package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import com.trilead.ssh2.ChannelCondition; import com.trilead.ssh2.Connection; import com.trilead.ssh2.Session; import com.trilead.ssh2.StreamGobbler; public class SSHCommandRunner implements Runnable { protected Connection connection; protected String user = null; protected Session session; protected InputStream out; protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SSHCommandRunner.class.getName()); protected InputStream err; protected String s_out = null; protected String s_err = null; protected boolean kill = false; protected String command = null; protected Object lock = new Object(); public SSHCommandRunner(Connection connection, String command) { super(); this.connection = connection; this.command = command; } public SSHCommandRunner(String server, String user, File sshPemFile, String passphrase, String command) throws IOException{ super(); Connection newConn = new Connection(server); newConn.connect(); if (!newConn.authenticateWithPublicKey(user, sshPemFile, passphrase)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not log in to " + newConn.getHostname() + " with the given credentials ("+user+")."); } this.connection = newConn; this.user = user; this.command = command; } public SSHCommandRunner(String server, String user, String passphrase, File sshPemFile, String pemPassphrase, String command) throws IOException{ super(); Connection newConn = new Connection(server); newConn.connect(); try { newConn.authenticateWithPublicKey(user, sshPemFile, pemPassphrase); } catch (IOException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); newConn = new Connection(server); newConn.connect(); if (!newConn.authenticateWithPassword(user, passphrase)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not log in to " + newConn.getHostname() + " with the given credentials ("+user+")."); } } this.connection = newConn; this.user = user; this.command = command; } public SSHCommandRunner(String server, String user, String password, String command) throws IOException{ super(); Connection newConn = new Connection(server); newConn.connect(); try { newConn.authenticateWithPassword(user, password); } catch (IOException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); newConn = new Connection(server); newConn.connect(); if (!newConn.authenticateWithPassword(user, password)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not log in to " + newConn.getHostname() + " with the given credentials ("+user+")."); } } this.connection = newConn; this.user = user; this.command = command; } public SSHCommandRunner(String server, String user, String sshPemFile, String passphrase, String command) throws IOException{ this(server, user, new File(sshPemFile), passphrase, command); } public SSHCommandRunner(String server, String user, String passphrase, String sshPemFile, String pemPassphrase, String command) throws IOException{ this(server, user, passphrase, new File(sshPemFile), pemPassphrase, command); } public void run(LogRecord logRecord) { try { if (logRecord == null) logRecord = LogMessageUtil.fine(); /* * Sync'd block prevents other threads from getting the streams before they've been set up here. */ synchronized (lock) { //"SSH: Running '"+this.command+"' on '"+this.connection.getHostname()+"'"); String message = "ssh "+ connection.getHostname()+ " " + command; if (this.user!=null) message = "ssh "+ user +"@"+ connection.getHostname()+" "+ command; logRecord.setMessage(message); log.log(logRecord); // sshSession.requestDumbPTY(); session = connection.openSession(); //session.startShell(); session.execCommand(command); out = new StreamGobbler(session.getStdout()); err = new StreamGobbler(session.getStderr()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void run() { run(LogMessageUtil.action()); } public Integer waitFor(){ return waitForWithTimeout(null); } /** * @param timeoutMS - time out, in milliseconds * @return null if command was interrupted or timedout, the command return code otherwise */ public Integer waitForWithTimeout(Long timeoutMS){ /*getStderr(); getStdout();*/ //causes problem when another thread is reading the 'live' output. int res = 0; boolean timedOut = false; int cond = ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS | ChannelCondition.EOF; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!kill && ((res & cond) != cond)){ if (timeoutMS != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > timeoutMS) { timedOut = true; break; } res = session.waitForCondition(cond, 1000); } Integer exitCode = null; if (! (kill || timedOut)) exitCode = getExitCode(); session.close(); kill=false; return exitCode; } public boolean isDone(){ if (session == null) return false; if (getExitCode() == null) return false; return true; } protected String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) { /* * To convert the InputStream to String we use the * BufferedReader.readLine() method. We iterate until the BufferedReader * return null which means there's no more data to read. Each line will * appended to a StringBuilder and returned as String. */ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return sb.toString(); } public SSHCommandResult getSSHCommandResult() { return new SSHCommandResult(getExitCode(),getStdout(),getStderr()); } public Integer getExitCode() { return session.getExitStatus(); } /** * Consumes entire stdout stream of the command, this will block until the stream is closed. * @return entire contents of stdout stream */ public String getStdout() { synchronized (lock) { if (s_out == null) s_out = convertStreamToString(out); return s_out; } } /** * Consumes entire stderr stream of the command, this will block until the stream is closed. * @return entire contents of stderr stream */ public String getStderr() { synchronized (lock) { if (s_err == null) s_err = convertStreamToString(err); return s_err; } } public void setCommand(String command) { reset(); this.command = command; } public String getCommand() { return command; } public void runCommand(String command){ runCommand(command,LogMessageUtil.fine()); } public void runCommand(String command, LogRecord logRecord){ reset(); this.command = command; run(logRecord); } public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWait(String command){ return runCommandAndWait(command,null,LogMessageUtil.fine(), false, true); } public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWait(String command, boolean liveLogOutput){ return runCommandAndWait(command,null,LogMessageUtil.fine(), liveLogOutput, true); } public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWait(String command, Long timeoutMS){ return runCommandAndWait(command,timeoutMS,LogMessageUtil.fine(), false, true); } public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWait(String command, LogRecord logRecord){ return runCommandAndWait(command,null,logRecord, false, true); } public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWaitWithoutLogging(String command){ return runCommandAndWait(command,null,LogMessageUtil.fine(), false, false); } /** * @param command - the remote command to run * @param timeoutMS - abort if command doesn't complete in this many milliseconds * (null means wait for command to complete, no matter how long it takes) * @param logRecord - a log record whose Level and Parameters will be used to do all * the command output logging. eg, a logRecord whose Level is INFO means log all the * output at INFO level. * @param liveLogOutput - if true, log output as the command runs. Good for long running * commands, or commands that could potentially hang or timeout. If false, don't log * any output until the command has finished running. * @param logOutput - if false, the stdout, stderr, and exitCode will not be logged at all * @return the integer return code of the command */ public SSHCommandResult runCommandAndWait(String command, Long timeoutMS, LogRecord logRecord, boolean liveLogOutput, boolean logOutput){ runCommand(command,logRecord); SplitStreamLogger logger = null; if (liveLogOutput && logOutput){ logger = new SplitStreamLogger(this); logger.log(logRecord.getLevel(), logRecord.getLevel()); } waitForWithTimeout(timeoutMS); SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult = null; if (liveLogOutput && logOutput) { s_out = logger.getStdout(); s_err = logger.getStderr(); } sshCommandResult = getSSHCommandResult(); if (!liveLogOutput && logOutput){ String o = (this.getStdout().split("\n").length>1)? "\n":""; String e = (this.getStderr().split("\n").length>1)? "\n":""; log.log(logRecord.getLevel(), "Stdout: "+o+sshCommandResult.getStdout()); log.log(logRecord.getLevel(), "Stderr: "+e+sshCommandResult.getStderr()); } if (logOutput){ log.log(logRecord.getLevel(), "ExitCode: "+sshCommandResult.getExitCode()); } return sshCommandResult; } /** * Stop waiting for the command to complete. */ public synchronized void kill(){ kill= true; } public InputStream getStdoutStream() { synchronized (lock) { return out; } } public InputStream getStdErrStream() { synchronized (lock) { return err; } } public void reset(){ try { if (out!= null) out.close(); if (err != null) err.close(); if (session!= null)session.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) { log.log(Level.FINER, "Couldn't close input stream", ioe); } s_out = null; s_err = null; command = null; } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * Runs a command via SSH as specified user, logs all output to INFO * logging level, returns String[] containing stdout in 0 position * and stderr in 1 position * @param hostname hostname of system * @param user user to execute command as * @param command command to execute * @return output as String[], stdout in 0 pos and stderr in 1 pos */ public static String[] executeViaSSHWithReturn(String hostname, String user, String command){ return executeViaSSHWithReturnWithTimeout(hostname, user, command, null); } /** * Runs a command via SSH as specified user, logs all output to INFO * logging level, returns String[] containing stdout in 0 position * and stderr in 1 position * @param hostname hostname of system * @param user user to execute command as * @param command command to execute * @param timeout amount of time to wait for command completion, in seconds * @return output as String[], stdout in 0 pos and stderr in 1 pos */ public static String[] executeViaSSHWithReturnWithTimeout(String hostname, String user, String command, Long timeoutMS){ SSHCommandRunner runner = null; SplitStreamLogger logger; //"SSH: Running '"+command+"' on '"+hostname+"'"); // moved into run() method - jsefler 1/4/2010 try{ runner = new SSHCommandRunner(hostname, user, new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/.ssh/id_auto_dsa"), System.getProperty("jon.server.sshkey.passphrase"),command);; logger = new SplitStreamLogger(runner); logger.log(); Integer exitcode = runner.waitForWithTimeout(timeoutMS); if (exitcode == null){ log.log(Level.INFO, "SSH command did not complete within timeout window"); return failSSH(); } } catch (Exception e){ log.log(Level.INFO, "SSH command failed:", e); return failSSH(); } return new String[] {logger.getStdout(), logger.getStderr()}; } private static String[] failSSH(){ return new String[] {"fail", "fail"}; } /** * Test code * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ /*Connection conn = new Connection(""); conn.connect(); if (!conn.authenticateWithPassword("jonqa", "dog8code")) throw new IllegalStateException("Authentication failed."); SSHCommandRunner runner = new SSHCommandRunner(conn, "sleep 3");; Integer exitcode = runner.waitForWithTimeout(null); System.out.println("exit code: " + exitcode);*/ Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SSHCommandRunner.class.getName()); SSHCommandRunner scr = new SSHCommandRunner("", "root", "dog8code", "sdf", "sdfs", null); scr.runCommandAndWait("sleep 5;echo 'hi there';sleep 3", true); System.out.println("Result: " + scr.getStdout()); /*SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(conn); scp.put(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "/../jon/bin/DummyJVM.class", "/tmp"); SSHCommandRunner jrunner = new SSHCommandRunner(conn, "java -cp /tmp DummyJVM");; new SplitStreamLogger(jrunner).log(); Thread.sleep(10000); SSHCommandRunner runner = new SSHCommandRunner(conn, "ps -ef | grep [D]ummy | awk '{print $2}'");; String pid = runner.getStdout().trim();"Found pid " + pid); runner = new SSHCommandRunner(conn, "kill " + pid);; new SplitStreamLogger(runner).log(); runner.waitFor(); jrunner.waitFor();*/ /*SSHCommandRunner jrunner = new SSHCommandRunner(conn, "grep sdf /tmp/sdsdfs");; System.out.println(jrunner.waitFor());*/ /* System.out.println("Output: " + runner.getStdout()); System.out.println("Stderr: " + runner.getStderr());*/ } }