package org.esa.snap.rcp.actions.file; import org.esa.snap.core.dataio.ProductIO; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.snap.core.util.StringUtils; import; import; import org.esa.snap.rcp.SnapApp; import org.esa.snap.rcp.util.Dialogs; import org.esa.snap.ui.GridBagUtils; import org.esa.snap.ui.SnapFileChooser; import org.esa.snap.ui.product.ProductSubsetDialog; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import; import; /** * @author Marco Peters */ public class ProductFileChooser extends SnapFileChooser { private static int numSubsetProducts = 0; private JButton subsetButton; private Product subsetProduct; private JLabel sizeLabel; private boolean useSubset; private Product productToExport; public ProductFileChooser(File currentDirectory) { super(currentDirectory); setDialogType(OPEN_DIALOG); } public void setProductToExport(Product product) { this.productToExport = product; if (productToExport != null) { String fileName; if (productToExport.getFileLocation() != null) { fileName = productToExport.getFileLocation().getName(); } else { fileName = productToExport.getName(); } setCurrentFilename(fileName); } } /** * File chooser only returns a product, if a product subset was created. * * @return the product subset or null */ public Product getSubsetProduct() { return subsetProduct; } public boolean isSubsetEnabled() { return useSubset; } public void setSubsetEnabled(boolean useSubset) { this.useSubset = useSubset; } @Override public int showDialog(Component parent, String approveButtonText) { initUI(); clearCurrentSubsetProduct(); updateState(); return super.showDialog(parent, approveButtonText); } private void initUI() { if (getDialogType() == OPEN_DIALOG) { setDialogTitle(SnapApp.getDefault().getInstanceName() + " - Open Product"); if (isSubsetEnabled()) { setDialogTitle(SnapApp.getDefault().getInstanceName() + " - Import Product"); setApproveButtonText("Import Product"); setApproveButtonMnemonic('I'); setApproveButtonToolTipText("Imports the product."); } } else { setDialogTitle(SnapApp.getDefault().getInstanceName() + " - Save Product"); if (isSubsetEnabled()) { setDialogTitle(SnapApp.getDefault().getInstanceName() + " - Export Product"); setApproveButtonText("Export Product"); setApproveButtonMnemonic('E'); setApproveButtonToolTipText("Exports the product."); } } if (isSubsetEnabled()) { addSubsetAcessory(); } } private void addSubsetAcessory() { subsetButton = new JButton("Subset..."); subsetButton.setMnemonic('S'); subsetButton.addActionListener(e -> openProductSubsetDialog()); subsetButton.setEnabled(getSelectedFile() != null || productToExport != null); sizeLabel = new JLabel("0 M"); sizeLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.RIGHT); JPanel panel = GridBagUtils.createPanel(); GridBagConstraints gbc = GridBagUtils.createConstraints( "fill=HORIZONTAL,weightx=1,anchor=NORTHWEST,insets.left=7,insets.right=7,insets.bottom=4"); GridBagUtils.addToPanel(panel, subsetButton, gbc, "gridy=0"); GridBagUtils.addToPanel(panel, sizeLabel, gbc, "gridy=1"); GridBagUtils.addVerticalFiller(panel, gbc); setAccessory(panel); addPropertyChangeListener(e -> updateState()); } private void updateState() { if (isSubsetEnabled()) { subsetButton.setEnabled(getSelectedFile() != null || productToExport != null); File file = getSelectedFile(); if (file != null && file.isFile()) { long fileSize = Math.round(file.length() / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); if (fileSize >= 1) { sizeLabel.setText("File size: " + fileSize + " M"); } else { sizeLabel.setText("File size: < 1 M"); } } else { sizeLabel.setText(""); } } } private void clearCurrentSubsetProduct() { subsetProduct = null; } private void openProductSubsetDialog() { Product product = null; String newProductName = null; if (getDialogType() == OPEN_DIALOG) { File file = getSelectedFile(); if (file == null) { // Should not come here... return; } try { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); final FileFilter fileFilter = getFileFilter(); String formatName = (fileFilter instanceof SnapFileFilter) ? ((SnapFileFilter) fileFilter).getFormatName() : null; product = ProductIO.readProduct(file, formatName); if(product == null) { String msg = "The product could not be read."; String optionalMsg = file.isDirectory() ? "\nSelection points to a directory." : ""; Dialogs.showError(msg + optionalMsg); return; } newProductName = createNewProductName(product.getName(), numSubsetProducts++); } catch (IOException e) { Dialogs.showError("The product could not be read:\n" + e.getMessage()); } finally { setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } } else { product = productToExport; if (StringUtils.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(getCurrentFilename())) { newProductName = getCurrentFilename(); } else { newProductName = createNewProductName(product.getName(), numSubsetProducts++); } } if (product != null) { boolean approve = openProductSubsetDialog(product, newProductName); if (approve && getDialogType() == JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG) { approveSelection(); } } updateState(); } private boolean openProductSubsetDialog(Product product, String newProductName) { clearCurrentSubsetProduct(); if (product != null) { if (product.isMultiSize()) { Dialogs.showError("No subset can be created of a multi-size products."); return false; } ProductSubsetDialog productSubsetDialog = new ProductSubsetDialog(SnapApp.getDefault().getMainFrame(), product); if ( == ProductSubsetDialog.ID_OK) { try { subsetProduct = product.createSubset(productSubsetDialog.getProductSubsetDef(), newProductName, null); if (getCurrentFilename() != null && !getCurrentFilename().startsWith("subset_")) { setCurrentFilename("subset_" + getCurrentFilename()); } return true; } catch (IOException e) { Dialogs.showError("Could not create subset:\n" + e.getMessage()); } } } return false; } private String createNewProductName(String sourceProductName, int productIndex) { String newNameBase = ""; if (sourceProductName != null && sourceProductName.length() > 0) { newNameBase = FileUtils.exchangeExtension(sourceProductName, ""); } String newNamePrefix = "subset"; String newProductName; if (newNameBase.length() > 0) { newProductName = newNamePrefix + "_" + productIndex + "_" + newNameBase; } else { newProductName = newNamePrefix + "_" + productIndex; } return newProductName; } }