downwardest", "downward", "downwards", "downs", "done", "doner", "dones", "donest", "dos", "dost", "did", "differentest", "differenter", "different", "describing", "describe", "describes", "described", "despiting", "despites", "despited", "despite", "during", "cum", "circa", "chez", "cer", "certain", "certainest", "certainer", "cest", "canst", "cannot", "cant", "cants", "canting", "cantest", "canted", "co", "could", "couldst", "comeon", "comeons", "come-ons", "come-on", "concerning", "concerninger", "concerningest", "consequently", "considering", "eg", "eight", "either", "even", "evens", "evenser", "evensest", "evened", "evenest", "ever", "everyone", "everything", "everybody", "everywhere", "every", "ere", "each", "et", "etc", "elsewhere", "else", "ex", "excepted", "excepts", "except", "excepting", "exes", "enough", "click", "here", "home", "page", "more", "link", "links", "contact", "us", "next", "previous", "first", "last", "top", "bottom", "web", "site", "sites", "will", "webpage", "main", "homepage", "url", "address", "website", "can", "open", "online", "new", "window", "webpage", "website", "site", "homepage", "home", "click", "here", "main", "link", "url", "www"}; private static final HashSet<String> stopwords = new HashSet<String>(); static { for (int i=0; i<STOP_WORDS.length; i++) { stopwords.add(STOP_WORDS[i]); } } public boolean isStopWord(String word){ return stopwords.contains(word); } public String normalize(String anchor) { //processing the anchor text token by token StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(anchor); String next; while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { next = tokenizer.nextToken(); if(!next.contains("://") && !next.contains(".")) builder.append(next.trim() + " "); } anchor = builder.toString().trim(); anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); //convert everything to lower case anchor = anchor.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); //remove extra space anchor = anchor.replaceAll("-", " "); //replace dashes with space anchor = anchor.replaceAll("&[^;]*;", ""); //remove html special entities anchor = anchor.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z\\s]", ""); //remove symbols //processing the anchor text token by token builder = new StringBuilder(); tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(anchor); while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { next = tokenizer.nextToken(); //remove any one character-long token if(next.length() == 1) continue; builder.append(next.trim() + " "); } anchor = builder.toString().trim(); return anchor; } public String removeStopWords(String anchor) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(anchor); String token; while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if(!isStopWord(token)) { builder.append(token + " "); } } return builder.toString().trim(); } public String stem(String anchor) { return anchor; } public String process(String anchor) { return removeStopWords(normalize(anchor)); } }