package com.linkedin.thirdeye.rootcause.impl; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.client.DAORegistry; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.bao.MetricConfigManager; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.EventDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.MetricConfigDTO; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.rootcause.Pipeline; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.rootcause.PipelineContext; import com.linkedin.thirdeye.rootcause.PipelineResult; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Pipeline for identifying anomaly events based on their associated metric * names. The pipeline identifies metric entities in the search context and then invokes the * event provider manager to fetch any matching events. It then scores events based on their * time distance from the end of the search time window (closer is better). */ public class AnomalyEventsPipeline extends Pipeline { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnomalyEventsPipeline.class); private final EventDataProviderManager manager; private final MetricConfigManager metricDAO; /** * Constructor for dependency injection * * @param outputName pipeline output name * @param inputNames input pipeline names * @param manager event data provider manager * @param metricDAO metric config DAO */ public AnomalyEventsPipeline(String outputName, Set<String> inputNames, EventDataProviderManager manager, MetricConfigManager metricDAO) { super(outputName, inputNames); this.manager = manager; this.metricDAO = metricDAO; } /** * Alternate constructor for use by PipelineLoader * * @param outputName pipeline output name * @param inputNames input pipeline names * @param ignore configuration properties (none) */ public AnomalyEventsPipeline(String outputName, Set<String> inputNames, Map<String, String> ignore) { super(outputName, inputNames); this.manager = EventDataProviderManager.getInstance(); this.metricDAO = DAORegistry.getInstance().getMetricConfigDAO(); } @Override public PipelineResult run(PipelineContext context) { Set<MetricEntity> metrics = context.filter(MetricEntity.class); TimeRangeEntity current = TimeRangeEntity.getContextCurrent(context); Set<EventEntity> entities = new HashSet<>(); for(MetricEntity me : metrics) { MetricConfigDTO metricDTO = this.metricDAO.findById(me.getId()); if(metricDTO == null) { LOG.warn("Could not resolve metric id {}. Skipping.", me.getId()); continue; } EventFilter filter = new EventFilter(); filter.setEventType(EventType.HISTORICAL_ANOMALY.toString()); filter.setMetricName(metricDTO.getName()); for(EventDTO eventDTO : manager.getEvents(filter)) { double score = getScore(current, eventDTO); entities.add(EventEntity.fromDTO(score, eventDTO)); } } return new PipelineResult(context, entities); } /** * Compute event score based on distance to the end of the current time window. Closer is better. * * @param current current time range * @param dto event dto * @return event entity score */ private double getScore(TimeRangeEntity current, EventDTO dto) { long duration = current.getEnd() - current.getStart(); long distance = dto.getEndTime() - current.getEnd(); return 1.0 - distance / (double)duration; } }