/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.vfs; import com.caucho.util.Alarm; import com.caucho.util.ByteBuffer; import com.caucho.util.L10N; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; public class MemoryPath extends FilesystemPath { private static L10N L = new L10N(MemoryPath.class); private Node _rootNode; protected MemoryPath(FilesystemPath root, String userPath, Map<String,Object> attributes, String path) { super(root, userPath, path); if (root instanceof MemoryPath) _rootNode = ((MemoryPath) root)._rootNode; else _root = this; } public MemoryPath() { this(null, "/", null, "/"); _root = this; _rootNode = new Node("", null, Node.DIR); } public Path fsWalk(String userPath, Map<String,Object> attributes, String path) { return new MemoryPath(_root, userPath, attributes, path); } public String getScheme() { return "memory"; } public String getURL() { return getScheme() + ":" + getFullPath(); } @Override public boolean isPathCacheable() { return false; } public boolean exists() { synchronized (_rootNode) { return lookupAll() != null; } } private Node lookupAll() { String fullPath = getFullPath(); int head = 0; Node node = _rootNode; while (node != null && head < fullPath.length()) { int tail = fullPath.indexOf('/', head); if (tail == -1) { if (head < fullPath.length()) return node.lookup(fullPath.substring(head)); else return node; } if (head != tail) node = node.lookup(fullPath.substring(head, tail)); head = tail + 1; } return node; } private Node lookupAllButTail() { String fullPath = getFullPath(); int head = 0; Node node = this._rootNode; while (node != null && head < fullPath.length()) { int tail = fullPath.indexOf('/', head); if (tail == -1 || tail == fullPath.length() - 1) return node; if (head != tail) node = node.lookup(fullPath.substring(head, tail)); head = tail + 1; } return node; } public boolean isDirectory() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node != null && node.type == node.DIR; } } public boolean isFile() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node != null && node.type == node.FILE; } } public boolean isObject() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node != null && node.type == node.OBJECT; } } public boolean setExecutable(boolean isExecutable) { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node != null && (node.type == node.FILE || node.type == node.DIR)) { node.isExecutable = isExecutable; return true; } else return false; } } public boolean isExecutable() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node != null && (node.type == node.FILE || node.type == node.DIR)) return node.isExecutable; else return false; } } public long getLength() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node != null && node.type == node.FILE) return ((ByteBuffer) node.data).length(); else return 0; } } public long getLastModified() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node == null ? 0 : node.lastModified; } } public boolean canRead() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node != null; } } public boolean canWrite() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); return node != null; } } public String []list() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node == null || node.data != null) return new String[0]; ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Node child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.next) { a.add(child.name); } return (String []) a.toArray(new String[a.size()]); } } // XXX: could have iterator private boolean mkdir(boolean parent) { synchronized (_rootNode) { String fullPath = getFullPath(); int head = 0; Node node = this._rootNode; while (node != null && head < fullPath.length()) { int tail = fullPath.indexOf('/', head); String name; if (tail == head) { head = tail + 1; continue; } if (tail == -1) { name = fullPath.substring(head); if (node.lookup(name) != null) return false; node.createDir(name); return true; } name = fullPath.substring(head, tail); Node next = node.lookup(name); if (next == null && parent) next = node.createDir(name); if (next == null || next.type != next.DIR) return false; node = next; head = tail + 1; } return false; } } public boolean mkdir() { return mkdir(false); } public boolean mkdirs() { return mkdir(true); } public boolean remove() { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAllButTail(); String tail = getTail(); if (node == null) return false; Node child = node.lookup(tail); if (child == null || child.firstChild != null) return false; node.remove(tail); return true; } } public boolean renameTo(Path path) { synchronized (_rootNode) { if (! (path instanceof MemoryPath)) return false; MemoryPath file = (MemoryPath) path; if (_rootNode != file._rootNode) return false; Node oldParent = lookupAllButTail(); if (oldParent == null) return false; Node child = oldParent.lookup(getTail()); if (child == null) return false; Node newParent = file.lookupAllButTail(); if (newParent == null || newParent.type != Node.DIR) return false; if (newParent.lookup(file.getTail()) != null) return false; oldParent.remove(getTail()); child.name = file.getTail(); newParent.create(child); return true; } } @Override public StreamImpl openReadImpl() throws IOException { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(getPath()); else if (node.type != node.FILE) throw new IOException("is directory: " + getPath()); return new MemoryStream(node, (ByteBuffer) node.data, false); } } @Override public StreamImpl openWriteImpl() throws IOException { return openWriteImpl(false); } @Override public StreamImpl openAppendImpl() throws IOException { return openWriteImpl(true); } private StreamImpl openWriteImpl(boolean append) throws IOException { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAllButTail(); String tail = getTail(); if (node == null || node.type != Node.DIR) throw new IOException(L.l("can't create file {0}", getFullPath())); Node child = node.lookup(tail); if (child == null) child = node.createFile(tail, new ByteBuffer(256)); else if (! append) { node.remove(tail); child = node.createFile(tail, new ByteBuffer(256)); } else if (child.type != child.FILE) throw new IOException(L.l("can't create file {0}", getFullPath())); return new MemoryStream(child, (ByteBuffer) child.data, true); } } @Override public Object getValue() throws IOException { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAll(); if (node == null || node.type != node.OBJECT) throw new IOException("no such object: " + getFullPath().toString()); return node.data; } } @Override synchronized public void setValue(Object object) throws IOException { synchronized (_rootNode) { Node node = lookupAllButTail(); String tail = getTail(); if (node == null || node.type != Node.DIR) throw new IOException(L.l("can't set object {0}", getFullPath())); Node child = node.lookup(tail); if (child == null) child = node.createObject(tail, object); else if (child.type == child.OBJECT) child.data = object; else throw new IOException(L.l("can't set object {0}", getFullPath())); } } public Path copyCache() { return null; } public MemoryPath copyDeep() { MemoryPath path = new MemoryPath(); path._rootNode = _rootNode.copy(); return path; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || ! getClass().equals(o.getClass())) return false; MemoryPath mp = (MemoryPath) o; return getURL().equals(mp.getURL()) && _rootNode == mp._rootNode; } private static class Node { static final int DIR = 0; static final int FILE = DIR + 1; static final int OBJECT = FILE + 1; String name; Node next; Node firstChild; long lastModified; int type; Object data; boolean isExecutable; Node(String name, Object data, int type) { if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.name = name; this.data = data; this.type = type; this.lastModified = Alarm.getCurrentTime(); } Node lookup(String name) { for (Node node = firstChild; node != null; node = node.next) { if (node.name.equals(name)) { return node; } } return null; } private Node create(String name, Object data, int type) { for (Node node = firstChild; node != null; node = node.next) { if (node.name.equals(name)) return null; } Node newNode = new Node(name, data, type); newNode.next = firstChild; firstChild = newNode; lastModified = Alarm.getCurrentTime(); return newNode; } Node createDir(String name) { return create(name, null, DIR); } Node createFile(String name, ByteBuffer data) { return create(name, data, FILE); } Node createObject(String name, Object data) { return create(name, data, OBJECT); } Node create(Node newNode) { newNode.next = firstChild; firstChild = newNode; return newNode; } boolean remove(String name) { Node last = null; for (Node node = firstChild; node != null; node = node.next) { if (node.name.equals(name)) { if (node.firstChild != null) return false; if (last != null) last.next = node.next; else firstChild = node.next; return true; } last = node; } return false; } Node copy() { Node newNode = new Node(name, data, type); if (type == DIR) { for (Node child = firstChild; child != null; child = child.next) { Node newChild = child.copy(); newChild.next = newNode.firstChild; newNode.firstChild = newChild; } } return newNode; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + this.name + "]"; } } public class MemoryStream extends StreamImpl { Node _node; ByteBuffer _bb; int _offset; boolean _write; MemoryStream(Node node, ByteBuffer bb, boolean write) { setPath(MemoryPath.this); _node = node; if (write) node.lastModified = Alarm.getCurrentTime(); _write = write; _bb = bb; } @Override public int getAvailable() { return _bb.length() - _offset; } @Override public boolean canRead() { return true; } @Override public int read(byte []buf, int bufOffset, int length) throws IOException { synchronized (_bb) { int sublen = _bb.length() - _offset; if (length < sublen) sublen = length; if (sublen <= 0) return -1; System.arraycopy(_bb.getBuffer(), _offset, buf, bufOffset, sublen); _offset += sublen; return sublen; } } public int getPosition() { return _offset; } @Override public void seekStart(long pos) { _offset = (int) pos; if (_offset < 0) _offset = 0; if (_offset > _bb.length()) _offset = _bb.length(); } @Override public boolean canWrite() { return true; } /** * Writes a buffer to the underlying stream. * * @param buffer the byte array to write. * @param offset the offset into the byte array. * @param length the number of bytes to write. * @param isEnd true when the write is flushing a close. */ @Override public void write(byte []buf, int offset, int length, boolean isEnd) throws IOException { synchronized (_bb) { _bb.add(buf, offset, length); } _node.lastModified = Alarm.getCurrentTime(); } @Override public void flushToDisk() { } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _node + "]"; } } }