package org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.AutoRefMatch; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.AutoRefPlayer; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.AutoRefTeam; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.AutoReferee; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.TeleportationUtil; import; import; public abstract class AutoRefRegion { private static final long NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000L; private static final Random random = new Random(); public static enum Flag { NO_BUILD (1 << 0, true, 'b', "nobuild"), NO_ENTRY (1 << 1, true, 'n', "noentry"), SAFE (1 << 2, false, 's', "safe"), NO_EXPLOSIONS (1 << 3, false, 'e', "noexplosion"), NO_ACCESS (1 << 4, false, 'a', "noaccess"), NO_TELEPORT (1 << 5, false, 't', "noteleport"), SPAWNERS_ONLY (1 << 6, false, 'w', "spawnersonly"), NO_FLOW (1 << 7, true, 'f', "noflow"); // generated from above values public static final String OPTIONS = "abenstwf"; private int value; private String name; private char mark; public boolean defaultValue; public int getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } public char getMark() { return mark; } public static Flag fromName(String name) { for (Flag f : values()) if ( return f; return null; } Flag(int val, boolean def, char c, String name) { this.value = val; = name; this.mark = c; this.defaultValue = def; } } private int flags; protected Integer yaw = null; // yaw = f * 90, SOUTH = 0 protected Integer pitch = null; // -90 = up, 0 = level, 90 = down private Set<AutoRefTeam> owners = Sets.newHashSet(); private String regionName = null; private Map<AutoRefTeam, Long> lastNotification = Maps.newHashMap(); public AutoRefRegion() { flags = 0; } public String getName() { return this.regionName; } public void setName(String name) { this.regionName = name; } public void announceRegion(AutoRefPlayer apl) { AutoRefTeam team = apl.getTeam(); if (this.regionName == null || !owners.contains(team)) return; Long last = lastNotification.get(team); long ctime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime(); if (last == null || ctime - last > NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD_MS) { String msg = apl.getDisplayName() + " has entered " + team.getColor() + ChatColor.BOLD + this.getName(); AutoReferee.log(msg); for (Player ref : apl.getMatch().getReferees(false)) ref.sendMessage(msg); lastNotification.put(team, ctime); } } // these methods need to be implemented public abstract double distanceToRegion(Location loc); public abstract Location getRandomLocation(Random r); public abstract CuboidRegion getBoundingCuboid(); public abstract Element toElement(); private int ANGLE_RND = 15; public Integer getFixedYaw() { if (yaw == null) return null; return Math.round(((float)yaw/ANGLE_RND)*ANGLE_RND); } public Integer getFixedPitch() { if (pitch == null) return null; return Math.round(((float)pitch/ANGLE_RND)*ANGLE_RND); } public Location getLocation() { Location loc = getRandomLocation(random); if (pitch != null) loc.setPitch(getFixedPitch()); if (yaw != null) loc.setYaw(getFixedYaw()); return loc.add(0.0, 0.5, 0.0); } public Location getCenter() { CuboidRegion cuboid = this.getBoundingCuboid(); // Get points of the region Location min = cuboid.getMinimumPoint(); Location max = cuboid.getMaximumPoint(); World world =; double pointX = (min.getBlockX() + max.getBlockX()) / 2.0; double pointY = (min.getBlockY() + max.getBlockY()) / 2.0; double pointZ = (min.getBlockZ() + max.getBlockZ()) / 2.0; Location loc = new Location(world, pointX, pointY, pointZ); if (pitch != null) loc.setPitch(getFixedPitch()); if (yaw != null) loc.setYaw(getFixedYaw()); return loc; } public Location getGroundedCenter() { // keep searching down until we hit ground Location loc = getCenter(); while (loc.getBlockY() > 0) { Location next = loc.clone().add(0,-1,0); if (!TeleportationUtil.isBlockPassable(next.getBlock())) break; loc = next; } return loc; } public boolean contains(Location loc) { return distanceToRegion(loc) <= 0.0; } public boolean containsBlock(Block block) { return this.contains(block.getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); } public boolean is(Flag flag) { return 0 != (flag.getValue() & this.flags); } public Set<Flag> getFlags() { Set<Flag> fset = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Flag f : Flag.values()) if ((f.getValue() & this.flags) != 0) fset.add(f); return fset; } public AutoRefRegion toggle(Flag flag) { if (flag != null) flags ^= flag.getValue(); return this; } public AutoRefRegion addFlags(Element elt) { if (elt != null) for (Element c : elt.getChildren()) try { flags |= Flag.fromName(c.getName()).getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { AutoReferee.log("Unrecognized flag: " + c.getName()); } return this; } public boolean isEnterEvent(PlayerMoveEvent event) { return !contains(event.getFrom()) && contains(event.getTo()); } protected AutoRefRegion getRegionSettings(AutoRefMatch match, Element e) { for (Element owner : e.getChildren("owner")) this.addOwners(match.getTeam(owner.getTextTrim())); return this.getRegionSettings(match.getWorld(), e); } protected AutoRefRegion getRegionSettings(World world, Element e) { if (e.getAttribute("yaw") != null) yaw = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("yaw")); if (e.getAttribute("pitch") != null) pitch = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("pitch")); if (e.getAttribute("name") != null) this.setName(e.getAttributeValue("name")); this.addFlags(e.getChild("flags")); return this; } protected Element setRegionSettings(Element e) { Set<Flag> fset = getFlags(); if (!fset.isEmpty()) { Element eFlags; e.addContent(eFlags = new Element("flags")); for (Flag f : fset) eFlags.addContent(new Element(; } if (getOwners() != null) for (AutoRefTeam team : getOwners()) e.addContent(new Element("owner").setText(team.getDefaultName())); if (yaw != null) e.setAttribute("yaw", Integer.toString(getFixedYaw())); if (pitch != null) e.setAttribute("pitch", Integer.toString(getFixedPitch())); // set the custom region name if one has been specified if (regionName != null) e.setAttribute("name", this.getName()); return e; } public Set<AutoRefTeam> getOwners() { return owners; } public void addOwners(AutoRefTeam ...teams) { for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) if (team != null) owners.add(team); } public boolean isOwner(AutoRefTeam team) { return owners.contains(team); } public static CuboidRegion combine(AutoRefRegion reg1, AutoRefRegion reg2) { // handle nulls gracefully if (reg1 == null && reg2 == null) return null; if (reg1 == null) return reg2.getBoundingCuboid(); if (reg2 == null) return reg1.getBoundingCuboid(); return CuboidRegion.combine(reg1.getBoundingCuboid(), reg2.getBoundingCuboid()); } // wrote this dumb helper function because `distanceToRegion` was looking ugly... protected static double multimax(double base, double ... more ) { for ( double x : more ) base = Math.max(base, x); return base; } public static Map<String, Class<? extends AutoRefRegion>> elementNames = Maps.newHashMap(); static { elementNames.put("location", PointRegion.class); elementNames.put("cuboid", CuboidRegion.class); elementNames.put("cylinder", CylinderRegion.class); } public static void addRegionType(String tag, Class<? extends AutoRefRegion> cls) { elementNames.put(tag, cls); } public static AutoRefRegion fromElement(AutoRefMatch match, Element elt) { Class<? extends AutoRefRegion> cls = elementNames.get(elt.getName()); if (cls == null) return null; try { Constructor<? extends AutoRefRegion> cons = cls.getConstructor(AutoRefMatch.class, Element.class); return cons.newInstance(match, elt).getRegionSettings(match, elt); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static AutoRefRegion fromElement(World world, Element elt) { Class<? extends AutoRefRegion> cls = elementNames.get(elt.getName()); if (cls == null) return null; try { Constructor<? extends AutoRefRegion> cons = cls.getConstructor(World.class, Element.class); return cons.newInstance(world, elt).getRegionSettings(world, elt); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }