package com.spun.util; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import com.spun.util.timers.Counter; /** * A static class of convence functions for database access **/ public class DatabaseConfiguration { private boolean inRollbackOnlyMode = false; public String dataSourceName = null; public String driver = null; public String protocol = null; public String server = null; public String port = null; public String database = null; public String userName = null; public String password = null; public int type = 0; public String wrapper = null; private Counter connectionCounter = new Counter(); private static HashMap<String, DatabaseConfigurationWrapper> wrappers = new HashMap<String, DatabaseConfigurationWrapper>(); public static void registerWrapper(String name, DatabaseConfigurationWrapper wrapper) { wrappers.put(name, wrapper); } /************************************************************************/ public DatabaseConfiguration(DatabaseConfiguration config) { this.dataSourceName = config.dataSourceName; this.driver = config.driver; this.protocol = config.protocol; this.server = config.server; this.port = config.port; this.database = config.database; this.userName = config.userName; this.password = config.password; this.type = config.type; this.wrapper = config.wrapper; } /************************************************************************/ public DatabaseConfiguration(String dataSourceName, String driver, String protocol, String server, String port, String database, String userName, String password, int type) { this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName; this.driver = driver; this.protocol = protocol; if (protocol != null && protocol.endsWith("://")) { throw new Error("protocol's shouldn't end with '://'"); } this.server = server; if (server != null && server.endsWith("/")) { throw new Error("server's shouldn't end with '/'"); } this.port = port; this.database = database; this.userName = userName; this.password = password; this.type = type; } /************************************************************************/ public boolean isDataSource() { return StringUtils.isNonZero(dataSourceName); } /************************************************************************/ /** * Convenience function. **/ public Properties getProperties() { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("connection", "direct"); props.setProperty("jdbcDriver", this.driver); props.setProperty("jdbcURL", DatabaseUtils.makeURL(protocol, server, port, database, type)); props.setProperty("user", this.userName); props.setProperty("password", this.password); return props; } /************************************************************************/ public Connection makeConnection() { return makeConnection(database); } /************************************************************************/ public Connection makeConnection(String databaseName) {; Connection con = null; if (wrapper == null) { con = DatabaseUtils.makeConnection(driver, protocol, server, port, databaseName, userName, password, type); } else { DatabaseConfigurationWrapper w = (DatabaseConfigurationWrapper) wrappers.get(wrapper); if (w == null) { throw new Error("No wrapper found for '" + wrapper + "' in " + wrappers.keySet()); } con = w.makeConnection(databaseName, this); } if(this.inRollbackOnlyMode) { try { DatabaseUtils.beginTransaction(con); } catch (SQLException e) { throw ObjectUtils.throwAsError(e); } } return con; } /************************************************************************/ public Counter getConnectionCounter() { return connectionCounter; } /************************************************************************/ public String toString() { String value = "com.spun.util.DatabaseConfiguration["; value += " dataSourceName = '" + dataSourceName + "'" + ",\n" + " database = '" + database + "'" + ",\n" + " driver = '" + driver + "'" + ",\n" + " password = '" + password + "'" + ",\n" + " port = '" + port + "'" + ",\n" + " protocol = '" + protocol + "'" + ",\n" + " server = '" + server + "'" + ",\n" + " type = " + type + ",\n" + " userName = '" + userName + "'" + "]"; return value; } /************************************************************************/ public String getDataSourceName() { return dataSourceName; } /************************************************************************/ public String getDatabase() { return database; } /************************************************************************/ public String getDriver() { return driver; } /************************************************************************/ public String getPassword() { return password; } /************************************************************************/ public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } /************************************************************************/ public String getServer() { return server; } /************************************************************************/ public int getType() { return type; } /************************************************************************/ public String getUserName() { return userName; } /***********************************************************************/ public int getPort() { return NumberUtils.load(port, 0); } /************************************************************************/ public void setWrapper(String wrapper) { this.wrapper = wrapper; } /************************************************************************/ public void setRollbackOnlyMode() { this.inRollbackOnlyMode = true; } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ }