/* * ModeShape (http://www.modeshape.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.teiid.runtime.client.admin; import static org.teiid.runtime.client.admin.VdbLexicon.Namespace.PREFIX; /** * Constants associated with the VDB namespace used in reading VDB manifests and writing JCR nodes. */ public interface VdbLexicon { /** * The model types processed by the Teiid sequencers. */ public interface ModelType { String PHYSICAL = "PHYSICAL"; String VIRTUAL = "VIRTUAL"; } /** * The URI and prefix constants of the VDB namespace. */ public interface Namespace { String PREFIX = "vdb"; String URI = "http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/VirtualDatabase"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest data roles. */ public interface DataRole { String ALLOW_CREATE_TEMP_TABLES = PREFIX + ":allowCreateTemporaryTables"; String ANY_AUTHENTICATED = PREFIX + ":anyAuthenticated"; String DATA_ROLE = PREFIX + ":dataRole"; String DESCRIPTION = PREFIX + ":description"; String MAPPED_ROLE_NAMES = PREFIX + ":mappedRoleNames"; String PERMISSIONS = PREFIX + ":permissions"; String GRANT_ALL = PREFIX + ":grantAll"; /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest data role permissions. */ public interface Permission { String ALLOW_ALTER = PREFIX + ":allowAlter"; String ALLOW_CREATE = PREFIX + ":allowCreate"; String ALLOW_DELETE = PREFIX + ":allowDelete"; String ALLOW_EXECUTE = PREFIX + ":allowExecute"; String ALLOW_LANGUAGE = PREFIX + ":allowLanguage"; String ALLOW_READ = PREFIX + ":allowRead"; String ALLOW_UPDATE = PREFIX + ":allowUpdate"; String CONDITIONS = PREFIX + ":conditions"; String MASKS = PREFIX + ":masks"; String PERMISSION = PREFIX + ":permission"; /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest data role permission conditions. */ public interface Condition { String CONDITION = PREFIX + ":condition"; String CONSTRAINT = PREFIX + ":constraint"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest data role permission masks. */ public interface Mask { String MASK = PREFIX + ":mask"; String ORDER = PREFIX + ":order"; } } } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest sources. */ public interface Source { String NAME = PREFIX + ":sourceName"; String JNDI_NAME = PREFIX + ":sourceJndiName"; String SOURCE = PREFIX + ":source"; String TRANSLATOR = PREFIX + ":sourceTranslator"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest entries. */ public interface Entry { String DESCRIPTION = PREFIX + ":description"; String ENTRY = PREFIX + ":entry"; String PATH = PREFIX + ":path"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest imported VDBs. */ public interface ImportVdb { String IMPORT_DATA_POLICIES = PREFIX + ":importDataPolicies"; String IMPORT_VDB = PREFIX + ":importVdb"; String VERSION = PREFIX + ":version"; } /** * Constants associated with the VDB namespace that identify VDB manifest identifiers. */ public interface ManifestIds { String ALLOW_ALTER = "allow-alter"; String ALLOW_CREATE = "allow-create"; String ALLOW_CREATE_TEMP_TABLES = "allow-create-temporary-tables"; String ALLOW_DELETE = "allow-delete"; String ALLOW_EXECUTE = "allow-execute"; String ALLOW_LANGUAGE = "allow-language"; String ALLOW_READ = "allow-read"; String ALLOW_UPDATE = "allow-update"; String ANY_AUTHENTICATED = "any-authenticated"; String BUILT_IN = "builtIn"; String CHECKSUM = "checksum"; String CONDITION = "condition"; String CONNECTION_TYPE = "connection-type"; String CONSTRAINT = "constraint"; String DATA_ROLE = "data-role"; String DEPLOYMENT_NAME = "deployment-name"; String DESCRIPTION = "description"; String ENTRY = "entry"; String GRANT_ALL = "grant-all"; String IMPORTS = "imports"; String IMPORT_DATA_POLICIES = "import-data-policies"; String IMPORT_VDB = "import-vdb"; String INDEX_NAME = "indexName"; String JNDI_NAME = "connection-jndi-name"; String MAPPED_ROLE_NAME = "mapped-role-name"; String MASK = "mask"; String METADATA = "metadata"; String MODEL = "model"; String MODEL_CLASS= "modelClass"; String MODEL_UUID = "modelUuid" ; String NAME = "name"; String ORDER = "order"; String PATH = "path"; String PERMISSION = "permission"; String PREVIEW = "preview"; String PROPERTY = "property"; String RESOURCE_NAME = "resource-name"; String SEVERITY = "severity"; String SOURCE = "source"; String TRANSLATOR = "translator"; String TRANSLATOR_NAME = "translator-name"; String TYPE = "type"; String VALIDATION_ERROR = "validation-error"; String VALUE = "value"; String VDB = "vdb"; String VERSION = "version"; String VISIBLE = "visible"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest models. */ public interface Model { String BUILT_IN = PREFIX + ":builtIn"; String CHECKSUM = PREFIX + ":checksum"; String DESCRIPTION = PREFIX + ":description"; String INDEX_NAME = PREFIX + ":indexName"; String MARKERS = PREFIX + ":markers"; String METADATA_TYPE = PREFIX + ":metadataType"; String MODEL = PREFIX + ":model"; String MODEL_DEFINITION = PREFIX + ":modelDefinition"; String PATH_IN_VDB = PREFIX + ":pathInVdb"; String SOURCE_JNDI_NAME = PREFIX + ":sourceJndiName"; String SOURCE_NAME = PREFIX + ":sourceName"; String SOURCE_TRANSLATOR = PREFIX + ":sourceTranslator"; String VISIBLE = PREFIX + ":visible"; /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest model validation error markers. */ public interface Marker { String MARKER = PREFIX + ":marker"; String MESSAGE = PREFIX + ":message"; String PATH = PREFIX + ":path"; String SEVERITY = PREFIX + ":severity"; } } /** * JCR identifiers relating to VDB manifest translators. */ public interface Translator { String DESCRIPTION = PREFIX + ":description"; String TRANSLATOR = PREFIX + ":translator"; String TYPE = PREFIX + ":type"; } /** * JCR identifiers relating to the VDB manifest. */ public interface Vdb { String CONNECTION_TYPE = PREFIX + ":connectionType"; String DATA_ROLES = PREFIX + ":dataRoles"; String DECLARATIVE_MODEL = PREFIX + ":declarativeModel"; String DESCRIPTION = PREFIX + ":description"; String ENTRIES = PREFIX + ":entries"; String IMPORT_VDBS = PREFIX + ":importVdbs"; String MODEL = PREFIX + ":model"; String NAME = PREFIX + ":name"; String ORIGINAL_FILE = PREFIX + ":originalFile"; String PREVIEW = PREFIX + ":preview"; String SOURCES = PREFIX + ":sources"; String TRANSLATORS = PREFIX + ":translators"; String VERSION = PREFIX + ":version"; String VIRTUAL_DATABASE = PREFIX + ":virtualDatabase"; } }