package org.mctourney.autoreferee; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.player.PlayerTeamJoinEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.player.PlayerTeamLeaveEvent; import; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.AutoRefGoal; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.BlockGoal; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.scoreboard.AutoRefObjective; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.listeners.GoalsInventorySnapshot; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.listeners.ZoneListener; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.AutoRefRegion; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.BlockData; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.Metadatable; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.PlayerKit; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.PlayerUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; /** * Represents a collection of players in a match. * * @author authorblues */ public class AutoRefTeam implements Metadatable, Comparable<AutoRefTeam> { public class JSONTeamData { public String defaultname; public String customname; public Map<String, AutoRefPlayer.JSONPlayerData> players; // TODO goal data? } // reference to the match protected AutoRefMatch match = null; /** * Gets this team's match. * * @return match object */ public AutoRefMatch getMatch() { return match; } org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team scoreboardTeam; org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team infoboardTeam; // player information protected Set<AutoRefPlayer> players = Sets.newHashSet(); private Set<AutoRefPlayer> playersCache = Sets.newHashSet(); private int playerlives = -1; public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + this.getName() + "]"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return this.getClass().isInstance(o) && this.getMatch().equals(((AutoRefTeam) o).getMatch()) && o).name); } public int hashCode() { return ^ (17 * this.getMatch().hashCode()); } protected Map<String, Object> metadata = Maps.newHashMap(); public void addMetadata(String key, Object value) { this.metadata.put(key, value); } public Object getMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.get(key); } public boolean hasMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.containsKey(key); } public Object removeMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.remove(key); } public void clearMetadata() { this.metadata.clear(); } /** * Gets the members of this team. * * @return collection of players */ public Set<AutoRefPlayer> getPlayers() { return players; } public Set<AutoRefPlayer> getCachedPlayers() { return playersCache; } protected String getPlayerList() { Set<String> plist = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) plist.add(apl.getName()); if (plist.size() == 0) return "{empty}"; return StringUtils.join(plist, ", "); } private Set<String> expectedPlayers = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Adds a player to the list of expected players for this team. */ public void addExpectedPlayer(OfflinePlayer opl) { addExpectedPlayer(opl.getName()); } /** * Adds a player to the list of expected players for this team by name. */ public void addExpectedPlayer(String name) { expectedPlayers.add(name.toLowerCase()); } /** * Gets the players expected to join this team. * * @return collection of players */ public Set<String> getExpectedPlayers() { return expectedPlayers; } // team's name, may or may not be color-related private String name = null; private String customName = null; protected String scoreboardTeamName = null; /** * Gets the default name of the team. */ public String getDefaultName() { return name; } /** * Gets the name of the team. */ public String getName() { if (customName != null) return customName; return this.getDefaultName(); } /** * Sets the name of the team. * * @param name new team name */ public void setName(String name) { // send name change event before we actually change the name match.messageReferees("team", getName(), "name", name); String oldName = getDisplayName(); customName = name; if (!oldName.equals(getDisplayName())) match.broadcast(oldName + " is now known as " + getDisplayName()); scoreboardTeam.setDisplayName(name); // update objectives to propagate name changes this.updateObjectives(); } public String getScoreboardTeamName() { return scoreboardTeamName == null ? ("ar#" + name) : scoreboardTeamName; } /** * Gets the colored name of the team. */ public String getDisplayName() { return color + getName() + ChatColor.RESET; } // color to use for members of this team private ChatColor color = ChatColor.WHITE; /** * Gets the color associated with this team. */ public ChatColor getColor() { return color; } /** * Sets the color associated with this team. */ public void setColor(ChatColor color) { this.color = color; } // maximum size of a team protected Integer maxsize = null; protected Integer minsize = null; public int getMaxSize() { return maxsize == null ? 4 : maxsize; } public int getMinSize() { return minsize == null ? (3 * getMaxSize() / 4) : minsize; } // is this team ready to play? private boolean ready = false; /** * Checks if this team is ready for the match to begin. * * @return true if team is ready, otherwise false */ public boolean isReady() { return ready || this.isEmptyTeam(); } /** * Sets whether this team is ready for the match to begin. */ public void setReady(boolean ready) { if (ready == this.ready) return; this.ready = ready; for (Player pl : getMatch().getWorld().getPlayers()) pl.sendMessage(getDisplayName() + " is now marked as " + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + (this.ready ? "READY" : "NOT READY")); if (!this.ready) getMatch().cancelCountdown(); } /** * Checks whether this team is empty. Takes expected players into account. * * @return true if team is empty, otherwise false */ public boolean isEmptyTeam() { return getPlayers().size() == 0 && getExpectedPlayers().size() == 0; } private Location lastObjectiveLocation = null; /** * Gets location of this team's last objective event. */ public Location getLastObjectiveLocation() { return lastObjectiveLocation; } public void setLastObjectiveLocation(Location loc) { lastObjectiveLocation = loc; getMatch().setLastObjectiveLocation(loc); } private static final Vector HALF_BLOCK_VECTOR = new Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); /** * Gets location of this team's victory monument. Victory monument location * is synthesized based on objective target locations. */ public Location getVictoryMonumentLocation() { Vector vmin = null, vmax = null; for (BlockGoal goal : this.getTeamGoals(BlockGoal.class)) { Vector v = goal.getTarget().toVector().add(HALF_BLOCK_VECTOR); vmin = vmin == null ? v : Vector.getMinimum(vmin, v); vmax = vmax == null ? v : Vector.getMaximum(vmax, v); } // if we didn't find any block goals, no victory monument if (vmin == null || vmax == null) return null; World w = getMatch().getWorld(); return vmin.getMidpoint(vmax).toLocation(w); } /** * Gets all regions owned by this team. * * @return collection of regions */ public Set<AutoRefRegion> getRegions() { return match.getRegions(this); } public boolean addRegion(AutoRefRegion reg) { for (AutoRefRegion ereg : match.getRegions()) if (reg.equals(ereg)) { ereg.addOwners(this); return true; } reg.addOwners(this); match.getRegions().add(reg); return true; } // location of custom spawn private Set<AutoRefRegion> spawnRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); private static Random random = new Random(); /** * Clears this team's spawn locations. */ public void clearSpawnRegions() { this.spawnRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); } /** * Adds to this team's spawn locations. */ public void addSpawnRegion(AutoRefRegion reg) { this.spawnRegions.add(reg); } /** * Adds to this team's spawn locations. */ public void addSpawnRegion(Location loc) { this.addSpawnRegion(new org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.PointRegion(loc)); } /** * Gets a valid spawn location for this team. */ public Location getSpawnLocation() { if (spawnRegions == null || spawnRegions.isEmpty()) return match.getWorldSpawn(); AutoRefRegion[] regs = spawnRegions.toArray(new AutoRefRegion[0]); return regs[random.nextInt(spawnRegions.size())].getLocation(); } private Set<AutoRefGoal> goals = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Get this team's win conditions. * * @return collection of win conditions */ public Set<AutoRefGoal> getTeamGoals() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(goals); } /** * Get this team's win conditions by type. * * @return collection of win conditions */ public <T extends AutoRefGoal> Set<T> getTeamGoals(Class<T> clazz) { Set<T> typedGoals = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefGoal goal : goals) if (clazz.isInstance(goal)) typedGoals.add((T) goal); return typedGoals; } Set<AutoRefObjective> scoreboardObjectives; public void updateObjectives() { if (scoreboardObjectives != null) for (AutoRefObjective obj : scoreboardObjectives) obj.update(); } // does a provided search string match this team? public int matches(String needle) { if (needle == null) return 0; needle = needle.toLowerCase(); String a = name, b = customName; if (b != null && needle.contains(b.toLowerCase())) return b.length(); if (a != null && needle.contains(a.toLowerCase())) return a.length(); return 0; } public void startMatch() { // if there is no match associated, most of this work is moot assert getMatch() != null : "Match is null"; for (AutoRefGoal goal : goals) if (goal.hasItem()) goal.setItemStatus(AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus.NONE); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) { Player player = apl.getPlayer(); if (player != null && !getMatch().inStartRegion(player.getLocation())) player.teleport(getMatch().getPlayerSpawn(player)); apl.heal(); apl.updateCarrying(); } // save all players currently on team playersCache.addAll(players); } // a factory for processing config xml public static AutoRefTeam fromElement(Element elt, AutoRefMatch match) { // the element we are building on needs to be a team element assert "team".equals(elt.getName().toLowerCase()); AutoRefTeam newTeam = new AutoRefTeam(); newTeam.color = ChatColor.RESET; newTeam.match = match; // get name from map if (null == ( = elt.getChildTextTrim("name"))) return null; String sbteam = elt.getAttributeValue("scoreboard"); if (sbteam != null) { if (sbteam.length() > 16) sbteam = sbteam.substring(0, 16); newTeam.scoreboardTeamName = sbteam; } String clr = elt.getAttributeValue("color"); String maxsz = elt.getAttributeValue("maxsize"); String minsz = elt.getAttributeValue("minsize"); if (clr != null) try { newTeam.color = ChatColor.valueOf(clr.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // initialize this team for referees match.messageReferees("team", newTeam.getName(), "init"); match.messageReferees("team", newTeam.getName(), "color", newTeam.color.toString()); // get the min and max size from the team tag if (maxsz != null) newTeam.maxsize = Integer.parseInt(maxsz); if (minsz != null) newTeam.minsize = Integer.parseInt(minsz); if (elt.getAttributeValue("kit") != null) { newTeam.setKit(match.getKit(elt.getAttributeValue("kit"))); if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(match.getWorld().getGameRuleValue("keepInventory"))) { AutoReferee.log("A kit has been specified with keepInventory=false", Level.WARNING); AutoReferee.log("To turn this feature on, type '/gamerule keepInventory true'", Level.WARNING); AutoReferee.log("This map should (maybe) be reconfigured with keepInventory", Level.WARNING); } } Element spawn = elt.getChild("spawn"); if (spawn != null) for (Element reg : spawn.getChildren()) newTeam.addSpawnRegion(AutoRefRegion.fromElement(match, reg)); if (elt.getAttribute("lives") != null) try { newTeam.playerlives = Integer.parseInt(elt.getAttributeValue("lives").trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } newTeam.setupScoreboard(); newTeam.players = Sets.newHashSet(); return newTeam; } // a factory for creating raw teams public static AutoRefTeam create(AutoRefMatch match, String name, ChatColor color) { AutoRefTeam newTeam = new AutoRefTeam(); newTeam.color = color; newTeam.match = match; = name; // initialize this team for referees match.messageReferees("team", newTeam.getName(), "init"); match.messageReferees("team", newTeam.getName(), "color", newTeam.color.toString()); newTeam.setupScoreboard(); newTeam.players = Sets.newHashSet(); return newTeam; } protected void setupScoreboard() { String sbteam = this.getScoreboardTeamName(); // set team data on spectators' scoreboard infoboardTeam = match.getInfoboard().registerNewTeam(sbteam); infoboardTeam.setPrefix(color.toString()); infoboardTeam.setDisplayName(getName()); // set team data on players' scoreboard AutoReferee.log("Setting up scoreboard for " + sbteam); scoreboardTeam = match.getScoreboard().getTeam(sbteam); if (scoreboardTeam == null && this.scoreboardTeamName == null) scoreboardTeam = match.getScoreboard().registerNewTeam(sbteam); if (scoreboardTeam != null) { scoreboardTeam.setPrefix(color.toString()); scoreboardTeam.setDisplayName(getName()); // this stuff is only really necessary for the players themselves scoreboardTeam.setAllowFriendlyFire(match.allowFriendlyFire()); scoreboardTeam.setCanSeeFriendlyInvisibles(true); } } public Element toElement() { Element elt = new Element("team"); elt.addContent(new Element("name").setText(getDefaultName())); if (scoreboardTeamName != null) elt.setAttribute("scoreboard", scoreboardTeamName); if (this.getColor() != ChatColor.RESET) elt.setAttribute("color", this.getColor().name()); if (this.maxsize != null) elt.setAttribute("maxsize", Integer.toString(this.maxsize)); if (this.minsize != null) elt.setAttribute("minsize", Integer.toString(this.minsize)); if (this.playerlives > 0) elt.setAttribute("lives", Integer.toString(this.playerlives)); PlayerKit teamKit = this.getKit(); if (teamKit != null) elt.setAttribute("kit", teamKit.getName()); if (this.spawnRegions != null) { Element spawnElement = new Element("spawn"); for (AutoRefRegion reg : this.spawnRegions) spawnElement.addContent(reg.toElement()); elt.addContent(spawnElement); } return elt; } private PlayerKit startKit = null; public PlayerKit getKit() { return startKit; } public void setKit(PlayerKit kit) { this.startKit = kit; } /** * Gets a player from this team by name. * * @return player object if one exists, otherwise null */ public AutoRefPlayer getPlayer(String name) { AutoRefPlayer bapl = null; if (name != null) { int score, b = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (AutoRefPlayer apl : players) { score = apl.nameSearch(name); if (score < b) { b = score; bapl = apl; } } } return bapl; } /** * Gets a player from this team associated with the specified player. * * @return player object if one exists, otherwise null */ public AutoRefPlayer getPlayer(Player player) { return player == null ? null : getPlayer(player.getName()); } protected void addPlayer(AutoRefPlayer apl) { if (scoreboardTeam != null) scoreboardTeam.addPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(apl.getName())); if ( infoboardTeam != null) infoboardTeam.addPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(apl.getName())); apl.setTeam(this); this.players.add(apl); if (this.getMatch() != null && this.getMatch().getCurrentState().inProgress()) this.playersCache.add(apl); } protected boolean removePlayer(AutoRefPlayer apl) { if (scoreboardTeam != null) scoreboardTeam.removePlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(apl.getName())); if ( infoboardTeam != null) infoboardTeam.removePlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(apl.getName())); return this.players.remove(apl); } /** * Adds a player to this team. Players may not be added to teams if the match * is already in progress. * * @return true if player was successfully added, otherwise false */ public boolean join(Player player, PlayerTeamJoinEvent.Reason reason) { return join(player, reason, false); } /** * Adds a player to this team. * * @param force force join operation, even if match is in progress * @return true if player was successfully added, otherwise false */ public boolean join(Player player, PlayerTeamJoinEvent.Reason reason, boolean force) { PlayerTeamJoinEvent event = new PlayerTeamJoinEvent(player, this, reason); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return false; // if this player is using the client mod and is not an op, they may not join if (!player.isOp() && PlayerUtil.hasClientMod(player)) { if (!getMatch().isReferee(player)) player.sendMessage("You may not join a team with a modified client"); String warning = ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + player.getName() + " attempted to join " + this.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " with a modified client"; for (Player ref : getMatch().getReferees(true)) ref.sendMessage(warning); return false; } // create an APL object for this player. AutoRefPlayer apl = new AutoRefPlayer(player, this); if (this.playerlives > 0) apl.setLivesRemaining(this.playerlives); // quit if they are already on this team if (players.contains(apl)) return true; // if there is no match object, drop out here if (match == null) return false; // if the match is in progress, no one may join if (!match.getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch() && !force) return false; // prepare the player if (!match.getCurrentState().inProgress() && !this.spawnRegions.isEmpty()) player.teleport(this.getSpawnLocation()); Location bed = player.getBedSpawnLocation(); if (bed != null && bed.getWorld() != match.getWorld()) player.setBedSpawnLocation(null); this.addPlayer(apl); match.messageReferees("team", getName(), "player", "+" + apl.getName()); match.messageReferees("player", apl.getName(), "login"); match.updatePlayerList(); match.broadcast(apl.getDisplayName() + " has joined " + getDisplayName()); match.setupSpectators(player); match.checkTeamsReady(); return true; } /** * Removes a player from this team. Players may not be removed from teams if the * match is already in progress. * * @return true if player was successfully removed, otherwise false */ public boolean leave(Player player) { return leave(player, false); } /** * Removes a player from this team. * * @param force force leave operation, even if match is in progress * @return true if player was successfully removed, otherwise false */ public boolean leave(Player player, boolean force) { PlayerTeamLeaveEvent event = new PlayerTeamLeaveEvent(player, this); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return false; // if the match is in progress, no one may leave their team if (!match.getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch() && !force && match.getReferees().size() > 0) return false; String name = match.getDisplayName(player); if (!this.leaveQuietly(player)) return false; match.broadcast(name + " has left " + getDisplayName()); return true; } /** * Removes a player from this team quietly. * * @return true if player was successfully removed, otherwise false */ public boolean leaveQuietly(Player player) { // create an APL object for this player. AutoRefPlayer apl = new AutoRefPlayer(player); if (!this.removePlayer(apl)) return false; match.updatePlayerList(); // by the time this is actually called, they may have left the world to join // a different match. this teleport shouldn't occur if they aren't in this world if (player.getWorld() == match.getWorld() && !match.inStartRegion(player.getLocation())) player.teleport(match.getWorldSpawn()); match.messageReferees("team", getName(), "player", "-" + apl.getName()); match.setupSpectators(player); match.checkTeamsReady(); return true; } /** * Returns distance from location to this team's closest region. * * @return distance */ public double distanceToClosestRegion(Location loc) { double distance = match.distanceToStartRegion(loc); Set<AutoRefRegion> regions = getRegions(); if (regions != null) for ( AutoRefRegion reg : regions ) if (distance > 0) distance = Math.min(distance, reg.distanceToRegion(loc)); return distance; } /** * Checks if players on this team can be in a given location, including sneak distance. * * @return true if location is valid, otherwise false */ public boolean canEnter(Location loc) { return canEnter(loc, ZoneListener.SNEAK_DISTANCE); } /** * Checks if players on this team can be in a given location, within a specified distance. * * @param distance maximum distance a player may move from this location * @return true if location is valid, otherwise false */ public boolean canEnter(Location loc, Double distance) { double bestdist = match.distanceToStartRegion(loc); Set<AutoRefRegion> regions = getRegions(); if (regions != null) for ( AutoRefRegion reg : regions ) if (bestdist > 0) { bestdist = Math.min(bestdist, reg.distanceToRegion(loc)); if ( && reg.distanceToRegion(loc) <= distance) return false; } return bestdist <= distance; } /** * Checks if a region is marked with a specific region flag. * * @return true if location contains flag, otherwise false */ public boolean hasFlag(Block b, AutoRefRegion.Flag flag) { return hasFlag(b, flag, flag.defaultValue); } /** * Checks if a region is marked with a specific region flag. * * @return true if location contains flag, otherwise false */ public boolean hasFlag(Block b, AutoRefRegion.Flag flag, boolean def) { return hasFlag(b.getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), flag, def); } /** * Checks if a region is marked with a specific region flag. * * @return true if location contains flag, otherwise false */ public boolean hasFlag(Location loc, AutoRefRegion.Flag flag) { return hasFlag(loc, flag, flag.defaultValue); } /** * Checks if a region is marked with a specific region flag. * * @return true if location contains flag, otherwise false */ public boolean hasFlag(Location loc, AutoRefRegion.Flag flag, boolean def) { // check start region flags if (getMatch().inStartRegion(loc)) return getMatch().getStartRegionFlags().contains(flag); boolean is = def; Set<AutoRefRegion> regions = getRegions(); if (regions != null) for ( AutoRefRegion reg : regions ) if (reg.contains(loc)) { is = false; if ( return true; } return is; } /** * Sets a new win condition. */ public void addGoal(Element elt) { this.addGoal(AutoRefGoal.fromElement(this, elt)); } /** * Sets a new win condition. */ public void addGoal(AutoRefGoal goal) { if (goal == null) return; goals.add(goal); for (Player ref : getMatch().getReferees(false)) goal.updateReferee(ref); // broadcast the update for (Player cfg : getMatch().getWorld().getPlayers()) if (cfg.hasPermission("autoreferee.configure")) cfg.sendMessage(goal.toString() + " is now a win condition for " + getDisplayName()); } /** * Gets a list of team objectives for this match. * * @return collection of block types to be retrieved */ public Set<BlockData> getObjectives() { Set<BlockData> objectives = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefGoal goal : goals) if (goal.hasItem()) objectives.add(goal.getItem()); objectives.remove(BlockData.AIR); return objectives; } /** * Gets a list of team objectives for this match. * * @return collection of block types to be retrieved */ public Map<BlockData, AutoRefGoal> getGoalsByObjective() { Map<BlockData, AutoRefGoal> goalsByObjective = Maps.newHashMap(); for (AutoRefGoal goal : goals) if (goal.hasItem()) goalsByObjective.put(goal.getItem(), goal); goalsByObjective.remove(BlockData.AIR); return goalsByObjective; } public boolean canCraft(BlockData bdata) { for (AutoRefGoal goal : goals) if (goal.hasItem() && goal.getItem().equals(bdata) && goal.canCraftItem()) return false; return true; } private void changeObjectiveStatus(AutoRefGoal goal, AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus status) { if (!goal.hasItem() || goal.getItemStatus() == status) return; getMatch().messageReferees("team", this.getName(), "state", goal.getItem().serialize(), status.toString()); goal.setItemStatus(status); ObjectiveUpdateEvent event = new ObjectiveUpdateEvent(goal); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); } protected void updateBlockGoals() { objloop: for (BlockGoal goal : this.getTeamGoals(BlockGoal.class)) { if (goal.isSatisfied(getMatch())) { changeObjectiveStatus(goal, AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus.TARGET); continue objloop; } for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) { if (!apl.getCarrying().containsKey(goal.getItem())) continue; changeObjectiveStatus(goal, AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus.CARRYING); continue objloop; } if (goal.getItemStatus() != AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus.NONE) { changeObjectiveStatus(goal, AutoRefGoal.ItemStatus.SEEN); continue objloop; } } } public double getObjectiveScore() { double score = 0.0f; for (AutoRefGoal goal : getTeamGoals()) score += goal.getScore(this.match); return score; } protected void updateCarrying(AutoRefPlayer apl, GoalsInventorySnapshot oldCarrying, GoalsInventorySnapshot newCarrying) { match.updateCarrying(apl, oldCarrying, newCarrying); this.updateBlockGoals(); // pass this information along to the scoreboard this.updateObjectives(); } protected void updateHealthArmor(AutoRefPlayer apl, int currentHealth, int currentArmor, int newHealth, int newArmor) { match.updateHealthArmor(apl, currentHealth, currentArmor, newHealth, newArmor); } public int compareTo(AutoRefTeam team) { return this.getName().compareTo(team.getName()); } /** * Swap the configuration of two teams, including players and custom names. */ public static void switchTeams(AutoRefTeam team1, AutoRefTeam team2) { // no work to be done if (team1 == null || team2 == null || team1 == team2) return; // must be in the same match if (team1.getMatch() != team2.getMatch()) return; // switch the sets of players Set<AutoRefPlayer> t1apls = team1.getPlayers(); Set<AutoRefPlayer> t2apls = team2.getPlayers(); team1.players = t2apls; team2.players = t1apls; for (AutoRefPlayer apl1 : team1.getPlayers()) apl1.setTeam(team1); for (AutoRefPlayer apl2 : team2.getPlayers()) apl2.setTeam(team2); // switch the custom names String t1cname = team1.customName; String t2cname = team2.customName; team1.customName = t2cname; team2.customName = t1cname; } public JSONTeamData getJSONTeam() { JSONTeamData data = new JSONTeamData(); data.customname = this.customName; data.defaultname = this.getDefaultName(); data.players = Maps.newHashMap(); for (AutoRefPlayer player : this.getPlayers()) data.players.put(player.getName(), player.getJSONPlayer()); return data; } }