package; import; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import; import; import; import; /** * Once requests from master are queued we extract them here and process them * This class functions as a generic threaded request processor for entries on a BlockingQueue of * CompletionLatchInterface implementors managed by a DistributeWorkerResponseInterface implementation. * This request processor is spun up in conjunction with IO workers such as TCPMaster and UDPMaster. * The intent is to separate the processing of requests, the maintenance of latches, etc from the communication * processing. In addition, increased parallelism can be achieved by separation of these tasks. * The WorkerRequestProcessors are responsible for setting the fields for the ioUnit and countdownlatch. * Essentially, the transient fields of outbound cluster requests, and the template fields in standalone * requests are filled in by methods invoked by this processor before 'process' is called on the request. * @see IoRequestInterface * Copyright (C) NeoCoreTechs 2014,2015 * @author jg * */ public final class WorkerRequestProcessor implements Runnable { private static boolean DEBUG = false; private BlockingQueue<IoRequestInterface> requestQueue; private DistributedWorkerResponseInterface worker; private boolean shouldRun = true; public WorkerRequestProcessor(DistributedWorkerResponseInterface worker) { this.worker = worker; requestQueue = ((IOWorker)worker).getRequestQueue(); } public void stop() { shouldRun = false; } @Override public void run() { while(shouldRun) { IoRequestInterface iori = null; try { iori = requestQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // Executor has requested shutdown during take // quit the processing thread break; } // Down here at the worker level we only need to set the countdown latch to 1 // because all operations are taking place on 1 tablespace and thread with coordination // at the Master level otherwise CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1); ((CompletionLatchInterface)iori).setCountDownLatch(cdl); if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("port:"+worker.getSlavePort()+" data:"+iori); } // tablespace set before request comes down try { iori.process(); try { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println("port:"+worker.getSlavePort()+" avaiting countdown latch..."); cdl.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // most likely executor shutdown request during latching, be good and bail // quit the processing thread break; } // we have flipped the latch from the request to the thread waiting here, so send an outbound response // with the result of our work if a response is required if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("Local processing complete, queuing response to "+worker.getMasterPort()); } IoResponse ioresp = new IoResponse(iori); // And finally, send the package back up the line worker.queueResponse(ioresp); if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("Response queued:"+ioresp); } } catch (IOException e1) { if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("***Local processing EXCEPTION "+e1+", queuing fault to "+worker.getMasterPort()); } ((CompletionLatchInterface)iori).setObjectReturn(e1); IoResponse ioresp = new IoResponse(iori); // And finally, send the package back up the line worker.queueResponse(ioresp); //if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("***FAULT Response queued:"+ioresp); //} } } //shouldRun } }