/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexHelper; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; public class ColumnIndex { public final List<IndexHelper.IndexInfo> columnsIndex; private static final ColumnIndex EMPTY = new ColumnIndex(Collections.<IndexHelper.IndexInfo>emptyList()); private ColumnIndex(List<IndexHelper.IndexInfo> columnsIndex) { assert columnsIndex != null; this.columnsIndex = columnsIndex; } @VisibleForTesting public static ColumnIndex nothing() { return EMPTY; } /** * Help to create an index for a column family based on size of columns, * and write said columns to disk. */ public static class Builder { private static final OnDiskAtom.Serializer atomSerializer = Column.onDiskSerializer(); private final ColumnIndex result; private final long indexOffset; private long startPosition = -1; private long endPosition = 0; private long blockSize; private OnDiskAtom firstColumn; private OnDiskAtom lastColumn; private OnDiskAtom lastBlockClosing; private final DataOutput output; private final RangeTombstone.Tracker tombstoneTracker; private int atomCount; private final ByteBuffer key; private final DeletionInfo deletionInfo; public Builder(ColumnFamily cf, ByteBuffer key, DataOutput output) { assert cf != null; assert key != null; assert output != null; this.key = key; deletionInfo = cf.deletionInfo(); this.indexOffset = rowHeaderSize(key, deletionInfo); this.result = new ColumnIndex(new ArrayList<IndexHelper.IndexInfo>()); this.output = output; this.tombstoneTracker = new RangeTombstone.Tracker(cf.getComparator()); } /** * Returns the number of bytes between the beginning of the row and the * first serialized column. */ private static long rowHeaderSize(ByteBuffer key, DeletionInfo delInfo) { TypeSizes typeSizes = TypeSizes.NATIVE; // TODO fix constantSize when changing the nativeconststs. int keysize = key.remaining(); return typeSizes.sizeof((short) keysize) + keysize // Row key + DeletionTime.serializer.serializedSize(delInfo.getTopLevelDeletion(), typeSizes); } public RangeTombstone.Tracker tombstoneTracker() { return tombstoneTracker; } public int writtenAtomCount() { return atomCount + tombstoneTracker.writtenAtom(); } /** * Serializes the index into in-memory structure with all required components * such as Bloom Filter, index block size, IndexInfo list * * @param cf Column family to create index for * * @return information about index - it's Bloom Filter, block size and IndexInfo list */ public ColumnIndex build(ColumnFamily cf) throws IOException { // cf has disentangled the columns and range tombstones, we need to re-interleave them in comparator order Iterator<RangeTombstone> rangeIter = cf.deletionInfo().rangeIterator(); RangeTombstone tombstone = rangeIter.hasNext() ? rangeIter.next() : null; Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator = cf.getComparator(); for (Column c : cf) { while (tombstone != null && comparator.compare(c.name(), tombstone.min) >= 0) { add(tombstone); tombstone = rangeIter.hasNext() ? rangeIter.next() : null; } add(c); } while (tombstone != null) { add(tombstone); tombstone = rangeIter.hasNext() ? rangeIter.next() : null; } ColumnIndex index = build(); finish(); return index; } public ColumnIndex build(Iterable<OnDiskAtom> columns) throws IOException { for (OnDiskAtom c : columns) add(c); ColumnIndex index = build(); finish(); return index; } public void add(OnDiskAtom column) throws IOException { atomCount++; if (firstColumn == null) { firstColumn = column; startPosition = endPosition; // TODO: have that use the firstColumn as min + make sure we optimize that on read endPosition += tombstoneTracker.writeOpenedMarker(firstColumn, output, atomSerializer); blockSize = 0; // We don't count repeated tombstone marker in the block size, to avoid a situation // where we wouldn't make any progress because a block is filled by said marker } long size = column.serializedSizeForSSTable(); endPosition += size; blockSize += size; // if we hit the column index size that we have to index after, go ahead and index it. if (blockSize >= DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnIndexSize()) { IndexHelper.IndexInfo cIndexInfo = new IndexHelper.IndexInfo(firstColumn.name(), column.name(), indexOffset + startPosition, endPosition - startPosition); result.columnsIndex.add(cIndexInfo); firstColumn = null; lastBlockClosing = column; } maybeWriteRowHeader(); atomSerializer.serializeForSSTable(column, output); // TODO: Should deal with removing unneeded tombstones tombstoneTracker.update(column); lastColumn = column; } private void maybeWriteRowHeader() throws IOException { if (lastColumn == null) { ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(key, output); DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionInfo.getTopLevelDeletion(), output); } } public ColumnIndex build() { // all columns were GC'd after all if (lastColumn == null) return ColumnIndex.EMPTY; // the last column may have fallen on an index boundary already. if not, index it explicitly. if (result.columnsIndex.isEmpty() || lastBlockClosing != lastColumn) { IndexHelper.IndexInfo cIndexInfo = new IndexHelper.IndexInfo(firstColumn.name(), lastColumn.name(), indexOffset + startPosition, endPosition - startPosition); result.columnsIndex.add(cIndexInfo); } // we should always have at least one computed index block, but we only write it out if there is more than that. assert result.columnsIndex.size() > 0; return result; } public void finish() throws IOException { if (!deletionInfo.isLive()) maybeWriteRowHeader(); } } }