package com.vodafone360.people.tests.engine.contactsync; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Suppress; import android.text.format.Time; import com.vodafone360.people.database.DatabaseHelper; import com.vodafone360.people.database.tables.ContactDetailsTable; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ContactDetail; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.VCardHelper; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.VCardHelper.Name; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.VCardHelper.Organisation; import com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.VCardHelper.PostalAddress; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.ContactChange; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.IContactSyncCallback; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.NativeContactsApi; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.SyncStatus; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.UpdateNativeContacts; import com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync.NativeContactsApi.Account; import com.vodafone360.people.service.ServiceStatus; import com.vodafone360.people.tests.TestModule; import com.vodafone360.people.utils.VersionUtils; /** * JUnit tests for the UpdateNativeContacts processor. */ @Suppress public class UpdateNativeContactsTest extends AndroidTestCase { /** * The people database name. */ private final String DATABASE_NAME = "peopletest.db"; /** * The DatabaseHelper used to create the people database. */ private DatabaseHelper mDatabaseHelper = null; /** * The 360 People account type. */ private final static String PEOPLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE = ""; /** * A test People account. */ private final static Account PEOPLE_ACCOUNT = new Account("mypeoplelogin", PEOPLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE); /** * A ContactSyncCallback implementation. */ private ContactSyncCallback mContactSyncCallback; /** * The TestModule used to generate contacts. */ private final TestModule mTestModule = new TestModule(); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); createDatabase(); NativeContactsApi.createInstance(getContext()); if(VersionUtils.is2XPlatform()) { // Add Account for the case where we are in 2.X NativeContactsApi.getInstance().addPeopleAccount(PEOPLE_ACCOUNT.getName()); Thread.sleep(100); } mContactSyncCallback = new ContactSyncCallback(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { clearDatabase(mDatabaseHelper); mDatabaseHelper = null; NativeContactsApiTestHelper.getInstance(getContext()).wipeNab(); mContactSyncCallback = null; super.tearDown(); } /** * Creates the database with all the tables. */ private void createDatabase() { mDatabaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), DATABASE_NAME); } /** * Clears the people database. */ private void clearDatabase(DatabaseHelper dbh) { dbh.close(); getContext().deleteDatabase(DATABASE_NAME); } /** * Tests the instantiation of the UpdateNativeContacts class. */ public void testConstructor() { UpdateNativeContacts processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); } /** * Tests running the processor with an empty database. */ public void testRunWithEmptyDatabase() { UpdateNativeContacts processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); processor.start(); assertEquals(1, mContactSyncCallback.mProcessorComplete.size()); ContactSyncCallback.ProcessorComplete pc = mContactSyncCallback.mProcessorComplete.get(0); assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, pc.status); } /** * Tests the export of new syncable contacts. */ public void testExportingNewContacts() { final int CONTACTS_COUNT = 10; UpdateNativeContacts processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); // check that there are no contacts to sync long[] syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); // put some contacts that need to be synchronized to native side feedSyncableContactsInDatabase(CONTACTS_COUNT); // check the count of the contacts to sync syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(CONTACTS_COUNT, syncableIds.length); // run the UpdateNativeContacts processor until it finishes or it times out runUpdateNativeContactsProcessor(processor); // check the contacts count on native side final NativeContactsApi nca = NativeContactsApi.getInstance(); long[] ids = null; if (VersionUtils.is2XPlatform()) { ids = nca.getContactIds(PEOPLE_ACCOUNT); } else { ids = nca.getContactIds(null); } assertEquals(CONTACTS_COUNT, ids.length); // check that no more contact is syncable as the export is done syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); } /** * Tests the export of new syncable contacts. */ @Suppress public void testExportingDeletedContacts() { final int CONTACTS_COUNT = 30; UpdateNativeContacts processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); // check that there are no contacts to sync long[] syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); // put some contacts that need to be synchronized to native side feedSyncableContactsInDatabase(CONTACTS_COUNT); // check the count of the contacts to sync syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(CONTACTS_COUNT, syncableIds.length); // run the UpdateNativeContacts processor until it finishes or it times out runUpdateNativeContactsProcessor(processor); // check the contacts count on native side final NativeContactsApi nca = NativeContactsApi.getInstance(); long[] ids = null; if (VersionUtils.is2XPlatform()) { ids = nca.getContactIds(PEOPLE_ACCOUNT); } else { ids = nca.getContactIds(null); } assertEquals(CONTACTS_COUNT, ids.length); // check that no more contact is syncable as the export is done syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); // delete 6 of the exported contacts mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(1); mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(3); mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(5); mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(15); mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(20); mDatabaseHelper.deleteContact(26); // check the count of the contacts to sync syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(6, syncableIds.length); // run the UpdateNativeContacts processor until it finishes or it times out processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); mContactSyncCallback.mProcessorComplete.clear(); runUpdateNativeContactsProcessor(processor); // check the contacts count on native side if (VersionUtils.is2XPlatform()) { ids = nca.getContactIds(PEOPLE_ACCOUNT); } else { ids = nca.getContactIds(null); } assertEquals(CONTACTS_COUNT-6, ids.length); // check that no more contact is syncable as the export is done syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); } /** * Tests the export of a new syncable contact with all the possible details combinations. */ public void testExportingContactAllDetails() { UpdateNativeContacts processor = new UpdateNativeContacts(mContactSyncCallback, mDatabaseHelper); // check that there are no contacts to sync long[] syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); // put a contact that need to be synchronized to native side and that contains // all the possible details that can be synchronized final Contact contact = feedOneSyncableContact(); // check the count of the contacts to sync syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(1, syncableIds.length); // run the UpdateNativeContacts processor until it finishes or it times out runUpdateNativeContactsProcessor(processor); // check that the contact on native side is equivalent final NativeContactsApi nca = NativeContactsApi.getInstance(); long[] ids = null; if (VersionUtils.is2XPlatform()) { ids = nca.getContactIds(PEOPLE_ACCOUNT); } else { ids = nca.getContactIds(null); } assertEquals(1, ids.length); // check that no more contact is syncable as the export is done syncableIds = mDatabaseHelper.getNativeSyncableContactsLocalIds(); assertEquals(null, syncableIds); final ContactChange[] contactChanges = nca.getContact(ids[0]); assertTrue(compareContactWithContactChange(contact, contactChanges)); } /** * Compares a Contact details with an array of ContactChange. * * @param contact the Contact to compare * @param contactChange the array of ContactChange to compare * @return true if the Contact is equivalent to the array of ContactChange, false otherwise */ private boolean compareContactWithContactChange(Contact contact, ContactChange[] contactChanges) { final NativeContactsApi nca = NativeContactsApi.getInstance(); final List<ContactDetail> details = contact.details; for (int i = 0; i < details.size(); i++) { final ContactDetail detail = details.get(i); if (nca.isKeySupported(ContactDetailsTable.mapInternalKeyToContactChangeKey(detail.key.ordinal()))) { // check if there is a corresponding ContactChange if (!hasEquivalentContactChange(contactChanges, detail)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks if a ContactDetail has an equivalent ContactChange. * * @param contactChanges the array of ContactChange where to search * @param detail the ContactDetail to for which we have to find an equivalent * @return true if an equivalent ContactChange is found, false otherwise */ private boolean hasEquivalentContactChange(ContactChange[] contactChanges, ContactDetail detail) { for (int i = 0; i < contactChanges.length; i++) { final ContactChange change = contactChanges[i]; if (change.getValue().equals(detail.value)) { boolean same = true; // the corresponding ContactChange is found // check also the keys if (ContactDetailsTable.mapContactChangeKeyToInternalKey(change.getKey()) != detail.key.ordinal()) { same = false; } // check the type if (ContactDetailsTable.mapContactChangeFlagToInternalType(change.getFlags()) != detail.keyType.ordinal()) { same = false; } // check the preferred flag if (ContactDetailsTable.mapContactChangeFlagToInternalOrder(change.getFlags()) != detail.order) { same = false; } return same; } } return false; } /** * Runs the UpdateNativeContacts processor until it completes its task. * * @param processor the UpdateNativeContacts to run */ private void runUpdateNativeContactsProcessor(UpdateNativeContacts processor) { final long TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final ArrayList<ContactSyncCallback.ProcessorComplete> pc = mContactSyncCallback.mProcessorComplete; processor.start(); while (pc.size() == 0) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > TIMEOUT) { fail(); } processor.onTimeoutEvent(); } assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, pc.get(0).status); } /** * Feeds the People database with random contacts. * * @param contactsCount the number of contact to create */ private void feedSyncableContactsInDatabase(int contactsCount) { for (int i = 0; i < contactsCount; i++) { final Contact contact = mTestModule.createDummyContactData(); contact.synctophone = true; mDatabaseHelper.addContact(contact); } } /** * Feeds the People database with a contact containing all the possible details * that can be synced on native side. * * @return the created Contact */ private Contact feedOneSyncableContact() { final Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.synctophone = true; // set it syncable to native side contact.aboutMe = "xxx xxyyyy"; contact.friendOfMine = false; contact.gender = 1; // add a VCARD_NAME ContactDetail detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_NAME; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; Name name = new Name(); name.firstname = "Firstname"; name.midname = "Midname"; name.surname = "Surname"; name.suffixes = "Suffixes"; name.title = "Title"; detail.value = VCardHelper.makeName(name); // a VCARD_NAME contact.details.add(detail); // add a VCARD_NICKNAME detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_NICKNAME; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "My Nickname"; contact.details.add(detail); // add a birthday VCARD_DATE + BIRTHDAY type detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; Time time = new Time(); time.set(1, 1, 2010); detail.setDate(time, ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.BIRTHDAY); contact.details.add(detail); // add emails (Work, Home, Other) detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_EMAIL; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.HOME; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "email@home.test"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_EMAIL; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.WORK; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "email@work.test"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_EMAIL; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "email@other.test"; contact.details.add(detail); // add phones VCARD_PHONE (Home, Cell, Work, Fax, Other) detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.HOME; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "+33111111"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.CELL; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "+33222222"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.WORK; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "+33333333"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.FAX; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "+33444444"; contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "+33555555"; contact.details.add(detail); // add a preferred detail since all the others are set to normal detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_PHONE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.HOME; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_PREFERRED; detail.value = "+33666666"; contact.details.add(detail); // add VCARD_ADDRESS (Home, Work, Other) detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_ADDRESS; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.HOME; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; PostalAddress address = new PostalAddress(); address.addressLine1 = "home address line 1"; address.addressLine2 = "home address line 2"; = "home city"; = "home country"; address.county = "home county"; address.postCode = "home postcode"; address.postOfficeBox = "home po box"; detail.value = VCardHelper.makePostalAddress(address); contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_ADDRESS; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.WORK; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; address = new PostalAddress(); address.addressLine1 = "work address line 1"; address.addressLine2 = "work address line 2"; = "work city"; = "work country"; address.county = "work county"; address.postCode = "work postcode"; address.postOfficeBox = "work po box"; detail.value = VCardHelper.makePostalAddress(address); contact.details.add(detail); detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_ADDRESS; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; address = new PostalAddress(); address.addressLine1 = "other address line 1"; address.addressLine2 = "other address line 2"; = "other city"; = "other country"; address.county = "other county"; address.postCode = "other postcode"; address.postOfficeBox = "other po box"; detail.value = VCardHelper.makePostalAddress(address); contact.details.add(detail); // add a VCARD_URL detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_URL; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "http://myurl.test"; contact.details.add(detail); // add a VCARD_NOTE detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_NOTE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "a note"; contact.details.add(detail); // add a VCARD_ORG detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_ORG; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; Organisation org = new Organisation(); = "company name"; org.unitNames.add("department"); detail.value = VCardHelper.makeOrg(org); contact.details.add(detail); // add a VCARD_TITLE detail = new ContactDetail(); detail.key = ContactDetail.DetailKeys.VCARD_TITLE; detail.keyType = ContactDetail.DetailKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; detail.order = ContactDetail.ORDER_NORMAL; detail.value = "title"; contact.details.add(detail); mDatabaseHelper.addContact(contact); return contact; } /** * A ContactSyncCallback implementation that stores all the calls to onProcessorComplete(). */ private static class ContactSyncCallback implements IContactSyncCallback { /** * holds the parameters from onProcessorComplete() call */ public static class ProcessorComplete { public ProcessorComplete(ServiceStatus status, String failureList, Object data) { this.status = status; this.failureList = failureList; = data; } public ServiceStatus status; public String failureList; public Object data; } /** * List of all the calls to onProcessorComplete() with the parameters. */ public ArrayList<ProcessorComplete> mProcessorComplete = new ArrayList<ProcessorComplete>(1); @Override public BaseEngine getEngine() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void onDatabaseChanged() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onProcessorComplete(ServiceStatus status, String failureList, Object data) { mProcessorComplete.add(new ProcessorComplete(status, failureList, data)); } @Override public void setActiveRequestId(int reqId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setSyncStatus(SyncStatus syncStatus) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setTimeout(long timeout) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } }