/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.java; import com.caucho.loader.DynamicClassLoader; import com.caucho.loader.NonScanDynamicClassLoader; import com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader; import com.caucho.util.CharBuffer; import com.caucho.vfs.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Compiles Java source, returning the loaded class. */ public class InternalCompiler extends AbstractJavaCompiler { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InternalCompiler.class.getName()); private static boolean _hasCompiler; // already tested for compiler private static DynamicClassLoader _internalLoader; Process _process; String _userPrefix; boolean _isDead; public InternalCompiler(JavaCompiler compiler) { super(compiler); } protected void compileInt(String []path, LineMap lineMap) throws IOException, JavaCompileException { if (! _hasCompiler) { JavaCompileException exn = null; try { ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.Main", false, loader); _hasCompiler = true; } catch (Exception e) { } try { DynamicClassLoader env; env = new NonScanDynamicClassLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); Path javaHome = Vfs.lookup(System.getProperty("java.home")); Path jar = javaHome.lookup("./lib/tools.jar"); if (jar.canRead()) env.addJar(jar); jar = javaHome.lookup("../lib/tools.jar"); if (jar.canRead()) env.addJar(jar); Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.Main", false, env); _hasCompiler = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new JavaCompileException(L.l("Resin can't load com.sun.tools.javac.Main. Usually this means that the JDK tools.jar is missing from the classpath, possibly because of using a JRE instead of the JDK. You can either add tools.jar to the classpath or change the compiler to an external one with <java compiler='javac'/> or jikes.\n\n{0}", String.valueOf(e)), e); } } executeInt(path, lineMap); } /** * Compiles the names files. */ private void executeInt(String []path, LineMap lineMap) throws JavaCompileException, IOException { MemoryStream tempStream = new MemoryStream(); WriteStream error = new WriteStream(tempStream); try { // String parent = javaPath.getParent().getNativePath(); ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); argList.add("-d"); argList.add(_compiler.getClassDirName()); if (_compiler.getEncoding() != null) { String encoding = Encoding.getJavaName(_compiler.getEncoding()); if (encoding != null && ! encoding.equals("ISO8859_1")) { argList.add("-encoding"); argList.add(_compiler.getEncoding()); } } argList.add("-classpath"); argList.add(_compiler.getClassPath()); ArrayList<String> args = _compiler.getArgs(); if (args != null) argList.addAll(args); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Path javaPath = _compiler.getSourceDir().lookup(path[i]); argList.add(javaPath.getNativePath()); } if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { CharBuffer msg = new CharBuffer(); msg.append("javac(int)"); for (int i = 0; i < argList.size(); i++) { if (argList.get(i).equals("-classpath") && ! log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { i++; continue; } msg.append(" "); msg.append(argList.get(i)); } log.finer(msg.toString()); } String []argArray = argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()]); int status = -1; Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader oldLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); DynamicClassLoader env; env = new NonScanDynamicClassLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); Path javaHome = Vfs.lookup(System.getProperty("java.home")); Path jar = javaHome.lookup("./lib/tools.jar"); if (jar.canRead()) env.addJar(jar); jar = javaHome.lookup("../lib/tools.jar"); if (jar.canRead()) env.addJar(jar); // env = _internalLoader; try { thread.setContextClassLoader(env); try { Class cl = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.Main", false, env); Object compiler = cl.newInstance(); Method compile = null; Object value = null; try { compile = cl.getMethod("compile", new Class[] { String[].class , PrintWriter.class }); value = compile.invoke(compiler, new Object[] { argArray, error.getPrintWriter() }); } catch (Throwable e) { log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e); } if (compile == null) { compile = cl.getMethod("compile", new Class[] { String[].class }); value = compile.invoke(compiler, new Object[] { argArray }); } if (value instanceof Integer) status = ((Integer) value).intValue(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new JavaCompileException(L.l("Can't find internal Java compiler. Either configure an external compiler with <javac> or use a JDK which contains a Java compiler."), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new JavaCompileException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new JavaCompileException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new JavaCompileException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } error.close(); tempStream.close(); } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(oldLoader); } ReadStream read = tempStream.openReadAndSaveBuffer(); JavacErrorParser parser = new JavacErrorParser(this, path[0], _compiler.getEncoding()); String errors = parser.parseErrors((InputStream) read, lineMap); read.close(); if (errors != null) errors = errors.trim(); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { read = tempStream.openReadAndSaveBuffer(); CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); int ch; while ((ch = read.read()) >= 0) { cb.append((char) ch); } read.close(); log.fine(cb.toString()); } else if (status == 0 && errors != null && ! errors.equals("")) { final String msg = errors; new com.caucho.loader.ClassLoaderContext(_compiler.getClassLoader()) { public void run() { log.warning(msg); } }; } if (status != 0) throw new JavaCompileException(errors); } finally { tempStream.destroy(); } } }