/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Sam */ package com.caucho.quercus.lib.db; import com.caucho.quercus.UnimplementedException; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Optional; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.ReadOnly; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Reference; import com.caucho.quercus.env.*; import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.FileReadValue; import com.caucho.util.IntMap; import com.caucho.util.L10N; import com.caucho.vfs.ReadStream; import com.caucho.vfs.TempBuffer; import com.caucho.vfs.TempReadStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * PDO object oriented API facade. */ public class PDOStatement implements Iterable<Value>, EnvCleanup { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( PDOStatement.class.getName()); private static final L10N L = new L10N(PDOStatement.class); private static final Value[] NULL_VALUES = new Value[0]; //private static final Value FETCH_FAILURE = new NullValue() {}; //private static final Value FETCH_EXHAUSTED = new NullValue() {}; //private static final Value FETCH_CONTINUE = new NullValue() {}; //private static final Value FETCH_SUCCESS = new NullValue() {}; private static final int FETCH_FAILURE = 0; private static final int FETCH_EXHAUSTED = 1; private static final int FETCH_CONTINUE = 2; private static final int FETCH_SUCCESS = 3; private int _fetchErrorCode; private final Env _env; private final PDOError _error; private final String _query; private Statement _statement; private PreparedStatement _preparedStatement; private ResultSet _resultSet; private ResultSetMetaData _resultSetMetaData; private boolean _resultSetExhausted = true; private String _lastInsertId; private int _fetchMode = PDO.FETCH_BOTH; private Value[] _fetchModeArgs = NULL_VALUES; private ArrayList<BindColumn> _bindColumns; private ArrayList<BindParam> _bindParams; private IntMap _parameterNameMap; PDOStatement(Env env, Connection conn, String query, boolean isPrepared, ArrayValue options) throws SQLException { _env = env; _error = new PDOError(_env); _query = query; env.addCleanup(this); if (options != null && options.getSize() > 0) { _env.notice(L.l("PDOStatement options unsupported")); } query = parseQueryString(query); if (isPrepared) { _statement = null; int ch; if (query.length() > 4 && ((ch = query.charAt(0)) == 'c' || ch == 'C') && ((ch = query.charAt(1)) == 'a' || ch == 'A') && ((ch = query.charAt(2)) == 'l' || ch == 'L') && ((ch = query.charAt(3)) == 'l' || ch == 'L')) { _preparedStatement = conn.prepareCall(query); } else { _preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(query); } // php/1s41 - oracle can't handle this //_preparedStatement.setEscapeProcessing(false); } else { _preparedStatement = null; Statement statement = null; try { statement = conn.createStatement(); statement.setEscapeProcessing(false); if (statement.execute(query)) { _resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); _resultSetExhausted = false; } _statement = statement; statement = null; } finally { try { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } } } // side-effect, updates _parameterNameMap private String parseQueryString(String query) { final int queryLength = query.length(); StringBuilder parsedQuery = new StringBuilder(queryLength); int parameterCount = 0; StringBuilder name = null; int quote = 0; for (int i = 0; i < queryLength + 1; i++) { int ch = -1; if (i < queryLength) { ch = query.charAt(i); } if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') { if (quote == 0) { quote = ch; } else if (quote == ch) { quote = 0; } } else if (quote == 0 && ch == '?') { parameterCount++; } else if (quote == 0 && ch == ':') { parameterCount++; name = new StringBuilder(); continue; } // TODO: check what characters are allowed else if (name != null && (ch == -1 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch))) { if (_parameterNameMap == null) { _parameterNameMap = new IntMap(); } _parameterNameMap.put(name.toString(), parameterCount); parsedQuery.append('?'); name = null; } if (ch != -1) { if (name != null) { name.append((char) ch); } else { parsedQuery.append((char) ch); } } } return parsedQuery.toString(); } private boolean advanceResultSet() { if (_resultSet == null || _resultSetExhausted) { return false; } try { boolean isNext = _resultSet.next(); if (!isNext) { _resultSetExhausted = true; } if (!isNext) { return false; } if (_bindColumns != null) { for (BindColumn bindColumn : _bindColumns) { if (!bindColumn.bind()) { return false; } } } return isNext; } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); return false; } } public boolean bindColumn( Value column, @Reference Value var, @Optional("-1") int type) { if (_bindColumns == null) { _bindColumns = new ArrayList<BindColumn>(); } try { _bindColumns.add(new BindColumn(column, var, type)); } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); return false; } return true; } public boolean bindParam(Value parameter, @Reference Value variable, @Optional("-1") int dataType, @Optional("-1") int length, @Optional Value driverOptions) { if (length != -1) { throw new UnimplementedException("length"); } if (!(driverOptions == null || driverOptions.isNull())) { throw new UnimplementedException("driverOptions"); } if (dataType == -1) { dataType = PDO.PARAM_STR; } boolean isInputOutput = (dataType & PDO.PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT) != 0; if (isInputOutput) { dataType = dataType & (~PDO.PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT); if (true) { throw new UnimplementedException("PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT"); } } switch (dataType) { case PDO.PARAM_BOOL: case PDO.PARAM_INT: case PDO.PARAM_LOB: case PDO.PARAM_NULL: case PDO.PARAM_STMT: case PDO.PARAM_STR: break; default: _error.warning(L.l("unknown dataType `{0}'", dataType)); return false; } if (_bindParams == null) { _bindParams = new ArrayList<BindParam>(); } BindParam bindParam = new BindParam( parameter, variable, dataType, length, driverOptions); _bindParams.add(bindParam); return true; } public boolean bindValue(Value parameter, Value value, @Optional("-1") int dataType) { return bindParam(parameter, value.toValue(), dataType, -1, null); } /** * Closes the current cursor. */ public boolean closeCursor() { if (_resultSet == null) { return false; } ResultSet resultSet = _resultSet; _resultSet = null; _resultSetMetaData = null; _resultSetExhausted = true; _lastInsertId = null; try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _error.error(e); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the number of columns. */ public int columnCount() { if (_resultSet == null) { return 0; } try { return getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); } catch (SQLException e) { _error.error(e); return 0; } } public BindParam createBindParam( Value parameter, Value value, int dataType, int length, Value driverOptions) { return new BindParam(parameter, value, dataType, length, driverOptions); } public void close() { cleanup(); } /** * Implements the EnvCleanup interface. */ @Override public void cleanup() { ResultSet resultSet = _resultSet; Statement statement = _statement; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = _preparedStatement; _resultSet = null; _resultSetMetaData = null; _resultSetExhausted = true; _lastInsertId = null; _statement = null; _preparedStatement = null; if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } } if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } } if (preparedStatement != null) { try { preparedStatement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } } } public String errorCode() { return _error.errorCode(); } public ArrayValue errorInfo() { return _error.errorInfo(); } /** * Execute the statement. * * @param inputParameters an array containing input values to correspond to * the bound parameters for the statement. * * @return true for success, false for failure */ public boolean execute(@Optional @ReadOnly Value inputParameters) { // TODO: s/b to do this with ArrayValue arg, but cannot differentiate between // no args and bad arg that isn't an ArrayValue ArrayValue parameters; if (inputParameters instanceof ArrayValue) { parameters = (ArrayValue) inputParameters; } else if (inputParameters instanceof DefaultValue) { parameters = null; } else { _env.warning(L.l( "'{0}' is an unexpected argument, expected ArrayValue", inputParameters)); return false; } closeCursor(); try { _preparedStatement.clearParameters(); _preparedStatement.clearWarnings(); if (parameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<Value, Value> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { Value key = entry.getKey(); if (key.isNumberConvertible()) { if (!setParameter(key.toInt() + 1, entry.getValue(), -1)) { return false; } } else { if (!setParameter(resolveParameter(key), entry.getValue(), -1)) { return false; } } } } else if (_bindParams != null) { for (BindParam bindParam : _bindParams) { if (!bindParam.apply()) { return false; } } } if (_preparedStatement.execute()) { _resultSet = _preparedStatement.getResultSet(); _resultSetExhausted = false; } SQLWarning sqlWarning = _preparedStatement.getWarnings(); if (sqlWarning != null) { _error.error(sqlWarning); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { _error.error(e); return false; } } /** * Fetch the next row. * * @param fetchMode the mode, 0 to use the value * set by {@link #setFetchMode}. * @return a value, BooleanValue.FALSE if there * are no more rows or an error occurs. */ public Value fetch(@Optional int fetchMode, @Optional("-1") int cursorOrientation, @Optional("-1") int cursorOffset) { if (cursorOrientation != -1) { throw new UnimplementedException("fetch with cursorOrientation"); } if (cursorOffset != -1) { throw new UnimplementedException("fetch with cursorOffset"); } return fetchImpl(fetchMode, -1); } /** * * @param fetchMode * @param columnIndex 0-based column index when fetchMode is FETCH_BOTH */ public Value fetchAll( @Optional("0") int fetchMode, @Optional("-1") int columnIndex) { int effectiveFetchMode; if (fetchMode == 0) { effectiveFetchMode = _fetchMode; } else { effectiveFetchMode = fetchMode; } boolean isGroup = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_GROUP) != 0; boolean isUnique = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE) != 0; if (isGroup) { throw new UnimplementedException("PDO.FETCH_GROUP"); } if (isUnique) { throw new UnimplementedException("PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE"); } effectiveFetchMode = effectiveFetchMode & (~(PDO.FETCH_GROUP | PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE)); switch (effectiveFetchMode) { case PDO.FETCH_COLUMN: break; case PDO.FETCH_LAZY: _error.warning(L.l( "PDO::FETCH_LAZY can't be used with PDOStatement::fetchAll()")); return BooleanValue.FALSE; default: if (columnIndex != -1) { _error.warning(L.l("unexpected arguments")); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } ArrayValueImpl rows = new ArrayValueImpl(); while (true) { Value value = fetchImpl(effectiveFetchMode, columnIndex); if (_fetchErrorCode == FETCH_FAILURE) { rows.clear(); return rows; } if (_fetchErrorCode == FETCH_EXHAUSTED) { break; } if (_fetchErrorCode == FETCH_CONTINUE) { continue; } rows.put(value); } return rows; } private Value fetchAssoc() { try { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } if (_fetchModeArgs.length != 0) { _error.notice(L.l("unexpected arguments")); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } ArrayValueImpl array = new ArrayValueImpl(); int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String name = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnName(i); Value value = getColumnValue(i); array.put(_env.createString(name), value); } return array; } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchBoth() { try { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } if (_fetchModeArgs.length != 0) { _error.notice(L.l("unexpected arguments")); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } ArrayValueImpl array = new ArrayValueImpl(); int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String name = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnName(i); Value value = getColumnValue(i); array.put(_env.createString(name), value); array.put(LongValue.create(i - 1), value); } return array; } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchBound() { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_SUCCESS; return BooleanValue.TRUE; } private Value fetchClass() { String className; Value[] ctorArgs; if (_fetchModeArgs.length == 0 || _fetchModeArgs.length > 2) { return fetchBoth(); } className = _fetchModeArgs[0].toString(); if (_fetchModeArgs.length == 2) { if (_fetchModeArgs[1].isArray()) { // TODO: inefiicient, but args[1].getValueArray(_env) // doesn't handle references ArrayValue argsArray = (ArrayValue) _fetchModeArgs[1]; ctorArgs = new Value[argsArray.getSize()]; int i = 0; for (Value key : argsArray.keySet()) { ctorArgs[i++] = argsArray.getVar(key); } } else { return fetchBoth(); } } else { ctorArgs = NULL_VALUES; } return fetchObject(className, ctorArgs); } /** * @param column 0-based column number */ public Value fetchColumn(@Optional int column) { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } if (column < 0 && _fetchModeArgs.length > 0) { column = _fetchModeArgs[0].toInt(); } try { if (column < 0 || column >= getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_CONTINUE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } return getColumnValue(column + 1); } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchFunc() { throw new UnimplementedException(); } /** * Fetch the next row. * * @param fetchMode the mode, 0 to use the value set by {@link #setFetchMode}. * @return a value, BooleanValue.FALSE if there are no more * rows or an error occurs. */ private Value fetchImpl(int fetchMode, int columnIndex) { if (fetchMode == 0) { fetchMode = _fetchMode; fetchMode = fetchMode & (~(PDO.FETCH_GROUP | PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE)); } else { if ((fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_GROUP) != 0) { _error.warning(L.l("FETCH_GROUP is not allowed")); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } else if ((fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE) != 0) { _error.warning(L.l("FETCH_UNIQUE is not allowed")); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } boolean isClasstype = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_CLASSTYPE) != 0; boolean isSerialize = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_SERIALIZE) != 0; fetchMode = fetchMode & (~(PDO.FETCH_CLASSTYPE | PDO.FETCH_SERIALIZE)); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_SUCCESS; switch (fetchMode) { case PDO.FETCH_ASSOC: return fetchAssoc(); case PDO.FETCH_BOTH: return fetchBoth(); case PDO.FETCH_BOUND: return fetchBound(); case PDO.FETCH_COLUMN: return fetchColumn(columnIndex); case PDO.FETCH_CLASS: return fetchClass(); case PDO.FETCH_FUNC: return fetchFunc(); case PDO.FETCH_INTO: return fetchInto(); case PDO.FETCH_LAZY: return fetchLazy(); case PDO.FETCH_NAMED: return fetchNamed(); case PDO.FETCH_NUM: return fetchNum(); case PDO.FETCH_OBJ: return fetchObject(); default: _error.warning(L.l("invalid fetch mode {0}", fetchMode)); closeCursor(); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchInto() { assert _fetchModeArgs.length > 0; assert _fetchModeArgs[0].isObject(); Value var = _fetchModeArgs[0]; if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } try { int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String name = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnName(i); Value value = getColumnValue(i); var.putField(_env, name, value); } } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } return var; } private Value fetchLazy() { // TODO: need to check why lazy is no different than object return fetchObject(null, NULL_VALUES); } private Value fetchNamed() { try { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl(); int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { Value name = _env.createString(getResultSetMetaData().getColumnName(i)); Value value = getColumnValue(i); Value existingValue = array.get(name); if (!(existingValue instanceof UnsetValue)) { if (!existingValue.isArray()) { ArrayValue arrayValue = new ArrayValueImpl(); arrayValue.put(existingValue); array.put(name, arrayValue); existingValue = arrayValue; } existingValue.put(value); } else { array.put(name, value); } } return array; } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchNum() { try { if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } if (_fetchModeArgs.length != 0) { _error.notice(L.l("unexpected arguments")); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } ArrayValueImpl array = new ArrayValueImpl(); int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { Value value = getColumnValue(i); array.put(value); } return array; } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } private Value fetchObject() { return fetchObject(null, NULL_VALUES); } public Value fetchObject(@Optional String className, @Optional Value[] args) { QuercusClass cl; if (className != null) { cl = _env.findAbstractClass(className); if (cl == null) { return fetchBoth(); } } else { cl = null; if (args.length != 0) { advanceResultSet(); _error.warning(L.l("unexpected arguments")); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } if (!advanceResultSet()) { _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_EXHAUSTED; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } try { Value object; if (cl != null) { object = cl.callNew(_env, args); } else { object = _env.createObject(); } int columnCount = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String name = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnName(i); Value value = getColumnValue(i); object.putField(_env, name, value); } return object; } catch (Throwable ex) { _error.error(ex); _fetchErrorCode = FETCH_FAILURE; return BooleanValue.FALSE; } } public Value getAttribute(int attribute) { _error.unsupportedAttribute(attribute); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } /** * @param column 0-based column index */ public Value getColumnMeta(int column) { throw new UnimplementedException(); } /** * @param column 1-based column index */ private Value getColumnValue(int column) throws SQLException { return getColumnValue(column, -1, -1); } /** * @param column 1-based column index * @param jdbcType a jdbc type, or -1 if it is unknown * @param returnType a PDO.PARAM_* type, or -1 */ private Value getColumnValue(int column, int jdbcType, int returnType) throws SQLException { if (returnType != -1) { throw new UnimplementedException("parm type " + returnType); } if (jdbcType == -1) { jdbcType = getResultSetMetaData().getColumnType(column); } // TODO: needs tests switch (jdbcType) { case Types.NULL: return NullValue.NULL; case Types.BIT: case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.INTEGER: case Types.BIGINT: { String value = _resultSet.getString(column); if (value == null || _resultSet.wasNull()) { return NullValue.NULL; } else { return _env.createString(value); } } case Types.DOUBLE: { double value = _resultSet.getDouble(column); if (_resultSet.wasNull()) { return NullValue.NULL; } else { return (new DoubleValue(value)).toStringValue(); } } // TODO: lob default: { String value = _resultSet.getString(column); if (value == null || _resultSet.wasNull()) { return NullValue.NULL; } else { return _env.createString(value); } } } } private ResultSetMetaData getResultSetMetaData() throws SQLException { if (_resultSetMetaData == null) { _resultSetMetaData = _resultSet.getMetaData(); } return _resultSetMetaData; } /** * Returns an iterator of the values. */ @Override public Iterator<Value> iterator() { Value value = fetchAll(0, -1); if (value instanceof ArrayValue) { return ((ArrayValue) value).values().iterator(); } else { Set<Value> emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); return emptySet.iterator(); } } String lastInsertId(String name) { if (!(name == null || name.length() == 0)) { throw new UnimplementedException("lastInsertId with name "); } if (_lastInsertId != null) { return _lastInsertId; } String lastInsertId = null; Statement stmt; if (_preparedStatement != null) { stmt = _preparedStatement; } else { stmt = _statement; } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (resultSet.next()) { lastInsertId = resultSet.getString(1); } } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); } finally { try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.log(Level.WARNING, ex.toString(), ex); } } _lastInsertId = lastInsertId == null ? "0" : lastInsertId; return _lastInsertId; } public boolean nextRowset() { throw new UnimplementedException(); } private int resolveParameter(Value parameter) { int index = -1; if (parameter instanceof LongValue) { // slight optimization for normal case index = parameter.toInt(); } else { String name = parameter.toString(); if (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(0) == ':') { name = name.substring(1); if (_parameterNameMap != null) { index = _parameterNameMap.get(name); } } else { index = parameter.toInt(); } } return index; } public int rowCount() { if (_resultSet == null) { return 0; } try { int row = _resultSet.getRow(); try { _resultSet.last(); return _resultSet.getRow(); } finally { if (row == 0) { _resultSet.beforeFirst(); } else { _resultSet.absolute(row); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); return 0; } } public boolean setAttribute(int attribute, Value value) { return setAttribute(attribute, value, false); } public boolean setAttribute( int attribute, Value value, boolean isFromConstructor) { if (isFromConstructor) { switch (attribute) { case PDO.CURSOR_FWDONLY: case PDO.CURSOR_SCROLL: return setCursor(attribute); } } _error.unsupportedAttribute(attribute); return false; } private boolean setCursor(int attribute) { switch (attribute) { case PDO.CURSOR_FWDONLY: throw new UnimplementedException(); case PDO.CURSOR_SCROLL: throw new UnimplementedException(); default: _error.unsupportedAttribute(attribute); return false; } } /** * Sets the fetch mode, the default is {@link PDO.FETCH_BOTH}. */ public boolean setFetchMode(int fetchMode, Value[] args) { _fetchMode = PDO.FETCH_BOTH; _fetchModeArgs = NULL_VALUES; int fetchStyle = fetchMode; boolean isGroup = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_GROUP) != 0; boolean isUnique = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE) != 0; if (isGroup) { throw new UnimplementedException("PDO.FETCH_GROUP"); } if (isUnique) { throw new UnimplementedException("PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE"); } fetchStyle = fetchStyle & (~(PDO.FETCH_GROUP | PDO.FETCH_UNIQUE)); boolean isClasstype = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_CLASSTYPE) != 0; boolean isSerialize = (fetchMode & PDO.FETCH_SERIALIZE) != 0; fetchStyle = fetchStyle & (~(PDO.FETCH_CLASSTYPE | PDO.FETCH_SERIALIZE)); switch (fetchStyle) { case PDO.FETCH_ASSOC: case PDO.FETCH_BOTH: case PDO.FETCH_BOUND: case PDO.FETCH_LAZY: case PDO.FETCH_NAMED: case PDO.FETCH_NUM: case PDO.FETCH_OBJ: break; case PDO.FETCH_CLASS: if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) { return false; } if (_env.findClass(args[0].toString()) == null) { return false; } if (args.length == 2 && !(args[1].isNull() || args[1].isArray())) { _env.warning(L.l("constructor args must be an array")); return false; } break; case PDO.FETCH_COLUMN: if (args.length != 1) { return false; } break; case PDO.FETCH_FUNC: _error.warning(L.l( "PDO::FETCH_FUNC can only be used with PDOStatement::fetchAll()")); return false; case PDO.FETCH_INTO: if (args.length != 1 || !args[0].isObject()) { return false; } break; default: _error.warning(L.l("invalid fetch mode")); break; } _fetchModeArgs = args; _fetchMode = fetchMode; return true; } /** * @param index 1-based position number * @param value the value for the parameter * * @return true for success, false for failure */ private boolean setLobParameter(int index, Value value, long length) { try { if (value == null || value.isNull()) { _preparedStatement.setObject(index, null); } else if (value instanceof StringValue) { if (length < 0) { _preparedStatement.setBinaryStream( index, value.toInputStream(), value.toString().length()); } else { _preparedStatement.setBinaryStream( index, value.toInputStream(), (int) length); } } else { InputStream inputStream = value.toInputStream(); if (inputStream == null) { _error.warning(L.l( "type {0} ({1}) for parameter index {2} cannot be used for lob", value.getType(), value.getClass(), index)); return false; } if (length < 0 && (value instanceof FileReadValue)) { length = ((FileReadValue) value).getLength(); if (length <= 0) { length = -1; } } if (length < 0) { TempBuffer tempBuffer = TempBuffer.allocate(); try { byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = inputStream.read(bytes, 0, 1024)) != -1) { tempBuffer.write(bytes, 0, len); } } catch (IOException ex) { _error.error(ex); return false; } TempReadStream tempReadStream = new TempReadStream(tempBuffer); tempReadStream.setFreeWhenDone(true); _preparedStatement.setBinaryStream( index, new ReadStream(tempReadStream), tempBuffer.getLength()); } else { _preparedStatement.setBinaryStream(index, inputStream, (int) length); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); return false; } return true; } /** * @param index 1-based position number * @param value the value for the parameter * * @return true for success, false for failure */ private boolean setParameter(int index, Value value, long length) { try { if (value instanceof DoubleValue) { _preparedStatement.setDouble(index, value.toDouble()); } else if (value instanceof LongValue) { long v = value.toLong(); _preparedStatement.setLong(index, v); } else if (value instanceof StringValue) { String string = value.toString(); if (length >= 0) { string = string.substring(0, (int) length); } _preparedStatement.setString(index, string); } else if (value instanceof NullValue) { _preparedStatement.setObject(index, null); } else { _error.warning(L.l( "unknown type {0} ({1}) for parameter index {2}", value.getType(), value.getClass(), index)); return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { _error.error(ex); return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "PDOStatement[" + _query + "]"; } /** * Bind a value from a resultSet to a variable. */ private class BindColumn { private final String _columnAsName; private final Value _var; private final int _type; private int _column; private int _jdbcType; private boolean _isInit; private boolean _isValid; /** * @param column 1-based column index * @param var reference that receives the value * @param type a PARM_* type, -1 for default */ private BindColumn(Value column, Value var, int type) throws SQLException { assert column != null; assert var != null; if (column.isNumberConvertible()) { _column = column.toInt(); _columnAsName = null; } else { _columnAsName = column.toString(); } _var = var; _type = type; if (_resultSet != null) { init(); } } private boolean init() throws SQLException { if (_isInit) { return true; } ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = getResultSetMetaData(); int columnCount = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); if (_columnAsName != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String name = resultSetMetaData.getColumnName(i); if (name.equals(_columnAsName)) { _column = i; break; } } } _isValid = _column > 0 && _column <= columnCount; if (_isValid) { _jdbcType = resultSetMetaData.getColumnType(_column); } _isInit = true; return true; } public boolean bind() throws SQLException { if (!init()) { return false; } if (!_isValid) { // this matches php behaviour _var.set(_env.getEmptyString()); } else { Value value = getColumnValue(_column, _jdbcType, _type); _var.set(value); } return true; } } /** * Bind a value to a parameter when the statement is executed. */ private class BindParam { private final int _index; private final Value _value; private final int _dataType; private final int _length; private final Value _driverOptions; public BindParam( Value parameter, Value value, int dataType, int length, Value driverOptions) { int index = resolveParameter(parameter); _index = index; _value = value; _dataType = dataType; _length = length; _driverOptions = driverOptions; } public boolean apply() throws SQLException { switch (_dataType) { case PDO.PARAM_BOOL: case PDO.PARAM_INT: case PDO.PARAM_STR: return setParameter(_index, _value.toValue(), _length); case PDO.PARAM_LOB: return setLobParameter(_index, _value.toValue(), _length); case PDO.PARAM_NULL: return setParameter(_index, NullValue.NULL, _length); case PDO.PARAM_STMT: throw new UnimplementedException("PDO.PARAM_STMT"); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } } }