package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TraviandoExport implements Exporter { private static final String description; private SBAModel model; private int numberFiringsLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private double timeLimit = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double dataPointStep = 1.0; public void setDataPointStep (double newDataPointStep){ this.dataPointStep = newDataPointStep; } /* Now for phases */ /* Now we set up the phases */ private PhaseLine [] phaseLines; public void setPhaseLines (PhaseLine[] phaseLines){ this.phaseLines = phaseLines; } private boolean displayComments = true; private String modelComment = "Trace generated automagically from " + "BioPEPA Eclipse Plugin"; /* * public TraviandoExport(int numberFiringsLimit, double timeLimit){ * this.numberFiringsLimit = numberFiringsLimit; this.timeLimit = timeLimit * ; } */ static { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // This description should be much more verbose sb.append("Traviando export"); description = sb.toString(); } public void setFiringsLimit(int newLimit) { this.numberFiringsLimit = newLimit; } public void setTimeLimit(double newLimit) { this.timeLimit = newLimit; } public void setDisplayComments(boolean b) { this.displayComments = b; } public void setModelComment(String comment) { this.modelComment = comment; } public String canExport() { if (model == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Model has not been set using setModel/1"); return null; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getExportPrefix() { return "xml"; } public String getLongName() { return "Traviandor trace analyser"; } public String getShortName() { return "Trav"; } public Object requiredDataStructure() { return SBAModel.class; } public void setModel(SBAModel model) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (model == null) throw new NullPointerException("SBA model must be non-null"); if (this.model != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Model has already been set."); this.model = model; } public void setModel(ModelCompiler compiledModel) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private String modelName = null; public void setName(String modelName) { this.modelName = modelName; } public Object toDataStructure() throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException (); } /* * Here we are turning a model into a traviando trace file. */ public String toString() { if (model == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Model has not been set using setModel/1"); LineStringBuilder travSb = new LineStringBuilder(); // ISBJava isbJava = new ISBJava(model, model.getComponentNames()); // SimulationTrace simTrace = SimulationTrace(); /* I should also be able to make a string consumer which is * outputs to a file and hence doesn't cost as much in memory * hence allowing longer traces. */ try { TraviandoTraceLog traceLog = new TraviandoTraceLog(travSb, model); traceLog.setModelName(this.modelName); traceLog.setModelComment(this.modelComment); traceLog.setDisplayComments(this.displayComments); SimulationTracer simTracer = new SimulationTracer(model); simTracer.generateSimulationTrace(traceLog); } catch (BioPEPAException e) { // Todo We should report this better using perhaps // a dialog box travSb.appendLine(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e){ travSb.appendLine(e.getMessage()); } return travSb.toString(); } private Result simulationResults; public Result getSimulationResults(){ return this.simulationResults; } /* * Although the 'toString' method above is required for * the 'Exporter' interface, here we allow a more efficient * version which writes directly out to file. */ public void exportToFile (String filename) throws IOException{ FileStringConsumer fsc = new FileStringConsumer(filename); try { fsc.openStringConsumer(); TraviandoTraceLog traceLog = new TraviandoTraceLog(fsc, model); traceLog.setModelName(this.modelName); traceLog.setModelComment(this.modelComment); traceLog.setDisplayComments(this.displayComments); SimulationTracer simTracer = new SimulationTracer(model); // Set up the simulation parameters simTracer.setTimeLimit(this.timeLimit); simTracer.setFiringsLimit(this.numberFiringsLimit); simTracer.setDataPointStep(this.dataPointStep); simTracer.setPhaseLines(this.phaseLines); // Then just let the simulation tracer do its work simTracer.generateSimulationTrace(traceLog); this.simulationResults = simTracer.getSimulationResults(); } catch (BioPEPAException e) { fsc.appendLine(e.getMessage()); } fsc.closeStringConsumer(); } /* * Well clearly this is not really appropriate for this class * the intention is that this class is generalised into a * simulation tracer which may not actually produce a file */ public void justDrawTheGraph () throws IOException { try { SimulationTracer simTracer = new SimulationTracer(model); NullTraceLog traceLog = new NullTraceLog(); // Set up the simulation parameters simTracer.setTimeLimit(this.timeLimit); simTracer.setFiringsLimit(this.numberFiringsLimit); simTracer.setDataPointStep(this.dataPointStep); simTracer.setPhaseLines(this.phaseLines); // Then just let the simulation tracer do its work simTracer.generateSimulationTrace(traceLog); this.simulationResults = simTracer.getSimulationResults(); } catch (BioPEPAException e) { return; } } public static class TraviandoTraceLog implements SimulationTraceLog { private StringConsumer scon; /* * If this trace is a file (or other output) of its * own then it should open and close the string consumer. * However this trace may be part of a larger output and * hence should not manage the open and closing of the file * consumer. */ private boolean completeConsumer = true; private HashMap<String, String> compVarNames; private HashMap<String, String> reactionIdMap; private HashMap<String, String> compIdMap; private String [] componentNames; private SBAReaction[] sbaReactions; private String modelName = ""; private String modelComment = ""; private boolean displayComments = false; /* * If this trace is a file (or other output) of its * own then it should open and close the string consumer. * However this trace may be part of a larger output and * hence should not manage the open and closing of the file * consumer. Hence in the latter case the caller should call * setCompleteConsumer(false) and manage the string consumer * themselves. */ public void setCompleteConsumer (boolean complete){ this.completeConsumer = complete; } public TraviandoTraceLog (StringConsumer scon, SBAModel model){ this.scon = scon; this.compVarNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.reactionIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.compIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.componentNames = model.getComponentNames(); this.sbaReactions = model.getReactions(); } public void setModelName (String name){ this.modelName = name; } public void setModelComment (String comment){ this.modelComment = comment; } public void setDisplayComments (boolean display){ this.displayComments = display; } public void traceLogFooter (Result result) throws IOException { scon.appendLine("</Sequence>"); scon.appendLine("</Trace>"); if (this.completeConsumer){ scon.closeStringConsumer(); } } public void traceLogHeader(HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { if (this.completeConsumer){ scon.openStringConsumer(); } scon.appendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"); scon.appendLine("<!-- Trace file of model " + modelName + " -->"); scon.appendLine("<Trace model=\"" + modelName + "\" generator=\"BioPEPA-Eclipse-Plugin\" >"); scon.appendLine("<Comment> " + modelComment + " </Comment>"); scon.appendLine("<!-- declaration of processes -->"); /* * Here we say that each population is a process which has one * variable which is its own population count. This may be a bit * redundant but I don't think you can assign to a process. This * means the var name is the same as the Process name, but I think * that's actually correct. */ for (int i = 0; i < componentNames.length; i++) { String procName = componentNames[i]; scon.appendLine("<Process id=\"" + i + "\" name=\"" + procName + "\" >"); /* * Now we wish to know if we should output any (private) actions * for this process, so we iterate through all the reactions and * for each reaction if it is the sole product or reactant then * we output the reaction as a private action of this process */ for (int index = 0; index < sbaReactions.length; index++) { SBAReaction reaction = sbaReactions[index]; // appendLine(sb, "Doing reaction - " + reaction.getName()); boolean containsThis = false; boolean containsOther = false; // appendLine(sb, "Doing the reaction: " + // reaction.getName()); for (SBAComponentBehaviour product : reaction.getProducts()) { String pName = product.getName(); if (procName.equals(pName)){ containsThis = true; } else { containsOther = true; } } for (SBAComponentBehaviour reactant : reaction.getReactants()) { if (procName.equals(reactant.getName())){ containsThis = true; } else { containsOther = true; } } // appendLine(sb, "End reaction: " + reaction.getName()); if (containsThis && !containsOther) { String idName = "a_" + index; String rName = reaction.getName(); scon.appendLine("<Action id=\"" + idName + "\" name =\"" + rName + "\" />"); reactionIdMap.put(rName, idName); } } /* * Now we output the 'Var' description which basically just * declares a variable associated with the process the * associated variable contains the population count. */ compIdMap.put(procName, Integer.toString(i)); String popName = "pop_" + i; scon.appendLine("<Var id = \"" + popName + "\" name=\"" + procName + "\" />"); scon.appendLine("</Process>"); compVarNames.put(procName, popName); } /* * Now the interactions basically for each reaction we state that a * component is 'touched' by it, if it is either a product or a * reactant */ scon.appendLine("<Interactions>"); // ExperimentLine experimentLine = new ExperimentSet().emptyExperimentLine("default"); for (int index = 0; index < sbaReactions.length; index++) { SBAReaction reaction = sbaReactions[index]; List<SBAComponentBehaviour> products = reaction.getProducts(); List<SBAComponentBehaviour> reactants = reaction.getReactants(); String reactionId = "sa_" + index; /* * This test kind of assumes we don't have a single component * which is both a product and a reactant */ if (products.size() + reactants.size() > 1) { scon.appendLine("<Undiraction id=\"" + reactionId + "\" name=\"" + reaction.getName() + "\" >"); reactionIdMap.put(reaction.getName(), reactionId); for (SBAComponentBehaviour p : products) { scon.appendLine("<Touch>" + compIdMap.get(p.getName()) + "</Touch>"); } for (SBAComponentBehaviour r : reactants) { scon.appendLine("<Touch>" + compIdMap.get(r.getName()) + "</Touch>"); } scon.appendLine("</Undiraction>"); } } scon.appendLine("</Interactions>"); scon.appendLine("<Sequence type=\"not-sure\">"); scon.appendLine("<S>"); for (String compName : componentNames) { String compId = compVarNames.get(compName); Number compCount = componentCounts.get(compName); outputAssignment(compId, compCount.intValue()); } scon.appendLine("</S>"); } private void outputComponentCounts(HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { scon.appendLine(" <!-- "); for (Entry<String, Number> entry : componentCounts.entrySet()) { scon.appendLine("Component: " + entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue()); } scon.appendLine(" --> "); } /* Output the initial population counts */ private void outputAssignment(String procName, int count) throws IOException { scon.appendLine("<V id=\"" + procName + "\" val=\"" + count + "\" />"); } public void displayComponentCounts (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException{ if (displayComments) { outputComponentCounts(componentCounts); } } public void displayEnabledReaction(String reactionName, double rateValue) throws IOException { if (displayComments) { scon.appendLine(" <!-- " + reactionName + " has rate " + rateValue + " (which is : " + /*rValue.toString() + */ ") --> "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see, double) * The arguments to startEvent and stopEvent are set up for traviando traces, * we should either pass all information into each of them or find a better way to * log events. */ public void startEvent(String rname, double totalTime) throws BioPEPAException, IOException{ String idName = reactionIdMap.get(rname); if (idName == null){ throw new BioPEPAException ("Reaction: " + rname + " not found in reaction id map"); } scon.appendLine("<A id=\"" + idName + "\" t=\"" + totalTime + "\"" + " i=\"" + rname + ".1\" >"); } public void outputComponentUpdate (String rName, int newValue) throws IOException { outputAssignment(compVarNames.get(rName), newValue); } public void endEvent(double thisDelay, double totalRate, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { if (displayComments) { scon.appendLine(" <!-- This firing's delay is: " + thisDelay + " --> "); scon.appendLine(" <!-- The rate is: " + totalRate + " --> "); outputComponentCounts(componentCounts); } scon.appendLine("</A>"); } public void reportDeadlocked () throws IOException { scon.appendLine("<!-- Total rate = zero, deadlocked state -->"); } } }