package; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A LocatorTemplate is used to define a functional selenium locator when creating an Element. * These are useful when the selenium locator depends on some argument(s) and is therefore not * a fixed value. Example: xpath=//table/th/a[starts-with(.,'column name')] * In this example, the 'column name' is a functional argument that would be passed at * runtime to the getLocator("Name Column") method. * The constructors template value would be "xpath=//table/th/a[starts-with(.,'$1')]" * @author jsefler * */ public class LocatorTemplate implements LocatorStrategy { protected String template = null; protected String name = null; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExtendedSelenium.class.getName()); /** * @param name - a brief human readable name for the template. * Example: "link in resource breadcrumb trail" * @param template - the locator path containing place holders of the form $d that will be sequentially replaced with the arguments passed to method getLocator(String... args). * Example: "//span[normalize-space(.)='$1']/../a[normalize-space(.)='$2']" */ public LocatorTemplate(String name, String template){ = name; this.template = template; } @Override public String getLocator(String... args) { String locator = getTemplate(args); for (int i=args.length; i>0; i--) { // count backwards to prevent aggressive replacements on a two digit number locator = locator.replaceAll("\\$"+i, args[i-1]); } // check for left over $d replacement strings (too few args) if (locator.matches(".*\\$\\d.*")) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Template "+name+ " has left over replacement holders. ("+locator+")"); //System.out.println("Template "+name+ " has left over replacement holders. ("+locator+")"); } return locator; } @Override public String getName() { return; } @Override public String getTemplate(String... args) { return this.template; } public static void main (String[] args){ // this is just a developers test LocatorTemplate locatorTemplate = new LocatorTemplate("table column row#","//table[@id='$1']//th[$2]/a[starts-with(.,'$3')]/../../../tr[$4]/td[$5]"); System.out.println("locatorTemplate.getTemplate= "+locatorTemplate.getTemplate()); System.out.println("locatorTemplate.getLocator= "+locatorTemplate.getLocator("table id1","10","column name","5","10")); System.out.println("locatorTemplate.getLocator= "+locatorTemplate.getLocator("table id2")); // too few args System.out.println("locatorTemplate.getLocator= "+locatorTemplate.getLocator("table id3","10","column name","5","10","too many args")); } }