package org.esa.snap.opendap.utils; import; import org.esa.snap.opendap.ui.DownloadProgressBarPM; import org.esa.snap.util.StringUtils; import ucar.ma2.Array; import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException; import ucar.nc2.Attribute; import ucar.nc2.Dimension; import ucar.nc2.FileWriter2; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter; import ucar.nc2.Variable; import ucar.nc2.dods.DODSNetcdfFile; import ucar.nc2.util.EscapeStrings; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class DAPDownloader { private static final int MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY_LENGTH = 15; final Map<String, Boolean> dapUris; final List<String> fileURIs; private final DownloadContext downloadContext; private final DownloadProgressBarPM pm; public DAPDownloader(Map<String, Boolean> dapUris, List<String> fileURIs, DownloadContext downloadContext, DownloadProgressBarPM pm) { this.dapUris = dapUris; this.fileURIs = fileURIs; this.downloadContext = downloadContext; = pm; } public void saveProducts(File targetDir) throws IOException { if (targetDir != null && targetDir.isDirectory()) { downloadFilesWithDapAccess(targetDir); downloadFilesWithFileAccess(targetDir); } else { throw new IOException("No target directory specified."); } } private void downloadFilesWithDapAccess(File targetDir) throws IOException { for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : dapUris.entrySet()) { if (pm.isCanceled()) { break; } downloadDapFile(targetDir, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private void downloadDapFile(File targetDir, String dapURI, boolean isLargeFile) throws IOException { String[] uriComponents = dapURI.split("\\?"); String constraintExpression = ""; String fileName = dapURI.substring(uriComponents[0].lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (uriComponents.length > 1) { constraintExpression = uriComponents[1]; } updateProgressBar(fileName, 0); DODSNetcdfFile netcdfFile = new DODSNetcdfFile(dapURI); writeNetcdfFile(targetDir, fileName, constraintExpression, netcdfFile, isLargeFile); } void writeNetcdfFile(File targetDir, String fileName, String constraintExpression, final DODSNetcdfFile sourceNetcdfFile, final boolean isLargeFile) throws IOException { final File file = new File(targetDir, fileName); if (file.exists() && !downloadContext.mayOverwrite(fileName)) { downloadContext.notifyFileDownloaded(file); updateProgressBar(fileName, (int) (file.length() / 1024)); return; } if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(constraintExpression)) { try { Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { FileWriter2 fileWriter = new FileWriter2(sourceNetcdfFile, file.getAbsolutePath(), NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3, null); fileWriter.write(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); thread.start(); int downloadedBefore = 0; while (thread.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { // ignore } int downloaded = (int) (file.length() / 1024); int delta = downloaded - downloadedBefore; if (delta > 0) { updateProgressBar(fileName, delta); downloadedBefore = downloaded; } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e.getCause(); } else { throw e; } } if (!pm.isCanceled()) { downloadContext.notifyFileDownloaded(file); } return; } /** * algorithm: * - get all variableNames vN from constraintExpression * - get all dimensions d from sourceNetcdfFile * - filter dimensions and variables * - in new NetcdfFileWritable: create global attributes, dimensions and variables * - create(); * - for all variables in new file: * - get corresponding CE * - array = sourceNetcdfFile.readWithCE(); * - variable.setData(array) * - close(); */ final List<Variable> variables = sourceNetcdfFile.getVariables(); final List<String> variableNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Variable variable : variables) { variableNames.add(variable.getFullName()); } final List<String> filteredVariables = filterVariables(variableNames, constraintExpression); final List<Dimension> filteredDimensions = filterDimensions(filteredVariables, sourceNetcdfFile); NetcdfFileWriter targetNetCDF = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3, file.getAbsolutePath()); for (Dimension filteredDimension : filteredDimensions) { targetNetCDF.addDimension(null, filteredDimension.getFullName(), filteredDimension.getLength(), filteredDimension.isShared(), filteredDimension.isUnlimited(), filteredDimension.isVariableLength()); } for (String filteredVariable : filteredVariables) { String varName = EscapeStrings.backslashEscape(filteredVariable, NetcdfFile.reservedSectionSpec); final Variable variable = sourceNetcdfFile.findVariable(varName); final Variable targetVariable = targetNetCDF.addVariable(null, variable.getFullName(), variable.getDataType(), variable.getDimensions()); for (Attribute attribute : variable.getAttributes()) { targetVariable.addAttribute(attribute); } } for (Attribute attribute : sourceNetcdfFile.getGlobalAttributes()) { targetNetCDF.addGroupAttribute(null, attribute); } targetNetCDF.create(); for (String filteredVariable : filteredVariables) { String varName = EscapeStrings.backslashEscape(filteredVariable, NetcdfFile.reservedSectionSpec); final Variable sourceVariable = sourceNetcdfFile.findVariable(varName); String ceForVariable = getConstraintExpression(filteredVariable, constraintExpression); final Array values = sourceNetcdfFile.readWithCE(sourceVariable, ceForVariable); final int[] origin = getOrigin(filteredVariable, constraintExpression, sourceVariable.getDimensions().size()); try { targetNetCDF.write(sourceVariable, origin, values); } catch (InvalidRangeException e) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format("Unable to download variable ''{0}'' into file ''{1}''.", filteredVariable, fileName), e); } } targetNetCDF.close(); downloadContext.notifyFileDownloaded(file); } private void updateProgressBar(String fileName, int work) { pm.worked(work); StringBuilder preMessageBuilder = new StringBuilder(fileName); int currentWork = pm.getCurrentWork(); preMessageBuilder.append(" (") .append(downloadContext.getAllDownloadedFilesCount() + 1) .append("/") .append(downloadContext.getAllFilesCount()) .append(")"); if (currentWork != 0) { final long currentTime = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); final long durationInMillis = currentTime - pm.getStartTime(); double downloadSpeed = getDownloadSpeed(durationInMillis, currentWork); char sizeIdentifier = downloadSpeed < 1000 ? 'k' : 'M'; downloadSpeed = downloadSpeed < 1000 ? downloadSpeed : downloadSpeed / 1024; String speedString = OpendapUtils.format(downloadSpeed); preMessageBuilder.append(" @ ").append(speedString).append(" ").append(sizeIdentifier).append("B/s"); } int totalWork = pm.getTotalWork(); double percentage = ((double) currentWork / totalWork) * 100.0; String workDone = OpendapUtils.format(currentWork / 1024.0); String totalWorkString = OpendapUtils.format(totalWork / 1024.0); pm.setPostMessage(workDone + " MB/" + totalWorkString + " MB (" + OpendapUtils.format(percentage) + "%)"); String preMessageString = preMessageBuilder.toString(); pm.setTooltip("Downloading " + preMessageString); final String shortenedFilename = fileName.substring(0, Math.min(fileName.length(), MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY_LENGTH)); pm.setPreMessage("Downloading " + preMessageString.replace(fileName, shortenedFilename + "...")); } static double getDownloadSpeed(long durationInMillis, int kilobyteCount) { return kilobyteCount / (durationInMillis / 1000.0); } static String getConstraintExpression(String sourceVariable, String constraintExpression) { final String[] constraintExpressions = constraintExpression.split(","); for (String expression : constraintExpressions) { if (expression.startsWith(sourceVariable + "[")) { return expression; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format("Source variable ''{0}'' must be included in expression ''{1}''.", sourceVariable, constraintExpression)); } static int[] getOrigin(String variableName, String constraintExpression, int dimensionCount) { int[] origin = new int[dimensionCount]; Arrays.fill(origin, 0); if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(constraintExpression)) { return origin; } final String[] variableConstraints = constraintExpression.split(","); for (String variableConstraint : variableConstraints) { if (variableConstraint.contains(variableName)) { if (!variableConstraint.contains("[")) { return origin; } variableConstraint = variableConstraint.replace("]", ""); String[] rangeConstraints = variableConstraint.split("\\["); if (rangeConstraints.length - 1 > dimensionCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format("Illegal expression: ''{0}'' for variable ''{1}''.", constraintExpression, variableName)); } for (int i = 1; i < rangeConstraints.length; i++) { String rangeConstraint = rangeConstraints[i]; String[] rangeComponents = rangeConstraint.split(":"); origin[i - 1] = Integer.parseInt(rangeComponents[0]); } } } return origin; } static List<String> filterVariables(List<String> variableNames, String constraintExpression) { final List<String> filteredVariables = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> constrainedVariableNames = getVariableNames(constraintExpression); if (constrainedVariableNames == null || constrainedVariableNames.isEmpty()) { return variableNames; } for (String variableName : variableNames) { if (constrainedVariableNames.contains(variableName)) { filteredVariables.add(variableName); } } if (filteredVariables.isEmpty()) { return variableNames; } return filteredVariables; } static List<Dimension> filterDimensions(List<String> variables, NetcdfFile netcdfFile) { final List<Dimension> filteredDimensions = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); for (String variableName : variables) { final Variable variable = netcdfFile.findVariable(variableName); for (Dimension dimension : variable.getDimensions()) { if (!filteredDimensions.contains(dimension)) { filteredDimensions.add(dimension); } } } return filteredDimensions; } static List<String> getVariableNames(String constraintExpression) { if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(constraintExpression)) { return null; } List<String> variableNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] constraints = constraintExpression.split(","); for (String constraint : constraints) { if (constraint.contains("[")) { variableNames.add(constraint.substring(0, constraint.indexOf("["))); } else { variableNames.add(constraint); } } return variableNames; } private void downloadFilesWithFileAccess(File targetDir) throws IOException { for (String fileURI : fileURIs) { if (pm.isCanceled()) { break; } try { downloadFile(targetDir, fileURI); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to download file '" + fileURI + "'.", e); } } } void downloadFile(File targetDir, String fileURI) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { final URL fileUrl = new URI(fileURI).toURL(); updateProgressBar(fileUrl.getFile(), 0); final File file = FileDownloader.downloadFile(fileUrl, targetDir, null); downloadContext.notifyFileDownloaded(file); } public interface DownloadContext { int getAllFilesCount(); int getAllDownloadedFilesCount(); void notifyFileDownloaded(File downloadedFile); boolean mayOverwrite(String filename); } }