/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.teiid.query.function; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.teiid.core.CoreConstants; import org.teiid.core.types.DataTypeManagerService; import org.teiid.core.types.Transform; import org.teiid.designer.annotation.Since; import org.teiid.designer.query.sql.symbol.IAggregateSymbol; import org.teiid.designer.query.sql.symbol.IAggregateSymbol.Type; import org.teiid.designer.runtime.version.spi.ITeiidServerVersion; import org.teiid.designer.runtime.version.spi.TeiidServerVersion.Version; import org.teiid.designer.udf.IFunctionLibrary; import org.teiid.metadata.AggregateAttributes; import org.teiid.metadata.FunctionMethod; import org.teiid.metadata.FunctionParameter; import org.teiid.query.function.metadata.FunctionCategoryConstants; import org.teiid.query.resolver.util.ResolverUtil; import org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.Constant; import org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.Expression; import org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.Function; /** * The function library is the primary way for the system to find out what * functions are available, resolve function signatures, and invoke system * and user-defined functions. */ public class FunctionLibrary implements IFunctionLibrary<FunctionForm, FunctionDescriptor> { public static final String MVSTATUS = "mvstatus"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final Set<String> INTERNAL_SCHEMAS = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); static { INTERNAL_SCHEMAS.add(CoreConstants.SYSTEM_MODEL); INTERNAL_SCHEMAS.add(CoreConstants.SYSTEM_ADMIN_MODEL); INTERNAL_SCHEMAS.add(CoreConstants.ODBC_MODEL); } // Function tree for system functions (never reloaded) private FunctionTree systemFunctions; // Function tree for user-defined functions private FunctionTree[] userFunctions; private final ITeiidServerVersion teiidVersion; private DataTypeManagerService dataTypeManager; /** * Construct the function library. This should be called only once by the * FunctionLibraryManager. * @param teiidVersion * @param systemFuncs * @param userFuncs */ public FunctionLibrary(ITeiidServerVersion teiidVersion, FunctionTree systemFuncs, FunctionTree... userFuncs) { this.teiidVersion = teiidVersion; this.systemFunctions = systemFuncs; this.userFunctions = userFuncs; } /** * @return the teiidVersion */ public ITeiidServerVersion getTeiidVersion() { return this.teiidVersion; } public DataTypeManagerService getDataTypeManager() { if (dataTypeManager == null) dataTypeManager = DataTypeManagerService.getInstance(getTeiidVersion()); return dataTypeManager; } public FunctionTree[] getUserFunctions() { return userFunctions; } /** * Get all function categories, sorted in alphabetical order * @return List of function category names, sorted in alphabetical order */ public List<String> getFunctionCategories() { // Remove category duplicates TreeSet<String> categories = new TreeSet<String>(); categories.addAll( systemFunctions.getCategories() ); if (this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { categories.addAll(tree.getCategories()); } } ArrayList<String> categoryList = new ArrayList<String>(categories); return categoryList; } /** * Get all functions in a category. * @param category Category name * @return List of {@link FunctionMethod}s in a category */ public List<FunctionMethod> getFunctionsInCategory(String category) { List<FunctionMethod> forms = new ArrayList<FunctionMethod>(); forms.addAll(systemFunctions.getFunctionsInCategory(category)); if (this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { forms.addAll(tree.getFunctionsInCategory(category)); } } return forms; } @Override public List<FunctionForm> getFunctionForms(String category) { Set<FunctionMethod> fMethods = systemFunctions.getFunctionsInCategory(category); for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { fMethods.addAll(tree.getFunctionsInCategory(category)); } List<FunctionForm> forms = new ArrayList<FunctionForm>(); if (fMethods != null) { for (FunctionMethod fMethod : fMethods) { forms.add(new FunctionForm(fMethod)); } } return forms; } @Override public FunctionForm findFunctionForm(String name, int numArgs) { List<FunctionMethod> functionMethods = systemFunctions.findFunctionMethods(name, numArgs); if (functionMethods.size() > 0) { return new FunctionForm(functionMethods.get(0)); } if(functionMethods.isEmpty() && this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { functionMethods = tree.findFunctionMethods(name, numArgs); if (functionMethods.size() > 0) { return new FunctionForm(functionMethods.get(0)); } } } return null; } @Override public boolean hasFunctionMethod(String name, int numArgs) { List<FunctionMethod> methods = systemFunctions.findFunctionMethods(name, numArgs); if (!methods.isEmpty()) { return true; } if(this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { methods = tree.findFunctionMethods(name, numArgs); if (!methods.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public FunctionDescriptor findFunction(FunctionName name, Class[] types) { return findFunction(name.text(), types); } /** * Find a function descriptor given a name and the types of the arguments. * This method matches based on case-insensitive function name and * an exact match of the number and types of parameter arguments. * @param name Name of the function to resolve * @param types Array of classes representing the types * @return Descriptor if found, null if not found */ @Override public FunctionDescriptor findFunction(String name, Class[] types) { // First look in system functions FunctionDescriptor descriptor = systemFunctions.getFunction(name, types); // If that fails, check the user defined functions if(descriptor == null && this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { descriptor = tree.getFunction(name, types); if (descriptor != null) { break; } } } return descriptor; } /** * Find a function descriptor given a name and the types of the arguments. * This method matches based on case-insensitive function name and * an exact match of the number and types of parameter arguments. * @param name Name of the function to resolve * @param types Array of classes representing the types * @return Descriptor if found, null if not found */ public List<FunctionDescriptor> findAllFunctions(String name, Class<?>[] types) { // First look in system functions FunctionDescriptor descriptor = systemFunctions.getFunction(name, types); // If that fails, check the user defined functions if(descriptor == null && this.userFunctions != null) { List<FunctionDescriptor> result = new LinkedList<FunctionDescriptor>(); for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { descriptor = tree.getFunction(name, types); if (descriptor != null) { //pushdown function takes presedence //TODO: there may be multiple translators contributing functions with the same name / types //need "conformed" logic so that the right pushdown can occur if (teiidVersion.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Version.TEIID_8_7)) { // Teiid 8.7 + if (CoreConstants.SYSTEM_MODEL.equals(descriptor.getSchema())) return Arrays.asList(descriptor); } else { // Teiid 8.6 and below if (descriptor.getMethod().getParent() == null || CoreConstants.SYSTEM_MODEL.equals(descriptor.getMethod().getParent().getName())) { return Arrays.asList(descriptor); } } result.add(descriptor); } } return result; } if (descriptor != null) { return Arrays.asList(descriptor); } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Since(Version.TEIID_8_9) public static class ConversionResult { public ConversionResult(FunctionMethod method) { this.method = method; } public FunctionMethod method; public boolean needsConverion; } /** * Get the conversions that are needed to call the named function with arguments * of the given type. In the case of an exact match, the list will contain all nulls. * In other cases the list will contain one or more non-null values where the value * is a conversion function that can be used to convert to the proper types for * executing the function. * @param name Name of function * @param returnType * @param args * @param types Existing types passed to the function * @param hasUnknownType * @return Null if no conversion could be found, otherwise an array of conversions * to apply to each argument. The list should match 1-to-1 with the parameters. * Parameters that do not need a conversion are null; parameters that do are * FunctionDescriptors. * @throws Exception */ public ConversionResult determineNecessaryConversions(String name, Class<?> returnType, Expression[] args, Class<?>[] types, boolean hasUnknownType) throws Exception { //First find existing functions with same name and same number of parameters final Collection<FunctionMethod> functionMethods = new LinkedList<FunctionMethod>(); functionMethods.addAll( this.systemFunctions.findFunctionMethods(name, types.length) ); if (this.userFunctions != null) { for (FunctionTree tree: this.userFunctions) { functionMethods.addAll( tree.findFunctionMethods(name, types.length) ); } } //Score each match, reject any where types can not be converted implicitly //Score of current method (lower score means better match with less converts //Current best score (lower score is best. Higher score results in more implicit conversions int bestScore = Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean ambiguous = false; FunctionMethod result = null; boolean isSystem = false; boolean narrowing = false; outer: for (FunctionMethod nextMethod : functionMethods) { int currentScore = 0; boolean nextNarrowing = false; final List<FunctionParameter> methodTypes = nextMethod.getInputParameters(); //Holder for current signature with converts where required //Iterate over the parameters adding conversions where required or failing when //no implicit conversion is possible for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { final String tmpTypeName = methodTypes.get(Math.min(i, methodTypes.size() - 1)).getType(); Class<?> targetType = getDataTypeManager().getDataTypeClass(tmpTypeName); Class<?> sourceType = types[i]; if (sourceType == null) { currentScore++; continue; } if (sourceType.isArray() && targetType.isArray() && sourceType.getComponentType().equals(targetType.getComponentType())) { currentScore++; continue; } if (sourceType.isArray()) { if (isVarArgArrayParam(nextMethod, types, i, targetType)) { //vararg array parameter continue; } //treat the array as object type until proper type handling is added sourceType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getTypeClass(); } try { Transform t = getConvertFunctionDescriptor(sourceType, targetType); if (t != null) { if (t.isExplicit()) { if (!(args[i] instanceof Constant) || ResolverUtil.convertConstant(getDataTypeManager().getDataTypeName(sourceType), tmpTypeName, (Constant)args[i]) == null) { continue outer; } nextNarrowing = true; currentScore++; } else { currentScore++; } } } catch (Exception e) { continue outer; } } //If the method is valid match and it is the current best score, capture those values as current best match if (currentScore > bestScore) { continue; } if (hasUnknownType) { if (returnType != null) { try { Transform t = getConvertFunctionDescriptor(getDataTypeManager().getDataTypeClass(nextMethod.getOutputParameter().getType()), returnType); if (t != null) { if (t.isExplicit()) { //there still may be a common type, but use any other valid conversion over this one currentScore += types.length + 1; nextNarrowing = true; } else { currentScore++; } } } catch (Exception e) { //there still may be a common type, but use any other valid conversion over this one currentScore += (types.length * types.length); } } } if (nextNarrowing && result != null && !narrowing) { continue; } boolean useNext = false; if (!nextNarrowing && narrowing) { useNext = true; } boolean isSystemNext = nextMethod.getParent() == null || INTERNAL_SCHEMAS.contains(nextMethod.getParent().getName()); if ((isSystem && isSystemNext) || (!isSystem && !isSystemNext && result != null)) { int partCount = partCount(result.getName()); int nextPartCount = partCount(nextMethod.getName()); if (partCount < nextPartCount) { //the current is more specific //this makes us more consistent with the table resolving logic continue outer; } if (nextPartCount < partCount) { useNext = true; } } else if (isSystemNext) { useNext = true; } if (currentScore == bestScore && !useNext) { ambiguous = true; boolean useCurrent = false; List<FunctionParameter> bestParams = result.getInputParameters(); for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) { String t1 = bestParams.get(Math.min(j, bestParams.size() - 1)).getType(); String t2 = methodTypes.get((Math.min(j, methodTypes.size() - 1))).getType(); if (types[j] == null || t1.equals(t2)) { continue; } String commonType = ResolverUtil.getCommonType(teiidVersion, new String[] {t1, t2}); if (commonType == null) { continue outer; //still ambiguous } if (commonType.equals(t1)) { if (!useCurrent) { useNext = true; } } else if (commonType.equals(t2)) { if (!useNext) { useCurrent = true; } } else { continue outer; } } if (useCurrent) { ambiguous = false; //prefer narrower } else { String sysName = result.getProperty(FunctionMethod.SYSTEM_NAME, false); String sysNameOther = nextMethod.getProperty(FunctionMethod.SYSTEM_NAME, false); if (sysName != null && sysName.equalsIgnoreCase(sysNameOther)) { ambiguous = false; } } } if (currentScore < bestScore || useNext) { ambiguous = false; if (currentScore == 0 && isSystemNext) { //this must be an exact match return new ConversionResult(nextMethod); } bestScore = currentScore; result = nextMethod; isSystem = isSystemNext; narrowing = nextNarrowing; } } if (ambiguous) { throw new Exception(); } ConversionResult cr = new ConversionResult(result); if (result != null) { cr.needsConverion = (bestScore != 0); } return cr; } private int partCount(String name) { int result = 0; int index = 0; while (true) { index = name.indexOf('.', index+1); if (index > 0) { result++; } else { break; } } return result; } public FunctionDescriptor[] getConverts(FunctionMethod method, Class<?>[] types) { final List<FunctionParameter> methodTypes = method.getInputParameters(); FunctionDescriptor[] result = new FunctionDescriptor[types.length]; for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { //treat all varags as the same type final String tmpTypeName = methodTypes.get(Math.min(i, methodTypes.size() - 1)).getType(); Class<?> targetType = getDataTypeManager().getDataTypeClass(tmpTypeName); Class<?> sourceType = types[i]; if (sourceType == null) { result[i] = findTypedConversionFunction(DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.NULL.getTypeClass(), targetType); } else if (sourceType != targetType){ if (isVarArgArrayParam(method, types, i, targetType)) { //vararg array parameter continue; } result[i] = findTypedConversionFunction(sourceType, targetType); } } return result; } public boolean isVarArgArrayParam(FunctionMethod method, Class<?>[] types, int i, Class<?> targetType) { return i == types.length - 1 && method.isVarArgs() && i == method.getInputParameterCount() - 1 && types[i].isArray() && targetType.isAssignableFrom(types[i].getComponentType()); } private Transform getConvertFunctionDescriptor(Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType) throws Exception { //If exact match no conversion necessary if(sourceType.equals(targetType)) { return null; } Transform result = getDataTypeManager().getTransform(sourceType, targetType); //Else see if an implicit conversion is possible. if(result == null) { throw new Exception(); } /* * A rather odd test which is necessary to maintain compatibility with 7.7.x * * The original code line is 7.7.x is: * if(!DataTypeManagerService.isImplicitConversion(sourceTypeName, targetTypeName)) * and this version does the same thing. This may have been a fix to address a bug * but if someone uses teiid 7, they will encounter this exception so the designer * client resolver must mirror the same exception. */ if(teiidVersion.isLessThan(Version.TEIID_8_0) && result.isExplicit()) { throw new Exception(); } return result; } /** * Find conversion function and set return type to proper type. * @param sourceType The source type class * @param targetType The target type class * @return A CONVERT function descriptor or null if not possible */ public FunctionDescriptor findTypedConversionFunction(Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType) { //TODO: should array to string be prohibited? FunctionDescriptor fd = findFunction(FunctionName.CONVERT, new Class[] {sourceType, DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.STRING.getTypeClass()}); if (fd != null) { return copyFunctionChangeReturnType(fd, targetType); } return null; } /** * Return a copy of the given FunctionDescriptor with the sepcified return type. * @param fd FunctionDescriptor to be copied. * @param returnType The return type to apply to the copied FunctionDescriptor. * @return The copy of FunctionDescriptor. */ public FunctionDescriptor copyFunctionChangeReturnType(FunctionDescriptor fd, Class<?> returnType) { if(fd != null) { FunctionDescriptor fdImpl = fd; FunctionDescriptor copy = fdImpl.clone(); copy.setReturnType(returnType); return copy; } return fd; } public static boolean isConvert(Function function) { Expression[] args = function.getArgs(); String funcName = function.getName(); return args.length == 2 && (FunctionName.CONVERT.equalsIgnoreCase(funcName) || FunctionName.CAST.equalsIgnoreCase(funcName)); } @Override public String getFunctionName(FunctionName functionName) { if (functionName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return functionName.text(); } /** * Return a list of the most general forms of built-in aggregate functions. * <br/>count(*) - is not included * <br/>textagg - is not included due to its non standard syntax * * @param includeAnalytic - true to include analytic functions that must be windowed * @return */ public List<FunctionMethod> getBuiltInAggregateFunctions(boolean includeAnalytic) { ArrayList<FunctionMethod> result = new ArrayList<FunctionMethod>(); for (Type type : IAggregateSymbol.Type.values()) { AggregateAttributes aa = new AggregateAttributes(); String returnType = null; String[] argTypes = null; aa.setAllowsDistinct(true); switch (type) { case USER_DEFINED: continue; case DENSE_RANK: case RANK: case ROW_NUMBER: if (!includeAnalytic) { continue; } aa.setAllowsDistinct(false); aa.setAnalytic(true); returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.INTEGER.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {}; break; case ANY: case SOME: case EVERY: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.BOOLEAN.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.BOOLEAN.getId()}; break; case COUNT: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.INTEGER.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId()}; break; case MAX: case MIN: case AVG: case SUM: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId()}; break; case STDDEV_POP: case STDDEV_SAMP: case VAR_POP: case VAR_SAMP: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.DOUBLE.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.DOUBLE.getId()}; break; case STRING_AGG: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId()}; aa.setAllowsOrderBy(true); break; case ARRAY_AGG: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {getDataTypeManager().getDataTypeName(DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getTypeArrayClass())}; aa.setAllowsOrderBy(true); aa.setAllowsDistinct(false); break; case JSONARRAY_AGG: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.CLOB.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.OBJECT.getId()}; aa.setAllowsOrderBy(true); aa.setAllowsDistinct(false); break; case XMLAGG: returnType = DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.XML.getId(); argTypes = new String[] {DataTypeManagerService.DefaultDataTypes.XML.getId()}; aa.setAllowsOrderBy(true); aa.setAllowsDistinct(false); break; } FunctionMethod fm = FunctionMethod.createFunctionMethod(teiidVersion, type.name(), type.name(), FunctionCategoryConstants.AGGREGATE, returnType, argTypes); fm.setAggregateAttributes(aa); result.add(fm); } return result; } }