package org.esa.snap.nbexec; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; /** * A plain Java NetBeans Platform launcher which mimics the core functionality of the NB's native launcher * {@code nbexec}. Can be used for easy debugging of NB Platform (Maven) applications when using the NB IDE is not * an option. * <p> * <i>IMPORTANT NOTE: This launcher only implements a subset of the functionality the native NetBeans * launcher {@code nbexec} provides. For example, you cannot update plugins and then let the application * restart itself.<br> * The recommended way to run/debug applications build on the NetBeans platform is either using the NetBeans * Maven plugin (via {@code nbm:run-platform}) or directly using the NetBeans IDE. * </i> * <p> * Usage: * <pre> * Launcher [--patches <patches>] [--clusters <clusters>] [--branding <app>] * [--userdir <userdir>] [--cachedir <cachedir>] <args> * </pre> * where the {@code clusters}, {@code branding}, {@code userdir}, and {@code cachedir} options are the same as * for the native launcher. * The current working directory must be the target deployment directory, {@code $appmodule/target/$app}. * <p> * The Launcher takes care of any changed code in modules indicated by the <i>patches</i> patterns given by the * {@code patches} option. the <i>patches</i> patterns may contain multiple patterns separated by a semicolon (;) * on Windows systems and a colon (:) on Unixes. Every patch pattern must contain a single wildcard character ($). * The default patch pattern is {@code $appmodule/../../../$/target/classes}<br> and is always included. * <p> * So, In IntelliJ IDEA we can hit CTRL+F9 * and then run/debug the Launcher. * <p> * This is enabled for all modules which are * <ul> * <li>(a) found in the applications target cluster (e.g. modules with {@code nbm} packaging) and </li> * <li>(b) have a valid target/classes output directory.</li> * </ul> * We may later want to be able to further configure this default behaviour. See code for how the current * strategy is implemented. * * @author Norman Fomferra * @version 1.0 */ public class Launcher { private static final String CLUSTERS_EXT = ".clusters"; // Command-line arguments private final String[] args; // Contains all environment variables and all variables from ${some-dir}/${app-name}/etc/${app-name}.conf private final Map<String, String> configuration; public static void main(String[] args) { new Launcher(args).run(); } private Launcher(String[] args) { this.args = args; this.configuration = new HashMap<>(); } private void run() { Path installationDir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath(); Path etcDir = installationDir.resolve("etc"); Path platformDir = installationDir.resolve("platform"); if (!Files.isDirectory(etcDir) || !Files.isDirectory(platformDir)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not a valid installation directory: " + installationDir); } LinkedList<String> argList = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(args)); String clusterDirs = parseArg(argList, "--clusters"); String brandingToken = parseArg(argList, "--branding"); String userDir = parseArg(argList, "--userdir"); String cacheDir = parseArg(argList, "--cachedir"); // Collect project dirs. // Default is "../../../$/target/classes" which refers to a Maven specific directory layout: // // ${parent-1}/ // pom.xml // ${nb-app-module-dir}/ // pom.xml // src/ // target/ // ${app} // -> must be current working directory // ${nb-nbm-module-dir-1}/ // ${nb-nbm-module-dir-2}/ // ${nb-nbm-module-dir-3}/ // ... // ${parent-2}/ // pom.xml // ${nb-nbm-module-dir-1}/ // ${nb-nbm-module-dir-2}/ // ... // Set<Patch> patches = parseClusterPatches(argList); Stream<Path> etcFiles; try { etcFiles = Files.list(etcDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } List<Path> clustersFiles = etcFiles .filter(Files::isRegularFile) .filter(path -> path.getFileName().toString().endsWith(CLUSTERS_EXT)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (clustersFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("no '*.clusters' file found in '%s'", etcDir)); } else if (clustersFiles.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("multiple '*.clusters' files found in '%s'", etcDir)); } Path clustersFile = clustersFiles.get(0); String clustersFileName = clustersFile.getFileName().toString(); String appName = clustersFileName.substring(0, clustersFileName.length() - CLUSTERS_EXT.length()); Path confFile = etcDir.resolve(appName + ".conf"); configuration.putAll(System.getenv()); setConfigurationVariableIfNotSet("APPNAME", appName); setConfigurationVariableIfNotSet("HOME", System.getProperty("user.home")); if (Files.isRegularFile(confFile)) { loadConf(confFile); } // Parse "default_options" List<String> defaultOptionList = new LinkedList<>(); String defaultOptions = getVar("default_options"); String defaultClusterDirs = null; String defaultBrandingToken = null; String defaultUserDir = null; String defaultCacheDir = null; if (defaultOptions != null) { defaultOptionList = parseOptions(defaultOptions); defaultClusterDirs = parseArg(defaultOptionList, "--clusters"); defaultBrandingToken = parseArg(defaultOptionList, "--branding"); defaultUserDir = parseArg(defaultOptionList, "--userdir"); defaultCacheDir = parseArg(defaultOptionList, "--cachedir"); } if (defaultUserDir == null) { // From nbexec: if ("Darwin".equals(System.getProperty(""))) { defaultUserDir = getVar("default_mac_userdir"); } else { defaultUserDir = getVar("default_userdir"); } // .. but not used here because our default is the nbm standard location if (defaultUserDir == null) { defaultUserDir = installationDir.resolve("..").resolve("userdir").toString(); } } if (clusterDirs == null) { clusterDirs = defaultClusterDirs; } if (userDir == null) { userDir = defaultUserDir; } if (defaultCacheDir == null) { defaultCacheDir = path(userDir, "var", "cache"); } if (brandingToken == null) { brandingToken = defaultBrandingToken; } if (cacheDir == null) { cacheDir = defaultCacheDir; } List<String> clusterList = readLines(clustersFile); clusterList = toAbsolutePaths(clusterList); String extraClusterPaths = getVar("extra_clusters"); if (extraClusterPaths != null) { clusterList.add(extraClusterPaths); } if (clusterDirs != null) { clusterList.addAll(toAbsolutePaths(Arrays.asList(clusterDirs.split(File.pathSeparator)))); } String clusterPaths = toPathsString(clusterList); List<URL> classPathList = new ArrayList<>(); buildClasspath(userDir, classPathList); buildClasspath(platformDir.toString(), classPathList); if ("true".equals(getVar("KDE_FULL_SESSION"))) { setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.running.environment", "kde"); } else if (getVar("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID") != null) { setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.running.environment", "gnome"); } // todo - address following warning: // WARNING [org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.actions.AutoupdateSettings]: The property "netbeans.default_userdir_root" was not set! if (getVar("DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT") != null) { setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.default_userdir_root", getVar("DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT")); } setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.home", platformDir.toString()); setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.dirs", clusterPaths); setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("netbeans.logger.console", "true"); setSystemPropertyIfNotSet("", brandingToken); List<String> remainingDefaultOptions = parseJavaOptions(defaultOptionList, false); List<String> remainingArgs = parseJavaOptions(argList, true); setPatchModules(clusterList, patches); List<String> newArgList = new ArrayList<>(); newArgList.add("--branding"); newArgList.add(brandingToken); newArgList.add("--userdir"); newArgList.add(userDir); newArgList.add("--cachedir"); newArgList.add(cacheDir); newArgList.addAll(remainingArgs); newArgList.addAll(remainingDefaultOptions); Path restartMarkerFile = Paths.get(userDir, "var", "restart"); try { Files.deleteIfExists(restartMarkerFile); } catch (IOException e) { // So what? } final String _userDir = userDir; Path restartExeFile; try { Optional<Path> restartFileResult = Files.list(installationDir.resolve("bin")) .filter(Files::isExecutable) .filter(p -> p.getFileName().toString().startsWith("restart.")) .findFirst(); restartExeFile = restartFileResult.get(); } catch (Exception e) { restartExeFile = null; } final Path _restartExeFile = restartExeFile; if (_restartExeFile != null) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> { if (Files.exists(restartMarkerFile)) { String processName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); Logger.getLogger("").info("Shut down: " + processName); String pid = processName.split("@")[0]; try { new ProcessBuilder().command(_restartExeFile.toString(), pid).start(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to restart: " + _restartExeFile.toString(), e); //SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Failed to restart:\n" + e.getMessage())); } } })); } runMain(classPathList, newArgList); } private Set<Patch> parseClusterPatches(LinkedList<String> argList) { Set<Patch> patches = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Add Maven-specific output directory for application module patches.add(Patch.parse("../../../$/target/classes")); while (true) { String patchPatterns = parseArg(argList, "--patches"); if (patchPatterns != null) { String[] patterns = patchPatterns.split(File.pathSeparator); for (String pattern : patterns) { patches.add(Patch.parse(pattern)); } } else { break; } } return patches; } private List<String> parseJavaOptions(List<String> defaultOptionList, boolean fail) { List<String> remainingDefaultOptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (String option : defaultOptionList) { if (option.startsWith("-J")) { if (option.startsWith("-J-D")) { String kv = option.substring(4); int i = kv.indexOf("="); if (i > 0) { setSystemPropertyIfNotSet(kv.substring(0, i), kv.substring(i + 1)); } } else { String msg = String.format("configured option '%s' will be ignored, because the JVM is already running", option); if (fail) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } warn(msg); } } else { remainingDefaultOptions.add(option); } } return remainingDefaultOptions; } int patchCount = 0; /* * scan appDir for modules and set system property netbeans.patches.<module>=<module-classes-dir> for each module */ private void setPatchModules(List<String> clusterList, Set<Patch> patches) { String JAR_EXT = ".jar"; List<String> moduleNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (String clusterDir : clusterList) { Path clusterModulesDir = Paths.get(clusterDir).resolve("modules"); try { Files.list(clusterModulesDir).forEach(path -> { String fileName = path.getFileName().toString(); if (fileName.endsWith(JAR_EXT)) { String moduleName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - JAR_EXT.length()); //info("candidate patch-providing module in development: " + moduleName); moduleNames.add(moduleName); } }); } catch (IOException e) { warn("failed to list entries of " + clusterModulesDir); } } for (Patch patch : patches) { patchCount = 0; Path parentSourceDir = patch.dir; if (Files.isDirectory(parentSourceDir)) { try { List<Path> moduleSourceDirs = Files.list(parentSourceDir) .filter(moduleSourceDir -> Files.isDirectory(moduleSourceDir)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Path moduleSourceDir : moduleSourceDirs) { addPatchForModuleSourceDir(moduleSourceDir, moduleNames, patch); } } catch (IOException e) { warn("failed to list entries of " + parentSourceDir); } if (patchCount == 0 && parentSourceDir.getFileName() != null) { // Maybe patch points to single-module project directory, so let's see addPatchForModuleSourceDir(parentSourceDir, moduleNames, patch); } } if (patchCount == 0) { warn("no module patches found for pattern " + patch); } else { info(patchCount + " module patch(es) found for pattern " + patch); } } } private boolean addPatchForModuleSourceDir(Path moduleSourceDir, List<String> moduleNames, Patch patch) { String moduleSourceName = moduleSourceDir.getFileName().toString(); if (!moduleSourceName.startsWith(".")) { //info("checking '" + moduleSourceDir + "'"); Path modulePatchDir = moduleSourceDir.resolve(patch.subPath); if (Files.isDirectory(modulePatchDir)) { //info("checking if artifact '" + artifactName + "' has output directory " + classesDir); for (String moduleName : moduleNames) { if (moduleName.endsWith(moduleSourceName)) { addPatch(moduleName, modulePatchDir); return true; } } for (String moduleName : moduleNames) { if (moduleName.contains(moduleSourceName)) { addPatch(moduleName, modulePatchDir); return true; } } } } return false; } private void addPatch(String moduleName, Path classesDir) { String propertyName = "netbeans.patches." + moduleName.replace("-", "."); setSystemPropertyIfNotSet(propertyName, classesDir.toString()); patchCount++; } private List<String> parseOptions(String defaultOptions) { LinkedList<String> defaultOptionList = new LinkedList<>(); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(defaultOptions)); st.resetSyntax(); st.wordChars(' ' + 1, 255); st.whitespaceChars(0, ' '); st.quoteChar('"'); st.quoteChar('\''); boolean firstArgQuoted; try { int tt = st.nextToken(); firstArgQuoted = tt == '\'' || tt == '"'; if (tt != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { do { if (st.sval != null) { defaultOptionList.add(st.sval); } tt = st.nextToken(); } while (tt != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } if (defaultOptionList.size() == 1 && firstArgQuoted) { return parseOptions(defaultOptionList.get(0)); } return defaultOptionList; } private static void runMain(List<URL> classPathList, List<String> argList) { URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(classPathList.toArray(new URL[classPathList.size()])); try { Class<?> nbMainClass = classLoader.loadClass("org.netbeans.Main"); Method nbMainMethod = nbMainClass.getDeclaredMethod("main", String[].class); nbMainMethod.invoke(null, (Object) argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()])); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private void buildClasspath(String base, List<URL> classPathList) { appendToClasspath(path(base, "lib", "patches"), classPathList); appendToClasspath(path(base, "lib"), classPathList); appendToClasspath(path(base, "locale", "locale"), classPathList); } private void appendToClasspath(String path, List<URL> classPathList) { try { Files.list(Paths.get(path)).forEach(file -> { if (Files.isDirectory(file)) { appendToClasspath(file.toString(), classPathList); } else if (Files.isRegularFile(file)) { String s = file.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase(); if (s.endsWith(".jar") || s.endsWith(".zip")) { try { URL url = file.toUri().toURL(); classPathList.add(url); info("added to application classpath: " + file); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } }); } catch (IOException e) { warn("failed to list entries of " + path); } } private void setConfigurationVariableIfNotSet(String varName, String varValue) { if (!configuration.containsKey(varName)) { configuration.put(varName, varValue); } } private void setSystemPropertyIfNotSet(String name, String value) { String oldValue = System.getProperty(name); if (oldValue == null) { info("setting system property: " + name + " = " + value); System.setProperty(name, value); } else { warn("not overriding existing system property: " + name + " = " + oldValue + "(new value: " + value + ")"); } } private static String toPathsString(List<String> paths) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String path : paths) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); } sb.append(path); } return sb.toString(); } private static List<String> toAbsolutePaths(List<String> paths) { return .map(path -> Paths.get(path).toAbsolutePath().toString()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static List<String> readLines(Path path) { try { return Files.readAllLines(path); } catch (IOException e) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } private String parseArg(List<String> argList, String name) { String value = null; int i = argList.indexOf(name); if (i >= 0 && i + 1 < argList.size()) { value = argList.get(i + 1); argList.remove(i); argList.remove(i); } return value; } private String getVar(String name) { String value = configuration.get(name); if (value != null) { return resolveString(value, configuration); } return null; } private void loadConf(Path path) { info("reading configuration from " + path); try { Properties properties = new Properties(); try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) { properties.load(reader); } Set<String> propertyNames = properties.stringPropertyNames(); for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(propertyName); if (propertyValue.startsWith("\"") && propertyValue.endsWith("\"")) { propertyValue = propertyValue.substring(1, propertyValue.length() - 1); } configuration.put(propertyName, propertyValue); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private void info(String msg) { System.out.printf("INFO: %s: %s%n", getClass(), msg); } private void warn(String msg) { System.err.printf("WARNING: %s: %s%n", getClass(), msg); } private static String resolveString(String text, Map<String, String> variables) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : variables.entrySet()) { text = text.replace("$" + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); text = text.replace("${" + entry.getKey() + "}", entry.getValue()); } return text; } private static String path(String first, String... more) { return Paths.get(first, more).toString(); } public static class Patch { public static final char WILDCARD_CHAR = '$'; private final Path dir; private final String subPath; public static Patch parse(String pattern) { int wcPos = pattern.indexOf(WILDCARD_CHAR); if (wcPos >= 0) { String subPath = pattern.substring(wcPos + 1); if (subPath.startsWith(File.separator) || subPath.startsWith("/")) { subPath = subPath.substring(1); } if (subPath.indexOf(WILDCARD_CHAR) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("patch pattern must contain a single wildcard '%s': %s", WILDCARD_CHAR, pattern)); } return new Patch(Paths.get(pattern.substring(0, wcPos)).toAbsolutePath().normalize(), subPath); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("patch pattern must contain wildcard '%s': %s", WILDCARD_CHAR, pattern)); } } private Patch(Path dir, String subPath) { this.dir = dir; this.subPath = subPath; } public Path getDir() { return dir; } public String getSubPath() { return subPath; } @Override public String toString() { if (subPath.isEmpty()) { return dir + File.separator + WILDCARD_CHAR; } return dir + File.separator + WILDCARD_CHAR + File.separator + subPath; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Patch patch = (Patch) o; return dir.equals(patch.dir) && subPath.equals(patch.subPath); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = dir.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + subPath.hashCode(); return result; } } }