package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SimulationTracer { /* Slightly risky setting these so high but the * point is that they should always be set manually * before actually starting the simulation. */ private int numberFiringsLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private double timeLimit = Double.MAX_VALUE; private SBAModel sbaModel; public SimulationTracer (SBAModel model){ this.sbaModel = model; } public void setTimeLimit (double newTimeLimit){ this.timeLimit = newTimeLimit; } public void setFiringsLimit(int newLimit) { this.numberFiringsLimit = newLimit; } // sample from the exponential distribution private double expDelay(double mean) { return -mean * Math.log(generator.nextDouble()); } /* This is the simulation trace code */ private Random generator = new Random(); private interface TraceResults extends Result { /* * Should return true if the simulation is to continue * and false if we should stop the simulation. */ public boolean updateResults (double newTotalTime, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts); public void completeDeadLock (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts); /* * Combine the given result into the current result * creating an average of the two, note that either may have * been an average in the */ public void aggregateResults (TraceResults newResult); public int numberOfAggregatedResults (); } /* * A basic implementation of the above TraceResults signature * which simply extends that of BasicResult. This means that we * require to know ahead of time how many time points there will be. */ private class TraceResultsFixedTime extends BasicResult implements TraceResults { protected int ourTimeIndex; int numberOfResults; public int numberOfAggregatedResults (){ return this.numberOfResults; } public void aggregateResults (TraceResults extraResults){ int numberExtraResults = extraResults.numberOfAggregatedResults(); int totalNumberResults = this.numberOfResults + numberExtraResults; /* We assume that the component names are the same * and that the time points are the same. */ for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < results.length; nameIndex++){ double [] theseResults = results[nameIndex]; double [] newResults = extraResults.getTimeSeries(nameIndex); for (int timeIndex = 0; timeIndex < theseResults.length; timeIndex++){ double newValue = ((theseResults[timeIndex] * this.numberOfResults) + (newResults[timeIndex] * numberExtraResults)) / totalNumberResults; results[nameIndex][timeIndex] = newValue; } } this.numberOfResults = totalNumberResults; } TraceResultsFixedTime (String[] compNames, double startTime){ this.componentNames = compNames; int timepointsSize = 0 ; // First work out how many time points there will be double fakeTime = startTime; while (fakeTime < timeLimit){ timepointsSize++; fakeTime += dataPointStep; } // Then create the time points array and fill it with the // times in question. this.timePoints = new double[timepointsSize]; fakeTime = startTime; for (int index = 0; index < timepointsSize; index++){ this.timePoints[index] = fakeTime; fakeTime += dataPointStep; } // For each component name create a results array the same // length as the time points array this.results = new double[componentNames.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < componentNames.length; i++){ this.results[i] = new double[timepointsSize]; } // this.ourTime = 0.0; this.ourTimeIndex = 0; this.numberOfResults = 1; } public boolean updateResults (double newTotalTime, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts){ while (ourTimeIndex < timePoints.length && timePoints[ourTimeIndex] <= newTotalTime){ for (int index = 0; index < componentNames.length; index++){ // TODO: probably should check if this comes back with null double thisValue = componentCounts.get(componentNames[index]).doubleValue(); results[index][ourTimeIndex] = thisValue; } ourTimeIndex++; } // We always let the simulation continue return true; } public void completeDeadLock (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts){ updateResults(timeLimit, componentCounts); } } /* * This is a less efficient class implementation than the * above for results, however it does not require that we * have a fixed time limit. */ private class TraceResultsUnlimitedTime implements TraceResults { private String[] componentNames; private LinkedList<Number>[] results; private LinkedList<Number> timepoints; private double ourTimeIndex; int numberOfResults; public int numberOfAggregatedResults (){ return this.numberOfResults; } public void aggregateResults (TraceResults extraResults){ int numberExtraResults = extraResults.numberOfAggregatedResults(); int totalNumberResults = this.numberOfResults + numberExtraResults; /* We assume that the component names are the same * and that the time points are the same. */ for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < results.length; nameIndex++){ LinkedList<Number> theseResults = results[nameIndex]; double [] newResults = extraResults.getTimeSeries(nameIndex); LinkedList<Number> updatedResults = new LinkedList<Number>(); for (int timeIndex = 0; timeIndex < Math.min(newResults.length, theseResults.size()); timeIndex++){ double newValue = ((theseResults.get(timeIndex).doubleValue() * this.numberOfResults) + (newResults[timeIndex] * numberExtraResults)) / totalNumberResults; updatedResults.addLast(newValue); } results[nameIndex] = updatedResults; } this.numberOfResults = totalNumberResults; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TraceResultsUnlimitedTime (String[] compNames, double startTime){ this.componentNames = compNames; this.timepoints = new LinkedList<Number>(); this.results = (LinkedList<Number>[]) new LinkedList[componentNames.length]; for (int index = 0; index < componentNames.length; index++){ results[index] = new LinkedList<Number>(); } this.numberOfResults = 1; } public boolean updateResults (double newTotalTime, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts){ while (ourTimeIndex <= newTotalTime){ timepoints.addLast(ourTimeIndex); for (int index = 0; index < componentNames.length; index++){ // TODO: probably should check if this comes back with null double thisValue = componentCounts.get(componentNames[index]).doubleValue(); results[index].addLast(thisValue); } ourTimeIndex += dataPointStep; } // We always let the simulation continue. return true; } public void completeDeadLock (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts){ updateResults(timeLimit, componentCounts); } public String[] getActionNames() { // Throughput not supported return null; } public double getActionThroughput(int index) { // Throughput not supported return 0; } public String[] getComponentNames() { return componentNames; } public Map<String, Number> getModelParameters() { // Model parameters not supported return null; } public double getPopulation(int index) { return results[index].getLast().doubleValue(); } public String getSimulatorName() { return "Trace-simulation"; } public Map<String, Number> getSimulatorParameters() { // Simulation parameters not supported return null; } private double[] convertLinkedList(LinkedList<Number> list){ double [] values = new double [list.size()]; int index = 0; // This assumes that the iterator goes in order // which I think it does?? for (Number value : list){ values[index] = value.doubleValue(); index++; } return values; } public double[] getTimePoints() { return convertLinkedList(timepoints); } public double[] getTimeSeries(int index) { return convertLinkedList(results[index]); } public boolean throughputSupported() { return false; } protected double simulationRunTime; public void setSimulationRunTime(double s){ this.simulationRunTime = s; } public double getSimulationRunTime(){ return this.simulationRunTime; } /* * Normalise these results to the new set of time points. * Note that this doesn't do anything for throughput values * but clearly should if that is true. */ public void normaliseResult (double [] newTimePoints){ /* Note we could avoid making whole new arrays if newTimePoints * is the same length as the old time points array. */ LinkedList<Number>[] newResults = (LinkedList<Number>[]) new LinkedList[componentNames.length]; for (int index = 0; index < componentNames.length; index++){ newResults[index] = new LinkedList<Number>(); } int oldIndex = 0; for (int newIndex = 0; newIndex < newTimePoints.length; newIndex++){ /* * Skip past as many old results as we need to, to get to the next * new time point. Note that if there are more new time points then * the for-loop will execute many times without executing the while * loop. */ while (timepoints.get(oldIndex).doubleValue() < newTimePoints[newIndex] && oldIndex < timepoints.size()){ oldIndex++; } /* * Once we have the corresponding oldIndex we just update the new results */ for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < componentNames.length; nameIndex++){ newResults[nameIndex].add(results[nameIndex].get(oldIndex)); } } this.results = newResults; this.timepoints = new LinkedList<Number>(); for (int timeIndex = 0; timeIndex < newTimePoints.length; timeIndex++){ timepoints.add(newTimePoints[timeIndex]); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * TODO: this is unimplemented but there is no reason why it * cannot be implemented, and it could be useful for doing an * unlimited time simulation with phases. */ public void concatenateResults(Result result) throws BioPEPAException { throw new BioPEPAException ("Concatenation of results unsupported"); } } private double dataPointStep = 1.0; public void setDataPointStep (double newDataPointStep){ this.dataPointStep = newDataPointStep; } private TraceResults simulationResults; public Result getSimulationResults(){ return this.simulationResults; } private LinkedList<Result> listOfAllResults; public LinkedList<Result> getAllSimulationResults(){ return this.listOfAllResults; } /* Now for phases */ /* Now we set up the phases */ // private double[] delays = { 50, 50, 50 }; private PhaseLine [] phaseLines; public void setPhaseLines (PhaseLine[] phaseLines){ this.phaseLines = phaseLines; } public interface SimulationTraceLog { /* * Provide the header to the trace file * so this may be a null operation or it may * set up the head and open body statements of * an html page (for example). */ public void traceLogHeader (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException; /* * Many of these methods have arguments which are convenient for * the traviando trace output simply because that is the first one * implemented. We may find that these should be updated to accomodate * other formats. */ public void traceLogFooter (Result result) throws IOException; public void displayComponentCounts (HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException; public void displayEnabledReaction(String rName, double rValue) throws IOException; public void startEvent(String rname, double totalTime) throws BioPEPAException, IOException; public void outputComponentUpdate(String rName, int newValue) throws IOException; public void endEvent(double thisDelay, double totalRate, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException; public void reportDeadlocked () throws IOException; } /* * Generates many simulation traces using a list of * simulation trace loggers to record the results. * We should be able to combine the results of each simulation * trace, into one average result but currently that is not * implemented */ public void generateLotsOfTraces (List<SimulationTraceLog> traceLoggers) throws BioPEPAException, IOException{ this.listOfAllResults = new LinkedList <Result>(); TraceResults aggregatedResults = null; for (SimulationTraceLog traceLog : traceLoggers){ generateSimulationTrace(traceLog); this.listOfAllResults.addLast(this.simulationResults); if (aggregatedResults == null){ aggregatedResults = this.simulationResults; } else { aggregatedResults.aggregateResults(this.simulationResults); } } this.simulationResults = aggregatedResults; } public class SimulationCompleter { private String targetName; private Number targetValue; private boolean targetMet = false; SimulationCompleter (String componentName, Number value){ this.targetName = componentName; this.targetValue = value; } private double startTime; private int timepointsSize; private int numberResults; private int[] buckets; public void initialise (double startTime, double stopTime, int runs){ // First work out how many time points there will be double fakeTime = startTime; while (fakeTime < timeLimit){ timepointsSize++; fakeTime += dataPointStep; } this.buckets = new int [timepointsSize]; this.startTime = startTime; this.numberResults = runs; } public boolean targetComplete (double currentTime, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts, ExperimentLine currentLine){ // First get the integer count of the target component Number count = componentCounts.get(this.targetName); // If this is actually null then the target component must // actually be a dynamic variable rather than a component // so we "simply" have to evaluate the expression of the // dynamic variable with the current component counts. if (count == null){ // We're dealing with a dynamic variable: CompiledExpression exp = sbaModel.getDynamicExpression(this.targetName); CompiledExpressionEvaluator expVisitor = new CompiledExpressionEvaluator (sbaModel, componentCounts, currentTime); exp.accept(expVisitor); double expValue = expVisitor.getResult(); count = (int) Math.floor(expValue); } // int comparison = count.count.compareTo(this.targetValue); if (count.intValue() >= this.targetValue.intValue()){ double timeSinceStart = Math.max(0, currentTime - startTime); int bucket = (int) Math.floor(timeSinceStart / dataPointStep); this.buckets[bucket] += 1; return true; } return false; } public double[] computeTimePoints(){ double [] timepoints = new double[buckets.length]; double time = startTime; for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++){ timepoints[i] = time; time += dataPointStep; } return timepoints; } public double[] computeCdf() throws BioPEPAException{ double[] cdfPoints = new double [buckets.length]; // double accumulativeProbability = 0.0; int completed = 0; for (int index = 0; index < cdfPoints.length; index++){ // Add to the accumulativeProbability the probability // that we completed within this bucket. completed += buckets[index]; double accumulativeProbability = (((double)completed) / numberResults); // because of rounding errors the value is occasionally over // 1.0, this is annoying especially as the graph will then be // drawn with a y-axis from 0-2. So we take the minimum // but check if the value exceeds 1.1 (arbitrary value above // 1 which wouldn't be caused simply by rounding errors. cdfPoints[index] = 100 * accumulativeProbability; if (accumulativeProbability > 1.001){ BioPEPAException e = new BioPEPAException ("cdf value above one"); throw e; } } return cdfPoints; } /* * This is not actually correct it won't produce a * proper probability density function, in particular it * will never computer a value greater than 1 which is * possible for pdfs. */ public double[] computePdf(){ double[] pdfPoints = new double [buckets.length]; for (int index = 0; index < pdfPoints.length; index++){ // Add to the accumulativeProbability the probability // that we completed within this bucket. pdfPoints[index] = 100 * ((double)buckets[index] / numberResults); } return pdfPoints; } }; SimulationCompleter simulationCompleter; public void calculateDistribution(String comp, Integer value, int runs, ProgressMonitor pg) throws BioPEPAException, IOException{ this.simulationCompleter = new SimulationCompleter(comp, value); pg.beginTask(runs); simulationCompleter.initialise(0.0, timeLimit, runs); for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++){ generateSimulationTrace (new NullTraceLog()); pg.worked(1); } pg.done(); } public double[] getDistributionTimePoints(){ return this.simulationCompleter.computeTimePoints(); } public double[] getDistributionCdf() throws BioPEPAException{ return this.simulationCompleter.computeCdf(); } public double[] getDistributionPdf(){ return this.simulationCompleter.computePdf(); } /* Generates a simulation trace into a string consumer. * Note that we do not open and close the string consumer on the * basis that you may wish to write more to it either before or * after. Also any caller can then worry about closing the string * consumer if we do not end successfully and instead throw an exception */ public void generateSimulationTrace(SimulationTraceLog traceLog) throws BioPEPAException, IOException { String[] componentNames = sbaModel.getComponentNames(); HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts = new HashMap<String, Number>(); /* Set up the initial concentrations of each kind of * component. */ for (ComponentNode cn : sbaModel.getComponents()) { Integer componentCount = 0; // CompartmentData cd = cn.getCompartment(); String componentName = cn.getName(); /* * This code to be used with an experiment line. Number * componentCountNumber = componentOverrides.get(componentName) * ; double componentCount ; if (componentCountNumber == null) { * componentCount = cn.getCount () ; } else { componentCount = * componentCountNumber.doubleValue(); } */ // Okay we have nothing for compartments componentCount = new Integer((int) cn.getCount()); componentCounts.put(componentName, componentCount); } traceLog.traceLogHeader(componentCounts); // ExperimentSet experimentSet = new ExperimentSet(); // ExperimentLine experimentLine = experimentSet.emptyExperimentLine("traviando-export"); SBAReaction[] sbaReactions = sbaModel.getReactions(); // We require a new results object to record the results TraceResults results; if (timeLimit == Double.MAX_VALUE){ results = new TraceResultsUnlimitedTime (componentNames, 0.0); } else { results = new TraceResultsFixedTime(componentNames, 0.0); } // This number should clearly be passed in as an option // or we should pass in a time at which the simulation // should stop. double totalTime = 0.0; int numberOfFirings = this.numberFiringsLimit; /* Finally before we start initialise the phase criteria */ int currentPhase = 0; // If the phase lines have not been set we assume that we // are not interested in phases and set up a dummy one to // last the entire duration of the simulation. if (phaseLines == null){ ExperimentLine zeroPhase = new ExperimentLine("zero-phase"); phaseLines = new PhaseLine[1]; phaseLines[0] = new PhaseLine(zeroPhase, timeLimit); } PhaseLine currentPhaseLine = phaseLines[currentPhase]; double currentPhaseDelay = currentPhaseLine.getDuration(); ExperimentLine currentLine = currentPhaseLine.getExperimentLine(); while (numberOfFirings-- >= 0 && totalTime < timeLimit) { double totalRate = 0.0; traceLog.displayComponentCounts(componentCounts); double [] reactionRates = new double[sbaReactions.length]; /* * TODO: we need to figure out if a reaction is indeed enabled, * in particular if it has inhibitors with non-zero populations * or catylsts with zero populations then I *think* the reaction * should not be enabled. */ for (int index = 0; index < sbaReactions.length; index++){ SBAReaction reaction = sbaReactions[index]; CompiledExpressionRateEvaluator rateEval = new CompiledExpressionRateEvaluator(sbaModel, componentCounts, totalTime, reaction); reaction.getRate().accept(rateEval); double rateValue = rateEval.getResult(); reactionRates[index] = rateValue; traceLog.displayEnabledReaction(reaction.getName(), rateValue); totalRate += rateValue; } // Given the total rate we can now decide on a total delay. double thisDelay = expDelay(1 / totalRate); // First we check if the delay is Infinity or more rather // the rate is zero, if this is the case then we do not // wish to complete however rather than check this, if (totalRate <= 0){ traceLog.reportDeadlocked(); results.completeDeadLock(componentCounts); break; } // Now given that delay we now decide if in stead of performing // some reaction we should actually perform a phase shift. // We do this before we choose a reaction since there is no // need to choose the reaction if we are shifting phase. if (thisDelay > currentPhaseDelay){ // First up date the total time to be that of the remainder // of the phase delay, ie. taking us up to the phase shift totalTime += currentPhaseDelay; // Now switch phases // Could this be better written currentPhase = (currentPhase + 1) % delays.length ?? currentPhase++; if (currentPhase >= phaseLines.length){ currentPhase = 0; } // Now update the currentPhase delay to be the whole // of the delay of the new phase currentPhaseLine = phaseLines[currentPhase]; currentPhaseDelay = currentPhaseLine.getDuration(); // And of course update the current line to the new phase currentLine = currentPhaseLine.getExperimentLine(); // Isn't really required, but doesn't do any harm either. results.updateResults(totalTime, componentCounts); // System.out.println("currentPhase = " + currentPhase + ", thisDelay = "+ thisDelay + ", totalTime = " + totalTime); continue; } else { // If we are not switching phases then update the time // based on the chosen delay and also update the remaining // delay of this phase by subtracting from it the time taken // for this reaction to occur (ie. this delay). totalTime += thisDelay; currentPhaseDelay -= thisDelay; } double passedProbability = 0; double picker = generator.nextDouble(); double chooser = totalRate * picker; SBAReaction chosen = null; for (int index = 0; index < sbaReactions.length; index++){ SBAReaction reaction = sbaReactions[index]; // Rather than re-generating the rate here each // time we should probably just go ahead and do // that prior to running the simulation a la // mapModel. // Value rValue = isbjava.generateRate(reaction, experimentLine, reaction.isReversible()); // double rateValue = 1.0; // rValue.getValue(symbolEvaluator); // RateVisitor rateVisitor = new RateVisitor(totalTime, componentCounts, reaction); // reaction.getRate().accept(rateVisitor); double rateValue = reactionRates[index]; passedProbability += rateValue; if (chooser < passedProbability) { chosen = reaction; break; } } /* * We may get here without being able to choose a reaction * if we aren't using phases, otherwise this situation should * be caught above. */ if (chosen == null) { traceLog.reportDeadlocked(); results.completeDeadLock(componentCounts); break; } String rname = chosen.getName(); traceLog.startEvent(rname, totalTime); // At this point we should update the results: // Note that we do this before we update the component counts // since the current component counts will remain until the END // of this delay. results.updateResults(totalTime, componentCounts); // Now we must update the component populations based // on the chosen reaction // First the reactants for (SBAComponentBehaviour cb : chosen.getReactants()) { if (cb.getType().equals(Type.REACTANT)) { String rName = cb.getName(); Number current = componentCounts.get(rName); if (current == null) { throw new BioPEPAException("reactant (" + rName + ") not in map"); } int newValue = current.intValue() - cb.getStoichiometry(); componentCounts.put(rName, newValue); traceLog.outputComponentUpdate(rName, newValue); } } // Second the products for (SBAComponentBehaviour cb : chosen.getProducts()) { String pName = cb.getName(); Number current = componentCounts.get(pName); if (current == null) { throw new BioPEPAException("product (" + pName + ") not in map"); } int newValue = current.intValue() + cb.getStoichiometry(); componentCounts.put(pName, newValue); traceLog.outputComponentUpdate(pName, newValue); } traceLog.endEvent(thisDelay, totalRate, componentCounts); if (this.simulationCompleter != null && this.simulationCompleter.targetComplete(totalTime, componentCounts, currentLine)){ break; } } // End of the while loop running the simulation. traceLog.traceLogFooter(results); this.simulationResults = results; } public static class NullTraceLog implements SimulationTraceLog { public void displayComponentCounts(HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { return; } public void displayEnabledReaction(String rName, double rValue) throws IOException { return; } public void endEvent(double thisDelay, double totalRate, HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { return; } public void outputComponentUpdate(String rName, int newValue) throws IOException { return ; } public void reportDeadlocked() throws IOException { return ; } public void startEvent(String rname, double totalTime) throws BioPEPAException, IOException { return ; } public void traceLogFooter(Result _result) throws IOException { return ; } public void traceLogHeader(HashMap<String, Number> componentCounts) throws IOException { return ; } } }