package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class XMLNode { //tag name private String name = null; // tag attributes private Map<String,String> attr = null; // tag character contect,empty string if none private String txt = null; // tag offset from start of parent tag character content private int off = -1; //next tag with same name in same section and depth private XMLNode next = null; private XMLNode lastNext = null; //next tag with different name in same section and depth private XMLNode sibling = null; //next tag private XMLNode ordered = null; private XMLNode lastOrdered = null; // head of sub tag list, null if none private XMLNode child = null; // parent tag ,null if current tag is root tag private XMLNode parent = null; //flags private int flags = 0; protected static int HAVE_SORTED_BY_NAME = 1<<0; private boolean hasChildNode; public XMLNode(){ this(null,null); } public XMLNode(XMLNode parent){ this(parent,null); } public XMLNode(XMLNode parent,String name){ this.attr = new HashMap<String,String>(); = name; this.parent = parent; if(parent != null){ if(parent.child == null){ parent.child = this; = 0; } else{ parent.child.addBrotherOrdered(this); if( != null){ parent.child.addBrotherSiblingOrNext(this); this.flags |= XMLNode.HAVE_SORTED_BY_NAME; } } } } public XMLNode getParent(){ return this.parent; } public String getName(){ return; } public void setName(String name){ if(name == null || name.equals({ return; } if(this.parent != null && this.parent.child != null){ if(this.parent.child == this){ XMLNode downNode =; XMLNode prevNode = this; XMLNode nextNode = this.sibling; while(nextNode != null && name.equals( == false){ prevNode = nextNode; nextNode = nextNode.sibling; } if(nextNode != null){ if(downNode != null){ prevNode.sibling = downNode; downNode.sibling = nextNode.sibling; } else{ prevNode.sibling = nextNode.sibling; nextNode.sibling = null; } = nextNode; } else{ if(downNode != null){ downNode.sibling = this.sibling; this.sibling = downNode; = null; } } = name; } else{ if((this.flags & XMLNode.HAVE_SORTED_BY_NAME) != 0){ this.parent.child.removeBrotherSiblingOrNext(this); } = name; this.parent.child.addBrotherSiblingOrNext(this); this.flags |= XMLNode.HAVE_SORTED_BY_NAME; } } else{ = name; } } public int getOff(){ return; } public XMLNode getNext(){ return; } public void setNext(XMLNode tag){ = tag; } public XMLNode getSiblingNext(){ return this.sibling; } public XMLNode getChild(String name){ if(name == null){ return this.child; } XMLNode node = null; if(this.child != null){ if(name.equals({ node = this.child; } else{ XMLNode nextNode = this.child.sibling; while(nextNode != null && name.equals( == false){ nextNode = nextNode.sibling; } if(nextNode != null){ node = nextNode; } } } return node; } public void setSibling(XMLNode tag){ this.sibling = tag; } public XMLNode getOrderedNext(){ return this.ordered; } public void setOrderedNext(XMLNode tag){ this.ordered = tag; } protected void removeBrotherNext(XMLNode tag){ if( == null){ return; } if( == tag){ =; } else{ XMLNode prevNode =; XMLNode nextNode =; while(nextNode != null && nextNode != tag){ prevNode = nextNode; nextNode =; } if(nextNode != null){ =; } } if(this.lastNext == tag){ this.lastNext = null; } } protected void addBrotherNext(XMLNode tag){ if( == null){ = tag; } else{ if(this.lastNext != null){ = tag; } else { XMLNode prevNode =; XMLNode nextNode =; while(nextNode != null){ prevNode = nextNode; nextNode =; } = tag; } } this.lastNext = tag; } protected void removeBrotherSibling(XMLNode tag){ if(this.sibling == null){ return; } if(this.sibling == tag){ if( != null){ this.sibling =; this.sibling.sibling = tag.sibling; } else{ this.sibling = tag.sibling; } } else{ this.sibling.removeBrotherSiblingOrNext(tag); } } protected void addBrotherSibling(XMLNode tag){ if(this.sibling == null){ this.sibling = tag; } else{ this.sibling.addBrotherSiblingOrNext(tag); } } protected void addBrotherOrdered(XMLNode tag){ if(this.ordered == null){ this.ordered = tag; =; } else{ if(this.lastOrdered != null){ this.lastOrdered.ordered = tag; =; } else{ XMLNode prevNode = this.ordered; XMLNode nextNode = prevNode.ordered; while(nextNode != null){ prevNode = nextNode; nextNode = prevNode.ordered; } prevNode.ordered = tag; = + 1; } } this.lastOrdered = tag; } public void removeBrotherSiblingOrNext(XMLNode brother){ if(brother != null && != null && brother != this){ if({ this.removeBrotherNext(brother); } else{ this.removeBrotherSibling(brother); } } } public void addBrotherSiblingOrNext(XMLNode brother){ if(brother != null && != null && brother != this){ if({ this.addBrotherNext(brother); } else{ this.addBrotherSibling(brother); } } } public void setAttr(String AttrName,String value){ this.attr.put(AttrName, value); } public String getAttr(String AttrName){ return this.attr.get(AttrName); } protected boolean setNameAndAttrFromString(String xmlString,int firstK,int endK){ if(endK < firstK){ return false; } boolean ok = true; try{ String headString = xmlString.substring(firstK, endK); if(headString == null || (headString = headString.trim()) == null || headString.length() == 0){ ok = false; } else{ int spaceI = headString.indexOf(' '); if(spaceI < 0 ){ //no attr this.setName(headString); } else{ int i = spaceI; this.setName(headString.substring(0, i)); int headLen = headString.length(); int state = 0; int nameS = -1; int nameE = -1; int valueS = -1; int valueE = -1; String attrName = null; String attrValue = null; while( ++i < headLen){ char c = headString.charAt(i); switch(state){ case 0:// null if(c != ' '){ nameS = i; state = 1; } break; case 1:// name if(c == '='){ nameE = i; attrName = headString.substring(nameS, nameE); if(attrName == null || attrName.length() == 0){ ok = false; } state = 2; } break; case 2:// name = if(c == '"'){ valueS = i+1; state = 3; } else if(c != ' '){ valueS = i; state = 4; } break; case 3:// name = " if(c == '"'){ valueE = i; attrValue = headString.substring(valueS, valueE); if(attrValue == null){ ok = false; } else{ this.setAttr(attrName, attrValue); state= 0; } } break; case 4: //name = xxx if(c == ' '){ valueE = i; attrValue = headString.substring(valueS, valueE); if(attrValue == null){ ok = false; } else{ this.setAttr(attrName, attrValue); state= 0; } } break; default: ok = false; break; } if(ok == false){ break; } }//while //check state if necessary } } } catch(Exception e){ ok = false; } return ok; } protected boolean setTxtFromString(String xmlString,int firstK,int endK){ if(endK < firstK){ return false; } boolean ok = true; try{ String txtString = xmlString.substring(firstK, endK); if(txtString != null){ this.txt = txtString.trim(); } } catch(Exception e){ ok = false; } return ok; } protected boolean checkNameFromString(String xmlString,int firstK,int endK){ if(endK < firstK){ return false; } boolean ok = true; try{ String nameString = xmlString.substring(firstK, endK); ok = (nameString==null)? (( : ((; } catch(Exception e){ ok = false; } return ok; } public int parseStr(String xmlString,int off) throws XMLParseException { if(xmlString == null || xmlString.length() <= off){ throw new XMLParseException("invalid xml string"); } int startOff = off; int endOff = xmlString.length()-1; //head part boolean selfClosing = false; boolean hasName = false; int firstK = xmlString.indexOf('<', startOff); if(firstK < 0 || (firstK+1) >= endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("head part no first tag"); } int nextK = firstK+1; while(nextK <= endOff){ if(xmlString.startsWith("!--", nextK)){ nextK = xmlString.indexOf("-->", nextK+3); nextK+=3; } else if(xmlString.startsWith("?", nextK)){ nextK = xmlString.indexOf("?>", nextK+1); nextK+=2; } else if(xmlString.startsWith("![CDATA[", nextK)){ nextK = xmlString.indexOf("]]>", nextK+8); nextK+=3; } else if(xmlString.startsWith("!DOCTYPE", nextK)){ nextK = xmlString.indexOf(">", nextK+8); nextK+=1; } else if(xmlString.startsWith("/", nextK)){ nextK = xmlString.indexOf(">", nextK+1); nextK+=1; } else{ break; } firstK = xmlString.indexOf('<', nextK); if(firstK < 0 || (firstK+1) >= endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("head part no first tag"); } nextK = firstK+1; } char c=xmlString.charAt(nextK); /*while(c == '!' || c == '?' || c == '/'){ firstK = xmlString.indexOf('<', nextK); if(firstK < 0 || (firstK+1) >= endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("head part no first tag"); } nextK = firstK+1; c = xmlString.charAt(nextK); }*/ while(nextK <= endOff ){ c = xmlString.charAt(nextK); if(Character.isLetter(c)){ hasName = true; break; } if(c=='>' || c=='/'){ break; } nextK++; } if(hasName == false){ throw new XMLParseException("head part no name"); } firstK = nextK; nextK = xmlString.indexOf('>', firstK); if(nextK < 0 || nextK > endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("head part no end"); } int endK = nextK; if(xmlString.charAt(nextK-1) == '/'){ selfClosing = true; endK--; } if(this.setNameAndAttrFromString(xmlString, firstK, endK) == false){ throw new XMLParseException("head part setNameAndAttr error"); } nextK++; //body part if(selfClosing == true){ return nextK; } boolean hasChild = true; firstK = xmlString.indexOf('<', nextK); if(firstK < 0 || (firstK+1) >= endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("body part no end tag"); } if(xmlString.charAt(firstK+1) == '/'){ hasChild = false; } if(hasChild == true){ do{ XMLNode child = new XMLNode(this); nextK = child.parseStr(xmlString, firstK); firstK = xmlString.indexOf('<', nextK); if(firstK < 0 || (firstK+1) >= endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("body part no end"); } if(xmlString.charAt(firstK+1) == '/'){ hasChild = false; } }while(hasChild == true); } else{ if(this.setTxtFromString(xmlString, nextK, firstK) == false){ throw new XMLParseException("body part set text error"); } } //end part nextK = xmlString.indexOf('>',firstK); if(nextK < 0 || nextK > endOff){ throw new XMLParseException("end part no end tag"); } if(this.checkNameFromString(xmlString, firstK+2, nextK) == false){ throw new XMLParseException("end part checkName error"); } nextK++; return nextK; } public String toString(){ return null; } public String getTxt(){ return this.txt; } }