/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.utils; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator; /** Merges sorted input iterators which individually contain unique items. */ public abstract class MergeIterator<In,Out> extends AbstractIterator<Out> implements IMergeIterator<In, Out> { protected final Reducer<In,Out> reducer; protected final List<? extends Iterator<In>> iterators; protected MergeIterator(List<? extends Iterator<In>> iters, Reducer<In, Out> reducer) { this.iterators = iters; this.reducer = reducer; } public static <In, Out> IMergeIterator<In, Out> get(final List<? extends Iterator<In>> sources, Comparator<In> comparator, final Reducer<In, Out> reducer) { if (sources.size() == 1) return reducer.trivialReduceIsTrivial() ? new TrivialOneToOne<In, Out>(sources, reducer) : new OneToOne<In, Out>(sources, reducer); return new ManyToOne<In, Out>(sources, comparator, reducer); } public Iterable<? extends Iterator<In>> iterators() { return iterators; } public void close() { for (Iterator<In> iterator : this.iterators) { try { ((Closeable)iterator).close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } reducer.close(); } /** A MergeIterator that consumes multiple input values per output value. */ private static final class ManyToOne<In,Out> extends MergeIterator<In,Out> { // a queue for return: all candidates must be open and have at least one item protected final PriorityQueue<Candidate<In>> queue; // a stack of the last consumed candidates, so that we can lazily call 'advance()' // TODO: if we had our own PriorityQueue implementation we could stash items // at the end of its array, so we wouldn't need this storage protected final ArrayDeque<Candidate<In>> candidates; public ManyToOne(List<? extends Iterator<In>> iters, Comparator<In> comp, Reducer<In, Out> reducer) { super(iters, reducer); this.queue = new PriorityQueue<Candidate<In>>(Math.max(1, iters.size())); for (Iterator<In> iter : iters) { Candidate<In> candidate = new Candidate<In>(iter, comp); if (!candidate.advance()) // was empty continue; this.queue.add(candidate); } this.candidates = new ArrayDeque<Candidate<In>>(queue.size()); } protected final Out computeNext() { advance(); return consume(); } /** Consume values by sending them to the reducer while they are equal. */ protected final Out consume() { reducer.onKeyChange(); Candidate<In> candidate = queue.peek(); if (candidate == null) return endOfData(); do { candidate = queue.poll(); candidates.push(candidate); reducer.reduce(candidate.item); } while (queue.peek() != null && queue.peek().compareTo(candidate) == 0); return reducer.getReduced(); } /** Advance and re-enqueue all items we consumed in the last iteration. */ protected final void advance() { Candidate<In> candidate; while ((candidate = candidates.pollFirst()) != null) if (candidate.advance()) queue.add(candidate); } } // Holds and is comparable by the head item of an iterator it owns protected static final class Candidate<In> implements Comparable<Candidate<In>> { private final Iterator<In> iter; private final Comparator<In> comp; private In item; public Candidate(Iterator<In> iter, Comparator<In> comp) { this.iter = iter; this.comp = comp; } /** @return True if our iterator had an item, and it is now available */ protected boolean advance() { if (!iter.hasNext()) return false; item = iter.next(); return true; } public int compareTo(Candidate<In> that) { return comp.compare(this.item, that.item); } } /** Accumulator that collects values of type A, and outputs a value of type B. */ public static abstract class Reducer<In,Out> { /** * @return true if Out is the same as In for the case of a single source iterator */ public boolean trivialReduceIsTrivial() { return false; } /** * combine this object with the previous ones. * intermediate state is up to your implementation. */ public abstract void reduce(In current); /** @return The last object computed by reduce */ protected abstract Out getReduced(); /** * Called at the begining of each new key, before any reduce is called. * To be overriden by implementing classes. */ protected void onKeyChange() {} /** * May be overridden by implementations that require cleaning up after use */ public void close() {} } private static class OneToOne<In, Out> extends MergeIterator<In, Out> { private final Iterator<In> source; public OneToOne(List<? extends Iterator<In>> sources, Reducer<In, Out> reducer) { super(sources, reducer); source = sources.get(0); } protected Out computeNext() { if (!source.hasNext()) return endOfData(); reducer.onKeyChange(); reducer.reduce(source.next()); return reducer.getReduced(); } } private static class TrivialOneToOne<In, Out> extends MergeIterator<In, Out> { private final Iterator<In> source; public TrivialOneToOne(List<? extends Iterator<In>> sources, Reducer<In, Out> reducer) { super(sources, reducer); source = sources.get(0); } protected Out computeNext() { if (!source.hasNext()) return endOfData(); return (Out) source.next(); } } }