package com.spun.util.logger; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Vector; import com.spun.util.DateDifference; import com.spun.util.ObjectUtils; import com.spun.util.ThreadUtils; public class SimpleLoggerInstance { public static class Symbols { public static String markerIn = "=> "; public static String markerOut = "<= "; public static final String event = "Event: "; public static String variable = "Variable: "; public static String sql = "Sql: "; } public static final int IN = 1; public static final int OUT = -1; public boolean marker = true; public boolean event = true; public boolean variable = true; public boolean query = true; public boolean timestamp = true; public boolean stacktraces = true; public int hourGlass = 0; public int hourGlassWrap = 100; private int m_indent = 0; private long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private Appendable logTo = System.out; private int wrapperLevels; public SimpleLoggerInstance() { this(0); } public SimpleLoggerInstance(int wrapperLevels) { this.wrapperLevels = wrapperLevels; } public void toggleAll(boolean t) { marker = t; event = t; variable = t; query = t; } private void clearHourGlass() { if (hourGlass > 0) { logLine(""); hourGlass = 0; } } public void setHourGlassWrap(int numberOfDots) { hourGlassWrap = numberOfDots; } public void hourGlass() { if (hourGlassWrap <= hourGlass) { clearHourGlass(); } if (hourGlass == 0) { log(timeStampTextOnly()); } hourGlass++; String mark = ((hourGlass % 10) == 0) ? ("" + (hourGlass / 10)) : "."; log(mark); } public long startTimer() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void stopTimer(long startTime, long maxTime, String function) { long diff = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (diff > maxTime) { warning("Time Limit Exceeded - " + function + " [" + new DateDifference(diff).getStandardTimeText(2) + " > " + maxTime + "]"); } } public void markerIn(String statement) { if (!marker) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.markerIn + statement + " - IN"); m_indent++; } private String extractMarkerText() { try { StackTraceElement trace[] = ThreadUtils.getStackTrace(); StackTraceElement element = trace[4 + wrapperLevels]; String className = element.getClassName(); className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); return className + "." + element.getMethodName() + "()"; } catch (Throwable t) { return "Can't Inspect Stack Trace"; } } private String getIndent() { if (m_indent == 0) { return ""; } String theIndention = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_indent; i++) { theIndention += " "; } return theIndention; } private String timeStamp() { clearHourGlass(); return timeStampTextOnly(); } private String timeStampTextOnly() { String text = ""; long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timestamp) { java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); text = "[" + df.format(new java.util.Date(current)) + " ~" + padNumber(current - lastTime) + "ms] "; } text += getIndent(); lastTime = current; return text; } private String padNumber(long number) { String text = "" + number; while (text.length() < 6) { text = "0" + text; } return text; } private String indentMessage(String message) { Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<Integer>(); int place = 0; while ((place = message.indexOf('\n', place + 1)) != -1) { v.addElement(place); } if (v.size() == 0) { // no '\n' return message; } String theIndention = getIndent(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(message); for (int i = (v.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { int tempplace = ((Integer) v.elementAt(i)).intValue(); buffer.insert(tempplace + 1, theIndention); } return buffer.toString(); } public synchronized void markerOut(String text) { if (!marker) { return; } m_indent--; logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.markerOut + text + " - OUT"); } public synchronized void query(String sqlQuery) { if (!query) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.sql + sqlQuery); } /** * Prints to screen any variable information to be viewed. * @param Statement The statement to print **/ public synchronized void query(String queryName, Object sqlQuery) { if (!query) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.sql + "[" + queryName + "] - " + sqlQuery); } public void variableFormated(String string, Object... parameters) { variable(String.format(string, parameters)); } public synchronized void variable(String statement) { if (!variable) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.variable + statement); } /** * Prints to screen any variable information to be viewed. * @param Statement The statement to print **/ public synchronized void variable(String name, Object value) { if (!variable) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.variable + name + " = '" + value + "'"); } private void logLine(String text) { log(text + "\n"); } private void log(String with) throws Error { try { logTo.append(with); } catch (IOException e) { throw ObjectUtils.throwAsError(e); } } public synchronized void variable(String name, Object array[]) { if (!variable) { return; } name = (name == null ? "array" : name); if (array == null) { array = new Object[0]; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.variable + name + ".length = " + array.length); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { logLine(timeStamp() + name + "[" + i + "] = " + array[i]); } } public synchronized <T> void variable(T array[]) { variable(null, array); } public synchronized void message(String Statement) { logLine(timeStamp() + indentMessage(Statement)); } public void event(String Statement) { if (!event) { return; } logLine(timeStamp() + Symbols.event + Statement); } public synchronized void warning(String statement) { warning(statement, null); } public synchronized void warning(Throwable throwable) { warning(null, throwable); } public synchronized void warning(String statement, Throwable throwable) { clearHourGlass(); logLine("******************************************************************************************"); logLine(timeStamp()); if (statement != null) { logLine(statement); } printFullTrace(throwable, false); if (throwable instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { logMemoryStatus(); } logLine("******************************************************************************************"); } private void printFullTrace(Throwable throwable, boolean causedBy) { if (throwable != null) { logLine((causedBy ? "Caused by : " : "") + throwable.getClass().getName() + " - " + throwable.getMessage()); printStackTrace(throwable); if (throwable.getCause() != null) { printFullTrace(throwable.getCause(), true); } } } private void printStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { if (!stacktraces) { return; } if (logTo instanceof PrintStream) { throwable.printStackTrace((PrintStream) logTo); } else if (logTo instanceof PrintStream) { throwable.printStackTrace((PrintWriter) logTo); } else { throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(new AppendableWriter(logTo))); } } /************************************************************************/ /** * Logs the current memory status [total, used, free]. * This forces garbage collection to run first. **/ public void logMemoryStatus() { String memory = getMemoryStatus(); logLine(memory); } private String getMemoryStatus() { System.gc(); java.text.NumberFormat format = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); long usedMemory = totalMemory - freeMemory; String statement = "Memory [total, used, free] = [" + format.format(totalMemory) + " , " + format.format(usedMemory) + " , " + format.format(freeMemory) + "]"; return statement; } /** * <pre> * {@code * try (Markers m = SimpleLogger.useMarkers();) * { * } * * </pre> */ public Markers useMarkers() { final String text = extractMarkerText(); return new Markers(text); } /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ public StringBuffer logToString() { marker = true; event = true; variable = true; query = true; timestamp = false; stacktraces = false; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); logTo = buffer; return buffer; } public void useOutputFile(String file, boolean addDateStamp) { try { logTo = new FileWriter(addDatestampToFile(file, addDateStamp), false); } catch (IOException e) { throw ObjectUtils.throwAsError(e); } } private String addDatestampToFile(String file, boolean addDateStamp) { if (!addDateStamp) { return file; } String date = ".[" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd").format(new Date()) + "]"; int seperator = file.lastIndexOf('.'); if (0 < seperator) { file = file.substring(0, seperator) + date + file.substring(seperator); } else { file += System.currentTimeMillis() + ".log"; } return file; } public void logTo(Appendable writer) { logTo = writer; } public Appendable getLogTo() { return logTo; } }