/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.config.inject; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.decorator.Delegate; import javax.ejb.Stateful; import javax.enterprise.context.spi.CreationalContext; import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; import javax.enterprise.inject.AmbiguousResolutionException; import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; import javax.enterprise.inject.IllegalProductException; import javax.enterprise.inject.InjectionException; import javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Annotated; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedConstructor; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedField; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedMethod; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedParameter; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedType; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionPoint; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionTarget; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Qualifier; import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext; import com.caucho.config.ConfigException; import com.caucho.config.SerializeHandle; import com.caucho.config.bytecode.SerializationAdapter; import com.caucho.config.gen.CandiBeanGenerator; import com.caucho.config.inject.InjectManager.ReferenceFactory; import com.caucho.config.j2ee.PostConstructProgram; import com.caucho.config.j2ee.PreDestroyInject; import com.caucho.config.program.Arg; import com.caucho.config.program.BeanArg; import com.caucho.config.program.ConfigProgram; import com.caucho.config.program.ResourceProgramManager; import com.caucho.config.reflect.AnnotatedConstructorImpl; import com.caucho.config.reflect.ReflectionAnnotatedFactory; import com.caucho.inject.Module; import com.caucho.util.L10N; /** * SimpleBean represents a POJO Java bean registered as a WebBean. */ @Module public class InjectionTargetBuilder<X> implements InjectionTarget<X> { private static final L10N L = new L10N(InjectionTargetBuilder.class); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InjectionTargetBuilder.class.getName()); private InjectManager _cdiManager; private Class<X> _instanceClass; private Bean<X> _bean; private final AnnotatedType<X> _annotatedType; private AnnotatedConstructor<X> _beanCtor; private CandiProducer<X> _producer; private Constructor<X> _javaCtor; private boolean _isGenerateInterception = true; private ConfigProgram []_newArgs; private Set<InjectionPoint> _injectionPointSet; public InjectionTargetBuilder(InjectManager cdiManager, AnnotatedType<X> beanType, Bean<X> bean) { _cdiManager = cdiManager; _annotatedType = beanType; _bean = bean; } public InjectionTargetBuilder(InjectManager cdiManager, AnnotatedType<X> beanType) { this(cdiManager, beanType, null); } protected InjectManager getBeanManager() { return _cdiManager; } public AnnotatedType<X> getAnnotatedType() { return _annotatedType; } void setBean(Bean<X> bean) { _bean = bean; } Bean<X> getBean() { return _bean; } /** * Returns the injection points. */ @Override public Set<InjectionPoint> getInjectionPoints() { synchronized (this) { if (_producer == null) { _producer = build(); validate(getBean()); } } return _producer.getInjectionPoints(); } public void setGenerateInterception(boolean isEnable) { _isGenerateInterception = isEnable; } @Override public X produce(CreationalContext<X> env) { if (_producer == null) getInjectionPoints(); return _producer.produce(env); } @Override public void inject(X instance, CreationalContext<X> env) { if (_producer == null) getInjectionPoints(); _producer.inject(instance, env); } @Override public void postConstruct(X instance) { if (_producer == null) getInjectionPoints(); _producer.postConstruct(instance); } /** * Call pre-destroy */ @Override public void preDestroy(X instance) { if (_producer == null) getInjectionPoints(); _producer.preDestroy(instance); } @Override public void dispose(X instance) { if (_producer == null) getInjectionPoints(); _producer.dispose(instance); } protected Object getHandle() { return new SingletonHandle(null); } public String getPassivationId() { return null; } /** * Binds parameters */ private CandiProducer<X> build() { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader oldLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); try { thread.setContextClassLoader(getBeanManager().getClassLoader()); introspect(); Class<X> cl = (Class<X>) _annotatedType.getBaseType(); if (_beanCtor == null) { // XXX: AnnotatedType<X> beanType = _annotatedType; if (beanType == null) beanType = ReflectionAnnotatedFactory.introspectType(cl); introspectConstructor(beanType); } Class<X> instanceClass = null; if (_isGenerateInterception) { if (! _annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent(javax.interceptor.Interceptor.class) && ! _annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent(javax.decorator.Decorator.class)) { CandiBeanGenerator<X> bean = new CandiBeanGenerator<X>(getBeanManager(), _annotatedType); bean.introspect(); instanceClass = (Class<X>) bean.generateClass(); } if (instanceClass == cl && isSerializeHandle()) { instanceClass = SerializationAdapter.gen(instanceClass); } } if (instanceClass != null && instanceClass != _instanceClass) { try { if (_javaCtor != null) { _javaCtor = (Constructor<X>) getConstructor(instanceClass, _javaCtor.getParameterTypes()); _javaCtor.setAccessible(true); } } catch (Exception e) { // server/2423 log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); // throw ConfigException.create(e); } } ConfigProgram []injectProgram = introspectInject(_annotatedType); ConfigProgram []initProgram = introspectPostConstruct(_annotatedType); ArrayList<ConfigProgram> destroyList = new ArrayList<ConfigProgram>(); introspectDestroy(destroyList, _annotatedType); ConfigProgram []destroyProgram = new ConfigProgram[destroyList.size()]; destroyList.toArray(destroyProgram); Arg []args = null; if (_beanCtor != null) args = introspectArguments(_beanCtor, _beanCtor.getParameters()); CandiProducer<X> producer = new CandiProducer<X>(_bean, instanceClass, _javaCtor, args, injectProgram, initProgram, destroyProgram, _injectionPointSet); return producer; } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(oldLoader); } } private static Constructor<?> getConstructor(Class<?> cl, Class<?> []paramTypes) { for (Constructor<?> ctor : cl.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (isMatch(ctor.getParameterTypes(), paramTypes)) return ctor; } throw new IllegalStateException("No matching constructor found for " + cl); } private static boolean isMatch(Class<?> []paramTypesA, Class<?> []paramTypesB) { if (paramTypesA.length != paramTypesB.length) return false; for (int i = paramTypesA.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (! paramTypesA[i].equals(paramTypesB[i])) return false; } return true; } private ConfigProgram []introspectPostConstruct(AnnotatedType<X> annType) { if (annType.isAnnotationPresent(Interceptor.class)) { return new ConfigProgram[0]; } ArrayList<ConfigProgram> initList = new ArrayList<ConfigProgram>(); introspectInit(initList, annType); ConfigProgram []initProgram = new ConfigProgram[initList.size()]; initList.toArray(initProgram); Arrays.sort(initProgram); return initProgram; } public static void introspectInit(ArrayList<ConfigProgram> initList, AnnotatedType<?> type) throws ConfigException { for (AnnotatedMethod<?> annMethod : type.getMethods()) { Method method = annMethod.getJavaMember(); if (! annMethod.isAnnotationPresent(PostConstruct.class)) { // && ! isAnnotationPresent(annList, Inject.class)) { continue; } if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && InvocationContext.class.equals(method.getParameterTypes()[0])) continue; if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PostConstruct.class) && method.getParameterTypes().length != 0) { throw new ConfigException(location(method) + L.l("{0}: @PostConstruct is requires zero arguments")); } PostConstructProgram initProgram = new PostConstructProgram(method); if (! initList.contains(initProgram)) initList.add(initProgram); } } private void introspectDestroy(ArrayList<ConfigProgram> destroyList, AnnotatedType<?> type) throws ConfigException { if (type == null || type.equals(Object.class)) return; if (type.isAnnotationPresent(Interceptor.class)) { return; } for (AnnotatedMethod<?> method : type.getMethods()) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PreDestroy.class)) { Method javaMethod = method.getJavaMember(); Class<?> []types = javaMethod.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 0) { } else if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equals(InvocationContext.class)) { // XXX: continue; } else throw new ConfigException(location(javaMethod) + L.l("@PreDestroy is requires zero arguments")); PreDestroyInject destroyProgram = new PreDestroyInject(javaMethod); if (! destroyList.contains(destroyProgram)) destroyList.add(destroyProgram); } } } // // introspection // private void introspect() { introspect(_annotatedType); } /** * Called for implicit introspection. */ private void introspect(AnnotatedType<X> beanType) { Class<X> cl = (Class<X>) beanType.getBaseType(); introspectConstructor(beanType); } /** * Introspects the constructor */ private void introspectConstructor(AnnotatedType<X> beanType) { if (_beanCtor != null) return; // XXX: may need to modify BeanFactory if (beanType.getJavaClass().isInterface()) return; try { /* Class cl = getInstanceClass(); if (cl == null) cl = getTargetClass(); */ AnnotatedConstructor<X> best = null; AnnotatedConstructor<X> second = null; for (AnnotatedConstructor<X> ctor : beanType.getConstructors()) { if (_newArgs != null && ctor.getParameters().size() != _newArgs.length) { continue; } else if (best == null) { best = ctor; } else if (ctor.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { if (best != null && best.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) throw new ConfigException(L.l("'{0}' can't have two constructors marked by @Inject or by a @Qualifier, because the Java Injection BeanManager can't tell which one to use.", beanType.getJavaClass().getName())); best = ctor; second = null; } else if (best.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { } else if (ctor.getParameters().size() == 0) { best = ctor; } else if (best.getParameters().size() == 0) { } else if (ctor.getParameters().size() == 1 && ctor.getParameters().get(0).equals(String.class)) { second = best; best = ctor; } } if (best == null) { // ioc/0q00 best = new AnnotatedConstructorImpl(beanType, beanType.getJavaClass().getConstructor(new Class[0])); } if (best == null) { throw new ConfigException(L.l("{0}: no constructor found while introspecting bean for Java Injection", beanType.getJavaClass().getName())); } if (second == null) { } else if (beanType.getJavaClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang") && best.getParameters().size() == 1 && best.getParameters().get(0).equals(String.class)) { log.fine(L.l("{0}: WebBean does not have a unique constructor, choosing String-arg constructor", beanType.getJavaClass().getName())); } else throw new ConfigException(L.l("{0}: Bean does not have a unique constructor. One constructor must be marked with @Inject or have a qualifier annotation.", beanType.getJavaClass().getName())); _beanCtor = best; _javaCtor = _beanCtor.getJavaMember(); _javaCtor.setAccessible(true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw ConfigException.create(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Arg<X> []introspectArguments(Annotated ann, List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> params) { Arg<X> []args = new Arg[params.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { AnnotatedParameter<X> param = params.get(i); args[i] = introspectArg(ann, param); } return args; } private Arg<X> introspectArg(Annotated ann, AnnotatedParameter<X> param) { Annotation []qualifiers = getQualifiers(param); InjectionPoint ip = new InjectionPointImpl<X>(getBeanManager(), this, param); if (ann.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { // ioc/022k _injectionPointSet.add(ip); } if (param.isAnnotationPresent(Disposes.class)) { throw new ConfigException(L.l("{0} is an invalid managed bean because its constructor has a @Disposes parameter", getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass().getName())); } if (param.isAnnotationPresent(Observes.class)) { throw new ConfigException(L.l("{0} is an invalid managed bean because its constructor has an @Observes parameter", getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass().getName())); } return new BeanArg<X>(getBeanManager(), param.getBaseType(), qualifiers, ip); } private Annotation []getQualifiers(Annotated annotated) { ArrayList<Annotation> qualifierList = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); for (Annotation ann : annotated.getAnnotations()) { if (ann.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(Qualifier.class)) { qualifierList.add(ann); } } if (qualifierList.size() == 0) qualifierList.add(CurrentLiteral.CURRENT); Annotation []qualifiers = new Annotation[qualifierList.size()]; qualifierList.toArray(qualifiers); return qualifiers; } private ConfigProgram []introspectInject(AnnotatedType<X> type) { ArrayList<ConfigProgram> injectProgramList = new ArrayList<ConfigProgram>(); _injectionPointSet = new HashSet<InjectionPoint>(); introspectInject(type, injectProgramList); ConfigProgram []injectProgram = new ConfigProgram[injectProgramList.size()]; injectProgramList.toArray(injectProgram); Arrays.sort(injectProgram); return injectProgram; } private void introspectInject(AnnotatedType<X> type, ArrayList<ConfigProgram> injectProgramList) { Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type.getBaseType(); if (rawType == null || Object.class.equals(rawType)) return; // Class<?> parentClass = rawType.getSuperclass(); // configureClassResources(injectList, type); introspectInjectClass(type, injectProgramList); introspectInjectField(type, injectProgramList); introspectInjectMethod(type, injectProgramList); ResourceProgramManager resourceManager = _cdiManager.getResourceManager(); resourceManager.buildInject(rawType, injectProgramList); } private void introspectInjectClass(AnnotatedType<X> type, ArrayList<ConfigProgram> injectProgramList) { InjectManager cdiManager = getBeanManager(); for (Annotation ann : type.getAnnotations()) { Class<? extends Annotation> annType = ann.annotationType(); InjectionPointHandler handler = cdiManager.getInjectionPointHandler(annType); if (handler != null) { injectProgramList.add(new ClassHandlerProgram(ann, handler)); } } // ioc/123i for (Class<?> parentClass = type.getJavaClass().getSuperclass(); parentClass != null; parentClass = parentClass.getSuperclass()) { for (Annotation ann : parentClass.getAnnotations()) { Class<? extends Annotation> annType = ann.annotationType(); InjectionPointHandler handler = cdiManager.getInjectionPointHandler(annType); if (handler != null) { injectProgramList.add(new ClassHandlerProgram(ann, handler)); } } } } private void introspectInjectField(AnnotatedType<X> type, ArrayList<ConfigProgram> injectProgramList) { for (AnnotatedField<?> field : type.getFields()) { if (field.getAnnotations().size() == 0) continue; if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { // boolean isOptional = isQualifierOptional(field); InjectionPoint ij = new InjectionPointImpl(getBeanManager(), this, field); _injectionPointSet.add(ij); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Delegate.class)) { // ioc/0i60 /* if (! type.isAnnotationPresent(javax.decorator.Decorator.class)) { throw new IllegalStateException(L.l("'{0}' may not inject with @Delegate because it is not a @Decorator", type.getJavaClass())); } */ } else { injectProgramList.add(new FieldInjectProgram(field.getJavaMember(), ij)); } } else { InjectionPointHandler handler = getBeanManager().getInjectionPointHandler(field); if (handler != null) { ConfigProgram program = new FieldHandlerProgram(field, handler); injectProgramList.add(program); } } } } private void introspectInjectMethod(AnnotatedType<X> type, ArrayList<ConfigProgram> injectProgramList) { for (AnnotatedMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (method.getAnnotations().size() == 0) continue; if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { // boolean isOptional = isQualifierOptional(field); List<AnnotatedParameter<?>> params = method.getParameters(); InjectionPoint []args = new InjectionPoint[params.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { InjectionPoint ij = new InjectionPointImpl(getBeanManager(), this, params.get(i)); _injectionPointSet.add(ij); args[i] = ij; } injectProgramList.add(new MethodInjectProgram(method.getJavaMember(), args)); } else { InjectionPointHandler handler = getBeanManager().getInjectionPointHandler(method); if (handler != null) { ConfigProgram program = new MethodHandlerProgram(method, handler); injectProgramList.add(program); } } } } private void validate(Bean<?> bean) { if (bean == null) return; Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType = bean.getScope(); if (getBeanManager().isPassivatingScope(scopeType)) { //validateNormal(bean); validatePassivating(bean); } else if (getBeanManager().isNormalScope(scopeType)) { //validateNormal(bean); } } private void validatePassivating(Bean<?> bean) { Type baseType = _annotatedType.getBaseType(); Class<?> cl = getBeanManager().createTargetBaseType(baseType).getRawClass(); boolean isStateful = _annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent(Stateful.class); if (! Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(cl) && ! isStateful) { throw new ConfigException(L.l("'{0}' is an invalid @{1} bean because it's not serializable for {2}.", cl.getSimpleName(), bean.getScope().getSimpleName(), bean)); } for (InjectionPoint ip : bean.getInjectionPoints()) { if (ip.isTransient()) continue; Type type = ip.getType(); if (ip.getBean() instanceof CdiStatefulBean) continue; if (type instanceof Class<?>) { Class<?> ipClass = (Class<?>) type; if (! ipClass.isInterface() && ! Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(ipClass) && ! getBeanManager().isNormalScope(ip.getBean().getScope())) { throw new ConfigException(L.l("'{0}' is an invalid @{1} bean because '{2}' value {3} is not serializable for {4}.", cl.getSimpleName(), bean.getScope().getSimpleName(), ip.getType(), ip.getMember().getName(), bean)); } } } } /** * Checks for validity for classpath scanning. */ public static boolean isValid(Class<?> type) { if (type.isInterface()) return false; if (type.getTypeParameters() != null && type.getTypeParameters().length > 0) { return false; } if (! isValidConstructor(type)) return false; return true; } public static boolean isValidConstructor(Class<?> type) { for (Constructor<?> ctor : type.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (ctor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) return true; if (ctor.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) return true; } return false; } private static String location(Method method) { String className = method.getDeclaringClass().getName(); return className + "." + method.getName() + ": "; } private boolean isSerializeHandle() { return getAnnotatedType().isAnnotationPresent(SerializeHandle.class); } private static boolean hasQualifierAnnotation(AnnotatedConstructor<?> ctor) { return ctor.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class); } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _annotatedType + "]"; } class FieldInjectProgram extends ConfigProgram { private final Field _field; private final InjectionPoint _ip; private final InjectManager.ReferenceFactory<?> _fieldFactory; FieldInjectProgram(Field field, InjectionPoint ip) { _field = field; _field.setAccessible(true); _ip = ip; InjectManager beanManager = getBeanManager(); try { _fieldFactory = beanManager.getReferenceFactory(_ip); } catch (AmbiguousResolutionException e) { String loc = getLocation(field); throw new AmbiguousResolutionException(loc + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (UnsatisfiedResolutionException e) { String loc = getLocation(field); throw new UnsatisfiedResolutionException(loc + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalProductException e) { String loc = getLocation(field); throw new IllegalProductException(loc + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InjectionException e) { String loc = getLocation(field); throw new InjectionException(loc + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public Class<?> getDeclaringClass() { return _field.getDeclaringClass(); } @Override public String getName() { return _field.getName(); } private String getLocation(Field field) { return _field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + _field.getName() + ": "; } @Override public <T> void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> cxt) { try { CreationalContextImpl<?> env; if (cxt instanceof CreationalContextImpl<?>) env = (CreationalContextImpl<?>) cxt; else env = null; // server/30i1 vs ioc/0155 Object value = _fieldFactory.create(null, env, _ip); _field.set(instance, value); } catch (AmbiguousResolutionException e) { throw new AmbiguousResolutionException(getFieldName(_field) + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalProductException e) { throw new IllegalProductException(getFieldName(_field) + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InjectionException e) { throw new InjectionException(getFieldName(_field) + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { throw ConfigException.create(_field, e); } } private String getFieldName(Field field) { return field.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + field.getName() + ": "; } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _field + "]"; } } class MethodInjectProgram extends ConfigProgram { private final Method _method; private final InjectionPoint []_args; private ReferenceFactory<?> []_factoryArgs; MethodInjectProgram(Method method, InjectionPoint []args) { _method = method; _method.setAccessible(true); _args = args; _factoryArgs = new ReferenceFactory[args.length]; } /** * Sorting priority: fields are second */ @Override public int getPriority() { return 1; } @Override public Class<?> getDeclaringClass() { return _method.getDeclaringClass(); } @Override public String getName() { return _method.getName(); } @Override public <T> void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> cxt) { try { CreationalContextImpl<T> env; if (cxt instanceof CreationalContextImpl<?>) env = (CreationalContextImpl<T>) cxt; else env = null; Object []args = new Object[_args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _args.length; i++) { if (_factoryArgs[i] == null) _factoryArgs[i] = getBeanManager().getReferenceFactory(_args[i]); args[i] = _factoryArgs[i].create(null, env, _args[i]); } _method.invoke(instance, args); } catch (Exception e) { throw ConfigException.create(_method, e); } } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _method + "]"; } } class FieldHandlerProgram extends ConfigProgram { private final AnnotatedField<?> _field; private final InjectionPointHandler _handler; private ConfigProgram _boundProgram; FieldHandlerProgram(AnnotatedField<?> field, InjectionPointHandler handler) { _field = field; _handler = handler; } @Override public <T> void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> env) { if (_boundProgram == null) bind(); _boundProgram.inject(instance, env); } @Override public void bind() { _boundProgram = _handler.introspectField(_field); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _field + "]"; } } class ClassHandlerProgram extends ConfigProgram { private final Annotation _ann; private final InjectionPointHandler _handler; private ConfigProgram _boundProgram; ClassHandlerProgram(Annotation ann, InjectionPointHandler handler) { _ann = ann; _handler = handler; } @Override public <T> void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> env) { if (_boundProgram == null) bind(); _boundProgram.inject(instance, env); } @Override public void bind() { _boundProgram = _handler.introspectType(_annotatedType); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _annotatedType + "]"; } } class MethodHandlerProgram extends ConfigProgram { private final AnnotatedMethod<?> _method; private final InjectionPointHandler _handler; private ConfigProgram _boundProgram; MethodHandlerProgram(AnnotatedMethod<?> method, InjectionPointHandler handler) { _method = method; _handler = handler; } @Override public int getPriority() { return 1; } @Override public <T> void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> env) { if (_boundProgram == null) bind(); _boundProgram.inject(instance, env); } @Override public void bind() { _boundProgram = _handler.introspectMethod(_method); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _method + "]"; } } }