package org.mctourney.autoreferee; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import*; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Difficulty; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Ambient; import org.bukkit.entity.Animals; import org.bukkit.entity.Arrow; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.ExperienceOrb; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.Monster; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta; import org.bukkit.material.Attachable; import org.bukkit.material.Button; import org.bukkit.material.Lever; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.bukkit.material.PressurePlate; import org.bukkit.material.PressureSensor; import org.bukkit.material.Redstone; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.DisplaySlot; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.JDOMParseException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.match.MatchCompleteEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.match.MatchStartEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.match.MatchTranscriptEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.match.MatchUnloadEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.match.MatchUploadStatsEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.player.PlayerMatchJoinEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.player.PlayerMatchLeaveEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.event.player.PlayerTeamJoinEvent; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.AutoRefGoal; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.TimeGoal; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.goals.scoreboard.AutoRefObjective; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.listeners.GoalsInventorySnapshot; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.listeners.SpectatorListener; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.listeners.ZoneListener; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.AutoRefRegion; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.CuboidRegion; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.ArmorPoints; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.BlockData; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.BookUtil; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.LocationUtil; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.MapImageGenerator; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.Metadatable; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.PlayerKit; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.PlayerUtil; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.QueryUtil; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.ReportGenerator; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.SportBukkitUtil; import org.mctourney.autoreferee.util.TeleportationUtil; /** * Represents a game world controlled by AutoReferee. * * @author authorblues */ public class AutoRefMatch implements Metadatable { // modify the internal NMS scoreboard instance with a custom scoreboard private static final boolean REPLACE_INTERNAL_SCOREBOARD = false; // online map list private static String MAPREPO = ""; /** * Get the base url for the map repository * @return url of map repository */ public static String getMapRepo() { return MAPREPO; } /** * Sets a new map repository for the plugin to download maps * @param url url of new map repository to use */ public static void changeMapRepo(String url) { MAPREPO = url + "/"; } // set this to false to not give match info books to players public static boolean giveMatchInfoBooks = true; static { File matchSummaryDirectory; // determine the location of the match-summary directory FileConfiguration config = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig(); if (config.isString("")) matchSummaryDirectory = new File(config.getString("")); else matchSummaryDirectory = new File(AutoReferee.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "summary"); // if the folder doesnt exist, create it... if (!matchSummaryDirectory.exists()) matchSummaryDirectory.mkdir(); } protected Map<String, Object> metadata = Maps.newHashMap(); public void addMetadata(String key, Object value) { this.metadata.put(key, value); } public Object getMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.get(key); } public boolean hasMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.containsKey(key); } public Object removeMetadata(String key) { return this.metadata.remove(key); } public void clearMetadata() { this.metadata.clear(); } public enum AccessType { PRIVATE, PUBLIC } public AccessType access = AccessType.PRIVATE; protected boolean currentlyTied = false; // world this match is taking place on private World primaryWorld; private AutoRefRegion worldSpawn = null; private AutoRefRegion specSpawn = null; private void setPrimaryWorld(World w) { primaryWorld = w; worldConfigFile = new File(w.getWorldFolder(), AutoReferee.CFG_FILENAME); setWorldSpawn(primaryWorld.getSpawnLocation()); } public void setWorldSpawn(Location loc) { while (!TeleportationUtil.isBlockPassable(loc.getWorld().getBlockAt(loc))) loc = loc.add(0, 1, 0); worldSpawn = new org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.PointRegion(loc); loc.getWorld().setSpawnLocation(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()); } public void setSpectatorSpawn(Location loc) { while (!TeleportationUtil.isBlockPassable(loc.getWorld().getBlockAt(loc))) loc = loc.add(0, 1, 0); specSpawn = new org.mctourney.autoreferee.regions.PointRegion(loc); } public boolean isPracticeMode() { if (!this.getCurrentState().inProgress()) return false; int existingteams = 0; for (AutoRefTeam team : this.getTeams()) if (!team.isEmptyTeam()) ++existingteams; return existingteams < 2; } public boolean willBePracticeMode() { int existingteams = 0; for (AutoRefTeam team : this.getTeams()) if (!team.isEmptyTeam()) ++existingteams; return existingteams < 2; } protected boolean previewMode = false; public void setPreviewMode(boolean b) { this.previewMode = b; } public boolean isPreviewMode() { return this.previewMode; } /** * Gets the world associated with this match. * * @return world */ public World getWorld() { return primaryWorld; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getWorld().hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s[%s, w=%s]", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), this.mapName, this.getWorld().getName()); } /** * Gets the global spawn location for this match. * * @return global spawn location */ public Location getWorldSpawn() { return worldSpawn.getLocation(); } /** * Gets the global spawn location for this match. * * @return global spawn location */ public Location getSpectatorSpawn() { return specSpawn != null ? specSpawn.getLocation() : getWorldSpawn(); } private boolean tmp; public AutoRefMatch temporary() { this.tmp = true; return this; } public boolean isTemporaryWorld() { return tmp; } private long startClock = 0L; protected boolean lockTime = false; /** * Gets the time to set the world to at the start of the match. * * @return world time in ticks to be set at start of the match */ public long getStartClock() { return startClock; } /** * Represents the status of a match. * * @author authorblues */ public enum MatchStatus { /** * No match for this world. */ NONE, /** * Waiting for players to join. */ WAITING(5*60*1000L), /** * Players joined, waiting for match start. */ READY(5*60*1000L), /** * Match in progress. */ PLAYING(30*60*1000L), /** * Match completed. */ COMPLETED(5*60*1000L); public long inactiveMillis; MatchStatus() { this(Long.MAX_VALUE); } MatchStatus(long ms) { this.inactiveMillis = ms; } /** * Checks if the match has not yet started. * * @return true if match has not started, otherwise false */ public boolean isBeforeMatch() { return this.ordinal() < PLAYING.ordinal() && this != NONE; } /** * Checks if the match has completed. * * @return true if match is completed, otherwise false */ public boolean isAfterMatch() { return this.ordinal() > PLAYING.ordinal() && this != NONE; } /** * Checks if match is in progress. * * @return true if match is in progress, otherwise false */ public boolean inProgress() { return this == PLAYING; } } // status of the match private MatchStatus currentState = MatchStatus.NONE; /** * Gets the current status of this match. * * @return match status */ public MatchStatus getCurrentState() { return currentState; } /** * Sets the current status of this match. * * @param status new match status */ public void setCurrentState(MatchStatus status) { this.currentState = status; if (!status.isBeforeMatch()) this.setupSpectators(); } // custom scoreboard protected final Scoreboard scoreboard; protected final Scoreboard infoboard; protected Objective infoboardObjective; protected List<Objective> allInfoObjectives; public Scoreboard getScoreboard() { return scoreboard; } Scoreboard getInfoboard() { return infoboard; } // teams participating in the match protected Set<AutoRefTeam> teams = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Gets the teams participating in this match. * * @return set of teams */ public Set<AutoRefTeam> getTeams() { return teams; } public String getTeamList() { Set<String> tlist = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) tlist.add(team.getDisplayName()); return StringUtils.join(tlist, ", "); } private AutoRefTeam winningTeam = null; /** * Gets the team that won this match. * * @return team that won the match if it is over, otherwise null */ public AutoRefTeam getWinningTeam() { return winningTeam; } /** * Sets the team that won this match. */ public void setWinningTeam(AutoRefTeam team) { winningTeam = team; } protected Map<String, PlayerKit> kits; public PlayerKit getKit(String name) { return kits.get(name); } // region defined as the "start" region (safe zone) private Set<AutoRefRegion> startRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Gets the region designated as the start platform. This region should contain the * world spawn location. Players in this region are immune to damage from other players, * and mobs will not spawn in this region. * * @return start region */ public Set<AutoRefRegion> getStartRegions() { return startRegions; } public void addStartRegion(AutoRefRegion reg) { this.startRegions.add(reg); } private Set<AutoRefRegion.Flag> startRegionFlags = Sets.newHashSet ( AutoRefRegion.Flag.NO_BUILD , AutoRefRegion.Flag.SAFE , AutoRefRegion.Flag.NO_EXPLOSIONS ); public Set<AutoRefRegion.Flag> getStartRegionFlags() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(startRegionFlags); } public double distanceToStartRegion(Location loc) { double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (AutoRefRegion reg : startRegions) { double d = reg.distanceToRegion(loc); if (d < dist) dist = d; } return dist; } public CuboidRegion getMapCuboid() { CuboidRegion cube = null; for (AutoRefRegion reg : getStartRegions()) cube = AutoRefRegion.combine(cube, reg); for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) for (AutoRefRegion reg : team.getRegions()) cube = AutoRefRegion.combine(cube, reg); return cube; } // name of the match private String matchName = null; /** * Sets the custom name for this match. * * @param name custom match name */ public void setMatchName(String name) { matchName = name; } /** * Gets the name of this match. * * @return match name */ public String getMatchName() { // if we have a specific match name... if (matchName != null) return matchName; // generate a date string String date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy").format(new Date()); // if the map is named, return map name as a placeholder if (mapName != null) return mapName + ": " + date; // otherwise, just return the date return date; } // configuration information for the world protected File worldConfigFile; protected Element worldConfig; private boolean saveConfig = true; // basic variables loaded from file protected String mapName = null; protected Collection<String> mapAuthors = null; /** * Gets the name of the map for this match. * * @return map name */ public String getMapName() { return mapName; } protected String versionString = "1.0"; /** * Gets the version number of the map for this match. * * @return version number */ public String getMapVersion() { return versionString; } /** * Gets the shorthand version string of the map for this match. This string will have the format * of "MapName-vX.Y" * * @return version string */ public String getVersionString() { return String.format("%s-v%s", normalizeMapName(this.getMapName()), this.getMapVersion()); } public AutoRefMap getMap() { return AutoRefMap.getMap(mapName); } /** * Gets the creators of the map for this match. * * @return string list of names */ public String getAuthorList() { if (mapAuthors != null && mapAuthors.size() != 0) return StringUtils.join(mapAuthors, ", "); return "??"; } private long startTime = 0; public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(long time) { this.startTime = time; } /** * Gets the number of seconds elapsed in this match. * * @return current elapsed seconds if match in progress, otherwise 0L */ public long recordedTime = 0L; public long getElapsedSeconds() { if (!getCurrentState().inProgress()) return recordedTime; return (ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime() - getStartTime()) / 1000L; } private long timeLimit = 0L; /** * Gets the match time limit in seconds. * * @return time limit in seconds */ public long getTimeLimit() { return timeLimit; } /** * Checks if this match has a set time limit. * * @return true if a time limit is set, otherwise false */ public boolean hasTimeLimit() { return timeLimit > 0L; } /** * Gets the number of seconds remaining in this match. * * @return time remaining in seconds */ public long getTimeRemaining() { return timeLimit - getElapsedSeconds(); } /** * Sets match time limit in seconds. * * @param limit new time limit in seconds */ public void setTimeLimit(long limit) { this.timeLimit = limit; } /** * Gets current match time, default value separator (colon). * * @return current match timestamp */ public String getTimestamp() { return getTimestamp(":"); } /** * Gets current match time, with value separator. * * @param sep time value separator * @return current match timestamp */ public String getTimestamp(String sep) { long timestamp = this.getElapsedSeconds(); return String.format("%02d%s%02d%s%02d", timestamp/3600L, sep, (timestamp/60L)%60L, sep, timestamp%60L); } // task that starts the match protected CountdownTask matchStarter = null; // mechanisms to open the starting gates protected Set<StartMechanism> startMechanisms; // protected entities - only protected from "butchering" private Set<UUID> protectedEntities; public boolean isProtected(UUID uuid) { return protectedEntities.contains(uuid); } public void protect(UUID uuid) { protectedEntities.add(uuid); } public void unprotect(UUID uuid) { protectedEntities.remove(uuid); } public void toggleProtection(UUID uuid) { if (isProtected(uuid)) unprotect(uuid); else protect(uuid); } protected boolean playersBecomeSpectators = true; protected boolean allowFriendlyFire = true; /** * Checks if friendly fire is allowed in this match. * * @return true if friendly fire is allowed, otherwise false */ public boolean allowFriendlyFire() { return allowFriendlyFire; } /** * Sets whether friendly fire is allowed in this match. */ public void setFriendlyFire(boolean b) { this.allowFriendlyFire = b; } // provided by configuration file protected static boolean allowTies = false; /** * Checks if ties are allowed on this server. * * @return true if ties are allowed, otherwise false */ public static boolean areTiesAllowed() { return allowTies; } /** * Sets whether ties are allowed on this server. */ public static void setAllowTies(boolean b) { AutoRefMatch.allowTies = b; } // list of items players may not craft protected Set<BlockData> prohibitCraft = Sets.newHashSet(); // range of inexact placement protected int inexactRange = 2; /** * Gets the distance an objective may be placed from its target location. * * @return range of inexact objective placement */ public int getInexactRange() { return inexactRange; } // transcript of every event in the match protected List<TranscriptEvent> transcript; private boolean refereeReady = false; /** * Checks if the referees are ready for the match to start. * * @return true if referees are ready or there are no referees, otherwise false */ public boolean isRefereeReady() { return getReferees().size() == 0 || refereeReady; } /** * Sets whether the referees are ready for the match to start. */ public void setRefereeReady(boolean r) { refereeReady = r; } private ReportGenerator matchReportGenerator = new ReportGenerator(); public void saveMapImage() { try { RenderedImage mapImage = getMapImage(); ImageIO.write(mapImage, "png", new File(getWorld().getWorldFolder(), "map.png")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public RenderedImage getMapImage() throws IOException { CuboidRegion cube = getMapCuboid(); if (cube == null) throw new IOException("No start regions defined."); Location min = cube.getMinimumPoint(), max = cube.getMaximumPoint(); return MapImageGenerator.generateFromWorld(getWorld(), min.getBlockX(), max.getBlockX(), min.getBlockZ(), max.getBlockZ()); } protected GameMode gamemode; // number of seconds for each phase public static final int READY_SECONDS = 15; public static final int COMPLETED_SECONDS = 180; private int customReadyDelay = -1; /** * Gets number of seconds between start of countdown and match starting. * * @return number of seconds for match countdown */ public int getReadyDelay() { if (customReadyDelay >= 0) return customReadyDelay; return AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig().getInt( "delay-seconds.ready", AutoRefMatch.READY_SECONDS); } /** * Sets number of seconds between start of countdown and match starting. */ public void setReadyDelay(int delay) { this.customReadyDelay = delay; } public void notify(Location loc, String message) { // give spectators a location to warp to (null is acceptable) this.setLastNotificationLocation(loc); // send a notification message if (message.trim().isEmpty()) message = "A notification has been sent. Type /artp to teleport."; String m = ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "[N] " + message; for (Player pl : this.getReferees(false)) pl.sendMessage(m); } private Location lastNotificationLocation = null; public Location getLastNotificationLocation() { return lastNotificationLocation; } /** * Sets a notification location for referees and streamers. This location should be the * exact location of the event. The teleportation suite will find a suitable vantage point * to observe the event. * * @param loc notification location */ public void setLastNotificationLocation(Location loc) { lastNotificationLocation = loc; } private Location lastDeathLocation = null; public Location getLastDeathLocation() { return lastDeathLocation; } public void setLastDeathLocation(Location loc) { lastDeathLocation = loc; setLastNotificationLocation(loc); } private Location lastLogoutLocation = null; public Location getLastLogoutLocation() { return lastLogoutLocation; } public void setLastLogoutLocation(Location loc) { lastLogoutLocation = loc; setLastNotificationLocation(loc); } private Location lastTeleportLocation = null; public Location getLastTeleportLocation() { return lastTeleportLocation; } public void setLastTeleportLocation(Location loc) { lastTeleportLocation = loc; setLastNotificationLocation(loc); } private Location lastObjectiveLocation = null; public Location getLastObjectiveLocation() { return lastObjectiveLocation; } public void setLastObjectiveLocation(Location loc) { lastObjectiveLocation = loc; setLastNotificationLocation(loc); } public class BedUpdateTask extends BukkitRunnable { private Map<AutoRefPlayer, Boolean> hasBed = Maps.newHashMap(); private String breakerName, breakAction = "broken"; private AutoRefPlayer breaker; public BedUpdateTask(AutoRefPlayer breaker) { this(breaker.getDisplayName()); this.breaker = breaker; } public BedUpdateTask(Entity ent) { AutoReferee plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); switch (ent.getType()) { case CREEPER: breakerName = "Creeper"; break; case LIGHTNING: breakerName = "Lightning"; break; case WITHER_SKULL: breakerName = "Wither Skull"; break; case WITHER: breakerName = "Wither"; break; case ENDER_CRYSTAL: breakerName = "Ender Crystal"; break; case ENDER_DRAGON: breakerName = "Ender Dragon"; break; case FIREBALL: case SMALL_FIREBALL: breakerName = "Fireball"; break; case PRIMED_TNT: AutoRefPlayer tntOwner = plugin.getTNTOwner(ent); if (tntOwner == null) breakerName = "TNT"; else breakerName = String.format("%s's TNT", tntOwner.getDisplayName()); break; } for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) hasBed.put(apl, apl.hasBed()); breakAction = "blown up"; } public BedUpdateTask(String breakerName) { this.breakerName = breakerName; for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) hasBed.put(apl, apl.hasBed()); breakAction = "broken"; } public void run() { Set<AutoRefPlayer> lostBed = Sets.newHashSet(); String bedBreakNotification; for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) if (hasBed.get(apl) != apl.hasBed()) lostBed.add(apl); // if no one's bed changed, quit here if (lostBed.isEmpty()) return; // don't print or do anything if the bed's owner breaks it himself if (breaker != null && lostBed.contains(breaker)) return; if (lostBed.size() == 1) bedBreakNotification = String.format("%s's bed has been %s by %s.", ((AutoRefPlayer) lostBed.toArray()[0]).getDisplayName(), breakAction, breakerName); else { // get the team that owns this bed (null if owned by more than one team) AutoRefTeam teamOwner = ((AutoRefPlayer) lostBed.toArray()[0]).getTeam(); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : lostBed) if (apl.getTeam() != teamOwner) teamOwner = null; bedBreakNotification = teamOwner != null ? String.format("%s's bed has been %s by %s.", teamOwner.getDisplayName(), breakAction, breakerName) : String.format("%s has %s a bed.", breakerName, breakAction); } for (Player ref : getReferees(false)) ref.sendMessage(bedBreakNotification); } } private class PlayerCountTask extends BukkitRunnable { private long lastOccupiedTime = 0; public PlayerCountTask() { lastOccupiedTime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime(); } public void run() { long tick = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime(); // if there are people in this world/match, reset last-occupied if (getUserCount() != 0) lastOccupiedTime = tick; // if this world has been inactive for long enough, just unload it if (tick - lastOccupiedTime >= getCurrentState().inactiveMillis) destroy(MatchUnloadEvent.Reason.EMPTY); } } PlayerCountTask countTask = null; public AutoRefMatch(World world, boolean tmp, MatchStatus state) { this(world, tmp); setCurrentState(state); } public AutoRefMatch(World world, boolean tmp) { setPrimaryWorld(world); world.setKeepSpawnInMemory(true); // is this world a temporary world? this.tmp = tmp; // should eliminated players become spectators? this.playersBecomeSpectators = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig() .getBoolean("players-become-spectators", true); // setup custom scoreboard scoreboard = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getNewScoreboard(); infoboard = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getNewScoreboard(); if (AutoRefMatch.REPLACE_INTERNAL_SCOREBOARD) try { Method wHandle = world.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getHandle"); Object nmsWorld = wHandle.invoke(world); Method sHandle = scoreboard.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getHandle"); Object nmsScoreboard = sHandle.invoke(scoreboard); Field fScoreboard = nmsWorld.getClass().getField("scoreboard"); fScoreboard.setAccessible(true); fScoreboard.set(nmsWorld, nmsScoreboard); } catch (Exception e) { AutoReferee.log("A problem occured whilst modifying NMS scoreboard internal values."); AutoReferee.log("Are you sure you are using a CraftBukkit variant?"); AutoReferee.log("Please file a bug report, as this is a somewhat serious error."); e.printStackTrace(); } messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "init"); loadWorldConfiguration(); messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "map", getMapName()); setCurrentState(MatchStatus.WAITING); // restore competitive settings and some default values primaryWorld.setPVP(true); primaryWorld.setSpawnFlags(true, true); primaryWorld.setTicksPerAnimalSpawns(-1); primaryWorld.setTicksPerMonsterSpawns(-1); // last, send an update about the match to everyone logged in for (Player pl : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) sendMatchInfo(pl); // brand new match transcript transcript = Lists.newLinkedList(); // fix vanish this.setupSpectators(); // setup player count task (after assigning the world) countTask = new PlayerCountTask(); // startup the player count timer (for automatic unloading) countTask.runTaskTimer(AutoReferee.getInstance(), 5L, 60*20L); } /** * Gets number of users (players and spectators) present in this match. * * @return number of users */ public int getUserCount() { return primaryWorld.getPlayers().size(); } public Set<AutoRefPlayer> getPlayers() { Set<AutoRefPlayer> players = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) players.addAll(team.getPlayers()); return players; } public Set<AutoRefPlayer> getCachedPlayers() { Set<AutoRefPlayer> players = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) players.addAll(team.getCachedPlayers()); return players; } /** * Gets all match spectators (spectators, referees, and streamers). * * @return collection of spectators */ public Set<Player> getSpectators() { Set<Player> specs = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Player p : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) if (!isPlayer(p)) specs.add(p); return specs; } /** * Gets all non-streamer referees present in this match. * * @return collection of referees */ public Set<Player> getReferees() { return getReferees(true); } /** * Gets referees present in this match, possibly excluding streamers. * * @param excludeStreamers whether streamers should be included * @return collection of referees */ public Set<Player> getReferees(boolean excludeStreamers) { Set<Player> refs = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Player p : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) if (isReferee(p) && !(excludeStreamers && isStreamer(p))) refs.add(p); return refs; } /** * Gets streamers present in this match. * * @return collection of streamers */ public Set<Player> getStreamers() { Set<Player> streamers = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Player p : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) if (isStreamer(p)) streamers.add(p); return streamers; } /** * Checks if the specified player is a referee for this match. * * @return true if player is a referee and not on a team, otherwise false */ public boolean isReferee(Player player) { if (isPlayer(player) || getExpectedPlayers().contains(player.getName())) return false; return player.hasPermission("autoreferee.referee"); } /** * Checks if the specified player is a streamer for this match. * * @return true if player is a streamer and not on a team, otherwise false */ public boolean isStreamer(Player player) { if (isPlayer(player) || getExpectedPlayers().contains(player.getName())) return false; return isSpectator(player) && getSpectator(player).isStreamer(); } /** * Checks if the specified player is a spectator for this match. * * @return true if player is a spectator, otherwise false */ public boolean isSpectator(Player player) { return isReferee(player) || !getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch() && !isPlayer(player); } Map<String, AutoRefSpectator> spectators = Maps.newHashMap(); public AutoRefSpectator getSpectator(Player player) { if (!isSpectator(player)) return null; String name = player.getName(); AutoRefSpectator spectator = this.spectators.get(name); if (spectator == null) this.spectators.put(name, spectator = new AutoRefSpectator(name, this)); return spectator; } public enum Role { // this list provides an ordering of roles. do not permute. NONE, PLAYER, SPECTATOR, STREAMER, REFEREE; public int getRank() { return this.ordinal(); } public boolean atLeast(Role other) { return getRank() >= other.getRank(); } } /** * Gets the role that this player has in this match. * * @return a role corresponding to this player */ public Role getRole(OfflinePlayer player) { if (isPlayer(player)) return Role.PLAYER; if (!player.isOnline()) return Role.NONE; Player pl = player.getPlayer(); if (pl.hasPermission("autoreferee.streamer")) return Role.STREAMER; if (pl.hasPermission("autoreferee.referee")) return Role.REFEREE; if (!getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch()) return Role.SPECTATOR; return Role.NONE; } /** * Checks if the given world is compatible with AutoReferee * @param world world to check * @return true if the world contains a config file, otherwise false */ public static boolean isCompatible(World world) { return new File(world.getWorldFolder(), AutoReferee.CFG_FILENAME).exists(); } /** * Reloads world configuration from config file. */ public void reload() { this.loadWorldConfiguration(); } protected void loadWorldConfiguration() { try { // file stream and configuration object (located in world folder) File f = worldConfigFile; loadWorldConfiguration(f.exists() ? new FileInputStream(f) : AutoReferee.getInstance().getResource("defaults/map.xml")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void clearScoreboardData(Scoreboard sb) { // unregister all old objectives (created by AutoReferee) for (Objective obj : scoreboard.getObjectives()) if (obj.getName().startsWith("ar#")) obj.unregister(); // unregister all old teams (created by AutoReferee) for (Team team : scoreboard.getTeams()) if (team.getName().startsWith("ar#")) team.unregister(); } protected void loadScoreboardData() { clearScoreboardData(scoreboard); clearScoreboardData( infoboard); // register our custom objective for the sideboard long randx = System.currentTimeMillis() % (1L << 16); infoboardObjective = infoboard.registerNewObjective( String.format("ar#scores_%x", randx), "dummy"); // kill count objective Objective infoKillCount = infoboard.registerNewObjective( String.format("ar#kills_%x", randx), "playerKillCount"); infoKillCount.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BOLD + "Kills"); // death count objective Objective infoDeathCount = infoboard.registerNewObjective( String.format("ar#deaths_%x", randx), "deathCount"); infoDeathCount.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BOLD + "Deaths"); // objectives list (for cycling through after the match) allInfoObjectives = Lists.newArrayList(infoboardObjective, infoKillCount, infoDeathCount); try { File dataFolder = new File(primaryWorld.getWorldFolder(), "data"); File scoreboardFile = new File(dataFolder, "scoreboard.xml"); Element sbroot = new SAXBuilder().build(scoreboardFile).getRootElement(); for (Element teamnode : sbroot.getChild("teams").getChildren("team")) { Team team = scoreboard.registerNewTeam(teamnode.getAttributeValue("name")); team.setPrefix(teamnode.getAttributeValue("prefix")); team.setSuffix(teamnode.getAttributeValue("suffix")); } for (Element objroot : sbroot.getChild("objectives").getChildren("objective")) { Objective obj = scoreboard.registerNewObjective( objroot.getAttributeValue("name"), objroot.getAttributeValue("criteria")); if (objroot.getAttributeValue("display") != null) obj.setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot.valueOf(objroot.getAttributeValue("display"))); } AutoReferee.log("Loaded custom scoreboard data."); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void saveScoreboardData() { saveScoreboardData(scoreboard); } public void saveScoreboardData(Scoreboard sb) { Element teams = new Element("teams"); for (Team team : sb.getTeams()) { Element teamnode = new Element("team"); teamnode.setAttribute("name", team.getName()); teamnode.setAttribute("prefix", team.getPrefix()); teamnode.setAttribute("suffix", team.getSuffix()); teams.addContent(teamnode); } teams.sortChildren(new Comparator<Element>() { @Override public int compare(Element a, Element b) { String aname = a.getAttributeValue("name"); String bname = b.getAttributeValue("name"); return aname.compareToIgnoreCase(bname); } }); Element objectives = new Element("objectives"); for (Objective objective : sb.getObjectives()) { Element objnode = new Element("objective"); objnode.setAttribute("name", objective.getName()); objnode.setAttribute("criteria", objective.getCriteria()); if (objective.getDisplaySlot() != null) objnode.setAttribute("display", objective.getDisplaySlot().name()); objectives.addContent(objnode); } objectives.sortChildren(new Comparator<Element>() { @Override public int compare(Element a, Element b) { String aname = a.getAttributeValue("name"); String bname = b.getAttributeValue("name"); return aname.compareToIgnoreCase(bname); } }); Element sbroot = new Element("scoreboard"); sbroot.addContent(teams); sbroot.addContent(objectives); try { XMLOutputter xmlout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); File dataFolder = new File(primaryWorld.getWorldFolder(), "data"); xmlout.output(sbroot, new FileOutputStream(new File(dataFolder, "scoreboard.xml"))); } catch ( e) { AutoReferee.log("Could not save scoreboard data: " + primaryWorld.getName()); } } protected void loadWorldConfiguration(InputStream cfg) { try { // until told otherwise, assume that what we have should not be // saved (to prevent a bad config from being destroyed) saveConfig = false; // build configuration file from worldConfig = new SAXBuilder().build(cfg).getRootElement(); // turn on saving functionality if we loaded a configuration properly assert "map".equals(worldConfig.getName()); saveConfig = true; } catch (JDOMParseException e) { AutoReferee.log(String.format(">> With configuration file: %s [%s]", worldConfigFile.getPath(), getWorld().getName()), Level.SEVERE); AutoReferee.log(e.getLocalizedMessage(), Level.SEVERE); // maybe try to salvage the partially parsed document? worldConfig = e.getPartialDocument().getRootElement(); assert "map".equals(worldConfig.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } loadScoreboardData(); this.gamemode = GameMode.SURVIVAL; // get the extra settings cached Element meta = worldConfig.getChild("meta"); if (meta != null) { mapName = meta.getChildText("name"); infoboardObjective.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BOLD + mapName); versionString = meta.getChildText("version"); mapAuthors = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (Element e : meta.getChild("creators").getChildren("creator")) mapAuthors.add(e.getText()); } // set the time limit based on the server config long limit_min = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig().getLong("time-limit", 0L); this.setTimeLimit(60L * limit_min); Element kitsElt = worldConfig.getChild("kits"); kits = Maps.newHashMap(); // parse kits before parsing teams if (kitsElt != null) for (Element kitElt : kitsElt.getChildren("kit")) { PlayerKit kit = new PlayerKit(kitElt); kits.put(kit.getName(), kit); } teams = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Element e : worldConfig.getChild("teams").getChildren("team")) teams.add(AutoRefTeam.fromElement(e, this)); Element eProtect = worldConfig.getChild("protect"); protectedEntities = Sets.newHashSet(); if (eProtect != null) for (Element c : eProtect.getChildren()) try { protectedEntities.add(UUID.fromString(c.getTextTrim())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } // get the start region (safe for both teams, no pvp allowed) assert worldConfig.getChild("startregion") != null; for (Element e : worldConfig.getChild("startregion").getChildren()) addStartRegion(AutoRefRegion.fromElement(this, e)); String attrSpawn = worldConfig.getChild("startregion").getAttributeValue("spawn"); if (attrSpawn != null) setWorldSpawn(LocationUtil.fromCoords(getWorld(), attrSpawn)); String attrSpecSpawn = worldConfig.getChild("startregion").getAttributeValue("spec"); if (attrSpecSpawn != null) setSpectatorSpawn(LocationUtil.fromCoords(getWorld(), attrSpecSpawn)); Element gameplay = worldConfig.getChild("gameplay"); if (gameplay != null) this.parseExtraGameRules(gameplay); Element regElt = worldConfig.getChild("regions"); regions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Element reg : regElt.getChildren()) if (!this.addRegion(AutoRefRegion.fromElement(this, reg))) AutoReferee.log("Region did not load correctly: " + reg.getName(), java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE); Element goals = worldConfig.getChild("goals"); if (goals != null) for (Element teamgoals : goals.getChildren("teamgoals")) { AutoRefTeam team = this.getTeam(teamgoals.getAttributeValue("team")); if (team != null) for (Element gelt : teamgoals.getChildren()) team.addGoal(gelt); } Element mechanisms = worldConfig.getChild("mechanisms"); startMechanisms = Sets.newHashSet(); if (mechanisms != null) for (Element mech : mechanisms.getChildren()) { boolean state = Boolean.parseBoolean(mech.getText()); Location mechloc = LocationUtil.fromCoords(getWorld(), mech.getAttributeValue("pos")); this.toggleStartMech(getWorld().getBlockAt(mechloc), state); } // setup scoreboard for the teams (on next server tick) setupScoreboardObjectives(); } private static Difficulty getDifficulty(String d) { Difficulty diff = Difficulty.valueOf(d.toUpperCase()); try { diff = Difficulty.getByValue(Integer.parseInt(d)); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } return diff; } private void parseExtraGameRules(Element gameplay) { // get the time the match is set to start if (gameplay.getChild("clockstart") != null) { startClock = AutoRefMatch.parseTimeString(gameplay.getChildText("clockstart")); lockTime = gameplay.getChild("clockstart").getAttributeValue("lock") != null; // @since 1.6.1, "doDaylightCycle=false" locks time if (primaryWorld.isGameRule("doDaylightCycle")) { // set the gamerule to lock the time (or don't lock the time, see if I care!) primaryWorld.setGameRuleValue("doDaylightCycle", "" + !lockTime); // disable here to prevent the version based on setting the time lockTime = false; } } // set any specified gamerules (future-proof?) if (gameplay.getChild("gamerules") != null) { for (Element rulenode : gameplay.getChild("gamerule").getChildren()) if (primaryWorld.isGameRule(rulenode.getName())) primaryWorld.setGameRuleValue(rulenode.getName(), rulenode.getTextNormalize()); } // allow or disallow friendly fire if (gameplay.getChild("friendlyfire") != null) setFriendlyFire(Boolean.parseBoolean(gameplay.getChildText("friendlyfire"))); // attempt to set world difficulty as best as possible Difficulty diff = Difficulty.HARD; if (gameplay.getChild("difficulty") != null) diff = getDifficulty(gameplay.getChildText("difficulty")); primaryWorld.setDifficulty(diff); if (gameplay.getChild("maxtime") != null) this.setTimeLimit(TimeGoal.parseTime(gameplay.getChildText("maxtime"))); // respawn mode if (gameplay.getChild("respawn") != null) { String rtext = gameplay.getChildTextTrim("respawn"); RespawnMode rmode = null; if (rtext != null && !rtext.isEmpty()) rmode = RespawnMode.valueOf(rtext.toUpperCase()); setRespawnMode(rmode == null ? RespawnMode.ALLOW : rmode); } if (gameplay.getChild("nocraft") != null) { for (Element item : gameplay.getChild("nocraft").getChildren("item")) this.addIllegalCraft(BlockData.unserialize(item.getAttributeValue("id"))); } if (gameplay.getChild("gamemode") != null) { String gm = gameplay.getChildTextNormalize("gamemode"); this.gamemode = GameMode.valueOf(gm.toUpperCase()); try { this.gamemode = GameMode.getByValue(Integer.parseInt(gm)); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } if (this.gamemode == null) this.gamemode = GameMode.SURVIVAL; } } private void setupScoreboardObjectives() { // defer to prevent exception on server start, // before any worlds are fully loaded new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { // setup the objectives for each team for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) { team.scoreboardObjectives = AutoRefObjective.fromTeam(infoboardObjective, team); if (!team.scoreboardObjectives.isEmpty()) infoboardObjective.setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR); } } // run this task on the next server tick }.runTask(AutoReferee.getInstance()); } /** * Saves copy of autoreferee.xml back to the world folder. */ public void saveWorldConfiguration() { // if for some reason we have disabled the saveConfig flag, // just do nothing. more than likely, trying to save will do more // harm than good, so best to just skip this entirely if (!saveConfig) return; // if there is no configuration object or file, nothin' doin'... if (worldConfig == null) { try { InputStream mapXML = AutoReferee.getInstance().getResource("defaults/map.xml"); worldConfig = new SAXBuilder().build(mapXML).getRootElement(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } else { // get the teams object Element eTeams = worldConfig.getChild("teams"); if (eTeams == null) worldConfig.addContent(eTeams = new Element("team")); // reset the teams to whatever has been saved eTeams.removeContent(); for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) eTeams.addContent(team.toElement()); // get the regions object Element eRegions = worldConfig.getChild("regions"); if (eRegions == null) worldConfig.addContent(eRegions = new Element("regions")); // reset the regions to whatever has been saved eRegions.removeContent(); for (AutoRefRegion reg : this.getRegions()) eRegions.addContent(reg.toElement()); // get startregion object Element eStartRegions = worldConfig.getChild("startregion"); if (getWorldSpawn() != null) eStartRegions.setAttribute("spawn", LocationUtil.toBlockCoordsWithYaw(getWorldSpawn())); if (specSpawn != null) eStartRegions.setAttribute("spec", LocationUtil.toBlockCoordsWithYaw(specSpawn.getCenter())); eStartRegions.removeContent(); for (AutoRefRegion reg : this.getStartRegions()) eStartRegions.addContent(reg.toElement()); // get the protections object Element eProtect = worldConfig.getChild("protect"); if (eProtect == null) worldConfig.addContent(eProtect = new Element("protect")); // reset the protections to whatever has been saved eProtect.removeContent(); for (UUID uid : protectedEntities) eProtect.addContent(new Element("entity").setText(uid.toString())); // get the goals object Element eGoals = worldConfig.getChild("goals"); if (eGoals == null) worldConfig.addContent(eGoals = new Element("goals")); // reset the goals to whatever has been saved eGoals.removeContent(); for (AutoRefTeam team : this.getTeams()) { Element tgoals = new Element("teamgoals") .setAttribute("team", team.getDefaultName()); eGoals.addContent(tgoals); for (AutoRefGoal goal : team.getTeamGoals()) tgoals.addContent(goal.toElement()); } // get the mechanisms object Element eMechanisms = worldConfig.getChild("mechanisms"); if (eMechanisms == null) worldConfig.addContent(eMechanisms = new Element("mechanisms")); // reset the mechanisms to whatever has been saved eMechanisms.removeContent(); for (StartMechanism mech : this.startMechanisms) eMechanisms.addContent(mech.toElement()); Element eGameplay = worldConfig.getChild("gameplay"); if (eGameplay == null) worldConfig.addContent(eGameplay = new Element("gameplay")); if (this.prohibitCraft.size() > 0) { Element eNoCraft = eGameplay.getChild("nocraft"); if (eNoCraft == null) eGameplay.addContent(eNoCraft = new Element("nocraft")); eNoCraft.removeContent(); for (BlockData bd : prohibitCraft) { Element nocraft = new Element("item").setText(bd.getName()); eNoCraft.addContent(nocraft.setAttribute("id", bd.serialize())); } } } // save the configuration file back to the original filename try { XMLOutputter xmlout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlout.output(worldConfig, new FileOutputStream(worldConfigFile)); } // log errors, report which world did not save catch ( e) { AutoReferee.log("Could not save world config: " + primaryWorld.getName()); } } /** * Sends a referee plugin channel message to all referees, properly delimited. */ public void messageReferees(String { for (Player ref : getReferees(false)) messageReferee(ref, parts); // if there is a URI set for a node server receiving match messages, send if (AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig().isSet("node-api-url")) try { String url = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig().getString("node-api-url"); QueryUtil.syncPutQuery(url, QueryUtil.prepareParams(ImmutableMap.of( "msg", StringUtils.join(parts, SpectatorListener.DELIMITER), "world", getWorld().getName() ))); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } /** * Sends a referee plugin channel message to a specific referee, properly delimited. * * @param ref referee to recieve the plugin channel message */ public static void messageReferee(Player ref, String { try { ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(b); String msg = StringUtils.join(parts, SpectatorListener.DELIMITER); //ASSUMING UTF out.writeUTF(msg); ref.sendPluginMessage(AutoReferee.getInstance(), AutoReferee.REFEREE_PLUGIN_CHANNEL, b.toByteArray()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { AutoReferee.log("Unsupported encoding: " + AutoReferee.PLUGIN_CHANNEL_ENC); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Sends all information to a single referee necessary to sync a match's current status. * * @param ref referee to receive the plugin channel messages */ public void updateReferee(Player ref) { messageReferee(ref, "match", getWorld().getName(), "init"); messageReferee(ref, "match", getWorld().getName(), "map", getMapName()); if (getCurrentState().inProgress()) messageReferee(ref, "match", getWorld().getName(), "time", getTimestamp(",")); for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) { messageReferee(ref, "team", team.getName(), "init"); messageReferee(ref, "team", team.getName(), "color", team.getColor().toString()); for (AutoRefGoal goal : team.getTeamGoals()) goal.updateReferee(ref); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : team.getPlayers()) { messageReferee(ref, "team", team.getName(), "player", "+" + apl.getName()); updateRefereePlayerInfo(ref, apl); } } } private void updateRefereePlayerInfo(Player ref, AutoRefPlayer apl) { messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "kills", Integer.toString(apl.getKills())); messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "deaths", Integer.toString(apl.getDeathCount())); messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "streak", Integer.toString(apl.getStreak())); apl.sendAccuracyUpdate(ref); Player pl = apl.getPlayer(); if (pl != null) { messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "hp", Integer.toString((int) pl.getHealth())); messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "armor", Integer.toString(ArmorPoints.fromPlayer(pl))); } for (AutoRefPlayer en : getPlayers()) if (apl.isDominating(en)) messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "dominate", en.getName()); messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), apl.isOnline() ? "login" : "logout"); messageReferee(ref, "player", apl.getName(), "cape", apl.getCape()); } private class ItemElevatorDetectionTask extends BukkitRunnable { private static final long INTERVAL = 5L; private static final double DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1.8; private static final double YDELTA_THRESHOLD = 0.8; private Map<UUID, Location> itemLocations = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<UUID, Location> lastStoppedLocation = Maps.newHashMap(); @Override public void run() { for (Entity e : getWorld().getEntitiesByClasses(Item.class)) { Item item = (Item) e; UUID uuid = item.getUniqueId(); Location prev = itemLocations.get(uuid); Location curr = e.getLocation(); Location stop = lastStoppedLocation.get(uuid); if (prev == null) continue; boolean pass = TeleportationUtil.isBlockPassable(curr.getBlock()); // if the item is moving upwards and is currently in a passable double ydelta = curr.getY() - prev.getY(); if (ydelta > YDELTA_THRESHOLD && !pass && !elevatedItem.containsKey(uuid)) elevatedItem.put(uuid, false); double dy = stop == null ? 0.0 : curr.getY() - stop.getY(); if (elevatedItem.containsKey(uuid) && dy >= DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) elevatedItem.put(uuid, true); if (ydelta < 0.001) { // record the last location it was stopped at lastStoppedLocation.put(uuid, curr); boolean atrest = !TeleportationUtil.isBlockPassable(curr.getBlock().getRelative(0, -1, 0)); if (elevatedItem.containsKey(uuid) && elevatedItem.get(uuid) && atrest) { // if the item didn't elevate high enough, don't worry about it if (dy < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) { elevatedItem.remove(uuid); continue; } setLastNotificationLocation(curr); String coords = LocationUtil.toBlockCoords(curr); String msg = ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + String.format( "Possible Item Elevator @ (%s) [y%+d] %s", coords, Math.round(dy), new BlockData(item.getItemStack()).getDisplayName()); for (Player ref : getReferees()) ref.sendMessage(msg); AutoReferee.log(msg); } } } itemLocations.clear(); for (Entity e : getWorld().getEntitiesByClasses(Item.class)) itemLocations.put(e.getUniqueId(), e.getLocation()); } } public Map<UUID, Boolean> elevatedItem = Maps.newHashMap(); protected ItemElevatorDetectionTask itemElevatorDetectionTask = null; /** * Sends a message to all players in this match, including referees and streamers. * * @param msgs messages to be sent */ public void broadcast(String ...msgs) { for (String msg : msgs) { if (AutoReferee.getInstance().isConsoleLoggingEnabled()) AutoReferee.log(ChatColor.stripColor(msg)); for (Player p : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) p.sendMessage(msg); } } private SyncBroadcastTask broadcastTask = new SyncBroadcastTask(); /** * Force a broadcast to be sent synchronously. Safe to use from an asynchronous task. * * @param msgs messages to be sent */ public void broadcastSync(String ...msgs) { for (String msg : msgs) broadcastTask.addMessage(msg); try { broadcastTask.runTask(AutoReferee.getInstance()); } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) { } } private class SyncBroadcastTask extends BukkitRunnable { private List<String> msgQueue = Lists.newLinkedList(); public SyncBroadcastTask addMessage(String message) { msgQueue.add(message); return this; } @Override public void run() { AutoRefMatch.this.broadcastTask = new SyncBroadcastTask(); AutoRefMatch.this.broadcast(msgQueue.toArray(new String[msgQueue.size()])); msgQueue.clear(); } } /** * Removes any non-alphanumeric characters from a map name. Prepares a map name * to be used as a file name or a target in a chat command. * * @param name original map name * @return normalized version of map name */ public static String normalizeMapName(String name) { return name == null ? null : name.replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", ""); } /** * Assigns a world a match object. Best suited for retro-fitting worlds that * have already been loaded. * * @param world loaded AutoReferee-compatible world * @param tmp whether this world should be unloaded when the match completes */ public static void setupWorld(World world, boolean tmp) { // if this map isn't compatible with AutoReferee, quit... if (AutoReferee.getInstance().getMatch(world) != null || !isCompatible(world)) return; AutoReferee.getInstance().addMatch(new AutoRefMatch(world, tmp, MatchStatus.WAITING)); } private static final File PACKAGING_DIRECTORY = FileUtils.getTempDirectory(); private static class FilenameSetFilter implements FilenameFilter { private final Set<String> names; public FilenameSetFilter(final Set<String> names) { this.names = names; } @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return names.contains(filename); } } private static final IOFileFilter DATA_FOLDER_FILTER = FileFilterUtils.asFileFilter(new FilenameSetFilter(Sets.newHashSet ( "scoreboard.dat" , "scoreboard.xml" ))); /** * Archives this map and stores a clean copy in the map library. Clears unnecessary * files and attempts to generate a minimal copy of the map, ready for distribution. * * @return root folder of the archived map * @throws IOException if archive cannot be created */ private File archiveMapData() throws IOException { this.clearEntities(); primaryWorld.setTime(this.getStartClock()); // save the world and configuration first, then archive; this.saveWorldConfiguration(); // make sure the folder exists first File archiveFolder = new File(PACKAGING_DIRECTORY, this.getVersionString()); if (!archiveFolder.exists()) FileUtils.forceMkdir(archiveFolder); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(archiveFolder); // (1) copy the configuration file: FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( new File(getWorld().getWorldFolder(), AutoReferee.CFG_FILENAME), archiveFolder); // (2) copy the level.dat: FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( new File(getWorld().getWorldFolder(), "level.dat"), archiveFolder); // (3) copy the region folder (only the .mca files): FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(getWorld().getWorldFolder(), "region"), new File(archiveFolder, "region"), FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".mca")); // (4) make an empty data folder: FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(getWorld().getWorldFolder(), "data"), new File(archiveFolder, "data"), DATA_FOLDER_FILTER); return archiveFolder; } private static void addToZip(ZipOutputStream zip, File f, File base) throws IOException { zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(base.toURI().relativize(f.toURI()).getPath())); if (f.isDirectory()) for (File c : f.listFiles()) addToZip(zip, c, base); else IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(f), zip); } /** * Packages and compresses (zip) map folder for easy distribution. * * @return generated zip file * @throws IOException if map cannot be archived */ public File distributeMap() throws IOException { File archiveFolder = this.archiveMapData(); File outZipfile = new File(AutoRefMap.getMapLibrary(), this.getVersionString() + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outZipfile))); zip.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED); addToZip(zip, archiveFolder, PACKAGING_DIRECTORY); zip.close(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(archiveFolder); return outZipfile; } private class WorldFolderDeleter extends BukkitRunnable { private File worldFolder; private int deleteAttempts = 5; WorldFolderDeleter(World w) { this.worldFolder = w.getWorldFolder(); } @Override public void run() { World world = AutoReferee.getInstance().getServer().getWorld(worldFolder.getName()); if (world == null && worldFolder.exists()) try { // if we fail, we loop back around again on the next try... FileUtils.deleteDirectory(worldFolder); AutoReferee.log(worldFolder.getName() + " deleted!"); } catch (IOException e) { if (deleteAttempts-- > 0) AutoReferee.log("File lock held on " + worldFolder.getName()); } // stop the repeating task if the file is gone if (!worldFolder.exists()) this.cancel(); } } protected class PlayerEjectTask extends BukkitRunnable { private Player player; private Location target; protected PlayerEjectTask(Player player, Location target) { this.player = player; = target; } @Override public void run() { player.teleport(target); } } public void ejectPlayer(Player player) { PlayerMatchLeaveEvent event = new PlayerMatchLeaveEvent(player, this); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; // resets the player to default state PlayerUtil.reset(player); // if there is a lobby to teleport them, do so World target = AutoReferee.getInstance().getLobbyWorld(); if (target == null) for (World w : Bukkit.getWorlds()) if (!AutoRefMatch.isCompatible(w)) { target = w; break; } if (target != null) { PlayerUtil.setGameMode(player, GameMode.SURVIVAL); new PlayerEjectTask(player, target.getSpawnLocation()).runTask(AutoReferee.getInstance()); } // otherwise, kick them from the server else player.kickPlayer(AutoReferee.COMPLETED_KICK_MESSAGE); } /** * Unloads and cleans up this match. Players will be teleported out or kicked, * the map will be unloaded, and the map folder may be deleted. */ public void destroy(MatchUnloadEvent.Reason reason) { // fire match unload event MatchUnloadEvent event = new MatchUnloadEvent(this, reason); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; // for cleanup purposes, BEFORE we eject all of the players this.messageReferees("world", getWorld().getName(), "destroy"); // first, handle all the players for (Player p : primaryWorld.getPlayers()) this.ejectPlayer(p); // if everyone has been moved out of this world, clean it up if (primaryWorld.getPlayers().size() == 0) { // if this is OUR world (we can delete it if we want) AutoReferee plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); if (this.isTemporaryWorld()) { plugin.clearMatch(this); this.countTask.cancel(); plugin.getServer().unloadWorld(primaryWorld, false); if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("save-worlds", false)) new WorldFolderDeleter(primaryWorld).runTaskTimer(plugin, 0L, 10 * 20L); } } } /** * Checks if a item is prohibited from crafting. * * @param blockdata block data object for the item being queried * @return true if item may be crafted, otherwise false */ public boolean canCraft(BlockData blockdata) { for (BlockData nc : prohibitCraft) if (nc.equals(blockdata)) return false; return true; } /** * Prohibits an item from being crafted during a match. * * @param blockdata block data object for the prohibited item */ public void addIllegalCraft(BlockData blockdata) { this.prohibitCraft.add(blockdata); this.broadcast("Crafting " + blockdata.getDisplayName() + " is now prohibited"); } /** * Gets an arbitrary team, attempting to maintain balanced teams if possible. * * @return an arbitrary team */ public AutoRefTeam getArbitraryTeam() { // minimum size of any one team, and an array to hold valid teams int minsize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; List<AutoRefTeam> vteams = Lists.newArrayList(); // determine the size of the smallest team for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) if (team.getPlayers().size() < minsize) minsize = team.getPlayers().size(); // make a list of all teams with this size for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) if (team.getPlayers().size() == minsize) vteams.add(team); // return a random element from this list return vteams.get(new Random().nextInt(vteams.size())); } private Set<AutoRefRegion> regions; public Set<AutoRefRegion> getRegions() { return regions; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends AutoRefRegion> Set<T> getRegions(Class<T> clazz) { Set<T> typedRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefRegion reg : regions) if (clazz.isInstance(reg)) typedRegions.add((T) reg); return typedRegions; } public Set<AutoRefRegion> getRegions(AutoRefTeam team) { Set<AutoRefRegion> teamRegions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefRegion reg : regions) if (reg.isOwner(team)) teamRegions.add(reg); return teamRegions; } public boolean addRegion(AutoRefRegion reg) { return reg != null && !regions.contains(reg) && regions.add(reg); } /** * A redstone mechanism necessary to start a match. * * @author authorblues */ public static class StartMechanism { private Block block = null; private BlockState state = null; private boolean flip = true; public StartMechanism(Block block, boolean flip) { this.flip = flip; this.block = block; state = block.getState(); } public Element toElement() { return new Element(state.getType().name().toLowerCase()) .setAttribute("pos", LocationUtil.toBlockCoords(block.getLocation())) .setText(Boolean.toString(flip)); } @Override public int hashCode() { return block.hashCode() ^ state.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof StartMechanism) && hashCode() == o.hashCode(); } public String serialize() { return LocationUtil.toBlockCoords(block.getLocation()) + ":" + Boolean.toString(flip); } @Override public String toString() { return state.getType().name() + "(" + this.serialize() + ")"; } public Block getBlock() { return block; } public BlockState getBlockState() { return state; } public boolean getFlippedPosition() { return flip; } public boolean active() { MaterialData bdata = state.getData(); if (bdata instanceof Redstone) return flip == ((Redstone) bdata).isPowered(); if (bdata instanceof PressureSensor) return flip == ((PressureSensor) bdata).isPressed(); return false; } public boolean canFlip(AutoRefMatch match) { MatchStatus mstate = match.getCurrentState(); return !mstate.isBeforeMatch() && !active(); } } static final Set<Material> EXPECTED_MECHANISMS = Sets.newHashSet ( Material.LEVER , Material.STONE_BUTTON , Material.WOOD_BUTTON , Material.STONE_PLATE , Material.WOOD_PLATE ); /** * Adds a new start mechanism for this map. These mechanisms are activated automatically * at the start of a match when using SportBukkit, and players may interact with them * normally in the start region when using vanilla CraftBukkit. * * @param block block containing the start mechanism * @param state intended state of the redstone mechanism * @return generated start mechanism object * @see <a href="">SportBukkit</a> */ public StartMechanism toggleStartMech(Block block, boolean state) { StartMechanism sm = new StartMechanism(block, state); boolean adding = startMechanisms.add(sm); if (!adding) { startMechanisms.remove(sm); return null; } if (!EXPECTED_MECHANISMS.contains(block.getType())) AutoReferee.log("Unexpected start mechanism: " + block.getType().name(), Level.WARNING); return sm; } /** * Adds a new start mechanism for this map. These mechanisms are activated automatically * at the start of a match when using SportBukkit, and players may interact with them * normally in the start region when using vanilla CraftBukkit. * * @param block block containing the start mechanism * @return generated start mechanism object * @see <a href="">SportBukkit</a> */ public StartMechanism toggleStartMech(Block block) { boolean state = block.getType() != Material.LEVER || ((Redstone) block.getState().getData()).isPowered(); return this.toggleStartMech(block, state); } /** * Gets the start mechanism associated with this location. * * @return start mechanism located at that position, otherwise null */ public StartMechanism getStartMechanism(Block block) { if (block == null) return null; for (StartMechanism sm : startMechanisms) if (block.equals(sm.getBlock())) return sm; return null; } /** * Checks if a specified block location is a start mechanism for this match. * * @return true if a start mechanism is located at that position, otherwise false */ public boolean isStartMechanism(Block block) { return getStartMechanism(block) != null; } /** * Parameters necessary to configure a match. * <p> * This class is serialized in through JSON. * <p> * TODO allow modification thru commands during map publication prep? * * @author authorblues */ public static class MatchParams implements Serializable { public static class TeamInfo { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } private List<String> players; public List<String> getPlayers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(players); } } // info about all the teams private List<TeamInfo> teams; public List<TeamInfo> getTeams() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(teams); } // match tag for reporting private String tag; public String getTag() { return tag; } // map name private String map; public String getMap() { return map; } } /** * Starts the match. */ protected void _startMatch() { // set up the world time one last time primaryWorld.setTime(startClock); this.setStartTime(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime()); addEvent(new TranscriptEvent(this, TranscriptEvent.EventType.MATCH_START, "Match began.", null)); // send referees the start event messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "start"); // remove all mobs, animals, and items (again) this.clearEntities(); // loop through all the redstone mechanisms required to start for (StartMechanism sm : startMechanisms) { MaterialData mdata = sm.getBlockState().getData(); switch (sm.getBlockState().getType()) { case LEVER: // flip the lever to the correct state ((Lever) mdata).setPowered(sm.getFlippedPosition()); break; case STONE_BUTTON: // press (or depress) the button ((Button) mdata).setPowered(sm.getFlippedPosition()); break; case WOOD_PLATE: case STONE_PLATE: // press (or depress) the pressure plate ((PressurePlate) mdata).setData((byte)(sm.getFlippedPosition() ? 0x1 : 0x0)); break; default: break; } // save the block state and fire an update sm.getBlockState().setData(mdata); sm.getBlockState().update(true); // FIXME BUKKIT-1858 if (!SportBukkitUtil.hasSportBukkitApi()) { // Determine attached block BlockFace face = BlockFace.SELF; if (mdata instanceof Attachable) { face = ((Attachable) mdata).getAttachedFace(); } else if (mdata instanceof PressurePlate) { face = BlockFace.DOWN; } // Apply a force-update to the attached block Block atch = sm.getBlock().getRelative(face); BlockState stat = atch.getState(); // Store the state, to reapply it // Trying to update with no changes does nothing, so we first set it to air, with no physics (so that the mechanism doesn't come off). atch.setTypeId(0, false); stat.update(true); } } // reset enderchests and bed spawns for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) { Player player = apl.getPlayer(); PlayerUtil.clearEnderChest(player); PlayerUtil.clearBedSpawn(player); } // set teams as started for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) team.startMatch(); if (specSpawn != null) for (Player spec : this.getSpectators()) if (this.inStartRegion(spec.getLocation())) spec.teleport(specSpawn.getLocation()); for (Player spec : this.getSpectators()) { spec.getInventory().setItem(0, new ItemStack(SpectatorListener.ToolAction.SPECTATOR_TELEPORT.tooltype)); spec.getInventory().setItem(1, new ItemStack(SpectatorListener.ToolAction.SPECTATOR_CYCLE.tooltype)); } // set the current state to playing setCurrentState(MatchStatus.PLAYING); // match minute timer AutoReferee plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); clockTask = new MatchClockTask(); clockTask.runTaskTimer(plugin, 20L, 20L); if (plugin.playedMapsTracker != null) plugin.playedMapsTracker.increment(normalizeMapName(this.getMapName())); } // handle to the clock task protected MatchClockTask clockTask; protected class MatchClockTask extends BukkitRunnable { private Set<Long> announceMinutes = Sets.newHashSet(60L, 30L, 10L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 2L, 1L); public void run() { AutoRefMatch match = AutoRefMatch.this; if (match.hasTimeLimit()) { long secondsRemaining = match.getTimeRemaining(); if (secondsRemaining <= 0L) { String timelimit = (match.getTimeLimit() / 60L) + " min"; match.addEvent(new TranscriptEvent(match, TranscriptEvent.EventType.MATCH_END, "Match time limit reached: " + timelimit, null)); match.endMatch(); } else { long minutesRemaining = secondsRemaining / 60L - 1; if (announceMinutes.contains(minutesRemaining)) { match.broadcast(">>> " + ChatColor.GREEN + "Match ends in " + minutesRemaining + "m"); announceMinutes.remove(minutesRemaining); } } } // send clock updates to ensure that client hud stays sync'd messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "time", getTimestamp(",")); if (lockTime) primaryWorld.setTime(startClock); AutoRefMatch.this.checkWinConditions(); } } private int getVanishLevel(Player p) { // if this person is a player, lowest vanish level if (isPlayer(p)) return 0; // streamers are ONLY able to see streamers and players if (isStreamer(p)) return 1; // referees have the highest vanish level (see everything) if (isReferee(p)) return 200; // spectators can only be seen by referees return 100; } // either vanish or show the player `subj` from perspective of `view` protected void setupVanish(Player view, Player subj) { if (isSpectator(subj) && getSpectator(subj).isInvisible()) view.hidePlayer(subj); if (getVanishLevel(view) < getVanishLevel(subj) && this.getCurrentState().inProgress()) view.hidePlayer(subj); else view.showPlayer(subj); } /** * Reconfigures spectator mode for all connected players. */ public void setupSpectators() { for ( Player pl : getWorld().getPlayers() ) setupSpectators(pl); } /** * Reconfigures spectator mode for a single player. Useful for updating all * players when one player logs in. * * @param player player to configure spectator mode for */ public void setupSpectators(Player player) { if (getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch()) setSpectatorMode(player, isReferee(player) || isPreviewMode()); else setSpectatorMode(player, !isPlayer(player) || getCurrentState().isAfterMatch()); // redo visibility setupVisibility(player); // if this player is a spectator if (isSpectator(player)) { // apply night vision if necessary AutoRefSpectator s = getSpectator(player); if (s.hasNightVision()) s.applyNightVision(); } } /** * Reconfigures visibility, to and from the specified player. */ public void setupVisibility(Player player) { for ( Player x : getWorld().getPlayers() ) { // setup vanish in both directions setupVanish(player, x); setupVanish(x, player); } } /** * Sets whether a specified player is in spectator mode, explicitly setting gamemode. * * @param player player to set spectator mode for * @param spec true to set spectator mode on, false to set spectator mode off */ public void setSpectatorMode(Player player, boolean spec) { PlayerUtil.setSpectatorSettings(player, spec, this.gamemode); player.setScoreboard(spec ? getInfoboard() : getScoreboard()); for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) team.updateObjectives(); if (!player.getAllowFlight()) player.setFallDistance(0.0f); SportBukkitUtil.setAffectsSpawning(player, !spec); boolean noEntityCollide = spec && getCurrentState().inProgress(); SportBukkitUtil.setCollidesWithEntities(player, !noEntityCollide); } /** * Removes unprotected entities from the world. */ public void clearEntities() { for (Entity e : primaryWorld.getEntitiesByClasses(Projectile.class, Item.class, Monster.class, Animals.class, Ambient.class, ExperienceOrb.class)) if (!protectedEntities.contains(e.getUniqueId())) e.remove(); } /** * Checks if the match start countdown is running. * * @return true if the countdown is in progress, otherwise false */ public boolean isCountdownRunning() { return matchStarter != null; } /** * Cancels the match countdown in progress. */ public void cancelCountdown() { if (isCountdownRunning()) matchStarter.cancel(); matchStarter = null; } // helper class for starting match, synchronous task private static class CountdownTask extends BukkitRunnable { public static final ChatColor COLOR = ChatColor.GREEN; private int remainingSeconds = 3; private AutoRefMatch match = null; private boolean start = false; public CountdownTask(AutoRefMatch m, int time, boolean start) { match = m; remainingSeconds = time; this.start = start; } public void run() { if (remainingSeconds <= 0) { // setup world to go! if (this.start) match._startMatch(); match.broadcast(">>> " + CountdownTask.COLOR + "GO!"); // cancel the task match.cancelCountdown(); } else if (remainingSeconds <= 3) { // report number of seconds remaining match.broadcast( ">>> " + CountdownTask.COLOR + Integer.toString(remainingSeconds) + "..."); } // count down --remainingSeconds; } } // prepare this world to start public void startMatch(MatchStartEvent.Reason reason) { // match has already started, don't try to start it again if (!this.getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch()) return; MatchStartEvent event = new MatchStartEvent(this, reason); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (!refereeReady && event.isCancelled()) return; // nothing to do if the countdown is running if (isCountdownRunning()) return; // update all the objectives for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) team.updateObjectives(); // set the current time to the start time primaryWorld.setTime(this.startClock); // remove all mobs, animals, and items this.clearEntities(); // turn off weather forever (or for a long time) primaryWorld.setStorm(false); primaryWorld.setWeatherDuration(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // prepare all players for the match for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) apl.heal(); // announce the match starting in X seconds int readyDelay = this.getReadyDelay(); this.broadcast(CountdownTask.COLOR + "Match will begin in " + ChatColor.WHITE + Integer.toString(readyDelay) + CountdownTask.COLOR + " seconds."); // send referees countdown notification messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "countdown", Integer.toString(readyDelay)); startCountdown(readyDelay, true); // save a copy of the map image quickly before the match starts... saveMapImage(); // TODO put this behind a config option itemElevatorDetectionTask = new ItemElevatorDetectionTask(); itemElevatorDetectionTask.runTaskTimer(AutoReferee.getInstance(), 0L, ItemElevatorDetectionTask.INTERVAL); } /** * Starts a countdown. * * @param delay number of seconds before end of countdown * @param start true if countdown should start match, otherwise false */ public void startCountdown(int delay, boolean start) { // cancel any previous match-start task this.cancelCountdown(); // schedule the task to announce and prepare the match this.matchStarter = new CountdownTask(this, delay, start); this.matchStarter.runTaskTimer(AutoReferee.getInstance(), 0L, 20L); } /** * Checks if teams have any players missing and are ready to play. */ public void checkTeamsReady() { // this function is only useful if called prior to the match if (!getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch()) return; // if there are no players on the server if (getPlayers().isEmpty()) { // set all the teams to not ready and status as waiting for ( AutoRefTeam t : teams ) t.setReady(false); setCurrentState(MatchStatus.WAITING); return; } // check if all the players are here boolean ready = true; for ( String name : getExpectedPlayers() ) { OfflinePlayer opl = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name); ready &= opl.isOnline() && isPlayer(opl.getPlayer()) && getPlayer(opl.getPlayer()).isPresent(); } // set status based on whether the players are online setCurrentState(ready ? MatchStatus.READY : MatchStatus.WAITING); } /** * Checks if teams and referees are ready for the match to start. */ public void checkTeamsStart() { boolean teamsReady = true; for ( AutoRefTeam t : teams ) teamsReady &= t.isReady(); boolean ready = getReferees().size() == 0 ? teamsReady : isRefereeReady(); if (teamsReady && !ready) for (Player p : getReferees()) p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Teams are ready. Type /ready to begin the match."); // everyone is ready, let's go! if (ready) this.startMatch(MatchStartEvent.Reason.READY); } /** * Checks if any team has satisfied the win conditions. */ public void checkWinConditions() { Plugin plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable(){ public void run(){ _checkWinConditions(); } }); } private void _checkWinConditions() { if (!getCurrentState().inProgress()) { return; } Set<AutoRefTeam> winningTeams = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AutoRefTeam team : this.teams) { // pass this information along to the scoreboard team.updateObjectives(); // if there are no win conditions set, skip this team if (team.getTeamGoals().size() == 0) continue; // check all win condition blocks (AND together) boolean win = true; for (AutoRefGoal goal : team.getTeamGoals()) win &= goal.isSatisfied(this); // force an update of objective status team.updateBlockGoals(); // if the team won, mark the match as completed if (win) winningTeams.add(team); } // if there is one "winning" team, they win if (winningTeams.size() == 1) endMatch(Iterables.getOnlyElement(winningTeams)); // if we are just waiting for this match to end, check always else if (currentlyTied) endMatch(); } // helper class for terminating world, synchronous task private class MatchUnloadTask extends BukkitRunnable { public void run() { destroy(MatchUnloadEvent.Reason.COMPLETE); } } private static class TiebreakerComparator implements Comparator<AutoRefTeam> { public int compare(AutoRefTeam a, AutoRefTeam b) { // break ties based on goal scores (FIXME) return (int) Math.signum(b.getObjectiveScore() - a.getObjectiveScore()); } } /** * Ends match, allowing AutoReferee to break ties according to its own policies. */ public void endMatch() { TiebreakerComparator cmp = new TiebreakerComparator(); List<AutoRefTeam> sortedTeams = Lists.newArrayList(getTeams()); // sort the teams based on their "score" Collections.sort(sortedTeams, cmp); if (0 !=, sortedTeams.get(1))) { endMatch(sortedTeams.get(0)); return; } if (AutoRefMatch.areTiesAllowed()) { endMatch(null); return; } if (currentlyTied) return; currentlyTied = true; // let the console know that the match cannot be ruled upon AutoReferee.log("Match tied. Deferring to referee intervention..."); for (Player ref : getReferees()) { ref.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "This match is currently tied."); ref.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "Use '/autoref endmatch <team>' to declare a winner."); } if (clockTask != null) clockTask.cancel(); } /** * Ends match in favor of a specified team. * * @param team winning team, or null for no winner */ public void endMatch(AutoRefTeam team) { MatchCompleteEvent event = new MatchCompleteEvent(this, team); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; AutoReferee plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); // update winner from the match complete event team = event.getWinner(); // announce the victory and set the match to completed if (team != null) this.broadcast(team.getDisplayName() + " Wins!"); else this.broadcast("Match terminated!"); // don't have to delay this anymore :) clearEntities(); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) { Player pl = apl.getPlayer(); if (pl == null) continue; pl.getInventory().clear(); // reset bed spawns PlayerUtil.clearBedSpawn(pl); } // update the client clock to ensure it syncs with match summary messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "time", getTimestamp(",")); this.recordedTime = this.getElapsedSeconds(); // send referees the end event if (team != null) messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "end", team.getName()); else messageReferees("match", getWorld().getName(), "end"); // reset and report kill streaks for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) apl.resetKillStreak(); String winner = team == null ? "" : (" " + team.getName() + " wins!"); addEvent(new TranscriptEvent(this, TranscriptEvent.EventType.MATCH_END, "Match ended." + winner, null)); setCurrentState(MatchStatus.COMPLETED); setWinningTeam(team); logPlayerStats(); if (clockTask != null) clockTask.cancel(); int termDelay = plugin.getConfig().getInt( "delay-seconds.completed", COMPLETED_SECONDS); if (plugin.getLobbyWorld() != null) new MatchUnloadTask().runTaskLater(plugin, termDelay * 20L); if (itemElevatorDetectionTask != null) itemElevatorDetectionTask.cancel(); itemElevatorDetectionTask = null; // set the time to day getWorld().setTime(0L); } /** * Finds a team whose name matches the given string. * * @param name team name to look up, either custom team name or base team name * @return team object matching the name if one exists, otherwise null */ public AutoRefTeam getTeam(String name) { AutoRefTeam mteam = null; int bsz = 0; // if there is no match on that world, forget it // is this team name a word? for (AutoRefTeam t : teams) { // get the "match size" int msz = t.matches(name); // update the best match (null if multiple matches) if (msz > bsz) { mteam = t; bsz = msz; } else if (msz == bsz) mteam = null; } // return the matched team (or null if no match) return mteam; } /** * Finds a team whose scoreboard team name matches the given string. * * @param name scoreboard team name to look up * @return team object matching the name if one exists, otherwise null */ public AutoRefTeam getScoreboardTeam(String name) { for (AutoRefTeam t : teams) if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getScoreboardTeamName())) return t; return null; } Set<String> expectedPlayers = Sets.newHashSet(); public Set<String> getExpectedPlayers() { Set<String> eps = Sets.newHashSet(expectedPlayers); for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) eps.addAll(team.getExpectedPlayers()); return eps; } protected Map<String, String> playerCapes = Maps.newHashMap(); public void addCape(String name, String cape) { playerCapes.put(name.toLowerCase(), cape); } /** * Adds a player to the list of expected players, without a team affiliation. */ public void addExpectedPlayer(OfflinePlayer opl) { expectedPlayers.add(opl.getName().toLowerCase()); } /** * Gets the team the specified player is expected to join. * * @return team player is expected to join, otherwise null */ public AutoRefTeam expectedTeam(OfflinePlayer opl) { String name = opl.getName().toLowerCase(); for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) if (team.getExpectedPlayers().contains(name)) return team; return null; } /** * Checks if the specified player is expected to join this match. * * @return true if player is expected, otherwise false */ public boolean isPlayerExpected(OfflinePlayer opl) { return getExpectedPlayers().contains(opl.getName().toLowerCase()); } /** * Removes a specified player from any expected player lists for this match. */ public void removeExpectedPlayer(OfflinePlayer opl) { String name = opl.getName().toLowerCase(); for (AutoRefTeam t : teams) t.getExpectedPlayers().remove(name); expectedPlayers.remove(name); } /** * Teleports a player to a match they have been added to, joining the team inviting them. */ public void joinMatch(Player player) { PlayerMatchJoinEvent event = new PlayerMatchJoinEvent(player, this); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; // if already here, skip this if (this.isPlayer(player)) return; // if this player needs to be placed on a team, go for it AutoRefTeam team = this.expectedTeam(player); if (team != null) this.joinTeam(player, team, PlayerTeamJoinEvent.Reason.EXPECTED, false); // otherwise, get them into the world else if (player.getWorld() != this.getWorld()) player.teleport(this.getPlayerSpawn(player)); // remove name from all lists this.removeExpectedPlayer(player); this.checkTeamsReady(); } /** * Adds a player to the specified team. Removes the player from any other teams first, * if necessary. Roster changes are restricted while a match is in progress, unless forced. * * @param player player to be added to team * @param team team to add player to * @param force should player be added to team, even if match is in progress * @return true if player was added to team, otherwise false */ public boolean joinTeam(Player player, AutoRefTeam team, PlayerTeamJoinEvent.Reason reason, boolean force) { AutoRefTeam pteam = getPlayerTeam(player); if (team == pteam) return true; if (pteam != null) pteam.leave(player, force); return team.join(player, reason, force); } /** * Removes player from all teams. * * @param player player to be removed * @param force should player be removed, even if match is in progress */ public void leaveTeam(Player player, boolean force) { for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) team.leave(player, force); } private List<String> sortedPlayers; protected void updatePlayerList() { sortedPlayers = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) sortedPlayers.add(apl.getName()); Collections.sort(sortedPlayers); } protected String getCycleNextPlayer(String name) { return getCycleRelativePlayer(name, +1); } protected String getCyclePrevPlayer(String name) { return getCycleRelativePlayer(name, -1); } private String getCycleRelativePlayer(String name, int z) { if (name == null) return sortedPlayers.get(0); int k = Collections.binarySearch(sortedPlayers, name); int len = sortedPlayers.size(); return sortedPlayers.get((k + len + z) % len); } public enum RespawnMode { ALLOW, BEDS_ONLY, DISALLOW } private RespawnMode respawnMode = RespawnMode.ALLOW; public RespawnMode getRespawnMode() { return respawnMode; } public void setRespawnMode(RespawnMode mode) { this.respawnMode = mode; } /** * Eliminates player from the match. */ public void eliminatePlayer(Player player) { AutoRefTeam team = getPlayerTeam(player); if (team == null) return; String name = this.getDisplayName(player); if (!team.leaveQuietly(player)) return; this.broadcast(name + " has been eliminated!"); if (!this.playersBecomeSpectators) this.ejectPlayer(player); this.checkWinConditions(); } /** * Gets AutoRefPlayer object associated with a given player. * * @param name player name * @return matching AutoRefPlayer object, or null if no match */ public AutoRefPlayer getPlayer(String name) { AutoRefPlayer bapl = null; if (name != null) { int score, b = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) { score = apl.nameSearch(name); if (score < b) { b = score; bapl = apl; } } } return bapl; } /** * Gets AutoRefPlayer object associated with a given player. * * @return matching AutoRefPlayer object, or null if no match */ public AutoRefPlayer getPlayer(OfflinePlayer player) { return player == null ? null : getPlayer(player.getName()); } /** * Checks if the specified player is on a team * * @return true if player is on a team, otherwise false */ public boolean isPlayer(OfflinePlayer pl) { return getPlayer(pl) != null; } /** * Gets the player nearest to a specified location. * * @return player object for closest player, or null if no players */ public AutoRefPlayer getNearestPlayer(Location loc) { AutoRefPlayer apl = null; double distance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (AutoRefPlayer a : getPlayers()) { Player pl = a.getPlayer(); if (pl == null || pl.getWorld() != loc.getWorld()) continue; double d = loc.distanceSquared(pl.getLocation()); if (d < distance) { apl = a; distance = d; } } return apl; } /** * Gets the team for a specified player. * * @return associated team object if one exists, otherwise null */ public AutoRefTeam getPlayerTeam(Player player) { for (AutoRefTeam team : teams) if (team.getPlayer(player) != null) return team; return null; } /** * Gets colored player name for a specified player. * * @return colored player name */ public String getDisplayName(Player player) { AutoRefPlayer apl = getPlayer(player); return (apl == null) ? player.getName() : apl.getDisplayName(); } /** * Gets spawn location for the specified player, based on team. * * @return team-specific spawn location, or world spawn if not set */ public Location getPlayerSpawn(Player player) { AutoRefTeam team = getPlayerTeam(player); if (team != null) return team.getSpawnLocation(); boolean useWorldSpawn = getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch(); return useWorldSpawn ? this.getWorldSpawn() : this.getSpectatorSpawn(); } /** * Checks if a region is marked with a specific region flag. * * @return true if location contains flag, otherwise false */ public boolean hasFlag(Location loc, AutoRefRegion.Flag flag) { // check start region flags if (inStartRegion(loc)) return getStartRegionFlags().contains(flag); boolean is = flag.defaultValue; Set<AutoRefRegion> regions = getRegions(); if (regions != null) for ( AutoRefRegion reg : regions ) if (reg.contains(loc)) { is = false; if ( return true; } return is; } private class MatchReportSaver extends BukkitRunnable { private File localStorage = null; private String webDirectory = null; public boolean serveLocally() { return webDirectory != null; } public MatchReportSaver() { String localDirectory = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig() .getString("", null); this.localStorage = localDirectory != null ? new File(localDirectory) : new File(AutoReferee.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "summary"); if (!this.localStorage.exists()) try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(this.localStorage); } catch (IOException e) { this.localStorage = null; } this.webDirectory = AutoReferee.getInstance().getConfig() .getString("local-storage.match-summary.web-directory", null); } public void run() { broadcastSync(ChatColor.RED + "Generating Match Summary..."); String report = matchReportGenerator.generate(AutoRefMatch.this); MatchUploadStatsEvent event = new MatchUploadStatsEvent(AutoRefMatch.this, report); AutoReferee.callEvent(event); report = event.getWebstats(); String webstats = null; if (!event.isCancelled()) { if (this.localStorage != null) { String localFileID = new SimpleDateFormat("").format(new Date()) + ".html"; File localReport = new File(this.localStorage, localFileID); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(localReport, report); localReport.setReadable(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } webstats = serveLocally() ? (webDirectory + localFileID) : uploadReport(report); } else webstats = uploadReport(report); } if (webstats == null) broadcastSync(ChatColor.RED + AutoReferee.NO_WEBSTATS_MESSAGE); else broadcastSync(ChatColor.RED + "Match Summary: " + ChatColor.RESET + webstats); } } private void logPlayerStats() { // upload WEBSTATS (do via an async query in case uploading the stats lags the main thread) new MatchReportSaver().runTaskAsynchronously(AutoReferee.getInstance()); } private String uploadReport(String report) { String failure; try { // submit our request to pastehtml, get back a link to the report return QueryUtil.syncQuery("", "input_type=html&result=address&minecraft=1", "txt=" + URLEncoder.encode(report, "UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { failure = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } // somewhat quietly log the reason for the failed upload AutoReferee.log("Report upload failed: " + failure, Level.SEVERE); return null; } /** * Checks if a specified location is within the start region. * * @return true if location is inside start region, otherwise false */ public boolean inStartRegion(Location loc) { if (getStartRegions() != null) for (AutoRefRegion reg : getStartRegions()) if (reg.distanceToRegion(loc) < ZoneListener.SNEAK_DISTANCE) return true; return false; } public void updateCarrying(AutoRefPlayer apl, GoalsInventorySnapshot oldCarrying, GoalsInventorySnapshot newCarrying) { MapDifference<BlockData, Integer> diff = oldCarrying.getDiff(newCarrying); Player player = apl.getPlayer(); // TODO send quantities too next protocol update for (BlockData bd : diff.entriesOnlyOnRight().keySet()) messageReferees("player", player.getName(), "goal", "+" + bd.serialize()); for (BlockData bd : diff.entriesOnlyOnLeft().keySet()) messageReferees("player", player.getName(), "goal", "-" + bd.serialize()); } public void updateHealthArmor(AutoRefPlayer apl, int oldHealth, int oldArmor, int newHealth, int newArmor) { Player player = apl.getPlayer(); if (oldHealth != newHealth) messageReferees("player", player.getName(), "hp", Integer.toString(newHealth)); if (oldArmor != newArmor) messageReferees("player", player.getName(), "armor", Integer.toString(newArmor)); } /** * An event to be later reported in match statistics. Events are announced when they happen, * and each type has its own visibility level to denote who will see the even happen live. * * @author authorblues */ public static class TranscriptEvent { // TODO: TEAM visibility would be nice public enum EventVisibility { NONE, REFEREES, TEAM, ALL } public enum EventType { // generic match start and end events MATCH_START("match-start", false, EventVisibility.NONE), MATCH_END("match-end", false, EventVisibility.NONE), // player messages (except kill streak) should be broadcast to players PLAYER_DEATH("player-death", true, EventVisibility.NONE), PLAYER_STREAK("player-killstreak", false, EventVisibility.NONE, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY), PLAYER_DOMINATE("player-dominate", true, EventVisibility.ALL, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY), PLAYER_REVENGE("player-revenge", true, EventVisibility.ALL, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY), // objective events should not be broadcast to the other team OBJECTIVE_FOUND("objective-found", true, EventVisibility.TEAM), OBJECTIVE_PLACED("objective-place", true, EventVisibility.TEAM), OBJECTIVE_DETAIL("objective-detail", true, EventVisibility.REFEREES), ; private String eventClass; private EventVisibility visibility; private ChatColor color; private boolean supportsFiltering; EventType(String eventClass, boolean hasFilter, EventVisibility visibility) { this(eventClass, hasFilter, visibility, null); } EventType(String eventClass, boolean hasFilter, EventVisibility visibility, ChatColor color) { this.eventClass = eventClass; this.visibility = visibility; this.color = color; this.supportsFiltering = hasFilter; } public String getEventClass() { return eventClass; } public String getEventName() { return StringUtils.capitalize(name().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_", " ")); } public EventVisibility getVisibility() { return visibility; } public ChatColor getColor() { return color; } public boolean hasFilter() { return supportsFiltering; } } private Set<Object> actors; public Set<Object> getActors() { return actors; } private Set<AutoRefPlayer> playerActors; public Set<AutoRefPlayer> getPlayerActors() { return playerActors; } private EventType type; public EventType getType() { return type; } private String message; public String getMessage() { return ChatColor.stripColor(message); } public String getColoredMessage() { return message; } private Location location; private long timestamp; /** * * Supported Actor types: AutoRefPlayer, BlockData * * @param match * @param type * @param message * @param loc * @param actors */ public TranscriptEvent(AutoRefMatch match, EventType type, String message, Location loc, Object ...actors) { this.type = type; this.message = type.getColor() != null ? type.getColor() + message + ChatColor.RESET : message.contains("" + ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) ? message : match.colorMessage(message); // if no location is given, use the spawn location this.location = (loc != null) ? loc : match.getWorld().getSpawnLocation(); this.timestamp = match.getElapsedSeconds(); this.actors = Sets.newHashSet(actors); this.playerActors = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Object o : actors) if (o instanceof AutoRefPlayer) playerActors.add((AutoRefPlayer) o); } public String getTimestamp() { long t = getSeconds(); return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", t/3600L, (t/60L)%60L, t%60L); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[%s] %s", this.getTimestamp(), this.getColoredMessage()); } public Location getLocation() { return location; } public long getSeconds() { return timestamp; } } /** * Adds an event to the match transcript. Announces the event to the appropriate recipients. * * @param event event to be added to the transcript */ public void addEvent(TranscriptEvent event) { AutoReferee plugin = AutoReferee.getInstance(); AutoReferee.callEvent(new MatchTranscriptEvent(this, event)); transcript.add(event); Collection<Player> recipients = null; switch (event.getType().getVisibility()) { case REFEREES: recipients = getReferees(false); break; case TEAM: recipients = getReferees(false); for (AutoRefPlayer p : event.getPlayerActors()) { for (AutoRefPlayer teamPlayer : p.getTeam().getPlayers()) { recipients.add(teamPlayer.getPlayer()); } } break; case ALL: recipients = getWorld().getPlayers(); break; case NONE: recipients = null; break; default: break; } String message = event.getColoredMessage(); if (recipients != null) for (Player player : recipients) player.sendMessage(message); if (plugin.isConsoleLoggingEnabled()) { if (plugin.isColoredConsoleLoggingEnabled()) Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("[AR] " + event.toString()); else AutoReferee.log(event.toString()); } } /** * Gets the current match transcript up to this point in time. * * @return immutable copy of the match transcript */ public List<TranscriptEvent> getTranscript() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(transcript); } /** * Colors a message with team and objective colors. Prepares a message for broadcasting * to the chat, and should be used as a pre-processing step whenever a message needs to * be pretty-printed. * * @param message plain message * @return colored message */ public String colorMessage(String message) { for (AutoRefPlayer apl : getPlayers()) if (apl != null) message = message.replaceAll(apl.getName(), apl.getDisplayName()); return ChatColor.RESET + message; } // ABANDON HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE! /** * Converts a human-readable time to a clock tick in Minecraft. Converts times such as "8am", * "1600", or "3:45p" to a valid clock tick setting that can be used to change the world time. * * @param time A string representing a human-readable time. * @return Equivalent clock tick */ public static long parseTimeString(String time) { // "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use // regular expressions.' Now they have two problems." -- Jamie Zawinski Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d{1,5})(:(\\d{2}))?((a|p)m?)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher match = pattern.matcher(time); // if the time matches something sensible if (match.matches()) try { // get the primary value (could be hour, could be entire time in ticks) long prim = Long.parseLong(; if ( > 2 || prim > 24) return prim; // parse am/pm distinction (12am == midnight, 12pm == noon) if ( != null) prim = ("p".equals( ? 12 : 0) + (prim % 12L); // ticks are 1000/hour, group(3) is the minutes portion long ticks = prim * 1000L + ( == null ? 0L : (Long.parseLong( * 1000L / 60L)); // ticks (18000 == midnight, 6000 == noon) return (ticks + 18000L) % 24000L; } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } // default time: 6am return 0L; } // TODO make configurable private ItemStack customMatchInfoBook = null; /** * Gets the book given to players upon joining this match. */ public ItemStack getMatchInfoBook() { if (this.customMatchInfoBook != null) return this.customMatchInfoBook.clone(); ItemStack book = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK, 1); BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) book.getItemMeta(); meta.setTitle(ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + this.getMapName()); meta.setAuthor(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + this.getAuthorList()); List<String> pages = Lists.newArrayList(); // PAGE 1 pages.add(BookUtil.makePage( + "[" + AutoReferee.getInstance().getName() + "]") , + this.getMapName()) ," by " + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + this.getAuthorList()) ,"(v" + this.getMapVersion() + ")") , "" , + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "-- Teams --") , , "" , ChatColor.BOLD + "Pg2." + ChatColor.RESET + " About the Map" , ChatColor.BOLD + "Pg3." + ChatColor.RESET + " About the Plugin" )); // PAGE 2 pages.add(BookUtil.makePage( + "[" + AutoReferee.getInstance().getName() + "]") , + this.getMapName()) ," by " + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + this.getAuthorList()) ,"(v" + this.getMapVersion() + ")") , "" // TODO ,"Coming soon...") )); // PAGE 3 pages.add(BookUtil.makePage( + "[" + AutoReferee.getInstance().getName() + "]") , "" , ChatColor.BOLD + "/jointeam <team>" , " Join team" , "" , ChatColor.BOLD + "/jointeam" , " Join random team" , "" , ChatColor.BOLD + "/leaveteam" , " Leave current team" , "" , ChatColor.BOLD + "/ready" , " Mark team as ready" )); meta.setPages(pages); book.setItemMeta(meta); return book; } public void giveMatchInfoBook(Player player, boolean force) { if (force || AutoRefMatch.giveMatchInfoBooks) player.getInventory().addItem(this.getMatchInfoBook()); } public void giveMatchInfoBook(Player player) { this.giveMatchInfoBook(player, false); } /** * Send updated match information to a player. */ public void sendMatchInfo(CommandSender sender) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RESET + "Map: " + ChatColor.GRAY + getMapName() + " v" + getMapVersion() + ChatColor.ITALIC + " by " + getAuthorList()); if (sender instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) sender; AutoRefPlayer apl = getPlayer(player); String tmpflag = tmp ? "*" : ""; if (apl != null && apl.getTeam() != null) player.sendMessage("You are on team: " + apl.getTeam().getDisplayName()); else if (isReferee(player)) player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "You are a referee! " + tmpflag); else player.sendMessage("You are not on a team! Type " + ChatColor.GRAY + "/jointeam"); } for (AutoRefTeam team : getTeams()) sender.sendMessage(String.format("%s (%d) - %s", team.getDisplayName(), team.getPlayers().size(), team.getPlayerList())); sender.sendMessage("Match status is currently " + ChatColor.GRAY + getCurrentState().name() + (this.getCurrentState().isBeforeMatch() ? (" [" + + "]") : "")); sender.sendMessage("Map difficulty is set to: " + ChatColor.GRAY + getWorld().getDifficulty().name()); long timestamp = this.getElapsedSeconds(), timelimit = this.getTimeLimit(); if (getCurrentState().inProgress()) sender.sendMessage(this.hasTimeLimit() ? String.format(ChatColor.GRAY + "The current match time is: " + "%02d:%02d:%02d / %02d:%02d:%02d", timestamp/3600L, (timestamp/60L)%60L, timestamp%60L, timelimit/3600L, (timelimit/60L)%60L, timelimit%60L) : String.format(ChatColor.GRAY + "The current match time is: " + "%02d:%02d:%02d", timestamp/3600L, (timestamp/60L)%60L, timestamp%60L)); } }