package com.neocoretechs.bigsack.test; import java.util.Iterator; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.iterator.KeyValuePair; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.BigSackSession; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.BufferedTreeMap; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.BufferedTreeSet; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.SessionManager; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.TransactionalTreeSet; /** * Yes, this should be a nice JUnit fixture someday * The static constant fields in the class control the key generation for the tests * In general, the keys and values are formatted according to uniqKeyFmt to produce * a series of canonically correct sort order strings for the DB in the range of min to max vals * In general most of the battery1 testing relies on checking order against expected values hence the importance of * canonical ordering in the sample strings. * Of course, you can substitute any class for the Strings here providing its Comparable * This module hammers the L3 cache thread safe wrappers BufferedTreeSet and BufferedTreeMap * @author jg * */ public class BatteryBigSack3 { static String key = "This is a testxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // holds the base random key string for tests static String val = "Of a BigSack K/V pair!yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"; // holds base random value string static String uniqKeyFmt = "%0100d"; // base + counter formatted with this gives equal length strings for canonical ordering static int min = 0; static int max = 16; static int numDelete = 100; // for delete test static int l3CacheSize = 100; // size of object cache /** * Analysis test fixture */ public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { if (argv.length == 0 || argv[0].length() == 0) { System.out.println("usage: java BatteryBigSack3 <database>"); System.exit(1); } //BufferedTreeSet session = new BufferedTreeSet(argv[0],l3CacheSize); TransactionalTreeSet session = new TransactionalTreeSet(argv[0],l3CacheSize); System.out.println("Begin Battery Fire!"); battery1(session, argv); session.commit(); battery1A(session, argv); battery1B(session, argv); battery1D(session, argv); battery1E(session, argv); battery1DD(session, argv); battery1EE(session, argv); battery1F(session, argv); battery2(session, argv); //SessionManager.stopCheckpointDaemon(argv[0]); session.commit(); System.out.println("TEST BATTERY 3 COMPLETE."); } /** * Loads up on key/value pairs * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = min; i < max; i++) { session.add(key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, i)); } System.out.println("BATTERY1 SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * Does a simple 'get' of the elements inserted before * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1A(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = min; i < max; i++) { boolean o = session.contains(key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, i)); if( !o ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1A FAIL "+o); throw new Exception("B1A Fail on get with "+o); } } System.out.println("BATTERY1A SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * See if first/last key/val works this can have unintended results for this set so just check it does * not bomb * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1B(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); String f = (String) session.first(); String l = (String) session.last(); System.out.println("BATTERY1A SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } public static void battery1C(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = min; i < max; i++) { session.add(key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, i)); } session.commit(); System.out.println("BATTERY1C SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } public static void battery1D(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = min; i < max; i++) { session.add(key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, i)); if( i == (max/2) ) session.checkpoint(); } System.out.println("BATTERY1D SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } public static void battery1E(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = min; i < max; i++) { session.add(key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, i)); } session.rollback(); System.out.println("BATTERY1E SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * headset returns values strictly less than 'to' element * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1DD(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); // headset strictly less than 'to' element Iterator<?> itk = session.headSet(key+(max)); // set is strictly less than 'to' element so we use max val int ctr = 0; while(itk.hasNext()) { Object f =; String nval = key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, ctr); if( !f.equals(nval) ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1DD FAIL "+f+" -- "+nval); System.out.println("BATTERY1DD FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1DD Fail on get with "+f+" -- "+nval); } ++ctr; } if( ctr != max ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1DD FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1DD FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); } System.out.println("BATTERY1DD SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * Subset returns persistent collection iterator 'from' element inclusive, 'to' element exclusive * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1EE(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); // from element inclusive to element exclusive // notice how we use base key to set lower bound as the partial unformed key is least possible value Iterator<?> itk = session.subSet(key, key+String.format(uniqKeyFmt, max)); // 'to' exclusive so we use max val int ctr = 0; while(itk.hasNext()) { Object f =; String nval = key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, ctr); if( !f.equals(nval) ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1EE FAIL "+f+" -- "+nval); System.out.println("BATTERY1EE FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1EE Fail on get with "+f+" -- "+nval); } ++ctr; } if( ctr != max ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1EE FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1EE FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); } System.out.println("BATTERY1EE SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * Tailset returns persistent collection iterator greater or equal to 'from' element * Notice how we use a partial key match here to delineate the start of the set * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery1F(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); // subset strictly less than 'to' element Iterator<?> itk = session.tailSet(key); // >= from, so try partial bare key here int ctr = 0; while(itk.hasNext()) { Object f =; String nval = key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, ctr); if( !f.equals(nval) ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1F FAIL "+f+" -- "+nval); System.out.println("BATTERY1F FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1F Fail on get with "+f+" -- "+nval); } ++ctr; } if( ctr != max ) { System.out.println("BATTERY1F FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); throw new Exception("BATTERY1F FAIL counter reached "+ctr+" not "+max); } System.out.println("BATTERY1F SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * Delete test * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery2(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int item = 0; item < numDelete; item++) { String nkey = key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, item); System.out.println("Remo: "+nkey); session.remove(nkey); boolean o = session.contains(nkey); if( o ) { System.out.println("BATTERY2 FAIL, found "+o+" after delete on iteration "+item+" for target "+nkey); throw new Exception("BATTERY2 FAIL, found "+o+" after delete on iteration "+item+" for target "+nkey); } } System.out.println("BATTERY2 SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } /** * Delete test - random value then verify * @param session * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void battery2A(TransactionalTreeSet session, String[] argv) throws Exception { long tims = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = 0; i < numDelete; i++) { int item = min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)); String nkey = key + String.format(uniqKeyFmt, item); System.out.println("Remo: "+nkey); session.remove(nkey); if( session.contains(nkey) ) { System.out.println("BATTERY2 FAIL, found "+nkey+" after delete on iteration "+i+" for target "+nkey); throw new Exception("BATTERY2 FAIL, found "+nkey+" after delete on iteration "+i+" for target "+nkey); } } System.out.println("BATTERY2 SUCCESS in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tims)+" ms."); } }