package com.linkedin.thirdeye.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.DimensionMap; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.Period; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.CollectionSchema; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.DimensionSpec; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.MetricSpec; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeGranularity; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeSpec; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.DAORegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.MetricExpression; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.MetricFunction; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.ThirdEyeCacheRegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.cache.MetricDataset; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.bao.MetricConfigManager; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DatasetConfigDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.MetricConfigDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.pojo.AlertConfigBean.COMPARE_MODE; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.pojo.DashboardConfigBean; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.pojo.DatasetConfigBean; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.pojo.MetricConfigBean; public abstract class ThirdEyeUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThirdEyeUtils.class); private static final String FILTER_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT_SEPARATOR = "="; private static final String FILTER_CLAUSE_SEPARATOR = ";"; private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final DAORegistry DAO_REGISTRY = DAORegistry.getInstance(); private static final ThirdEyeCacheRegistry CACHE_REGISTRY = ThirdEyeCacheRegistry.getInstance(); private static final String TWO_DECIMALS_FORMAT = "##.##"; private static final String MAX_DECIMALS_FORMAT = "##.#####"; private static final String DECIMALS_FORMAT_TOKEN = "#"; private ThirdEyeUtils () { } public static Multimap<String, String> getFilterSet(String filters) { Multimap<String, String> filterSet = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filters)) { String[] filterClauses = filters.split(FILTER_CLAUSE_SEPARATOR); for (String filterClause : filterClauses) { String[] values = filterClause.split(FILTER_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT_SEPARATOR, 2); if (values.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Filter values assigments should in pairs: " + filters); } filterSet.put(values[0], values[1]); } } return filterSet; } /** * Returns or modifies a filter that can be for querying the results corresponding to the given dimension map. * * For example, if a dimension map = {country=IN,page_name=front_page}, then the two entries will be added or * over-written to the given filter. * * Note that if the given filter contains an entry: country=["IN", "US", "TW",...], then this entry is replaced by * country=IN. * * @param dimensionMap the dimension map to add to the filter * @param filterToDecorate if it is null, a new filter will be created; otherwise, it is modified. * @return a filter that is modified according to the given dimension map. */ public static Multimap<String, String> getFilterSetFromDimensionMap(DimensionMap dimensionMap, Multimap<String, String> filterToDecorate) { if (filterToDecorate == null) { filterToDecorate = HashMultimap.create(); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dimensionMap.entrySet()) { String dimensionName = entry.getKey(); String dimensionValue = entry.getValue(); // If dimension value is "OTHER", then we need to get all data and calculate "OTHER" part. // In order to reproduce the data for "OTHER", the filter should remain as is. if ( !dimensionValue.equalsIgnoreCase("OTHER") ) { // Only add the specific dimension value to the filter because other dimension values will not be used filterToDecorate.removeAll(dimensionName); filterToDecorate.put(dimensionName, dimensionValue); } } return filterToDecorate; } public static String convertMultiMapToJson(Multimap<String, String> multimap) throws JsonProcessingException { Map<String, Collection<String>> map = multimap.asMap(); return OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(map); } public static Multimap<String, String> convertToMultiMap(String json) { ArrayListMultimap<String, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (json == null) { return multimap; } try { TypeReference<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>> valueTypeRef = new TypeReference<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>>() { }; Map<String, ArrayList<String>> map; map = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, valueTypeRef); for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) { ArrayList<String> valueList = entry.getValue(); ArrayList<String> trimmedList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String value : valueList) { trimmedList.add(value.trim()); } multimap.putAll(entry.getKey(), trimmedList); } return multimap; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error parsing json:{} message:{}", json, e.getMessage()); } return multimap; } public static String getSortedFiltersFromMultiMap(Multimap<String, String> filterMultiMap) { Set<String> filterKeySet = filterMultiMap.keySet(); ArrayList<String> filterKeyList = new ArrayList<String>(filterKeySet); Collections.sort(filterKeyList); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String filterKey : filterKeyList) { ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(filterMultiMap.get(filterKey)); Collections.sort(values); for (String value : values) { sb.append(filterKey); sb.append(FILTER_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT_SEPARATOR); sb.append(value); sb.append(FILTER_CLAUSE_SEPARATOR); } } return StringUtils.chop(sb.toString()); } public static String getSortedFilters(String filters) { Multimap<String, String> filterMultiMap = getFilterSet(filters); String sortedFilters = getSortedFiltersFromMultiMap(filterMultiMap); if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortedFilters)) { return null; } return sortedFilters; } public static String getSortedFiltersFromJson(String filterJson) { Multimap<String, String> filterMultiMap = convertToMultiMap(filterJson); String sortedFilters = getSortedFiltersFromMultiMap(filterMultiMap); if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortedFilters)) { return null; } return sortedFilters; } private static String getTimeFormatString(DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig) { String timeFormat = datasetConfig.getTimeFormat(); if (timeFormat.startsWith(TimeFormat.SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.toString())) { timeFormat = getSDFPatternFromTimeFormat(timeFormat); } return timeFormat; } /** * Returns the time spec of the buckets (data points) in the specified dataset config. For additive dataset, this * method returns the same time spec as getTimestampTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig; however, for non-additive dataset, * this method return the time spec for buckets (data points) instead of the one for the timestamp in the backend * database. For example, the data points of a non-additive dataset could be 5-MINUTES granularity, but timestamp's * granularity could be 1-Milliseconds. For additive dataset, the discrepancy is not an issue, but it could be * a problem for non-additive dataset. * * @param datasetConfig the given dataset config * * @return the time spec of the buckets (data points) in the specified dataset config. */ public static TimeSpec getTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig(DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig) { String timeFormat = getTimeFormatString(datasetConfig); TimeSpec timespec = new TimeSpec(datasetConfig.getTimeColumn(), new TimeGranularity(datasetConfig.bucketTimeGranularity()), timeFormat); return timespec; } /** * Returns the time spec of the timestamp in the specified dataset config. The timestamp time spec is mainly used * for constructing the queries to backend database. For most use case, this method returns the same time spec as * getTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig(); however, if the dataset is non-additive, then getTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig * should be used unless the application is related to database queries. * * @param datasetConfig the given dataset config * * @return the time spec of the timestamp in the specified dataset config. */ public static TimeSpec getTimestampTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig(DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig) { String timeFormat = getTimeFormatString(datasetConfig); TimeSpec timespec = new TimeSpec(datasetConfig.getTimeColumn(), new TimeGranularity(datasetConfig.getTimeDuration(), datasetConfig.getTimeUnit()), timeFormat); return timespec; } private static String getSDFPatternFromTimeFormat(String timeFormat) { String pattern = timeFormat; String[] tokens = timeFormat.split(":"); if (tokens.length == 2) { pattern = tokens[1]; } return pattern; } public static MetricExpression getMetricExpressionFromMetricConfig(MetricConfigDTO metricConfig) { String expression = null; if (metricConfig.isDerived()) { expression = metricConfig.getDerivedMetricExpression(); } else { expression = MetricConfigBean.DERIVED_METRIC_ID_PREFIX + metricConfig.getId(); } MetricExpression metricExpression = new MetricExpression(metricConfig.getName(), expression, metricConfig.getDataset()); return metricExpression; } // TODO: Write parser instead of looking for occurrence of every metric public static String substituteMetricIdsForMetrics(String metricExpression, String dataset) { MetricConfigManager metricConfigDAO = DAO_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigDAO(); List<MetricConfigDTO> metricConfigs = metricConfigDAO.findByDataset(dataset); for (MetricConfigDTO metricConfig : metricConfigs) { if (metricConfig.isDerived()) { continue; } String metricName = metricConfig.getName(); metricExpression = metricExpression.replaceAll(metricName, MetricConfigBean.DERIVED_METRIC_ID_PREFIX + metricConfig.getId()); } return metricExpression; } public static String getDerivedMetricExpression(String metricExpressionName, String dataset) throws ExecutionException { String derivedMetricExpression = null; MetricDataset metricDataset = new MetricDataset(metricExpressionName, dataset); MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigCache().get(metricDataset); if (metricConfig.isDerived()) { derivedMetricExpression = metricConfig.getDerivedMetricExpression(); } else { derivedMetricExpression = MetricConfigBean.DERIVED_METRIC_ID_PREFIX + metricConfig.getId(); } return derivedMetricExpression; } public static Map<String, Double> getMetricThresholdsMap(List<MetricFunction> metricFunctions) { Map<String, Double> metricThresholds = new HashMap<>(); for (MetricFunction metricFunction : metricFunctions) { String derivedMetricExpression = metricFunction.getMetricName(); String metricId = derivedMetricExpression.replaceAll(MetricConfigBean.DERIVED_METRIC_ID_PREFIX, ""); MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = DAO_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigDAO().findById(Long.valueOf(metricId)); metricThresholds.put(derivedMetricExpression, metricConfig.getRollupThreshold()); } return metricThresholds; } public static String getMetricNameFromFunction(MetricFunction metricFunction) { String metricId = metricFunction.getMetricName().replace(MetricConfigBean.DERIVED_METRIC_ID_PREFIX, ""); MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = DAO_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigDAO().findById(Long.valueOf(metricId)); return metricConfig.getName(); } public static Schema createSchema(CollectionSchema collectionSchema) { Schema schema = new Schema(); for (DimensionSpec dimensionSpec : collectionSchema.getDimensions()) { FieldSpec fieldSpec = new DimensionFieldSpec(); String dimensionName = dimensionSpec.getName(); fieldSpec.setName(dimensionName); fieldSpec.setDataType(DataType.STRING); fieldSpec.setSingleValueField(true); schema.addField(dimensionName, fieldSpec); } for (MetricSpec metricSpec : collectionSchema.getMetrics()) { FieldSpec fieldSpec = new MetricFieldSpec(); String metricName = metricSpec.getName(); fieldSpec.setName(metricName); fieldSpec.setDataType(DataType.valueOf(metricSpec.getType().toString())); fieldSpec.setSingleValueField(true); schema.addField(metricName, fieldSpec); } TimeSpec timeSpec = collectionSchema.getTime(); String timeFormat = timeSpec.getFormat().equals("sinceEpoch") ? TimeFormat.EPOCH.toString() : TimeFormat.SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.toString() + ":" + timeSpec.getFormat(); TimeGranularitySpec incoming = new TimeGranularitySpec(DataType.LONG, timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getSize(), timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(), timeFormat, timeSpec.getColumnName()); TimeGranularitySpec outgoing = new TimeGranularitySpec(DataType.LONG, timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getSize(), timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(), timeFormat, timeSpec.getColumnName()); schema.addField(timeSpec.getColumnName(), new TimeFieldSpec(incoming, outgoing)); schema.setSchemaName(collectionSchema.getCollection()); return schema; } public static String constructMetricAlias(String datasetName, String metricName) { String alias = datasetName + MetricConfigBean.ALIAS_JOINER + metricName; return alias; } public static String getDefaultDashboardName(String dataset) { String dashboardName = DashboardConfigBean.DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_PREFIX + dataset; return dashboardName; } //By default, query only offline, unless dataset has been marked as realtime public static String computeTableName(String collection) { String dataset = null; try { DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetConfigCache().get(collection); dataset = collection + DatasetConfigBean.DATASET_OFFLINE_PREFIX; if (datasetConfig.isRealtime()) { dataset = collection; } } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Exception in getting dataset name {}", collection, e); } return dataset; } public static Period getbaselineOffsetPeriodByMode(COMPARE_MODE compareMode) { int numWeeksAgo = 1; switch (compareMode) { case Wo2W: numWeeksAgo = 2; break; case Wo3W: numWeeksAgo = 3; break; case Wo4W: numWeeksAgo = 4; break; case WoW: default: numWeeksAgo = 1; break; } return new Period(0, 0, 0, 7 * numWeeksAgo, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DatasetConfigDTO getDatasetConfigFromName(String dataset) { DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig = null; try { datasetConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetConfigCache().get(dataset); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Exception in getting dataset config {} from cache", dataset, e); } return datasetConfig; } public static String getDatasetFromMetricFunction(MetricFunction metricFunction) { MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = getMetricConfigFromId(metricFunction.getMetricId()); return metricConfig.getDataset(); } public static MetricConfigDTO getMetricConfigFromId(Long metricId) { MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = null; if (metricId != null) { metricConfig = DAO_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigDAO().findById(metricId); } return metricConfig; } public static MetricConfigDTO getMetricConfigFromNameAndDataset(String metricName, String dataset) { MetricConfigDTO metricConfig = null; try { metricConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getMetricConfigCache().get(new MetricDataset(metricName, dataset)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Exception while fetching metric by name {} and dataset {}", metricName, dataset, e); } return metricConfig; } /** * Get rounded double value, according to the value of the double. * Max rounding will be upto 4 decimals * For values gte 0.1, use ##.## (eg. 123, 2.5, 1.26, 0.5, 0.162) * For values lt 0.1 and gte 0.01, use ##.### (eg. 0.08, 0.071, 0.0123) * For values lt 0.01 and gte 0.001, use ##.#### (eg. 0.001, 0.00367) * This function ensures we don't prematurely round off double values to a fixed format, and make it 0.00 or lose out information * @param value * @return */ public static String getRoundedValue(double value) { StringBuffer decimalFormatBuffer = new StringBuffer(TWO_DECIMALS_FORMAT); double compareValue = 0.1; while (value > 0 && value < compareValue && !decimalFormatBuffer.toString().equals(MAX_DECIMALS_FORMAT)) { decimalFormatBuffer.append(DECIMALS_FORMAT_TOKEN); compareValue = compareValue * 0.1; } DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(decimalFormatBuffer.toString()); return decimalFormat.format(value); } }