package; import; import; import; import; //import; import; import com.neocoretechs.bigsack.session.SessionManager; /** * Create the block IO and up through the chain to global IO. After constructing, create an IO manager of the proper * type based on our cluster or standalone configuration. In the IO manager the block pool objects and associated * buffers along with the threaded IO workers are spun up, one for each tablespace of each database. * In addition a recovery log instance for each tablespace is created * and determine if a roll forward recovery is needed. The flow is create_recovery_log which calls boot() * undolog instance is then set after construction. Finally, the LogToFile instance is extracted and 'recover' is called * @param objname The database table * @param remoteDbName The remote location of tablespaces * @param create True to create if not existing * @param transId The Transaction id * @exception IOException If problems setting up IO */ public final class ObjectDBIO extends GlobalDBIO { private static boolean DEBUG = false; public ObjectDBIO(String objname, String remoteObjName, boolean create, long transId) throws IOException { super(objname, remoteObjName, create, transId); } /** * Connect without recovery log, to debug or for some read-only purpose * @param dbname * @throws IOException */ public ObjectDBIO(String dbname, String remote) throws IOException { super(dbname, remote, SessionManager.getGlobalTransId()); } // Are we using custom class loader for serialized versions? private boolean isCustomClassLoader; private ClassLoader customClassLoader; /** * delete_object and potentially reclaim space * @param loc Location of object * @param osize object size * @exception IOException if the block cannot be sought or written */ public synchronized void delete_object(Optr loc, int osize) throws IOException { ioManager.objseek(loc); ioManager.deleten(loc, osize); } /** * Add an object, which in this case is a load of bytes. * @param loc Location to add this * @param o The byte payload to add to pool * @param osize The size of the payload to add from array * @exception IOException If the adding did not happen */ public synchronized void add_object(Optr loc, byte[] o, int osize) throws IOException { int tblsp = ioManager.objseek(loc); //assert(ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getLbai().getAccesses() > 0 ) : "Writing unlatched block:"+loc+" with payload:"+osize; ioManager.writen(tblsp, o, osize); //assert(ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getLbai().getAccesses() > 0 && // ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getLbai().getBlk().isIncore()) : // "Block "+loc+" unlatched after write, accesses: "+ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getLbai().getAccesses(); //ioManager.deallocOutstandingWriteLog(tblsp); } /** * Add an object, which in this case is a load of bytes. * @param loc Location to add this * @param o The byte payload to add to pool * @param osize The size of the payload to add from array * @exception IOException If the adding did not happen */ public synchronized void add_object(int tblsp, BlockAccessIndex lbai, byte[] o, int osize) throws IOException { ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).setLbai(lbai); ioManager.writen(tblsp, o, osize); //ioManager.deallocOutstandingWriteLog(tblsp, lbai); } /** * Read Object in pool: deserialize the byte array. * @param sdbio The BlockDBIO where we may have a custom class loader and do have a DBInput stream * @param iloc The location of the object to retrieve from backing store * @return The Object extracted from the backing store * @exception IOException if the op fails */ public synchronized Object deserializeObject(long iloc) throws IOException { // read Object at ptr to byte array int tblsp = GlobalDBIO.getTablespace(iloc); if(DEBUG) System.out.print(" Deserialize " +GlobalDBIO.valueOf(iloc)+" current block "+ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp)); Object Od = null; try { ObjectInput s; ioManager.objseek(iloc); if (isCustomClassLoader()) s = new CObjectInputStream( ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getDBInput(), getCustomClassLoader()); else s = new ObjectInputStream(ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getDBInput()); Od = s.readObject(); s.close(); /* int tblsp = GlobalDBIO.getTablespace(iloc); DBSeekableByteChannel dbByteChannel = getDBByteChannel(tblsp); dbByteChannel.setBlockNumber(iloc); if(DEBUG) System.out.print(" Deserialize "+GlobalDBIO.valueOf(iloc)+" current block "+getBlockIndex()+" DUMP:"+getBlockIndex().getBlk().blockdump()); Od = GlobalDBIO.deserializeObject(dbByteChannel); */ } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ioe) { throw new IOException( "deserializeObject from long: " + ioe.toString() + ": Class Unreadable, may have been modified beyond version compatibility " + GlobalDBIO.valueOf(iloc)+" in "+getDBName()); } if( DEBUG ) System.out.println("From long "+GlobalDBIO.valueOf(iloc)+" Deserialized:\r\n "+Od); return Od; } /** * Read Object in pool: deserialize the byte array. * @param sdbio the session database IO object from which we get our DBInput stream and perhaps custom class loader * @param iloc The location of the object * @return the Object from dir. entry ptr. * @exception IOException if the op fails */ public synchronized Object deserializeObject(Optr iloc) throws IOException { // read Object at ptr to byte array Object Od; int tblsp = GlobalDBIO.getTablespace(iloc.getBlock()); if(DEBUG) System.out.print(" Deserialize " +iloc+" current block "+ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp)); try { ObjectInput s; ioManager.objseek(iloc); if (isCustomClassLoader()) s = new CObjectInputStream(ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getDBInput(), getCustomClassLoader()); else s = new ObjectInputStream(ioManager.getBlockStream(tblsp).getDBInput()); Od = s.readObject(); s.close(); /* DBSeekableByteChannel dbByteChannel = getDBByteChannel(tblsp); dbByteChannel.setBlockNumber(iloc.getBlock()); Od = GlobalDBIO.deserializeObject(dbByteChannel); */ } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ioe) { throw new IOException( "deserializeObject from pointer: " + ioe.toString() + ": Class Unreadable, may have been modified beyond version compatibility " + iloc+" in "+getDBName()); } if( DEBUG ) System.out.println("From ptr "+iloc+" Deserialized:\r\n "+Od); return Od; } public synchronized boolean isCustomClassLoader() { return isCustomClassLoader; } public synchronized void setCustomClassLoader(boolean isCustomClassLoader) { this.isCustomClassLoader = isCustomClassLoader; } public synchronized ClassLoader getCustomClassLoader() { return customClassLoader; } public synchronized void setCustomClassLoader(ClassLoader customClassLoader) { this.customClassLoader = customClassLoader; } }