package; /** * A LocatorSandwich is used to define a functional selenium locator when creating an Element. * These are useful when the selenium locator depends on some argument(s) and is therefore not * a fixed value. * The constructor of a LocatorSandwich takes three arguments. The first argument, the bottomBun, * represents the initial constant string of the locator. The second argument, the middleBun, * represents a repeating constant string that will be interleaved between slices of meat * supplied by the getLocator(String... meat) arguments. The third argument, the topBun, * is the final constant string that closes off the locator. * <br> Example: <br> LocatorSandwich bigMac = new LocatorSandwich("Big Mac","(","|",")"); * <br> bigMac.getLocator("a","b","c")); // returns: (a|b|c) * <br> bigMac.getLocator("a","b","c","d")); // returns: (a|b|c|d) * <br> * @author jsefler * */ public class LocatorSandwich implements LocatorStrategy { //private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExtendedSelenium.class.getName()); protected String name = null; protected String topBun = null; protected String middleBun = null; protected String bottomBun = null; /** * @param name - a brief human readable name for the template. * @param bottomBun - represents the initial constant string of the locator * @param middleBun - represents a repeating constant string that will be interleaved between slices of meat supplied by the getLocator(String... meat) arguments * @param topBun - represents the final constant string that closes off the locator */ public LocatorSandwich(String name, String bottomBun, String middleBun, String topBun){ = name; this.bottomBun = bottomBun; this.middleBun = middleBun; this.topBun = topBun; } @Override public String getLocator(String... args) { // build the sandwich... // start with the bottom bun String locator = this.bottomBun; // add the first slice of meat if (args.length>0) locator += args[0]; // add middle layers of bun, meat, bun, meat, bun, meat... for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++) { locator += middleBun+args[i]; } //add the top bun locator += topBun; return locator; } @Override public String getName() { return; } @Override public String getTemplate(String... args) { String[] templateArgs = new String[args.length]; for (int i = 1; i <= args.length; i++) { templateArgs[i-1]="$"+i; } return this.getLocator(templateArgs); } public static void main (String[] args){ // this is just a developers test LocatorSandwich bigMac = new LocatorSandwich("Big Mac","(","|",")"); System.out.println("bigMac.getName= "+bigMac.getName()); System.out.println("bigMac.getTemplate= "+bigMac.getTemplate("a","b","c","d","e")); System.out.println("bigMac.getTemplate= "+bigMac.getTemplate()); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator()); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator("a")); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator("a","b")); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator("a","b","c")); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator("a","b","c","d")); System.out.println("bigMac.getLocator= "+bigMac.getLocator("a","b","c","d","e")); } }