package com.spun.util; import com.spun.util.logger.SimpleLogger; /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger} **/ public class MySystem { public static void toggleAll(boolean t) { SimpleLogger.toggleAll(t); } public static void setHourGlassWrap(int numberOfDots) { SimpleLogger.setHourGlassWrap(numberOfDots); } public static void hourGlass() { SimpleLogger.hourGlass(); } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#useMarkers()} */ public synchronized static void markerIn() { } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#useMarkers()} */ public synchronized static void markerOut(String text) { } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#query(String)} */ public synchronized static void query(String sqlQuery) { SimpleLogger.query(sqlQuery); } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#query(String)} */ public synchronized static void query(String queryName, Object sqlQuery) { SimpleLogger.query(queryName, sqlQuery); } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#variable(String)} */ public synchronized static void variable(String statement) { SimpleLogger.variable(statement); } public static void variableFormated(String string, Object... parameters) { SimpleLogger.variableFormated(string, parameters); } public synchronized static void variable(String name, Object value) { SimpleLogger.variable(name, value); } public synchronized static void variable(String name, Object array[]) { SimpleLogger.variable(name, array); } public synchronized static void variable(Object array[]) { SimpleLogger.variable(array); } public synchronized static void message(String text) { SimpleLogger.message(text); } public static void event(String text) { SimpleLogger.event(text); } public synchronized static void warning(String text) { SimpleLogger.warning(text); } public synchronized static void warning(Throwable throwable) { SimpleLogger.warning(throwable); } public synchronized static void warning(String statement, Throwable throwable) { SimpleLogger.warning(statement, throwable); } /************************************************************************/ /** * Returns all the Thread output of a group as a string. * @return A List of The thread, and if it is alive and/or interrupted. **/ public static String dumpAllThreadsInGroup(ThreadGroup tg) { Thread[] threads = new Thread[tg.activeCount()]; tg.enumerate(threads); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("Active Thread Dump\n"); for (int x = 0; x < threads.length; x++) { if (threads[x] != null) { s.append("thread=" + threads[x] + ", isAlive=" + threads[x].isAlive() + ", isInterrupted=" + threads[x].isInterrupted() + "\n"); } } return s.toString(); } /** * @deprecated replaced by {@link SimpleLogger#logMemoryStatus()} */ public static void dumpMemory() { SimpleLogger.logMemoryStatus(); } /************************************************************************/ /** * Dumps the current thread status for ALL groups. * @see My_System.dumpAllThreadsInGroup(ThreadGroup) **/ public static String dumpAllThreads() { ThreadGroup place = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while (place.getParent() != null) { place = place.getParent(); } //place.list(); return dumpAllThreadsInGroup(place); } }