/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IntegerType; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; public class RangeTombstoneListTest { private static final Comparator<ByteBuffer> cmp = IntegerType.instance; @Test public void sortedAdditionTest() { sortedAdditionTest(0); sortedAdditionTest(10); } private void sortedAdditionTest(int initialCapacity) { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, initialCapacity); RangeTombstone rt1 = rt(1, 5, 3); RangeTombstone rt2 = rt(7, 10, 2); RangeTombstone rt3 = rt(10, 13, 1); l.add(rt1); l.add(rt2); l.add(rt3); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l.iterator(); assertRT(rt1, iter.next()); assertRT(rt2, iter.next()); assertRT(rt3, iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void nonSortedAdditionTest() { nonSortedAdditionTest(0); nonSortedAdditionTest(10); } private void nonSortedAdditionTest(int initialCapacity) { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, initialCapacity); RangeTombstone rt1 = rt(1, 5, 3); RangeTombstone rt2 = rt(7, 10, 2); RangeTombstone rt3 = rt(10, 13, 1); l.add(rt2); l.add(rt1); l.add(rt3); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l.iterator(); assertRT(rt1, iter.next()); assertRT(rt2, iter.next()); assertRT(rt3, iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void overlappingAdditionTest() { overlappingAdditionTest(0); overlappingAdditionTest(10); } private void overlappingAdditionTest(int initialCapacity) { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, initialCapacity); l.add(rt(4, 10, 3)); l.add(rt(1, 7, 2)); l.add(rt(8, 13, 4)); l.add(rt(0, 15, 1)); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l.iterator(); assertRT(rt(0, 1, 1), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(1, 4, 2), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(4, 8, 3), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(8, 10, 4), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(10, 13, 4), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(13, 15, 1), iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); RangeTombstoneList l2 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, initialCapacity); l2.add(rt(4, 10, 12L)); l2.add(rt(0, 8, 25L)); assertEquals(25L, l2.search(b(8)).markedForDeleteAt); } @Test public void overlappingSearchTest() { } @Test public void simpleOverlapTest() { RangeTombstoneList l1 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l1.add(rt(0, 10, 3)); l1.add(rt(3, 7, 5)); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter1 = l1.iterator(); assertRT(rt(0, 3, 3), iter1.next()); assertRT(rt(3, 7, 5), iter1.next()); assertRT(rt(7, 10, 3), iter1.next()); assert !iter1.hasNext(); RangeTombstoneList l2 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l2.add(rt(0, 10, 3)); l2.add(rt(3, 7, 2)); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter2 = l2.iterator(); assertRT(rt(0, 10, 3), iter2.next()); assert !iter2.hasNext(); } @Test public void searchTest() { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l.add(rt(0, 4, 5)); l.add(rt(4, 6, 2)); l.add(rt(9, 12, 1)); l.add(rt(14, 15, 3)); l.add(rt(15, 17, 6)); assertEquals(null, l.search(b(-1))); assertEquals(5, l.search(b(0)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(5, l.search(b(3)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(5, l.search(b(4)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(2, l.search(b(5)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(null, l.search(b(7))); assertEquals(3, l.search(b(14)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(6, l.search(b(15)).markedForDeleteAt); assertEquals(null, l.search(b(18))); } @Test public void addAllTest() { //addAllTest(false); addAllTest(true); } private void addAllTest(boolean doMerge) { RangeTombstoneList l1 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l1.add(rt(0, 4, 5)); l1.add(rt(6, 10, 2)); l1.add(rt(15, 17, 1)); RangeTombstoneList l2 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l2.add(rt(3, 5, 7)); l2.add(rt(7, 8, 3)); l2.add(rt(8, 12, 1)); l2.add(rt(14, 17, 4)); l1.addAll(l2); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l1.iterator(); assertRT(rt(0, 3, 5), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(3, 4, 7), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(4, 5, 7), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(6, 7, 2), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(7, 8, 3), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(8, 10, 2), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(10, 12, 1), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(14, 15, 4), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(15, 17, 4), iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void addAllSequentialTest() { RangeTombstoneList l1 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l1.add(rt(3, 5, 2)); RangeTombstoneList l2 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l2.add(rt(5, 7, 7)); l1.addAll(l2); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l1.iterator(); assertRT(rt(3, 5, 2), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(5, 7, 7), iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void addAllIncludedTest() { RangeTombstoneList l1 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l1.add(rt(3, 10, 5)); RangeTombstoneList l2 = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l2.add(rt(4, 5, 2)); l2.add(rt(5, 7, 3)); l2.add(rt(7, 9, 4)); l1.addAll(l2); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l1.iterator(); assertRT(rt(3, 10, 5), iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void purgetTest() { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l.add(rt(0, 4, 5, 110)); l.add(rt(4, 6, 2, 98)); l.add(rt(9, 12, 1, 200)); l.add(rt(14, 15, 3, 3)); l.add(rt(15, 17, 6, 45)); l.purge(100); Iterator<RangeTombstone> iter = l.iterator(); assertRT(rt(0, 4, 5, 110), iter.next()); assertRT(rt(9, 12, 1, 200), iter.next()); assert !iter.hasNext(); } @Test public void minMaxTest() { RangeTombstoneList l = new RangeTombstoneList(cmp, 0); l.add(rt(0, 4, 5, 110)); l.add(rt(4, 6, 2, 98)); l.add(rt(9, 12, 1, 200)); l.add(rt(14, 15, 3, 3)); l.add(rt(15, 17, 6, 45)); assertEquals(1, l.minMarkedAt()); assertEquals(6, l.maxMarkedAt()); } private static void assertRT(RangeTombstone expected, RangeTombstone actual) { assertEquals(String.format("Expected %s but got %s", toString(expected), toString(actual)), expected, actual); } private static String toString(RangeTombstone rt) { return String.format("[%d, %d]@%d", i(rt.min), i(rt.max), rt.data.markedForDeleteAt); } private static ByteBuffer b(int i) { return ByteBufferUtil.bytes(i); } private static int i(ByteBuffer bb) { return ByteBufferUtil.toInt(bb); } private static RangeTombstone rt(int start, int end, long tstamp) { return rt(start, end, tstamp, 0); } private static RangeTombstone rt(int start, int end, long tstamp, int delTime) { return new RangeTombstone(b(start), b(end), tstamp, delTime); } }