package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.cari.voip.keyboard.stack.parsers.PacketParseException; import com.cari.voip.keyboard.stack.parsers.PacketParser; public class Packet { public static final int TYPE_INVALIDE = 0; public static final int TYPE_AUTH_REQUEST = 1; public static final int TYPE_AUTH = TYPE_AUTH_REQUEST+1; public static final int TYPE_AUTH_REPLY = TYPE_AUTH_REQUEST+2; public static final int TYPE_TRAP = 5; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_USER = TYPE_TRAP+1; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_REG_USER = TYPE_TRAP+2; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_DISPATCHER = TYPE_TRAP+3; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CALL = TYPE_TRAP+4; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_ALL_USERS = TYPE_TRAP+5; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_ALL_REG_USERS = TYPE_TRAP+6; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_ALL_DISPATCHERS = TYPE_TRAP+7; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_ALL_CURRENT_CALLS = TYPE_TRAP+8; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_MESSAGE = TYPE_TRAP+9; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_ALL_GATEWAYS = TYPE_TRAP+10; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CALL_DISPATCHER_PROGRESS = TYPE_TRAP+11; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CALL_DISPATCHER_HANGUP = TYPE_TRAP+12; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CALL_DISPATCHER_FAIL = TYPE_TRAP+13; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CALL_DISPATCHER_ANSWER = TYPE_TRAP+14; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_CFG_DISPAT_CALL = TYPE_TRAP+15; public static final int TYPE_TRAP_END = TYPE_TRAP+16; public static final int TYPE_REPLY = 30; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_DISPAT = TYPE_REPLY+1; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_QUERY_ALL_USERS = TYPE_REPLY+2; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_QUERY_ALL_REG_USERS = TYPE_REPLY+3; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_QUERY_ALL_DISPATCHERS = TYPE_REPLY+4; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_QUERY_ALL_CURRENT_CALLS = TYPE_REPLY+5; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_MESSAGE = TYPE_REPLY+6; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_QUERY_ALL_GATEWAYS = TYPE_REPLY+7; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_M_REGISTER = TYPE_REPLY+8; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_API = TYPE_REPLY+9; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_ERROR = TYPE_REPLY+10; public static final int TYPE_REPLY_END = TYPE_REPLY+11; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND = 50; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_DISPAT = TYPE_COMMAND + 1; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_QUERY_ALL_USERS = TYPE_COMMAND + 2; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_QUERY_ALL_REG_USERS = TYPE_COMMAND + 3; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_QUERY_ALL_DISPATCHERS = TYPE_COMMAND + 4; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_QUERY_ALL_CURRENT_CALLS = TYPE_COMMAND + 5; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_MESSAGE = TYPE_COMMAND + 6; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_QUERY_ALL_GATEWAYS = TYPE_COMMAND + 7; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_M_REGISTER = TYPE_COMMAND + 8; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_API = TYPE_COMMAND + 9; public static final int TYPE_COMMAND_END = TYPE_COMMAND + 10; public static final String[] TYPES={ "invalid-packet-type", "auth/request", "auth", "auth/reply", "", "", "trap/user", "trap/registratioin", "trap/dispatcher", "trap/call", "trap/all-users", "trap/all-reg-users", "trap/all-dispatchers", "trap/all-current-calls", "trap/message", "trap/all-gateways", "trap/call-dispatcher-progress", "trap/call-dispatcher-hangup", "trap/call-dispatcher-fail", "trap/call-dispatcher-answer", "trap/cfg-dispat-call", "trap/call-dispatcher-wait", "trap/call-dispatcher-hold", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "reply/dispatch", "reply/query-all-users", "reply/query-all-reg-users", "reply/query-all-dispatchers", "reply/query-all-current-calls", "reply/message", "reply/query-all-gateways", "reply/m-register",//ok,err "reply/api", "reply/error", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "command/dispatch", "command/query-all-users", "command/query-all-reg-users", "command/query-all-dispatchers", "command/query-all-current-calls", "command/message", "command/query-all-gateways", "command/m-register",//mcode rcode "command/api", "" }; public static final String PACKET_START_TOKEN = "content-type"; public static final String ERR_DISCRIPTION = "discription"; public static final String BODY_LENGTH = "content-length"; public static Map<String,Integer> typeMap = null; public static Map<Integer,PacketDescription> descriptionMap = null; public static int getPacketTypeFromString(String typeString){ int typeInt = TYPE_INVALIDE; if(typeMap == null){ typeMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); try{ for(int i = 0; i< TYPES.length;i++){ if(TYPES[i] != null && TYPES[i].length() != 0){ typeMap.put(TYPES[i], new Integer(i)); } } } catch(Exception e){ } } if(typeString != null && typeString.length() > 0){ Integer typeInteger = (Integer)(typeMap.get(typeString)); if(typeInteger != null){ typeInt = typeInteger.intValue(); } } //System.out.print("\t"+typeString+":"+String.valueOf(typeInt)+"\n"); return typeInt; } public static int getPacketTypeFromLine(String line){ int typeInt = -1; int k = -1; int len = 0; if(line != null && (len =line.length()) > 0){ String lowerCaseLine = line.toLowerCase(); if((k = lowerCaseLine.indexOf(PACKET_START_TOKEN)) >= 0){ int state = 0; k += PACKET_START_TOKEN.length(); int typeStartIndex= k; while(k < len){ char c = line.charAt(k); switch(state){ case 0://null if(Character.isLetter(c)){ typeStartIndex = k; state = 1; } break; case 1://xxx if(Character.isSpaceChar(c)){ String typeString = line.substring(typeStartIndex, k); typeInt = getPacketTypeFromString(typeString); state = 3; } break; default: break; } if(state == 3){ break; } k++; } if(typeInt == -1){ String typeString = line.substring(typeStartIndex); typeInt = getPacketTypeFromString(typeString); } } } if(typeInt == -1){ typeInt = TYPE_INVALIDE; } return typeInt; } public static final String AUTH_REQUEST = "auth/request"; public static final String AUTH_RESPONSE = "auth"; public static final String AUTH_REPLY = "auth/reply"; public static final String COMMAND = "command"; public static final String REPLY = "reply"; public static final String TRAP = "trap"; public static final String PROP_REPLY_TEXT="reply-text"; public static final String PROP_ERR_DISPCRIPTION="discription"; public static final String PROP_CONNECTION_ID="connection-id"; public static final String PROP_DISPATCHER="dispatcher"; public static final String PROP_PASSWORD="password"; public static final String PROP_REPLY_OK="ok"; public static final String PROP_REPLY_ERROR = "err"; private int packetType; private String head = null; private String body = null; private XMLBody xmlBody= null; private ReplyListener replyListener; public Packet(){ } public Packet(int type){ if(type >=0 && type< TYPES.length){ this.packetType = type; } } public int getPacketType(){ return this.packetType; } public boolean isTrap(){ return (this.packetType> TYPE_TRAP)&& (this.packetType < TYPE_TRAP_END); } public boolean isReply(){ return (this.packetType> TYPE_REPLY)&& (this.packetType < TYPE_REPLY_END); } public boolean isCommand(){ return (this.packetType> TYPE_COMMAND)&& (this.packetType < TYPE_COMMAND_END); } public void setHead(String head){ this.head = head; } public String getHead(){ return this.head; } public void setBody(String body) throws XMLParseException{ if(body == null || body.length() == 0){ return; } this.body = body; //System.out.print(body.length()+"\n"+body); if(this.xmlBody == null){ this.xmlBody = new XMLBody(); } this.xmlBody.parseStr(this.body); } public String getBody(){ return this.body; } public XMLBody getXMLBody(){ return this.xmlBody; } public void setPacketFromParser(PacketParser parser) throws PacketParseException{ boolean ok = true; Reader reader = null; if(parser == null || (reader = parser.getReader()) == null){ throw new PacketParseException("��������մ���reader Ϊ��"); } String line = parser.readLine(); int k = -1; StringBuilder hb = new StringBuilder(128); while(line != null && line.length() > 0){ k = -1; k = line.indexOf(':'); if(k > 0){ String name = line.substring(0, k).trim().toLowerCase(); String value = line.substring(k+1).trim(); this.setProperty(name, value); } hb.append(line); line = parser.readLine(); } if(line == null){ throw new PacketParseException("��������մ������������ж�"); } if(hb.length() > 0){ this.setHead(hb.toString()); } Object bodyLen = this.getProperty(Packet.BODY_LENGTH); int len =0; int lenOri = 0; if(bodyLen != null){ try{ len = Integer.parseInt(bodyLen.toString()); } catch(NumberFormatException e){ throw new PacketParseException("��������մ��󣺰�����������"); } } if(len > 0){ //System.out.print("\t len:"+String.valueOf(len)+"\n"); StringBuilder bb = new StringBuilder(len); lenOri = len; //boolean first = true; while(len > 0){ try{ int reLen=, 0, 1);//len>parser.bodyBuf.length?parser.bodyBuf.length:len); if(reLen == -1){ break;//end of stream } if(reLen > 0){ String ad = String.valueOf(parser.bodyBuf, 0, reLen); bb.append(ad); len -= ad.getBytes("UTF-8").length; /*if(first && (lenOri-len) != bb.toString().length()){ first = false; System.out.print(reLen+"=>"+(lenOri-len)+"-"+bb.toString().length()+"\n"+bb.toString()); }*/ } } catch(IOException e){ throw new PacketParseException("��������մ�������IO����"); } } //if(bb.length() == lenOri){ try{ this.setBody(bb.toString()); } catch(XMLParseException e){ throw new PacketParseException("�����xml���ݽ�������"+e.getMessage()); } //} //else{ // throw new PacketParseException("��������մ��������жϵ��°��ڲ�û��ȫ������"); //} } } private final Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); /** * Returns the packet property with the specified name or <tt>null</tt> if the * property doesn't exist. Property values that were orginally primitives will * be returned as their object equivalent. For example, an int property will be * returned as an Integer, a double as a Double, etc. * * @param name the name of the property. * @return the property, or <tt>null</tt> if the property doesn't exist. */ public synchronized Object getProperty(String name) { if (properties == null) { return null; } return properties.get(name); } /** * Sets a property with an Object as the value. The value must be Serializable * or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. * * @param name the name of the property. * @param value the value of the property. */ public synchronized void setProperty(String name, Object value) { if (!(value instanceof Serializable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must be serialiazble"); } properties.put(name, value); } public void setReplyHandler(ReplyListener replyHandler){ this.replyListener = replyHandler; } public ReplyListener getReplyHandler(){ return this.replyListener; } public String toString(){ int type = 0; if(this.packetType >=0 && this.packetType< TYPES.length){ type = this.packetType; } String typeString = TYPES[type]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append(PACKET_START_TOKEN+":"+typeString+"\n"); int props = properties.size(); if(props > 0){ for(String key:properties.keySet()){ if(key != null){ String val = (String)properties.get(key); if(val != null){ sb.append(key+":"+val+"\n"); } } } } if(this.body != null){ int len; try { len = this.body.getBytes("UTF-8").length; sb.append(Packet.BODY_LENGTH+":"+String.valueOf(len)+"\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(body); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); sb.append("\n"); } } else{ sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } protected static void makeDescriptionMap(){ if(descriptionMap != null){ return; } descriptionMap = new HashMap<Integer,PacketDescription>(); descriptionMap.put(new Integer(Packet.TYPE_REPLY_DISPAT), new PacketDescription(){ @Override public String[] getDescription(Packet packet) { if(packet.getPacketType() == Packet.TYPE_REPLY_DISPAT){ //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(3); re.add("����"); Object replytext = packet.getProperty("reply-text"); if(replytext != null && replytext instanceof String){ String replytextstring = (String)replytext; if(replytextstring.indexOf("err") >= 0 ){ re.add("���ɹ�"); Object description = packet.getProperty(Packet.ERR_DISCRIPTION); if(description != null && description instanceof String){ String descriptionString = (String)description; re.add(descriptionString); } } else{ re.add("�ɹ�"); } } return re.toArray(new String[]{}); } return null; }}); descriptionMap.put(new Integer(Packet.TYPE_REPLY_MESSAGE), new PacketDescription(){ @Override public String[] getDescription(Packet packet) { if(packet.getPacketType() == Packet.TYPE_REPLY_MESSAGE){ //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(3); //sb.append("����"); re.add("����"); Object replytext = packet.getProperty("reply-text"); if(replytext != null && replytext instanceof String){ String replytextstring = (String)replytext; if(replytextstring.indexOf("err") >= 0 ){ re.add("���ɹ�"); Object description = packet.getProperty(Packet.ERR_DISCRIPTION); if(description != null && description instanceof String){ String descriptionString = (String)description; re.add(descriptionString); } } else{ re.add("�ɹ�"); } } return re.toArray(new String[]{}); } return null; } } ); descriptionMap.put(new Integer(Packet.TYPE_TRAP_CALL), new PacketDescription(){ @Override public String[] getDescription(Packet packet) { if(packet.getPacketType() == Packet.TYPE_TRAP_CALL){ //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(3); //sb.append("����"); String userId = (String)packet.getProperty("id"); String action = (String)packet.getProperty("action"); String bound = (String)packet.getProperty("bound"); String flag = (String)packet.getProperty("flag"); re.add(userId); if(action.equals("ring")){ String d = ""; if(bound !=null){ if(bound.indexOf("in") >= 0){ re.add("����"); d += "����"; } else{ re.add("����"); d += "����"; }} else{ re.add("����"); } re.add(d); } else if(action.equals("answer")){ re.add("Ӧ��"); String d = ""; if(bound != null){ if(bound.indexOf("in") >= 0){ d += "����"; } else{ d += "����"; } } re.add(d); } else if(action.equals("add") || action.equals("flag")){ re.add("��ʼͨ��"); String d = ""; if(bound !=null){ if(bound.indexOf("in") >= 0){ d += "����"; } else{ d += "����"; }} if(flag != null){ if(flag.indexOf("speak") >= 0){ d += "(��˵)"; } else{ d += "(��)"; }} re.add(d); }else if(action.equals("del")){ re.add("����ͨ��"); String d = ""; if(bound != null){ if(bound.indexOf("in") >= 0){ d += "����"; } else{ d += "����"; } } re.add(d); } else if(action.equals("hangup")){ re.add("�һ�"); String d = ""; if(bound != null){ if(bound.indexOf("in") >= 0){ d += "����"; } else{ d += "����"; } } re.add(d); } return re.toArray(new String[]{}); } return null; } } ); } public String[] getDiscription(){ if(descriptionMap == null){ makeDescriptionMap(); } PacketDescription d = descriptionMap.get(new Integer(this.packetType)); if(d != null){ return d.getDescription(Packet.this); } return null; //return new String[]{TYPES[this.packetType]}; } }