package; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.trilead.ssh2.Connection; import com.trilead.ssh2.SCPClient; public class SCPTools { protected String userName; protected File sshPemFile; protected String password; protected String server; protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SCPTools.class.getName()); protected Connection connection = null; protected SCPClient client = null; public SCPTools(String server, String user, File sshPemFile, String password){ this.userName = user; this.sshPemFile = sshPemFile; this.password = password; this.server = server; } public SCPTools(String server, String user, String sshPemFileLoc, String password){ this.userName = user; this.sshPemFile = new File(sshPemFileLoc); this.password = password; this.server = server; } public boolean sendFile(String source, String dest){"SCP: Copying "+source+" to "+this.server+":"+dest); try { init(); client.put(source, dest); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.INFO, "SCP: File transfer failed:", e); return false; }"SCP: Transfer succeeded"); return true; } /*public void sendStream(OutputStream os, String dest) throws IOException{ Connection newConn = new Connection(server);"SFTP: Copying stream to "+this.server+":"+dest); newConn.connect(); newConn.authenticateWithPublicKey(userName, sshPemFile, password); SFTPv3Client sftp = new SFTPv3Client(newConn); sftp.createFile(dest);"SFTP: Transfer succeeded"); }*/ public boolean getFile(String remoteFile, String target){"SCP: Copying "+server+":"+remoteFile+" to "+target); try { init(); client.get(remoteFile, target); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.INFO, "SCP: File transfer failed:", e); return false; }"SCP: Transfer succeeded"); return true; } public void close() { connection.close(); } private void init() throws IOException{ if (connection == null) { connection = connect_server(); client = new SCPClient(connection); } } private Connection connect_server() throws IOException{ Connection newConn = new Connection(server); try { newConn.connect(); newConn.authenticateWithPublicKey(userName, sshPemFile, password); } catch (IOException e) { newConn = new Connection(server); try{newConn.connect();} catch(IOException ioe){log.log(Level.INFO, "SCP: Connection failed:", ioe);} newConn.authenticateWithPassword(userName, password); } return newConn; } public static void main(String... args) { SCPTools copier = new SCPTools("", "root", new File(""), "dog8code"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah1", "/tmp/"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah2", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah3", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah4", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah5", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah6", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah7", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah8", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah9", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah1", "/tmp/"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah2", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah3", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah4", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah5", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah6", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah7", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah8", "/tmp"); copier.sendFile("/tmp/blah9", "/tmp"); } }