package; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import org.testng.Reporter; public class TestNGReportHandler extends Handler { @Override public void close() throws SecurityException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void flush() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void publish(LogRecord record) { String css_class = record.getLevel().toString(); if (record.getParameters() != null) for (Object param: record.getParameters()){ if (param.equals(LogMessageUtil.Style.Banner)) css_class += " banner"; if (param.equals(LogMessageUtil.Style.StartTest)) css_class += " startTest"; if (param.equals(LogMessageUtil.Style.Action)) css_class += " ACTION"; if (param.equals(LogMessageUtil.Style.Asserted)) css_class += " ASSERT"; if (param.equals(LogMessageUtil.Style.AssertFailed)) css_class += " ASSERTFAIL"; } //Reporter.log("<div class='" + css_class + "'>"+record.getMessage() + "</div>"); Reporter.log("<div class='" + css_class + "'>"+tagAllUrls(addLineBreaks(escapeAllTags(record.getMessage()))) + "</div>"); } /** * Search msg for all embedded url strings (e.g. and return a modified * msg with html links wrapped around the msg to make it clickable when viewed within a browser. * @param msg * @return * @author jsefler */ protected static String tagAllUrls(String msg) { //String regex = "(http[s]?://[\\w\\d:/.$~\\-_?=&%#]+)"; String regex = "((http[s]?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):(//)[\\w\\d:/.,$~\\-_?=&%#;]+)"; // ((http[s]?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):(//)[\w\d:/.$~\-_?=&%#;]+) return msg.replaceAll(regex, "<a href=$1>$1</a>"); } /** * Search msg for all embedded html tags and escape their less than and greater than characters. * @param msg * @return - msg with all of its original html tags escaped. * @author jsefler */ protected static String escapeAllTags(String msg) { String regex = "<([^>]+)>"; return msg.replaceAll(regex, "<$1>"); } protected static String addLineBreaks(String msg) { return msg.replaceAll("\r\n", "<br/>").replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); } public static void main(String[] args) { String msg = "This is the url ( page."; System.out.println("UNTAGGED: "+msg); System.out.println(" TAGGED: "+tagAllUrls(msg)); String msg2 = "<div>ssh root@rlx-0-04 grep -E '\"<password>dog8code</password><foo><-hi>\"' <> /tmp/foo_-ds.xml </div> <foo> <bar/> foo < /tmp; cat foo >> /tmp"; System.out.println("UNESCAPED: "+msg2); System.out.println(" ESCAPED: "+escapeAllTags(msg2)); } }