package com.linkedin.thirdeye.detector.function; import com.linkedin.pinot.pql.parsers.utils.Pair; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.anomaly.views.AnomalyTimelinesView; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.DimensionMap; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.MetricTimeSeries; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.dashboard.views.TimeBucket; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.MergedAnomalyResultDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.RawAnomalyResultDTO; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * See params for property configuration. * <p/> * min - lower threshold limit for average (inclusive). Will trigger alert if datapoint < min * (strictly less than) * <p/> * max - upper threshold limit for average (inclusive). Will trigger alert if datapoint > max * (strictly greater than) */ public class RatioOutlierFunction extends BaseAnomalyFunction { public static final String DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "change : %.2f %%, currentVal : %.2f, min : %.2f, max : %.2f"; public static final String MIN_VAL = "min"; public static final String MAX_VAL = "max"; final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RatioOutlierFunction.class); public String[] getPropertyKeys() { return new String [] {MIN_VAL, MAX_VAL}; } @Override public List<Pair<Long, Long>> getDataRangeIntervals(Long monitoringWindowStartTime, Long monitoringWindowEndTime) { List<Pair<Long, Long>> startEndTimeIntervals = new ArrayList<>(); startEndTimeIntervals.add(new Pair<>(monitoringWindowStartTime, monitoringWindowEndTime)); return startEndTimeIntervals; } @Override public List<RawAnomalyResultDTO> analyze(DimensionMap exploredDimensions, MetricTimeSeries timeSeries, DateTime windowStart, DateTime windowEnd, List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> knownAnomalies) throws Exception { List<RawAnomalyResultDTO> anomalyResults = new ArrayList<>(); // Parse function properties Properties props = getProperties(); // Get min / max props Double min = null; if (props.containsKey(MIN_VAL)) { min = Double.valueOf(props.getProperty(MIN_VAL)); } Double max = null; if (props.containsKey(MAX_VAL)) { max = Double.valueOf(props.getProperty(MAX_VAL)); } // Metric String topicMetric = getSpec().getTopicMetric(); // This function only detects anomalies on one metric, i.e., metrics[0] assert (getSpec().getMetrics().size() == 2);"Testing ratios {} for outliers", getSpec().getMetrics()); // Compute the bucket size, so we can iterate in those steps long bucketMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(getSpec().getBucketSize(), getSpec().getBucketUnit()); long numBuckets = (windowEnd.getMillis() - windowStart.getMillis()) / bucketMillis; Map<String, Double> averages = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (String m : getSpec().getMetrics()) { // Compute the weight of this time series (average across whole) double averageValue = 0; for (Long time : timeSeries.getTimeWindowSet()) { averageValue += timeSeries.get(time, m).doubleValue(); } // avg value of this time series averageValue /= numBuckets; averages.put(m, averageValue); } String m_a = getSpec().getMetrics().get(0); String m_b = getSpec().getMetrics().get(1); for (Long timeBucket : timeSeries.getTimeWindowSet()) { double value_a = timeSeries.get(timeBucket, m_a).doubleValue(); double value_b = timeSeries.get(timeBucket, m_b).doubleValue(); if (value_b == 0.0d) continue; double ratio = value_a / value_b; double deviationFromThreshold = getDeviationFromThreshold(ratio, min, max);"{}={}, {}={}, ratio={}, min={}, max={}, deviation={}", m_a, value_a, m_b, value_b, ratio, min, max, deviationFromThreshold); if (deviationFromThreshold != 0.0) { RawAnomalyResultDTO anomalyResult = new RawAnomalyResultDTO(); anomalyResult.setProperties(getSpec().getProperties()); anomalyResult.setStartTime(timeBucket); anomalyResult.setEndTime(timeBucket + bucketMillis); // point-in-time anomalyResult.setDimensions(exploredDimensions); anomalyResult.setScore(ratio); anomalyResult.setWeight(Math.abs(deviationFromThreshold)); // higher change, higher the severity String message = String.format(DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, deviationFromThreshold, ratio, min, max); anomalyResult.setMessage(message); anomalyResults.add(anomalyResult); } } return anomalyResults; } @Override public AnomalyTimelinesView getTimeSeriesView(MetricTimeSeries timeSeries, long bucketMillis, String metric, long viewWindowStartTime, long viewWindowEndTime, List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> knownAnomalies) { double min = 0.0d; try { // Parse function properties Properties props = getProperties(); // Get min / max props if (props.containsKey(MIN_VAL)) { min = Double.valueOf(props.getProperty(MIN_VAL)); } } catch(IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error extracting min value, using 0.0 instead"); } String m_a = getSpec().getMetrics().get(0); String m_b = getSpec().getMetrics().get(1); AnomalyTimelinesView view = new AnomalyTimelinesView(); int bucketCount = (int) ((viewWindowEndTime - viewWindowStartTime) / bucketMillis); for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount; ++i) { long currentBucketMillis = viewWindowStartTime + i * bucketMillis; long baselineBucketMillis = currentBucketMillis - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7); TimeBucket timebucket = new TimeBucket(currentBucketMillis, currentBucketMillis + bucketMillis, baselineBucketMillis, baselineBucketMillis + bucketMillis); view.addTimeBuckets(timebucket); double value_a = timeSeries.get(currentBucketMillis, m_a).doubleValue(); double value_b = timeSeries.get(currentBucketMillis, m_b).doubleValue(); if (value_b != 0.0d) { double ratio = value_a / value_b; view.addCurrentValues(ratio); } else { view.addCurrentValues(Double.NaN); } view.addBaselineValues(min); } return view; } @Override public void updateMergedAnomalyInfo(MergedAnomalyResultDTO anomalyToUpdated, MetricTimeSeries timeSeries, DateTime windowStart, DateTime windowEnd, List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> knownAnomalies) throws Exception { // TODO: implement } private double getDeviationFromThreshold(double currentValue, Double min, Double max) { if ((min != null && currentValue < min && min != 0d)) { return calculateChange(currentValue, min); } else if (max != null && currentValue > max && max != 0d) { return calculateChange(currentValue, max); } return 0; } static class MetricPair { final String a; final String b; public MetricPair(String a, String b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } }