/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Saeed Masoumi & Saeed Rajabzade * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package engine.gameView; import engine.asset.Asset; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; /** * * @author Saeed Masoumi */ public class Prefs { public static String CURRENT_TEAM; public static boolean PAUSE=false; /* Team Names */ public static String HOLY_KNIGHT = "Holy Knight"; public static String HOLY_KNIGHT_PKG = "holyknight"; public static String WARLORD = "WarLord"; public static String WARLORD_PKG = "warlord"; /* POS */ public static String TOP_RIGHT = "TR"; public static String BOTTOM_LEFT = "BL"; /* My Team Specifications */ public static String MY_HERO_ICON = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_HERO = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_FLAG = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_TEAM_NAME = ""; public static String MY_REGION ="" ;//BL :TOP RIGHT AND BOTTOM LEFT public static String MY_HQ = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_MB_1 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_MB_2 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String MY_MB_3 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); /* My Team MilitaryBases & HeadQuarter images */ public static ImageView MY_MB1_IMG; public static ImageView MY_MB2_IMG; public static ImageView MY_MB3_IMG; public static ImageView MY_HQ_IMG; /* These images using for toolbar(my team) */ public static ImageView MY_HERO_IMG; public static ImageView MY_HERO_IMG_ICON; public static ImageView MY_FLAG_IMG; /* Enemy Team Specifications */ public static String ENEMY_HEARO_ICON = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_HEARO = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_FLAG = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_TEAM_NAME = ""; public static String ENEMY_REGION ="" ;//BL :TOP RIGHT AND BOTTOM LEFT public static String ENEMY_HQ = Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_MB_1 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_MB_2 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); public static String ENEMY_MB_3 =Asset.class.getResource("img/base/").toString(); /* Enemy Team MilitaryBases & HeadQuarter images */ public static ImageView ENEMY_MB1_IMG; public static ImageView ENEMY_MB2_IMG; public static ImageView ENEMY_MB3_IMG; public static ImageView ENEMY_HQ_IMG; /* These images using for toolbar(Enemy team) */ public static ImageView ENEMY_HERO_IMG; public static ImageView ENEMY_HERO_IMG_ICON; public static ImageView ENEMY_FLAG_IMG; public static void setMyTeamPrefs(String hero,String pos,String name){ MY_FLAG +=hero+"_flag.png"; MY_HERO +=hero+".png"; MY_HERO_ICON += hero+"_icon.png"; MY_HQ += hero+"_hq.png"; MY_REGION = pos; MY_TEAM_NAME = name; CURRENT_TEAM = name; MY_MB_1 +=hero + "_mb1.png"; MY_MB_2 +=hero + "_mb2.png"; MY_MB_3 +=hero + "_mb3.png"; MY_FLAG_IMG = new ImageView(MY_FLAG); MY_HERO_IMG = new ImageView(MY_HERO); MY_HERO_IMG_ICON = new ImageView(MY_HERO_ICON); //@2in1 //means 2 player in one pc Prefs.CURRENT_TEAM = Prefs.MY_TEAM_NAME; } public static void setEnemyTeamPrefs(String hero,String pos,String name){ ENEMY_FLAG +=hero+"_flag.png"; ENEMY_HEARO +=hero+".png"; ENEMY_HEARO_ICON += hero+"_icon.png"; ENEMY_HQ += hero+"_hq.png"; ENEMY_REGION = pos; ENEMY_TEAM_NAME = name; ENEMY_MB_1 +=hero + "_mb1.png"; ENEMY_MB_2 +=hero + "_mb2.png"; ENEMY_MB_3 +=hero + "_mb3.png"; ENEMY_FLAG_IMG = new ImageView(ENEMY_FLAG); ENEMY_HERO_IMG = new ImageView(ENEMY_HEARO); ENEMY_HERO_IMG_ICON = new ImageView(ENEMY_HEARO_ICON); } }