/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * * See the LEGAL.txt file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * See the AUTHORS.txt file distributed with this work for a full listing of individual contributors. */ package org.teiid.designer.ui.common.viewsupport; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; /** * A settable IStatus. * Can be an error, warning, info or ok. For error, info and warning states, * a message describes the problem. * * @since 8.0 */ public class StatusInfo implements IStatus { private String fStatusMessage; private int fSeverity; private String pluginID; /** * Creates a status set to OK (no message) */ public StatusInfo(String pluginID) { this(pluginID, OK, null); } /** * Creates a status . * @param severity The status severity: ERROR, WARNING, INFO and OK. * @param message The message of the status. Applies only for ERROR, * WARNING and INFO. */ public StatusInfo(String pluginID, int severity, String message) { fStatusMessage= message; fSeverity= severity; } /** * Returns if the status' severity is OK. */ @Override public boolean isOK() { return fSeverity == IStatus.OK; } /** * Returns if the status' severity is WARNING. */ public boolean isWarning() { return fSeverity == IStatus.WARNING; } /** * Returns if the status' severity is INFO. */ public boolean isInfo() { return fSeverity == IStatus.INFO; } /** * Returns if the status' severity is ERROR. */ public boolean isError() { return fSeverity == IStatus.ERROR; } /** * @see IStatus#getMessage */ @Override public String getMessage() { return fStatusMessage; } /** * Sets the status to ERROR. * @param The error message (can be empty, but not null) */ public void setError(String errorMessage) { Assert.isNotNull(errorMessage); fStatusMessage= errorMessage; fSeverity= IStatus.ERROR; } /** * Sets the status to WARNING. * @param The warning message (can be empty, but not null) */ public void setWarning(String warningMessage) { Assert.isNotNull(warningMessage); fStatusMessage= warningMessage; fSeverity= IStatus.WARNING; } /** * Sets the status to INFO. * @param The info message (can be empty, but not null) */ public void setInfo(String infoMessage) { Assert.isNotNull(infoMessage); fStatusMessage= infoMessage; fSeverity= IStatus.INFO; } /* * @see IStatus#matches(int) */ @Override public boolean matches(int severityMask) { return (fSeverity & severityMask) != 0; } /** * Returns always <code>false</code>. * @see IStatus#isMultiStatus() */ @Override public boolean isMultiStatus() { return false; } /* * @see IStatus#getSeverity() */ @Override public int getSeverity() { return fSeverity; } /* * @see IStatus#getPlugin() */ @Override public String getPlugin() { return this.pluginID; } /** * Returns always <code>null</code>. * @see IStatus#getException() */ @Override public Throwable getException() { return null; } /** * Returns always the error severity. * @see IStatus#getCode() */ @Override public int getCode() { return fSeverity; } /** * Returns always <code>null</code>. * @see IStatus#getChildren() */ @Override public IStatus[] getChildren() { return new IStatus[0]; } }