/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson, Adam Megacz */ package com.caucho.xml.stream; import com.caucho.util.CharBuffer; import com.caucho.util.L10N; import com.caucho.vfs.*; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.stream.Location; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * XML pull-parser interface. */ public class XMLStreamReaderImpl implements XMLStreamReader { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XMLStreamReaderImpl.class.getName()); private static final L10N L = new L10N(XMLStreamReaderImpl.class); private static final boolean []IS_XML_NAME = new boolean[65536]; private StaxIntern _intern; private ReadStream _is; private Reader _reader; private int _lastCol = 1; private int _col = 1; private int _row = 1; private int _offset = 1; private NamespaceReaderContext _namespaceTracker; private String _version = "1.0"; private String _encoding = "utf-8"; private String _encodingScheme; private String _publicId; private String _systemId; private boolean _seenDocumentStart = false; private int _current; private int _state; private boolean _isShortTag; private boolean _isWhitespace = false; private boolean _eofEncountered = false; private String _processingInstructionTarget; private String _processingInstructionData; private RawName _rawTagName = new RawName(); private QName _name; private StaxIntern.Entry []_attrRawNames = new StaxIntern.Entry[16]; private QName []_attrNames = new QName[16]; private String []_attrValues = new String[16]; private int _attrCount; private final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder(); private TempCharBuffer _tempInputBuffer; private char []_inputBuf; private int _inputOffset; private int _inputLength; private TempCharBuffer _tempCharBuffer; private char []_cBuf; private int _cBufLength; public XMLStreamReaderImpl(InputStream is) throws XMLStreamException { this(Vfs.openRead(is)); } public XMLStreamReaderImpl(Reader r) throws XMLStreamException { _reader = r; init(); } public XMLStreamReaderImpl(InputStream is, String systemId) throws XMLStreamException { this(Vfs.openRead(is)); _systemId = systemId; } public XMLStreamReaderImpl(Reader reader, String systemId) throws XMLStreamException { this(reader); _systemId = systemId; } public XMLStreamReaderImpl(ReadStream is) throws XMLStreamException { _is = is; init(); } public void init() throws XMLStreamException { _namespaceTracker = new NamespaceReaderContext(); _intern = new StaxIntern(_namespaceTracker); _tempCharBuffer = TempCharBuffer.allocate(); _cBuf = _tempCharBuffer.getBuffer(); _tempInputBuffer = TempCharBuffer.allocate(); _inputBuf = _tempInputBuffer.getBuffer(); _inputOffset = _inputLength = 0; readHeader(); _current = START_DOCUMENT; } public int available() { return _inputLength - _inputOffset; } public int getAttributeCount() { return _attrCount; } public String getAttributeLocalName(int index) { if (_attrCount <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.l("element only has {0} attributes, given index {1}", _attrCount, index)); return _attrNames[index].getLocalPart(); } public QName getAttributeName(int index) { if (_attrCount <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.l("element only has {0} attributes, given index {1}", _attrCount, index)); return _attrNames[index]; } public String getAttributeNamespace(int index) { if (_attrCount <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.l("element only has {0} attributes, given index {1}", _attrCount, index)); String ret = _attrNames[index].getNamespaceURI(); // API quirk if ("".equals(ret)) return null; return ret; } public String getAttributePrefix(int index) { if (_attrCount <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.l("element only has {0} attributes, given index {1}", _attrCount, index)); String ret = _attrNames[index].getPrefix(); return ret; } public String getAttributeType(int index) { return "CDATA"; } public String getAttributeValue(int index) { if (_attrCount <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.l("element only has {0} attributes, given index {1}", _attrCount, index)); return _attrValues[index]; } public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int index) { return index < _attrCount; } public String getAttributeValue(String namespaceURI, String localName) { for (int i = _attrCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { QName name = _attrNames[i]; // namespaceURI == null means ignore namespace if (namespaceURI == null) { if (name.getLocalPart().equals(localName)) return _attrValues[i]; } else if (name.getLocalPart().equals(localName) && name.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)) return _attrValues[i]; } return null; } public String getCharacterEncodingScheme() { return _encodingScheme; } public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException { if (_current != START_ELEMENT) throw new XMLStreamException(L.l("START_ELEMENT expected when calling getElementText()")); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int eventType = next(); eventType != END_ELEMENT; eventType = next()) { switch (eventType) { case CHARACTERS: case CDATA: case SPACE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE: sb.append(_cBuf, 0, _cBufLength); break; case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: case COMMENT: break; case END_DOCUMENT: throw new XMLStreamException(L.l("Document ended unexpectedly while reading element text")); case START_ELEMENT: throw new XMLStreamException(L.l("getElementText() encountered a START_ELEMENT; text only element expected")); default: throw new XMLStreamException(L.l("Unexpected event during getElementText(): {0}", eventType)); } } return sb.toString(); } public String getEncoding() { return _encoding; } public int getEventType() { return _current; } public Location getLocation() { return new StreamReaderLocation(_offset, _row, _col); } public String getLocalName() { if (_name == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); return _name.getLocalPart(); } public String getNamespaceURI() { if (_name == null) return null; String uri = _name.getNamespaceURI(); if ("".equals(uri)) return null; else // .intern() for WSS4J compatibility // xml/3028 return uri.intern(); } public QName getName() { return _name; } public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() { return _namespaceTracker; } public int getNamespaceCount() { return _namespaceTracker.getNumDecls(); } public String getNamespacePrefix(int index) { String prefix = _namespaceTracker.getPrefix(index); // The API specifies that this function return a different value for // the default namespace, null, than any other function, which all return // the constant defined in XMLConstants. if (XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.equals(prefix)) return null; else return prefix; } public String getNamespaceURI(int index) { return _namespaceTracker.getUri(index); } public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { return _namespaceTracker.getUri(prefix); } public String getPIData() { if (_current != PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) return null; return _processingInstructionData; } public String getPITarget() { if (_current != PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) return null; return _processingInstructionTarget; } public String getPrefix() { if (_name == null) return null; String prefix = _name.getPrefix(); // xml/3000, xml/3009 if ("" == prefix && "" == _name.getNamespaceURI()) return null; return prefix; } public Object getProperty(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ("javax.xml.stream.notations".equals(name)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getName()); } else if ("javax.xml.stream.entities".equals(name)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property \""+name+"+\" not supported"); } } /** * Returns the current text string. */ public String getText() { return new String(_cBuf, 0, _cBufLength); } /** * Returns a character buffer for the current text. */ public char[] getTextCharacters() { return _cBuf; } /** * Reads the current text into a buffer. */ public int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) throws XMLStreamException { int sublen = _cBufLength - sourceStart; if (length < sublen) sublen = length; System.arraycopy(_cBuf, sourceStart, target, targetStart, sublen); return sublen; } /** * Returns the length of the current text. */ public int getTextLength() { return _cBufLength; } /** * Returns the offset of the current text. */ public int getTextStart() { return 0; } public String getVersion() { return _version; } public boolean hasName() { return _name != null; } public boolean hasText() { switch(getEventType()) { case CHARACTERS: case DTD: case ENTITY_REFERENCE: case COMMENT: case SPACE: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isCharacters() { return _current == CHARACTERS; } public boolean isEndElement() { if (_current == END_ELEMENT) return true; // php/4618 if (_current == START_ELEMENT && _isShortTag) return true; return false; } public boolean isStandalone() { return false; } public boolean isStartElement() { return _current == START_ELEMENT; } public boolean isWhiteSpace() { return (_isWhitespace && (_current == CHARACTERS || _current == SPACE)); } /** * Skips until the next START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT */ public int nextTag() throws XMLStreamException { while (true) { int tag = next(); if (tag < 0 || tag == START_ELEMENT || tag == END_ELEMENT) { return tag; } } } public void require(int type, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException { if (type != _current) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("expected "); sb.append(StaxUtil.constantToString(type)); if (type == START_ELEMENT || type == END_ELEMENT) { sb.append('('); sb.append(localName); sb.append(')'); } sb.append(", found "); sb.append(StaxUtil.constantToString(_current)); if (_current == START_ELEMENT || _current == END_ELEMENT) { sb.append('('); sb.append(getLocalName()); sb.append(')'); } sb.append(" at "); sb.append(getLocation()); throw new XMLStreamException(sb.toString()); } if (localName != null && !localName.equals(getLocalName())) { if (type == START_ELEMENT) { throw new XMLStreamException("expected <" + localName + ">, found " + "<" + getLocalName() + "> at " + getLocation()); } else if (type == END_ELEMENT) { throw new XMLStreamException("expected </" + localName + ">, found " + "</" + getLocalName() + "> at " + getLocation()); } } if (namespaceURI != null && !namespaceURI.equals(getNamespaceURI())) throw new XMLStreamException("expected xmlns="+namespaceURI+ ", found xmlns="+getNamespaceURI() + " at " + getLocation()); } public boolean standaloneSet() { return isStandalone(); } public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException { if (_is == null && _reader == null) return false; return _current != END_DOCUMENT; } public int next() throws XMLStreamException { try { _current = readNext(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } if (_current > 0) return _current; else { if (_eofEncountered) { _current = -1; } else { _eofEncountered = true; _current = END_DOCUMENT; } return _current; } } private int readNext() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { _cBufLength = 0; // we pop the namespace context when the user is finished // working with the END_ELEMENT event if (_current == END_ELEMENT) _namespaceTracker.pop(); if (_isShortTag) { _isShortTag = false; return END_ELEMENT; } _name = null; int ch = read(); if (ch == '<') { ch = read(); switch (ch) { case '/': _name = readName(false).getQName(); expect('>'); return END_ELEMENT; case '!': expect('-'); expect('-'); return readComment(); case '?': readProcessingDirective(); return PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; case -1: close(); return -1; default: unread(); readElementBegin(); return START_ELEMENT; } } else if (ch < 0) { close(); return -1; } else { unread(); return readData(); } } private void readElementBegin() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { _namespaceTracker.push(); StaxIntern.Entry eltName = readName(false); _isShortTag = false; int ch = readAttributes(); if (ch == '>') { } else if (ch == '/') { _isShortTag = true; expect('>'); } else if (ch < 0) { // #2989, xml/3033 close(); return; } else throw error(L.l("Expected {0} at {1}", ">", charName(ch))); for (int i = _attrCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) _attrNames[i] = _attrRawNames[i].getQName(); _name = eltName.getQName(); } private int readAttributes() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int ch; int attrCount = 0; while ((ch = skipWhitespace()) >= 0 && IS_XML_NAME[ch]) { unread(); if (_attrRawNames.length <= attrCount) extendAttrs(); StaxIntern.Entry rawName = readName(true); ch = skipWhitespace(); if (ch != '=') throw error(L.l("attribute expects '=' at {0}", charName(ch))); ch = skipWhitespace(); if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') { if ("xmlns".equals(rawName.getPrefix())) { _namespaceTracker.declare(rawName.getLocalName(), readValue(ch)); } else if ("xmlns".equals(rawName.getLocalName())) { _namespaceTracker.declare(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, readValue(ch)); } else { _attrRawNames[attrCount] = rawName; _attrValues[attrCount++] = readValue(ch); } } else throw error(L.l("attribute expects value at {0}", charName(ch))); } _attrCount = attrCount; return ch; } private String readValue(int end) throws XMLStreamException { char []valueBuffer = _cBuf; int valueIndex = 0; while (true) { int ch = read(); switch (ch) { case -1: return new String(valueBuffer, 0, valueIndex); case '"': case '\'': if (ch == end) return new String(valueBuffer, 0, valueIndex); else valueBuffer[valueIndex++] = (char) ch; break; case '&': valueBuffer[valueIndex++] = (char) ch; break; default: valueBuffer[valueIndex++] = (char) ch; break; } } } private void extendAttrs() { int length = _attrRawNames.length; StaxIntern.Entry []attrRawNames = new StaxIntern.Entry[length + 16]; System.arraycopy(_attrRawNames, 0, attrRawNames, 0, length); _attrRawNames = attrRawNames; QName []attrNames = new QName[length + 16]; System.arraycopy(_attrNames, 0, attrNames, 0, length); _attrNames = attrNames; String []attrValues = new String[length + 16]; System.arraycopy(_attrValues, 0, attrValues, 0, length); _attrValues = attrValues; } private int readData() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int ch = 0; _isWhitespace = true; int index = 0; char []cBuf = _cBuf; int length = cBuf.length; int entity = -1; loop: for (; index < length && (ch = read()) >= 0; index++) { switch (ch) { case '<': unread(); break loop; case '&': if (cBuf.length <= index + 256) { unread(); break loop; } cBuf[index] = (char) ch; entity = index; break; case '\r': ch = read(); if (ch != '\n') { ch = '\r'; unread(); } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': cBuf[index] = (char) ch; break; case ';': if (entity >= 0) { String unresolved = new String(cBuf, entity + 1, index - entity - 1); String resolved = resolveEntity(unresolved); // the loop will advance index + 1 index = entity + resolved.length() - 1; resolved.getChars(0, resolved.length(), cBuf, entity); entity = -1; break; } default: _isWhitespace = false; cBuf[index] = (char) ch; break; } } if (entity > 0) throw new XMLStreamException("XXX: unclosed entity at end of file"); _cBufLength = index; if (ch < 0 && _isWhitespace) return -1; // whitespace surrounding the root element is "ignorable" per the XML spec boolean isIgnorableWhitespace = _isWhitespace && _namespaceTracker.getDepth() == 0; return isIgnorableWhitespace ? SPACE : CHARACTERS; } private String resolveEntity(String s) throws XMLStreamException { if ("amp".equals(s)) return "&"; if ("apos".equals(s)) return "\'"; if ("quot".equals(s)) return "\""; if ("lt".equals(s)) return "<"; if ("gt".equals(s)) return ">"; if (s.startsWith("#x")) return ""+((char)Integer.parseInt(s.substring(2), 16)); if (s.startsWith("#")) return ""+((char)Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1))); throw new XMLStreamException("unknown entity: \"" + s + "\""); } private void readProcessingDirective() throws XMLStreamException { CharBuffer target = new CharBuffer(); CharBuffer data = null; while(true) { int ch = read(); if (ch == -1) return; /* XXX: error? */ if (ch == '?') { int next = read(); if (next == '>') { _processingInstructionTarget = target.toString(); _processingInstructionData = data == null ? null : data.toString(); return; } unread(); } if (data == null && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) { data = new CharBuffer(); continue; } if (data != null) data.append((char)ch); else target.append((char)ch); } } private int readComment() throws XMLStreamException { int ch = 0; int index = 0; char []cBuf = _cBuf; int length = cBuf.length; loop: for (; index < length && (ch = read()) >= 0; index++) { cBuf[index] = (char) ch; if (index > 3 && cBuf[index-2] == '-' && cBuf[index-1] == '-' && cBuf[index-0] == '>') { index -= 2; break; } } _cBufLength = index; return COMMENT; } private void readRawName(RawName name) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int length = 0; char []nameBuffer = name._buffer; int bufferLength = nameBuffer.length; int prefix = -1; int ch; while ((ch = read()) >= 0 && IS_XML_NAME[ch]) { if (bufferLength <= length) { name.expandCapacity(); nameBuffer = name._buffer; bufferLength = nameBuffer.length; } if (ch == ':' && prefix < 0) prefix = length; nameBuffer[length++] = (char) ch; } unread(); name._length = length; name._prefix = prefix; } /** * Parses a name. */ private StaxIntern.Entry readName(boolean isAttribute) throws XMLStreamException { char []inputBuf = _inputBuf; int inputLength = _inputLength; int inputOffset = _inputOffset; char []valueBuf = _cBuf; int valueOffset = 0; int colon = 0; while (true) { if (inputOffset < inputLength) { char ch = inputBuf[inputOffset++]; if (IS_XML_NAME[ch]) { valueBuf[valueOffset++] = ch; } else if (ch == ':') { if (colon <= 0) colon = valueOffset; valueBuf[valueOffset++] = ch; } else { _inputOffset = inputOffset - 1; return _intern.add(valueBuf, 0, valueOffset, colon, isAttribute); } } else if (fillBuffer()) { inputLength = _inputLength; inputOffset = _inputOffset; } else { return _intern.add(valueBuf, 0, valueOffset, colon, isAttribute); } } } private static boolean isXmlName(int ch) { return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' || '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || ch == ':' || ch == '+' || ch == '_' || ch == '-'); } private int skipWhitespace() throws XMLStreamException { int ch; while ((ch = read()) == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { } return ch; } /** * Reads the <?xml ... ?> declaraction */ private void readHeader() throws XMLStreamException { // The reading at this point must use the underlying stream because // the encoding is not determined until the end of the declaration int ch; ch = readByte(); if (ch == (char)0xFE) { if (readByte() != (char)0xFF) throw new XMLStreamException("found unrecognized BOM"); ch = readByte(); } else if (ch == (char)0xFF) { if (readByte() != (char)0xFE) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("found byte-swapped BOM"); else throw new XMLStreamException("found unrecognized BOM"); } if (ch != '<') { unreadByte(); } else if ((ch = readByte()) != '?') { unreadByte(); unreadByte(); } else if ((ch = readByte()) != 'x') { unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); } else if ((ch = readByte()) != 'm') { unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); } else if ((ch = readByte()) != 'l') { unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); unreadByte(); } else { CharBuffer directive = new CharBuffer(); while ((ch = readByte()) >= 0 && ch != '?') directive.append((char)ch); String data = directive.toString().trim(); if (data.startsWith("version")) { data = data.substring(7).trim(); data = data.substring(1).trim(); // remove "=" char quot = data.charAt(0); _version = data.substring(1, data.indexOf(quot, 1)); data = data.substring(data.indexOf(quot, 1)+1).trim(); } if (data.startsWith("encoding")) { data = data.substring(8).trim(); data = data.substring(1).trim(); // remove "=" char quot = data.charAt(0); _encoding = data.substring(1, data.indexOf(quot, 1)); data = data.substring(data.indexOf(quot, 1)+1).trim(); try { if (_is != null) _is.setEncoding(_encoding); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } ch = readByte(); if (ch != '>') throw error(L.l("Expected '>' at end of '<?xml' declaration at {0}", charName(ch))); } skipWhitespace(); unread(); } /** * Reads and validate next character. */ private void expect(int expect) throws XMLStreamException { int ch = read(); if (ch != expect) throw error(L.l("expected {0} at {1}", charName(expect), charName(ch))); } /** * Reads a character. */ private int read() throws XMLStreamException { if (_inputLength <= _inputOffset && ! fillBuffer()) return -1; int ch = _inputBuf[_inputOffset++]; _offset++; // XXX '\r' if (ch == '\n') { _row++; _lastCol = _col; _col = 1; } else _col++; return ch; } /** * Reads a character. */ private void unread() { if (_inputOffset > 0) { _inputOffset--; _offset--; if (_col > 1) _col--; if (_inputBuf[_inputOffset] == '\n') { _row--; _col = _lastCol; } } } /** * Reads a character. */ private int readByte() throws XMLStreamException { try { if (_inputLength <= _inputOffset) { int ch = -1; if (_is != null) ch = _is.read(); else if (_reader != null) ch = _reader.read(); if (ch < 0) return ch; if (_inputBuf.length <= _inputLength) _inputLength = 0; _inputBuf[_inputLength++] = (char) ch; _inputOffset = _inputLength; _offset++; // XXX '\r' if (ch == '\n') { _row++; _col = 1; } else _col++; return ch; } else return _inputBuf[_inputOffset++]; } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } /** * Unreads a byte. */ private void unreadByte() { if (_inputOffset > 0) _inputOffset--; } /** * Fills the input buffer. */ private final boolean fillBuffer() throws XMLStreamException { try { if (_is != null) { _inputOffset = 0; _inputLength = _is.read(_inputBuf, 0, _inputBuf.length); return _inputLength > 0; } else if (_reader != null) { _inputOffset = 0; _inputLength = _reader.read(_inputBuf, 0, _inputBuf.length); return _inputLength > 0; } else { _inputOffset = 0; _inputLength = 0; return false; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } private String charName(int ch) { if (ch < 0) return "end of file"; else if (ch > 0x20 && ch <= 0x7f) return "'" + (char) ch + "'"; else return "0x" + Integer.toHexString(ch); } private XMLStreamException error(String s) { return new XMLStreamException(location() + s); } private String location() { return ":" + _row + ":" + _col + " "; } public void close() throws XMLStreamException { TempCharBuffer tempCharBuffer = _tempCharBuffer; _tempCharBuffer = null; _cBuf = null; TempCharBuffer tempInputBuffer = _tempInputBuffer; _tempInputBuffer = null; _inputBuf = null; _inputOffset = _inputLength = 0; if (tempCharBuffer != null) TempCharBuffer.free(tempCharBuffer); if (tempInputBuffer != null) TempCharBuffer.free(tempInputBuffer); ReadStream is = _is; _is = null; if (is != null) is.close(); Reader r = _reader; _reader = null; if (r != null) { try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } } static class RawName { char []_buffer = new char[64]; int _prefix; int _length; public QName resolve(NamespaceContext nsc) { if (getPrefix() == null) return new QName(nsc.getNamespaceURI(null), getLocalName()); return new QName(nsc.getNamespaceURI(getPrefix()), getLocalName(), getPrefix()); } public String toString() { return new String(_buffer, 0, _length); } String getLocalName() { return new String(_buffer, _prefix + 1, _length - _prefix - 1); } String getPrefix() { if (_prefix==-1) return null; return new String(_buffer, 0, _prefix); } void expandCapacity() { char []newBuffer = new char[_buffer.length + 64]; System.arraycopy(_buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, _buffer.length); _buffer = newBuffer; } } /* static class NSContext { NSContext _parent; public NSContext(NSContext parent) { _parent = parent; } } */ static { for (int i = 0; i < IS_XML_NAME.length; i++) { if (isXmlName(i) && i != ':') IS_XML_NAME[i] = isXmlName(i); } } private class StreamReaderLocation implements Location { private int _offset; private int _row; private int _col; public StreamReaderLocation(int ofs, int row, int col) { _offset = ofs; _row = row; _col = col; } public int getCharacterOffset() { return _offset; } public int getColumnNumber() { return _col; } public int getLineNumber() { return _row; } public String getPublicId() { return _publicId; } public String getSystemId() { return _systemId; } public String toString() { return _row + ":" + _col; } } }