package com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.detection; import; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.job.JobConstants.JobStatus; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.task.TaskConstants.TaskStatus; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.utils.AnomalyUtils; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.dashboard.Utils; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.bao.JobManager; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.bao.TaskManager; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DataCompletenessConfigDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.detection.DetectionJobContext.DetectionJobType; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DatasetConfigDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DetectionStatusDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.JobDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.TaskDTO; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.quartz.CronExpression; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.DAORegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.ThirdEyeCacheRegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.AnomalyFunctionDTO; /** * Scheduler for anomaly detection jobs */ public class DetectionJobScheduler implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DetectionJobScheduler.class); private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService; private static final DAORegistry DAO_REGISTRY = DAORegistry.getInstance(); private static final ThirdEyeCacheRegistry CACHE_REGISTRY = ThirdEyeCacheRegistry.getInstance(); private DetectionJobRunner detectionJobRunner = new DetectionJobRunner(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<BackfillKey, Thread> existingBackfillJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public DetectionJobScheduler() { scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); } private final int MAX_BACKFILL_RETRY = 3; private final long SYNC_SLEEP_SECONDS = 5; public void start() throws SchedulerException { scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, 0, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } public void shutdown() { AnomalyUtils.safelyShutdownExecutionService(scheduledExecutorService, this.getClass()); } /** * Reads all active anomaly functions * For each function, finds all time periods for which detection needs to be run * Calls run anomaly function for all those periods, and updates detection status * {@inheritDoc} * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { // read all anomaly functions"Reading all anomaly functions"); List<AnomalyFunctionDTO> anomalyFunctions = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findAllActiveFunctions(); // for each active anomaly function for (AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction : anomalyFunctions) { try {"Function: {}", anomalyFunction); long functionId = anomalyFunction.getId(); String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection(); DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetConfigCache().get(dataset); DateTimeZone dateTimeZone = Utils.getDataTimeZone(dataset); DateTime currentDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeZone); // find last entry into detectionStatus table, for this function DetectionStatusDTO lastEntryForFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO(). findLatestEntryForFunctionId(functionId);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Last entry is {}", functionId, dataset, lastEntryForFunction); // calculate entries from last entry to current time Map<String, Long> newEntries = DetectionJobSchedulerUtils.getNewEntries(currentDateTime, lastEntryForFunction, anomalyFunction, datasetConfig, dateTimeZone);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Creating {} new entries {}", functionId, dataset, newEntries.size(), newEntries); // create these entries for (Entry<String, Long> entry : newEntries.entrySet()) { DetectionStatusDTO detectionStatus = new DetectionStatusDTO(); detectionStatus.setDataset(anomalyFunction.getCollection()); detectionStatus.setFunctionId(functionId); detectionStatus.setDateToCheckInSDF(entry.getKey()); detectionStatus.setDateToCheckInMS(entry.getValue()); DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO().save(detectionStatus); } // find all entries in the past 3 days, which are still isRun = false List<DetectionStatusDTO> entriesInLast3Days = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO(). findAllInTimeRangeForFunctionAndDetectionRun(currentDateTime.minusDays(3).getMillis(), currentDateTime.getMillis(), functionId, false); Collections.sort(entriesInLast3Days);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Entries in last 3 days {}", functionId, dataset, entriesInLast3Days); // for each entry, collect startTime and endTime List<Long> startTimes = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> endTimes = new ArrayList<>(); List<DetectionStatusDTO> detectionStatusToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); for (DetectionStatusDTO detectionStatus : entriesInLast3Days) { try {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Entry : {}", functionId, dataset, detectionStatus); long dateToCheck = detectionStatus.getDateToCheckInMS(); // check availability for monitoring window - delay long endTime = dateToCheck - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowDelay(), anomalyFunction.getWindowDelayUnit()); long startTime = endTime - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowSize(), anomalyFunction.getWindowUnit());"Function: {} Dataset: {} Checking start:{} {} to end:{} {}", functionId, dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime, dateTimeZone), endTime, new DateTime(endTime, dateTimeZone)); boolean pass = checkIfDetectionRunCriteriaMet(startTime, endTime, datasetConfig, anomalyFunction); if (pass) { startTimes.add(startTime); endTimes.add(endTime); detectionStatusToUpdate.add(detectionStatus); } else { LOG.warn("Function: {} Dataset: {} Data incomplete for monitoring window {} ({}) to {} ({}), skipping anomaly detection", functionId, dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime), endTime, new DateTime(endTime)); // TODO: Send email to owners/dev team } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Exception in preparing entry {}", functionId, dataset, detectionStatus, e); } } // If any time periods found, for which detection needs to be run runAnomalyFunctionAndUpdateDetectionStatus(startTimes, endTimes, anomalyFunction, detectionStatusToUpdate, false); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Exception in running anomaly function {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), anomalyFunction.getCollection(), anomalyFunction, e); } } } /** * Runs anomaly functions on ranges, and updates detection status * @param startTimes * @param endTimes * @param anomalyFunction * @param detectionStatusToUpdate */ private Long runAnomalyFunctionAndUpdateDetectionStatus(List<Long> startTimes, List<Long> endTimes, AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction, List<DetectionStatusDTO> detectionStatusToUpdate, boolean isBackfill) { Long jobExecutionId = null; if (!startTimes.isEmpty() && !endTimes.isEmpty() && startTimes.size() == endTimes.size()) { DetectionJobType detectionJobType = DetectionJobType.DEFAULT; if(isBackfill) { detectionJobType = DetectionJobType.BACKFILL; } jobExecutionId = runAnomalyFunctionOnRanges(anomalyFunction, startTimes, endTimes, detectionJobType);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Created job {} for running anomaly function {} on ranges {} to {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), anomalyFunction.getCollection(), jobExecutionId, anomalyFunction, startTimes, endTimes); for (DetectionStatusDTO detectionStatus : detectionStatusToUpdate) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Updating detection run status {} to true", anomalyFunction.getId(), anomalyFunction.getCollection(), detectionStatus); detectionStatus.setDetectionRun(true); DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO().update(detectionStatus); } } return jobExecutionId; } /** * Point of entry for rest endpoints calling adhoc anomaly functions * TODO: Not updating detection status in case of adhoc currently, reconsider * @param functionId * @param startTime * @param endTime * @return job execution id */ public Long runAdhocAnomalyFunction(Long functionId, Long startTime, Long endTime) { Long jobExecutionId = null; AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findById(functionId); String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection(); DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig = null; try { datasetConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetConfigCache().get(dataset); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Exception in fetching dataset config", functionId, dataset, e); } boolean pass = checkIfDetectionRunCriteriaMet(startTime, endTime, datasetConfig, anomalyFunction); if (pass) { jobExecutionId = runAnomalyFunctionOnRanges(anomalyFunction, Lists.newArrayList(startTime), Lists.newArrayList(endTime), DetectionJobType.DEFAULT); } else { LOG.warn("Function: {} Dataset: {} Data incomplete for monitoring window {} ({}) to {} ({}), skipping anomaly detection", functionId, dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime), endTime, new DateTime(endTime)); // TODO: Send email to owners/dev team } return jobExecutionId; } /** * Checks if a time range for a dataset meets data completeness criteria * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param datasetConfig * @param anomalyFunction * @return true if data completeness check is requested and passes, or data completeness check is not requested at all * false if data completeness check is requested and fails */ private boolean checkIfDetectionRunCriteriaMet(Long startTime, Long endTime, DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig, AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction) { boolean pass = false; String dataset = datasetConfig.getDataset(); /** * Check is completeness check required is set at dataset level. That flag is false by default, so user will set as needed * Check also for same flag in function level. That flag is true by default, so dataset config's flag will have its way unless user has tampered with this flag * This flag would typically be unset, in backfill cases */ if (datasetConfig.isRequiresCompletenessCheck() && anomalyFunction.isRequiresCompletenessCheck()) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Checking for completeness of time range {}({}) to {}({})", anomalyFunction.getId(), dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime), endTime, new DateTime(endTime)); List<DataCompletenessConfigDTO> incompleteTimePeriods = DAO_REGISTRY.getDataCompletenessConfigDAO(). findAllByDatasetAndInTimeRangeAndStatus(dataset, startTime, endTime, false);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Incomplete periods {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), dataset, incompleteTimePeriods); if (incompleteTimePeriods.size() == 0) { // nothing incomplete // find complete buckets List<DataCompletenessConfigDTO> completeTimePeriods = DAO_REGISTRY.getDataCompletenessConfigDAO(). findAllByDatasetAndInTimeRangeAndStatus(dataset, startTime, endTime, true);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Complete periods {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), dataset, completeTimePeriods); long expectedCompleteBuckets = DetectionJobSchedulerUtils.getExpectedCompleteBuckets(datasetConfig, startTime, endTime);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Num complete periods: {} Expected num buckets:{}", anomalyFunction.getId(), dataset, completeTimePeriods.size(), expectedCompleteBuckets); if (completeTimePeriods.size() == expectedCompleteBuckets) { // complete matches expected"Function: {} Dataset: {} Found complete time range {}({}) to {}({})", anomalyFunction.getId(), dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime), endTime, new DateTime(endTime)); pass = true; } } } else { // no check required pass = true; } return pass; } /** * Creates detection context and runs anomaly job, returns jobExecutionId * @param anomalyFunction * @param startTimes * @param endTimes * @return */ private Long runAnomalyFunctionOnRanges(AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction, List<Long> startTimes, List<Long> endTimes, DetectionJobType detectionJobType) { DetectionJobContext detectionJobContext = new DetectionJobContext(); detectionJobContext.setAnomalyFunctionId(anomalyFunction.getId()); detectionJobContext.setAnomalyFunctionSpec(anomalyFunction); detectionJobContext.setJobName(DetectionJobSchedulerUtils.createJobName(anomalyFunction, startTimes, endTimes)); detectionJobContext.setStartTimes(startTimes); detectionJobContext.setEndTimes(endTimes); detectionJobContext.setDetectionJobType(detectionJobType); Long jobExecutionId =;"Function: {} Dataset: {} Created job {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), anomalyFunction.getCollection(), jobExecutionId); return jobExecutionId; } /** * Run offline analysis for given functionId. The offline analysis detects outliers in it training data and save as * anomaly results in the db * @param functionId * The id of the anomaly function to be analyzed * @param analysisTime * The DateTime of a given data point, whose traing data will be examined by the function * @return * the job id who runs the offline analysis */ public Long runOfflineAnalysis(long functionId, DateTime analysisTime) { AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findById(functionId); Long jobId = null; boolean isActive = anomalyFunction.getIsActive(); if (!isActive) {"Skipping function {}", functionId); return null; } String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection(); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Terminating adhoc function.", functionId, dataset); return null; } // If any time periods found, for which detection needs to be run, run anomaly function update detection status List<Long> analysisTimeList = new ArrayList<>(); analysisTimeList.add(analysisTime.getMillis()); jobId = runAnomalyFunctionOnRanges(anomalyFunction, analysisTimeList, analysisTimeList, DetectionJobType.OFFLINE);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Generated offline analysis job for detecting anomalies for data points " + "whose ends before {}", functionId, dataset, analysisTime); return jobId; } /** * Sequentially performs anomaly detection for all the monitoring windows that are located between backfillStartTime * and backfillEndTime. A lightweight job is performed right after each detection job and notified is set to false in * order to silence the mail alerts. * * NOTE: We assume that the backfill window for the same function DOES NOT overlap. In other words, this function * does not guarantees correctness of the detections result if it is invoked twice with the same parameters. * * @param functionId the id of the anomaly function, which has to be an active function * @param backfillStartTime the start time for backfilling * @param backfillEndTime the end time for backfilling * @param force set to false to resume from previous backfill if there exists any * @return task id */ public Long runBackfill(long functionId, DateTime backfillStartTime, DateTime backfillEndTime, boolean force) { AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findById(functionId); Long jobId = null; String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection(); boolean isActive = anomalyFunction.getIsActive(); if (!isActive) {"Skipping function {}", functionId); return null; } BackfillKey backfillKey = new BackfillKey(functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime); Thread returnedThread = existingBackfillJobs.putIfAbsent(backfillKey, Thread.currentThread()); // If returned thread is not current thread, then a backfill job is already running if (returnedThread != null) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Aborting... An existing back-fill job is running...", functionId, dataset); return null; } try { CronExpression cronExpression = null; try { cronExpression = new CronExpression(anomalyFunction.getCron()); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Failed to parse cron expression", functionId, dataset); return null; } long monitoringWindowSize = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowSize(), anomalyFunction.getWindowUnit()); DateTime currentStart; if (force) { currentStart = backfillStartTime; } else { currentStart = computeResumeStartTime(functionId, cronExpression, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime); } DateTime currentEnd =; // Make the end time inclusive DateTime endBoundary = new DateTime(cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(backfillEndTime.toDate())); List<Long> startTimes = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> endTimes = new ArrayList<>();"Function: {} Dataset: {} Begin regenerate anomalies for each monitoring window between {} and {}", functionId, dataset, currentStart, endBoundary); while (currentEnd.isBefore(endBoundary)) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Terminating adhoc function.", functionId, dataset); return null; } String monitoringWindowStart = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinute().print(currentStart); String monitoringWindowEnd = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinute().print(currentEnd);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Adding adhoc time range {}({}) to {}({})", functionId, dataset, currentStart, monitoringWindowStart, currentEnd, monitoringWindowEnd); startTimes.add(currentStart.getMillis()); endTimes.add(currentEnd.getMillis()); currentStart = new DateTime(cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(currentStart.toDate())); currentEnd =; } // If any time periods found, for which detection needs to be run, run anomaly function update detection status List<DetectionStatusDTO> findAllInTimeRange = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO() .findAllInTimeRangeForFunctionAndDetectionRun(backfillStartTime.getMillis(), currentStart.getMillis(), functionId, false); jobId = runAnomalyFunctionAndUpdateDetectionStatus(startTimes, endTimes, anomalyFunction, findAllInTimeRange, force);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Generated job for detecting anomalies for each monitoring window " + "whose start is located in range {} -- {}", functionId, dataset, backfillStartTime, currentStart); } finally { existingBackfillJobs.remove(backfillKey, Thread.currentThread()); } return jobId; } /** * Different from asynchronous backfill in runBackfill, it will return after the backfill is done. * This function monitors the backfill task status, and return once the tasks are completed. * @param functionId * the function id to be backfilled * @param backfillStartTime * the monitor start time for backfill * @param backfillEndTime * the monitor end time for backfill * @param force * set to false to resume from previous backfill if there exists any */ public void synchronousBackFill(long functionId, DateTime backfillStartTime, DateTime backfillEndTime, boolean force) { Long jobExecutionId = runBackfill(functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime, force); if (jobExecutionId == null) { LOG.warn("Unable to perform backfill on function Id {} between {} and {}", functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime); return; } int retryCounter = 0; while (waitForJobDone(jobExecutionId).equals(JobStatus.FAILED) && retryCounter < MAX_BACKFILL_RETRY) { jobExecutionId = runBackfill(functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime, force); retryCounter++; } } public JobStatus waitForJobDone(long jobExecutionId) { TaskManager taskDAO = DAO_REGISTRY.getTaskDAO(); JobManager jobDAO = DAO_REGISTRY.getJobDAO(); JobDTO jobDTO; List<TaskDTO> scheduledTaskDTO = taskDAO.findByJobIdStatusNotIn(jobExecutionId, TaskStatus.COMPLETED); long functionId = jobDAO.findById(jobExecutionId).getAnomalyFunctionId(); while (scheduledTaskDTO.size() > 0) { List<Long> failedTaskIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (TaskDTO taskDTO : scheduledTaskDTO) { if (taskDTO.getStatus() == TaskStatus.FAILED) { failedTaskIds.add(taskDTO.getId()); } } if(failedTaskIds.size() > 0) {"Tasks Failed under Job {}: {}", jobDAO, failedTaskIds); return JobStatus.FAILED; } try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(SYNC_SLEEP_SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("The monitoring thread for anomaly function {} (task id: {}) backfill is awakened.", functionId, jobExecutionId); } scheduledTaskDTO = taskDAO.findByJobIdStatusNotIn(jobExecutionId, TaskStatus.COMPLETED); } // Set job to be completed jobDTO = jobDAO.findById(jobExecutionId); if (!jobDTO.getStatus().equals(JobStatus.COMPLETED)) { jobDTO.setStatus(JobStatus.COMPLETED);; } return jobDTO.getStatus(); } private JobDTO getPreviousJob(long functionId, long backfillWindowStart, long backfillWindowEnd) { return DAO_REGISTRY.getJobDAO().findLatestBackfillScheduledJobByFunctionId(functionId, backfillWindowStart, backfillWindowEnd); } /** * Returns the start time of the first detection job for the current backfill. The start time is determined in the * following: * 1. If there exists any previously left detection job, then start backfill from that job. * 1a. if that job is finished, then start a job next to it. * 1b. if that job is unfinished, then restart that job. * 2. If there exists no previous left job, then start the job from the beginning. * * @param cronExpression the cron expression that is used to calculate the alignment of start time. * @return the start time for the first detection job of this backfilling. */ private DateTime computeResumeStartTime(long functionId, CronExpression cronExpression, DateTime backfillStartTime, DateTime backfillEndTime) { DateTime currentStart; JobDTO previousJob = getPreviousJob(functionId, backfillStartTime.getMillis(), backfillEndTime.getMillis()); if (previousJob != null) { long previousStartTime = previousJob.getWindowStartTime(); cleanUpJob(previousJob); if (previousJob.getStatus().equals(JobStatus.COMPLETED)) { // Schedule a job after previous job currentStart = new DateTime(cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date(previousStartTime))); } else { // Reschedule the previous incomplete job currentStart = new DateTime(previousStartTime); }"Backfill starting from {} for function {} because a previous unfinished job found.", currentStart, functionId); } else { // Schedule a job starting from the beginning currentStart = backfillStartTime; } return currentStart; } /** * Sets unfinished (i.e., RUNNING, WAITING) tasks and job's status to FAILED * @param job */ private void cleanUpJob(JobDTO job) { if (!job.getStatus().equals(JobStatus.COMPLETED)) { List<TaskDTO> tasks = DAO_REGISTRY.getTaskDAO().findByJobIdStatusNotIn(job.getId(), TaskStatus.COMPLETED); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tasks)) { for (TaskDTO task : tasks) { task.setStatus(TaskStatus.FAILED); DAO_REGISTRY.getTaskDAO().save(task); } job.setStatus(JobStatus.FAILED); } else { // This case happens when scheduler dies before it knows that all its tasks are actually finished job.setStatus(JobStatus.COMPLETED); } DAO_REGISTRY.getJobDAO().save(job); } } /** * Use to check if the backfill jobs exists */ static class BackfillKey { private long functionId; private DateTime backfillStartTime; private DateTime backfillEndTime; public BackfillKey(long functionId, DateTime backfillStartTime, DateTime backfillEndTime){ this.functionId = functionId; this.backfillStartTime = backfillStartTime; this.backfillEndTime = backfillEndTime; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof BackfillKey) { BackfillKey other = (BackfillKey) o; return Objects.equals(this.functionId, other.functionId) && Objects.equals(this.backfillStartTime, other.backfillStartTime) && Objects.equals(this.backfillEndTime, other.backfillEndTime); } else { return false; } } } }