/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * * See the LEGAL.txt file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * See the AUTHORS.txt file distributed with this work for a full listing of individual contributors. */ package org.teiid.designer.ddl.importer.node.teiid; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.teiid.core.designer.I18n; import org.teiid.core.designer.util.StringConstants; import org.teiid.designer.core.ModelerCore; import org.teiid.designer.core.validation.rules.StringNameValidator; import org.teiid.designer.ddl.DdlImporterManager; import org.teiid.designer.ddl.importer.DdlImporterI18n; import org.teiid.designer.ddl.importer.node.AbstractImporter; import org.teiid.designer.metamodels.core.ModelType; import org.teiid.designer.metamodels.relational.util.RelationalTypeMappingImpl; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalColumn; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalForeignKey; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalModel; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalParameter; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalPrimaryKey; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalProcedure; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalProcedureResultSet; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalReference; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalSchema; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalTable; import org.teiid.designer.relational.model.RelationalUniqueConstraint; import org.teiid.designer.transformation.ddl.TeiidSQLConstants; import org.teiid.designer.type.IDataTypeManagerService; import org.teiid.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants; import org.teiid.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon; import org.teiid.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode; public class TeiidStandardImporter extends TeiidAbstractImporter { class Info { protected RelationalSchema schema; protected String name; public Info(AstNode node, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { init(node, model); } protected void init(AstNode node, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { schema = null; this.name = node.getName(); } protected String removeLeadingTrailingTicks(String name) { String resultName = name; if(name!=null && name.length()>2 & name.startsWith("`") && name.endsWith("`")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ resultName = name.substring(1, name.length()-1); } return resultName; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return this.name; } /** * @return the schema */ public RelationalSchema getSchema() { return schema; } } protected static final String STRING_TYPENAME = "string"; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final String CHAR_TYPENAME = "char"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * see <code>org.teiid.core.types.JDBCSQLTypeInfo.java</code> for details * FLOAT, DOUBLE, BIG_DECIMAL all show 20 as the default precision */ protected static final int DEFAULT_PRECISION = 0; /** * Create new info object * * @param node the AstNode * @param model the RelationalModel * * @return new info object * * @throws Exception */ protected Info createInfo(AstNode node, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { return new Info(node, model); } /** * @param type type of RelationalReference to find * @param name the node name * @param node the AstNode * @param parent the parent reference * @param allModelRefs the collection of all model RelationalReferences * * @return RelationalReference which is a match * * @throws EntityNotFoundException * @throws CoreException */ protected <T extends RelationalReference> T find(Class<T> type, String name, AstNode node, RelationalReference parent, Collection<RelationalReference> allModelRefs) throws EntityNotFoundException, CoreException { // Look through all refs list for a matching object for ( RelationalReference obj : allModelRefs) { if (type.isInstance(obj)) { T relEntity = (T)obj; if (relEntity.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { RelationalReference relParent = relEntity.getParent(); if(parent!=null) { if(relParent.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(parent.getName())) { return relEntity; } } else { return relEntity; } } } } while (node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_EXPRESSION) == null) { node = node.getParent(); } throw new EntityNotFoundException(I18n.format(DdlImporterI18n.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND_MSG, type.getSimpleName(), name, DdlImporterI18n.MODEL, parent == null ? getImporterManager().getModelName() : parent.getName(), node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_START_LINE_NUMBER).toString(), node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_START_COLUMN_NUMBER).toString())); } /** * @param type type of RelationalReference to find * @param node the AstNode * @param parent the parent reference * @param allModelRefs the collection of all model RelationalReferences * @return RelationalReference which is a match * * @throws EntityNotFoundException * @throws CoreException */ protected <T extends RelationalReference> T find(Class<T> type, AstNode node, RelationalReference parent, Collection<RelationalReference> allModelRefs) throws EntityNotFoundException, CoreException { String nodeName = node.getName(); return find(type, nodeName, node, parent, allModelRefs); } /** * Initialize the RelationalReference * @param entity the object * @param node the corresponding AstNode * @param name the name for the object */ protected void initialize(RelationalReference entity, AstNode node, String name) { entity.setName(name); // descriptions must wait to be set until container and model type has been set if (getImporterManager().optToSetModelEntityDescription()) { Object prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_EXPRESSION); if (prop != null) { entity.setDescription(prop.toString()); } else { entity.setDescription(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } /** * Initialize the RelationalReference * @param entity the object * @param node the corresponding AstNode */ protected void initialize(RelationalReference entity, AstNode node) { initialize(entity, node, node.getName()); } /** * Helper method for creating unique FK names * @param currentFKs the List of ForeignKeys currently on the table * @param newFKName the proposed name for the new FK * @return the unique name - generated from the proposed name */ protected String getUniqueFKName(Collection<RelationalForeignKey> currentFKs, String newFKName) { // If current list is empty, no need to check names if (currentFKs == null || currentFKs.isEmpty()) return newFKName; // Use name validator for unique name generation StringNameValidator nameValidator = new StringNameValidator(); // Add the current FK names to the validator for (RelationalForeignKey fk : currentFKs) { nameValidator.addExistingName(fk.getName()); } // Make the proposed name unique return nameValidator.createValidUniqueName(newFKName); } /** * Initialize a ForeignKey * @param currentFKs collection of current FKs * @param key a ForeignKey * @param node corresponding AstNode */ protected void initializeFK(Collection<RelationalForeignKey> currentFKs, RelationalForeignKey key, AstNode node) { // Get Name from DDL node String fkName = node.getName(); // Make sure not to add duplicate FK names String uniqueName = getUniqueFKName(currentFKs, fkName); initialize(key, node, uniqueName); } /** * Initialize a RelationalTable * @param table the Table to init * @param node corresponding AstNode * @param model the RelationalModel * @return the initialized Table * @throws Exception */ protected <T extends RelationalTable> T initializeTable(T table, AstNode node, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { Info info = createInfo(node, model); if (info.getSchema() == null) model.addChild(table); else info.getSchema().getTables().add(table); initialize(table, node, info.getName()); return table; } /** * Handle a statement OPTION key for Column for DDL * * @param column the ColumngetTeiidDataTypeName * @param columnOptionNode a statementOption node for a column */ protected void handleColumnOption(RelationalColumn column, AstNode columnOptionNode) { // Do nothing } /** * Handle the OPTION keys that may be set on Column for DDL * * @param column the Column * @param columnNode the column AstNode */ protected void handleColumnOptions(RelationalColumn column, AstNode columnNode) { List<AstNode> children = columnNode.getChildren(); for(AstNode child: children) { if(is(child, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_STATEMENT_OPTION)) { handleColumnOption(column,child); } } } /** * @param datatype * * @return {@link EObject} represented by the given data type id * @throws Exception */ protected String getTeiidDataTypeName(String datatype) throws Exception { String typeName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ EObject dataType = RelationalTypeMappingImpl.getInstance().getDatatype(datatype); if(dataType!=null) { typeName = ModelerCore.getWorkspaceDatatypeManager().getName(dataType); } return typeName; } /** * Create Column from the provided AstNode within ColumnSet * @param node the provided AstNode * @param table the ColumnSet in which to create the column * @return the column * * @throws Exception */ protected RelationalColumn createColumn(AstNode node, RelationalTable table) throws Exception { RelationalColumn col = getFactory().createColumn(); col.setParent(table); table.getColumns().add(col); initialize(col, node); if( TeiidSQLConstants.isReservedWord(col.getName()) ) { String name = col.getName(); col.setName(StringConstants.DQUOTE + name + StringConstants.DQUOTE); } setDataType(node, col); return col; } /** * Create Column from the provided AstNode within ColumnSet * @param node the provided AstNode * @param column * * @throws Exception */ protected void setDataType(AstNode node, RelationalColumn column) throws Exception { String datatype = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_NAME).toString(); column.setNativeType(datatype); String teiidType = getTeiidDataTypeName(datatype); column.setDatatype(teiidType); // Datatype length Object prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_LENGTH); if (prop != null) { column.setLength(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); } else { // Length is not provided for type 'string', use the default length specified in preferences... //String dtName = ModelerCore.getWorkspaceDatatypeManager().getName(type); if(teiidType != null) { if( teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(STRING_TYPENAME)) { column.setLength(ModelerCore.getTransformationPreferences().getDefaultStringLength()); } else if( teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(CHAR_TYPENAME) ) { column.setLength(1); } } } prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_PRECISION); if (prop != null) { column.setPrecision(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); } else { // IF type == FLOAT, BIG_DECIMAL, DECIMAL, then set precision to at least 1 if( teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(IDataTypeManagerService.DataTypeName.BIGDECIMAL.name()) || teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(IDataTypeManagerService.DataTypeName.DECIMAL.name()) || teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(IDataTypeManagerService.DataTypeName.FLOAT.name()) || teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(IDataTypeManagerService.DataTypeName.DOUBLE.name())) { column.setPrecision(DEFAULT_PRECISION); } } prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_SCALE); if (prop != null) column.setScale(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.NULLABLE); if (prop != null) column.setNullable(getRelRefNullable(prop.toString())); prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUE); if (prop != null) column.setDefaultValue(prop.toString()); } /** * Create ProcedureParameter from the provided AstNode within procedure * @param node the provided AstNode * @param procedure the Procedure in which to create the procedure parameter * @return the procedure parameter * * @throws Exception */ protected RelationalParameter createProcedureParameter(AstNode node, RelationalProcedure procedure) throws Exception { RelationalParameter prm = getFactory().createParameter(); procedure.getParameters().add(prm); initialize(prm, node); String datatype = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_NAME).toString(); prm.setNativeType(datatype); String teiidType = getTeiidDataTypeName(datatype); prm.setDatatype(teiidType); // Datatype length Object prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_LENGTH); if (prop != null) { prm.setLength(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); } // else { // Length is not provided for type 'string', use the default length specified in preferences... // String dtName = ModelerCore.getWorkspaceDatatypeManager().getName(type); // if(teiidType != null && teiidType.equalsIgnoreCase(STRING_TYPENAME)) { // prm.setLength(ModelerCore.getTransformationPreferences().getDefaultStringLength()); // } // } prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_PRECISION); if (prop != null) prm.setPrecision(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_SCALE); if (prop != null) prm.setScale(Integer.parseInt(prop.toString())); prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.NULLABLE); if (prop != null) prm.setNullable(getRelRefNullable(prop.toString())); prop = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUE); if (prop != null) prm.setDefaultValue(prop.toString()); return prm; } /** * Create a PrimaryKey * @param node the AstNode representing the primary key * @param table the parent Table * @param allRefs the Collection of all RelationalReference objects in the model * * @throws CoreException */ protected void createPrimaryKey(AstNode node, RelationalTable table, Collection<RelationalReference> allRefs) throws CoreException { String type = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.CONSTRAINT_TYPE).toString(); if (DdlConstants.PRIMARY_KEY.equals(type)) { RelationalPrimaryKey key = getFactory().createPrimaryKey(); table.setPrimaryKey(key); initialize(key, node); for (AstNode node1 : node) { if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_REFERENCE)) { try { RelationalColumn column = find(RelationalColumn.class, node1, table, allRefs); // if (column.getNullable() == NullableType.NULLABLE_UNKNOWN_LITERAL // || column.getNullable() == NullableType.NULLABLE_LITERAL) { // column.setNullable(NullableType.NO_NULLS_LITERAL); // } key.getColumns().add(column); } catch (EntityNotFoundException error) { addProgressMessage(error.getMessage()); } } } } } /** * Create a Constraint * @param node the AstNode representing the constraint * @param table the parent Table * @param allRefs the Collection of all RelationalReference objects in the model * * @throws CoreException */ protected void createConstraint(AstNode node, RelationalTable table, Collection<RelationalReference> allRefs) throws CoreException { String type = node.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.CONSTRAINT_TYPE).toString(); if (DdlConstants.FOREIGN_KEY.equals(type)) { RelationalForeignKey key = getFactory().createForeignKey(); initializeFK(table.getForeignKeys(), key, node); table.getForeignKeys().add(key); RelationalTable foreignTable = null; Set<RelationalColumn> foreignColumns = new HashSet<RelationalColumn>(); for (AstNode node1 : node) { try { if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_REFERENCE)) key.getColumns().add(find(RelationalColumn.class, node1, table, allRefs)); else if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_REFERENCE)) foreignTable = find(RelationalTable.class, node1, null, allRefs); else if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_FK_COLUMN_REFERENCE) && foreignTable != null) { foreignColumns.add(find(RelationalColumn.class, node1, foreignTable, allRefs)); } } catch (Exception error) { addProgressMessage(error.getMessage()); } } if (foreignTable == null) return; RelationalPrimaryKey primaryKey = foreignTable.getPrimaryKey(); Collection<RelationalColumn> primaryKeyColumns = primaryKey.getColumns(); if (foreignColumns.isEmpty()) { key.setUniqueKeyName(primaryKey.getName()); key.setUniqueKeyTableName(foreignTable.getName()); } if (primaryKeyColumns.containsAll(foreignColumns) && primaryKeyColumns.size() == foreignColumns.size()) { key.setUniqueKeyName(primaryKey.getName()); key.setUniqueKeyTableName(foreignTable.getName()); } else { for (Object obj : foreignTable.getUniqueConstraints()) { RelationalUniqueConstraint uniqueKey = (RelationalUniqueConstraint)obj; Collection<RelationalColumn> uniqueKeyColumns = uniqueKey.getColumns(); if (uniqueKeyColumns.containsAll(foreignColumns) && uniqueKeyColumns.size() == foreignColumns.size()) { key.setUniqueKeyName(uniqueKey.getName()); key.setUniqueKeyTableName(foreignTable.getName()); break; } } } } else if (DdlConstants.UNIQUE.equals(type)) { RelationalUniqueConstraint key = getFactory().createUniqueConstraint(); table.getUniqueConstraints().add(key); initialize(key, node); for (AstNode node1 : node) { if (! is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_REFERENCE)) continue; try { RelationalColumn column = find(RelationalColumn.class, node1, table, allRefs); // if (column.getNullable() == NullableType.NULLABLE_UNKNOWN_LITERAL || column.getNullable() == NullableType.NULLABLE_LITERAL) { // column.setNullable(NullableType.NO_NULLS_LITERAL); // } key.getColumns().add(column); } catch (Exception error) { addProgressMessage(error.getMessage()); } } } } /** * Create a RelationalProcedure * @param procedureNode the AstNode for the procedure * @param model the RelationalModel * @return the RelationalProcedure * * @throws Exception */ protected RelationalProcedure createProcedure( AstNode procedureNode, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { RelationalProcedure procedure = getFactory().createProcedure(); Info info = createInfo(procedureNode, model); if (info.getSchema() == null) model.addChild(procedure); else { info.getSchema().getProcedures().add(procedure); procedure.setParent(info.getSchema()); } initialize(procedure, procedureNode, info.getName()); // TODO: determine how to handle Procedure StatementOption // TODO: determine how to handle Procedure Statement if (procedureNode.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_NAME) != null) { RelationalProcedureResultSet result = getFactory().createProcedureResultSet(); procedure.setResultSet(result); initialize(result, procedureNode); } return procedure; } /** * Create a RelationalProcedure * @param procedureNode the AstNode for the procedure * @param model the RelationalModel * @return the RelationalProcedure * * @throws Exception */ protected RelationalProcedure createViewProcedure( AstNode procedureNode, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { RelationalProcedure procedure = getFactory().createViewProcedure(); Info info = createInfo(procedureNode, model); if (info.getSchema() == null) model.addChild(procedure); else { info.getSchema().getProcedures().add(procedure); procedure.setParent(info.getSchema()); } initialize(procedure, procedureNode, info.getName()); // TODO: determine how to handle Procedure StatementOption // TODO: determine how to handle Procedure Statement if (procedureNode.getProperty(StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_NAME) != null) { RelationalProcedureResultSet result = getFactory().createProcedureResultSet(); procedure.setResultSet(result); initialize(result, procedureNode); } return procedure; } /** * Perform the import * @param rootNode the rootNode of the DDL * @param importManager the import manager which maintains import options * * @param props the custom properties for import * @return the RelationalModel created * @throws Exception */ @Override public RelationalModel importNode(AstNode rootNode, DdlImporterManager importManager, Properties props) throws Exception { setImporterManager(importManager); // Create a RelationalModel for the imported DDL RelationalModel model = getFactory().createModel("ddlImportedModel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Map for holding deferred nodes, which much be created later Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> deferredCreateMap = new HashMap<AstNode,RelationalReference>(); // Create objects from the DDL. (populated map of deferred nodes) for (AstNode node : rootNode) { if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_SCHEMA_STATEMENT)) { RelationalSchema schema = getFactory().createSchema(); model.addChild(schema); initialize(schema, node); for (AstNode node1 : node) { Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> deferredMap = createObject(node1, model, schema); if(!deferredMap.isEmpty()) { deferredCreateMap.putAll(deferredMap); } } } else { Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> deferredMap = createObject(node, model, null); if(!deferredMap.isEmpty()) { deferredCreateMap.putAll(deferredMap); } } } // Now process all the 'deferred' nodes. These are nodes which reference other nodes (which are required to exist first) createDeferredObjects(deferredCreateMap,model); return model; } /** * Create RelationalReference objects * @param node the provided AstNode * @param model the RelationalModel being created * @param schema the schema * @return the map of AstNodes which need to be deferred * @throws Exception */ protected Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> createObject(AstNode node, RelationalModel model, RelationalSchema schema) throws Exception { Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> deferredMap = new HashMap<AstNode,RelationalReference>(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Standard DDL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT)) { RelationalTable table = initializeTable(getFactory().createBaseTable(), node, model); for (AstNode child : node) { if (is(child, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_DEFINITION)) createColumn(child, table); else if (is(child, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT)) { deferredMap.put(child, table); } } } else if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_VIEW_STATEMENT)) { if (getImporterManager().getModelType() != ModelType.VIRTUAL_LITERAL && getImporterManager().optToCreateModelEntitiesForUnsupportedDdl()) initializeTable(getFactory().createView(), node, model); } else if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT)) { deferredMap.put(node, null); // Unhandled node - get the mixin type and increment the count } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); List<String> mixins = node.getMixins(); Iterator<String> iter = mixins.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String mixin = iter.next(); sb.append(mixin); if(iter.hasNext()) sb.append(","); //$NON-NLS-1$ } getImporterManager().getImportMessages().incrementUnhandledNodeType(sb.toString()); } return deferredMap; } /** * Create deferred objects using the supplied map * @param deferredNodes the map of deferred AstNodes * @param model the RelationalModel being created * @throws Exception */ protected void createDeferredObjects(Map<AstNode,RelationalReference> deferredNodes, RelationalModel model) throws Exception { Collection<RelationalReference> allRefs = model.getAllReferences(); // Make first pass to create the PKs Set<AstNode> astNodes = deferredNodes.keySet(); for(AstNode node:astNodes) { if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT)) { RelationalTable table = (RelationalTable)deferredNodes.get(node); createPrimaryKey(node, table, allRefs); } else if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT)) { RelationalTable table = find(RelationalTable.class, node, null, allRefs); for (AstNode node1 : node) { if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ADD_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_DEFINITION)) createPrimaryKey(node1, table, allRefs); } } } // Second pass create other constraints for(AstNode node:astNodes) { if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT)) { RelationalTable table = (RelationalTable)deferredNodes.get(node); createConstraint(node, table, allRefs); } else if (is(node, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT)) { RelationalTable table = find(RelationalTable.class, node, null, allRefs); for (AstNode node1 : node) { if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ADD_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_DEFINITION)) createConstraint(node1, table, allRefs); else if (is(node1, StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ADD_COLUMN_DEFINITION)) createColumn(node1, table); } } } } /** * Get the RelationalReference nullable string for the provided ast nullable property value * @param astNullableStr * @return RelationalReference nullable string */ protected String getRelRefNullable(String astNullableStr) { String nullableStr = "NULLABLE_UNKNOWN"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if(astNullableStr!=null) { if(astNullableStr.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ nullableStr = "NULLABLE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if(astNullableStr.equalsIgnoreCase("not null")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ nullableStr = "NO_NULLS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return nullableStr; } }