package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; public class ExperimentLine { private String experimentLineName; private Result experimentLineResult; public ExperimentLine(String name) { this.experimentLineName = name; this.experimentLineResult = null; this.initialComponentPops = new HashMap<String, Number>(); this.rateValues = new HashMap<String, Number>(); this.reactionActivations = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); this.specialDefines = new HashMap<String, Number>(); } public String getName() { return experimentLineName; } public void setName(String name) { this.experimentLineName = name; } public void setResult(Result r) { this.experimentLineResult = r; } public boolean hasResult() { return this.experimentLineResult != null; } public Result getResult() { return this.experimentLineResult; } public Map<String, Number> initialComponentPops; public Map<String, Number> rateValues; public Map<String, Boolean> reactionActivations; // such as phase-delay, so that any users of // experiment lines/sets for input can define special // names outwith those used in the model. public Map<String, Number> specialDefines; public void addInitialConcentration(String compName, Number value) { initialComponentPops.put(compName, value); } public Map<String, Number> getInitialPopulations() { return initialComponentPops; } public Number getInitialPopulation(String compName) { return initialComponentPops.get(compName); } public Map<String, Number> getRateValues(){ return rateValues; } public void addRateValue(String rateName, Number value) { rateValues.put(rateName, value); } public Number getRateValue(String rateName) { return rateValues.get(rateName); } public Map<String, Boolean> getReactionActivations(){ return reactionActivations; } public Set<String> getRateNames() { return rateValues.keySet(); } public boolean isReactionActiviated(String reactionName) { Boolean answer = reactionActivations.get(reactionName); // The default is for the reaction to be activated if (answer == null) { return true; } return answer.booleanValue(); } public void addReactionActivation(String reactionName, boolean activated) { reactionActivations.put(reactionName, activated); } public Set<String> getReactionNames() { return reactionActivations.keySet(); } public void addSpecialDefine (String name, Number value){ specialDefines.put(name, value); } public Number getSpecialDefine (String name){ return specialDefines.get(name); } public void applyToAst (Model astModel) throws BioPEPAException { for (Entry<String, Number> override : initialComponentPops.entrySet()){ String name = override.getKey(); String value = Integer.toString(override.getValue().intValue()); //String value = override.getValue().toString(); OverrideValueVisitor ovvisitor = new OverrideValueVisitor (name, value); astModel.accept(ovvisitor); /* TODO: We should probably do something in this case if (ovvisitor.getValueOverridden() == false){ } */ } for (Entry<String, Number> override : rateValues.entrySet()){ String name = override.getKey(); String value = override.getValue().toString(); OverrideValueVisitor ovvisitor = new OverrideValueVisitor (name, value); astModel.accept(ovvisitor); /* TODO: We should probably do something in this case if (ovvisitor.getValueOverridden() == false){ } */ } for (Entry<String, Boolean> override : reactionActivations.entrySet()){ if (override.getValue().booleanValue() == false){ String name = override.getKey(); String value = "off"; OverrideValueVisitor ovvisitor = new OverrideValueVisitor (name, value); astModel.accept(ovvisitor); /* TODO: We should probably do something in this case if (ovvisitor.getValueOverridden() == false){ } */ } } } }