package com.cari.voip.keyboard.soft.editors.edit.layout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.XYLayout; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.dataStructures.InternalNode; import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.dataStructures.InternalRelationship; public class SwitchUserLayout extends XYLayout { private final double MIN_ENTITY_SIZE = 4.0; protected double rowPadding = 6.0; protected double colPadding = 6.0; int rows=0, cols=0, numChildren=0; int totalProgress=0; double h=0, w=0; double colWidth, rowHeight, offsetX, offsetY; protected Comparator comparator; protected int[] calculateNumberOfRowsAndCols (int numChildren, double nodeWidth, double nodeHeight, double x, double y, double boundWidth, double boundHeight) { int cols = 0; int rows = 0; cols = Math.max(1,(int)((boundWidth-x)/(nodeWidth+colPadding))); rows = (numChildren+cols-1)/cols; int[] result = {cols, rows}; return result; } protected void layoutAlgorithm(IFigure[] entitiesToLayout,double x, double y, double width, double height) { numChildren = entitiesToLayout.length; if (numChildren < 1) return; for(IFigure node :entitiesToLayout){ double ht = node.getSize().height; double wt = node.getSize().width; if(h < ht){ h = ht; } if(w < wt){ w = wt; } } w = Math.max(w, MIN_ENTITY_SIZE); h = Math.max(h, MIN_ENTITY_SIZE); colWidth = w+colPadding; rowHeight = h+rowPadding; offsetX = colPadding/2.0; // half of the space between columns offsetY = rowPadding/2.0; // half of the space between rows int[] colsAndRows = calculateNumberOfRowsAndCols(numChildren, w, h, x, y, width, height); cols = colsAndRows[0]; rows = colsAndRows[1]; totalProgress = rows + 2; // sort the entities if (comparator != null) { Arrays.sort(entitiesToLayout, comparator); } else { Arrays.sort(entitiesToLayout); } int index = 0; for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) { if( index < numChildren ) { // find new position for child double xmove = x + j * colWidth + offsetX; double ymove = y + i * rowHeight + offsetY; IFigure sn = entitiesToLayout[index++]; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)xmove,(int)ymove,(int)w,(int)h); this.setConstraint(sn, rect); sn.setBounds(rect); } else{ break; } } //fireProgressEvent (2 + i, totalProgress); } //updateLayoutLocations(entitiesToLayout); //fireProgressEvent (totalProgress, totalProgress); } public void layout(IFigure parent) { if(parent == null){ return; } int size = parent.getChildren().size(); if(size < 1){ return; } Rectangle rect = parent.getBounds(); double x = rect.x; double y = rect.y; double width = rect.width; double height = rect.height; ArrayList<IFigure> entities = new ArrayList<IFigure>(size); Iterator children = parent.getChildren().iterator(); Point offset = getOrigin(parent); IFigure f; while (children.hasNext()) { f = (IFigure); entities.add(f); /* Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle)getConstraint(f); if (bounds == null) continue; if (bounds.width == -1 || bounds.height == -1) { Dimension preferredSize = f.getPreferredSize(bounds.width, bounds.height); bounds = bounds.getCopy(); if (bounds.width == -1) bounds.width = preferredSize.width; if (bounds.height == -1) bounds.height = preferredSize.height; } bounds = bounds.getTranslated(offset); f.setBounds(bounds);*/ } IFigure[] entitiesToLayout = (IFigure[])entities.toArray(); this.layoutAlgorithm(entitiesToLayout, x, y, width, height); } }