package com.linkedin.thirdeye.completeness.checker; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import com.linkedin.pinot.client.ResultSet; import com.linkedin.pinot.client.ResultSetGroup; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeSpec; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.ThirdEyeCacheRegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.pinot.PinotQuery; /** * Util methods for data completeness */ public class DataCompletenessUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataCompletenessUtils.class); private static final ThirdEyeCacheRegistry CACHE_REGISTRY = ThirdEyeCacheRegistry.getInstance(); private static final String DAY_FORMAT = "yyyyMMdd"; private static final String HOUR_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHH"; private static final String MINUTE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmm"; /** * All MINUTE granularity data will be rounded off to 30 MINUTES by default */ private static final int MINUTES_LEVEL_ROUNDING = 30; // HELPER methods for DataCompletenessTaskRunner /** * round this time to earlier boundary, depending on granularity of dataset * e.g. 12:15pm on HOURLY dataset should be treated as 12pm * and 12:50pm on any MINUTE level dataset should be treated as 12:30pm * @param timeSpec * @param dataCompletenessStartTime * @param dateTimeZone * @return */ public static long getAdjustedTimeForDataset(TimeSpec timeSpec, long dataCompletenessStartTime, DateTimeZone zone) { DateTime adjustedDateTime = new DateTime(dataCompletenessStartTime, zone); TimeUnit unit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(); switch (unit) { case DAYS: adjustedDateTime = adjustedDateTime.withTimeAtStartOfDay(); break; case MINUTES: int roundedMinutes = (adjustedDateTime.getMinuteOfHour()/MINUTES_LEVEL_ROUNDING) * MINUTES_LEVEL_ROUNDING; adjustedDateTime = adjustedDateTime.withTime(adjustedDateTime.getHourOfDay(), roundedMinutes, 0, 0); break; case HOURS: default: adjustedDateTime = adjustedDateTime.withTime(adjustedDateTime.getHourOfDay(), 0, 0, 0); break; } return adjustedDateTime.getMillis(); } /** * get bucket size in millis, according to data granularity of dataset * Bucket size are 1 HOUR for hourly, 1 DAY for daily and 30 MINUTES for minute level * @param timeSpec * @return */ public static long getBucketSizeInMSForDataset(TimeSpec timeSpec) { long bucketMillis = 0; TimeUnit unit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(); switch (unit) { case DAYS: bucketMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.DAYS); break; case MINUTES: bucketMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(MINUTES_LEVEL_ROUNDING, TimeUnit.MINUTES); break; case HOURS: default: bucketMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); break; } return bucketMillis; } /** * Get date time formatter according to granularity of dataset * This is to store the date in the db, in the correct SDF * @param timeSpec * @return */ public static DateTimeFormatter getDateTimeFormatterForDataset(TimeSpec timeSpec, DateTimeZone zone) { String pattern = null; TimeUnit unit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(); switch (unit) { case DAYS: pattern = DAY_FORMAT; break; case MINUTES: pattern = MINUTE_FORMAT; break; case HOURS: default: pattern = HOUR_FORMAT; break; } DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).withZone(zone); return dateTimeFormatter; } /** * Get time values which correspond to time column in the pinot segment, for the given buckets in millis * Knowing millis time or sdf is not sufficient for querying to pinot, as pinot might be storing in sinceEpoch format * @param timeSpec * @param bucketNameToBucketValue * @return */ public static ListMultimap<String, Long> getBucketNameToTimeValuesMap(TimeSpec timeSpec, Map<String, Long> bucketNameToBucketValue) { ListMultimap<String, Long> bucketNameToTimeValues = ArrayListMultimap.create(); String timeFormat = timeSpec.getFormat(); if (timeFormat.equals(TimeSpec.SINCE_EPOCH_FORMAT)) { TimeUnit unit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit(); int timeDuration = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getSize(); for (Entry<String, Long> entry : bucketNameToBucketValue.entrySet()) { String bucketName = entry.getKey(); Long bucketValue = entry.getValue(); long timeValue = 0; switch (unit) { case MINUTES: for (int i = 0; i < MINUTES_LEVEL_ROUNDING/timeDuration; i++) { timeValue = TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(bucketValue, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / timeDuration; bucketNameToTimeValues.put(bucketName, timeValue); bucketValue = bucketValue + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(timeDuration, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } break; case DAYS: timeValue = TimeUnit.DAYS.convert(bucketValue, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); bucketNameToTimeValues.put(bucketName, timeValue); break; case HOURS: default: timeValue = TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(bucketValue, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); bucketNameToTimeValues.put(bucketName, timeValue); break; } } } else { for (Entry<String, Long> entry : bucketNameToBucketValue.entrySet()) { String bucketName = entry.getKey(); bucketNameToTimeValues.put(bucketName, Long.valueOf(bucketName)); } } return bucketNameToTimeValues; } /** * Get count * of buckets * @param dataset * @param bucketNameToBucketValueMS * @param bucketNameToBucketValue * @return */ public static Map<String, Long> getCountsForBucketsOfDataset(String dataset, TimeSpec timeSpec, Map<String, Long> bucketNameToBucketValueMS) { // get time values according to dataset timeSpec schema (epoch or sdf values in proper granularity) // dateToCheckInSDF -> timeValues as present in segments // This is a multimap because for nMinutesSinceEpoch, a bucket (30 minutes) can have more than 1 time values in the 30 minutes // e.g.: For 5 minutes granularity data, the checker will round to 30 minutes, // but count * should be taken from 6 time values in that 30 minutes ListMultimap<String, Long> bucketNameToTimeValues = getBucketNameToTimeValuesMap(timeSpec, bucketNameToBucketValueMS);"Bucket name to time values {}", bucketNameToTimeValues); Map<String, Long> bucketNameToCountStarMap = getBucketNameToCountStarMap(dataset, timeSpec, bucketNameToTimeValues); return bucketNameToCountStarMap; } private static Map<String, Long> getBucketNameToCountStarMap(String dataset, TimeSpec timeSpec, ListMultimap<String, Long> bucketNameToTimeValues) { Map<String, Long> bucketNameToCountStar = new HashMap<>(); // generate request StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String delimiter = ""; for (Long timeValue : bucketNameToTimeValues.values()) { sb.append(delimiter); delimiter = " OR "; sb.append(String.format("%s='%s'", timeSpec.getColumnName(), timeValue)); } long top = bucketNameToTimeValues.values().size(); String pql = String.format("select count(*) from %s where %s group by %s top %s", dataset, sb.toString(), timeSpec.getColumnName(), top); Map<Long, Long> timeValueToCount = new HashMap<>(); try { ResultSetGroup resultSetGroup = CACHE_REGISTRY.getResultSetGroupCache().get(new PinotQuery(pql, dataset)); if (resultSetGroup == null || resultSetGroup.getResultSetCount() <= 0) { return bucketNameToCountStar; } ResultSet resultSet = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(0); for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.getRowCount(); i++) { Long timeValue = Long.valueOf(resultSet.getGroupKeyString(i, 0)); Long count = resultSet.getLong(i, 0); timeValueToCount.put(timeValue, count); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Exception in getting count *. PQL:{}", pql, e); } // parse response to get counts for (String bucketName : bucketNameToTimeValues.keySet()) { List<Long> timeValues = bucketNameToTimeValues.get(bucketName); Long sumOfCountForBucket = 0L; for (Long timeValue : timeValues) { long val = 0L; if(timeValueToCount.containsKey(timeValue)) { val = timeValueToCount.get(timeValue); } sumOfCountForBucket = sumOfCountForBucket + val; } bucketNameToCountStar.put(bucketName, sumOfCountForBucket); } return bucketNameToCountStar; } public static double getPercentCompleteness(PercentCompletenessFunctionInput input) { DataCompletenessConstants.DataCompletenessAlgorithmName algorithm = input.getAlgorithm(); List<Long> baselineCounts = input.getBaselineCounts(); Long currentCount = input.getCurrentCount(); double percentCompleteness = 0; double baselineTotalCount = 0; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(baselineCounts)) { switch (algorithm) { case WO4W_AVERAGE: default: for (Long baseline : baselineCounts) { baselineTotalCount = baselineTotalCount + baseline; } baselineTotalCount = baselineTotalCount/baselineCounts.size(); break; } } if (baselineTotalCount != 0) { percentCompleteness = new Double(currentCount * 100) / baselineTotalCount; } if (baselineTotalCount == 0 && currentCount != 0) { percentCompleteness = 100; } return percentCompleteness; } }