package org.torrent.internal.protocol; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.BTMessageVisitor; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.BitField; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.BittorrentMessage; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Cancel; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Choke; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.HandShakeA; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.HandShakeB; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Have; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Interested; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.KeepAlive; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.NotInterested; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Piece; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Port; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.RawMessage; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.Request; import org.torrent.internal.protocol.message.UnChoke; import org.torrent.internal.util.Bits; import org.torrent.internal.util.Validator; public class BTTransformImpl implements BTTransform { public enum MessageID { KEEPALIVE(null), CHOKE(0), UNCHOKE(1), INTERESTED(2), NOT_INTERESTED(3), HAVE( 4), BITFIELD(5), REQUEST(6), PIECE(7), CANCEL(8), PORT(9), HANDSHAKE_A( null), HANDSHAKE_B(null), DONT_HAVE(10), WIN_UPDATE(11); public final Byte id; private MessageID(Integer id) { = id != null ? id.byteValue() : null; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeBitField(ByteBuffer) */ public BitField decodeBitField(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, data.remaining() - 4, MessageID.BITFIELD); Bits set = new Bits(data.remaining() * 8); int i = 0; while (buf.hasRemaining()) { byte b = buf.get(); for (int j = 128; j > 0; j >>= 1) { set.set(i++, (b & j) != 0); } } return new BitField(set); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeCancel(ByteBuffer) */ public Cancel decodeCancel(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, 13, MessageID.CANCEL); int i = buf.getInt(); int s = buf.getInt(); int l = buf.getInt(); return new Cancel(i, s, l); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeChoke(ByteBuffer) */ public Choke decodeChoke(ByteBuffer data) { partialDecode(data, 1, MessageID.CHOKE); return Choke.CHOKE; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeHandshakeA(ByteBuffer) */ public HandShakeA decodeHandshakeA(ByteBuffer buf) throws BittorrentMessageDecodingException { Validator.notNull(buf, "Buffer is null"); Validator.isTrue(buf.remaining() >= 48, "Expected 48 bytes, got " + buf.remaining()); ByteBuffer proto = HandShakeA.getPROTOCOL(); if (buf.get() != proto.remaining()) { throw new BittorrentMessageDecodingException( "Handshake length invalid: " + buf.get(buf.position() - 1)); } ByteBuffer tmp = buf.duplicate(); tmp.limit(tmp.position() + proto.remaining()); buf.position(buf.position() + proto.remaining()); if (!proto.equals(tmp)) { throw new BittorrentMessageDecodingException( "Handshake protocol invalid!"); } byte res[] = new byte[8]; buf.get(res); byte[] tmp2 = new byte[20]; buf.get(tmp2); Hash info = new Hash(tmp2, Hash.Type.SHA1); HandShakeA hs = new HandShakeA(info, res); return hs; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeHandshakeB(ByteBuffer) */ public HandShakeB decodeHandshakeB(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); Validator.isTrue(data.remaining() >= 20, "Invalid peer id size"); byte[] id = new byte[20]; data.get(id); return new HandShakeB(new Hash(id, Hash.Type.ID)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeHave(ByteBuffer) */ public Have decodeHave(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, 5, MessageID.HAVE); return new Have(buf.getInt()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeInterested(ByteBuffer) */ public Interested decodeInterested(ByteBuffer data) { partialDecode(data, 1, MessageID.INTERESTED); return Interested.INTERESTED; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeKeepAlive(ByteBuffer) */ public KeepAlive decodeKeepAlive(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); validateEmptyMessage(data); return KeepAlive.KEEPALIVE; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeNotInterested(ByteBuffer) */ public NotInterested decodeNotInterested(ByteBuffer data) { partialDecode(data, 1, MessageID.NOT_INTERESTED); return NotInterested.NOTINTERESTED; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodePiece(ByteBuffer) */ public Piece decodePiece(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, data.remaining() - 4, MessageID.PIECE); int i = buf.getInt(); int s = buf.getInt(); data = data.duplicate(); data.position(13); return new Piece(i, s, data); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodePort(ByteBuffer) */ public Port decodePort(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, 3, MessageID.PORT); int port = buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF; // System.out.println("Message of type port"); // System.out.println("Requesting piece index: " + port); // if (!ml_dht_enabled) {return;} // MainlineDHTProvider provider = getDHTProvider(); // if (provider == null) {return;} // // try {provider.notifyOfIncomingPort(socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), ((Port) msg).getPort());} // catch (Throwable t) {t.printStackTrace();} // con.send(new Request(((Have) msg).getPieceIndex(), 0, info.getPieceLength()), null); // //bitFieldSender(bitProv, (BTSocketConnection) con)); // return new Port(port); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeRequest(ByteBuffer) */ public Request decodeRequest(ByteBuffer data) { Validator.notNull(data, "Data is null!"); ByteBuffer buf = partialDecode(data, 13, MessageID.REQUEST); int i = buf.getInt(); int s = buf.getInt(); int l = buf.getInt(); return new Request(i, s, l); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#decodeUnChoke(ByteBuffer) */ public UnChoke decodeUnChoke(ByteBuffer data) { partialDecode(data, 1, MessageID.UNCHOKE); return UnChoke.UNCHOKE; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .BitField) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, BitField bitField) { Bits set = bitField.getBitSet(); ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, (set.size() + 7) / 8, MessageID.BITFIELD); for (int i = 0; i < set.size();) { byte data = 0; for (int j = 128; i < set.size() && j > 0; j >>= 1, i++) { if (set.get(i)) { data |= j; } } buf.put(data); } assert buf.remaining() == 0; return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Cancel) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Cancel cancel) { ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 12, MessageID.CANCEL); buf.putInt(cancel.getIndex()); buf.putInt(cancel.getStart()); buf.putInt(cancel.getLength()); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Choke) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Choke choke) { return prepareMessage(a, 0, MessageID.CHOKE); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .HandShakeA) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, HandShakeA hs) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(48); ByteBuffer proto = HandShakeA.getPROTOCOL(); buf.put((byte) proto.remaining()); buf.put(proto); buf.put(new byte[8]); buf.put(hs.getInfoHash().toByteArray()); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .HandShakeB) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, HandShakeB hs) { byte[] id = hs.getPeerID().toByteArray(); if (a == null || a.remaining() < id.length) { a = ByteBuffer.allocate(id.length); } a.put(id); return a; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Have) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Have have) { ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 4, MessageID.HAVE); buf.putInt(have.getPieceIndex()); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Interested) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Interested interested) { return prepareMessage(a, 0, MessageID.INTERESTED); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .KeepAlive) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, KeepAlive keepAlive) { return prepareMessage(a, 0, MessageID.KEEPALIVE); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .NotInterested) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, NotInterested notInterested) { return prepareMessage(a, 0, MessageID.NOT_INTERESTED); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Piece) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Piece piece) { ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 8 + piece.getLength(), MessageID.PIECE); buf.putInt(piece.getIndex()); buf.putInt(piece.getStart()); buf.put(piece.getData()); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Port) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Port port) { ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 2, MessageID.PORT); buf.putShort((short) (port.getPort() & 0xffff)); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .Request) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, Request request) { ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 12, MessageID.REQUEST); buf.putInt(request.getIndex()); buf.putInt(request.getStart()); buf.putInt(request.getLength()); return buf; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.torrent.internal.protocol.BittorrentProtocol#encode(org.torrent.internal.protocol.message * .UnChoke) */ public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, UnChoke unChoke) { return prepareMessage(a, 0, MessageID.UNCHOKE); } /** * @param data * @return */ public ByteBuffer partialDecode(ByteBuffer buf, int len, MessageID msgID) { int length = buf.getInt(); Validator.isTrue(length == len, "Invalid length: " + length + " expected " + len); byte type = buf.get(); Validator.isTrue(type ==, "Invalid type: " + type); return buf; } protected ByteBuffer prepareMessage(ByteBuffer a, int payloadLength, MessageID id) { assert id != null; ByteBuffer buffer; if ( != null) { buffer = a != null && a.remaining() >= payloadLength + 5 ? a : ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[payloadLength + 5]); } else { buffer = a != null && a.remaining() >= payloadLength + 4 ? a : ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[payloadLength + 4]); } buffer.putInt(buffer.capacity() - 4); if ( != null) { buffer.put(; } return buffer; } /** * @param data */ private void validateEmptyMessage(ByteBuffer buf) { int length = buf.getInt(); Validator.isTrue(length == 0, "Not a valid keep-alive message!"); } @Override public int getHandShakeASize() { return 29 + HandShakeA.getPROTOCOL().remaining(); } @Override public int getHandShakeBSize() { return 20; } @Override public ByteBuffer encodeMessage(final ByteBuffer a, BittorrentMessage msg) { final ByteBuffer[] result = new ByteBuffer[1]; msg.accept(new BTMessageVisitor() { @Override public void visitBitField(BitField bitField) { result[0] = encode(a, bitField); } @Override public void visitCancel(Cancel cancel) { result[0] = encode(a, cancel); } @Override public void visitChoke(Choke choke) { result[0] = encode(a, choke); } @Override public void visitHandShakeA(HandShakeA handShakeA) { result[0] = encode(a, handShakeA); } @Override public void visitHandShakeB(HandShakeB handShakeB) { result[0] = encode(a, handShakeB); } @Override public void visitHave(Have have) { result[0] = encode(a, have); } @Override public void visitInterested(Interested interested) { result[0] = encode(a, interested); } @Override public void visitKeepAlive(KeepAlive keepAlive) { result[0] = encode(a, keepAlive); } @Override public void visitNotInterested(NotInterested notInterested) { result[0] = encode(a, notInterested); } @Override public void visitPiece(Piece piece) { result[0] = encode(a, piece); } @Override public void visitPort(Port port) { result[0] = encode(a, port); } @Override public void visitRequest(Request request) { result[0] = encode(a, request); } @Override public void visitUnChoke(UnChoke unChoke) { result[0] = encode(a, unChoke); } @Override public void visitRawMessage(RawMessage rawMessage) { result[0] = rawMessage.getBuffer(); } // @Override // public void visitDontHave(DontHave dontHave) { // result[0] = encode(a, dontHave); // // } // // @Override // public void visitWinUpdate(WinUpdate winUpdate) { // result[0] = encode(a, winUpdate); // // } }); return result[0]; } // @Override // public DontHave decodeDontHave(ByteBuffer data) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public WinUpdate decodeWinUpdate(ByteBuffer data) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, DontHave dontHave) { //// Bits set = bitField.getBitSet(); //// ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, (set.size() + 7) / 8, //// MessageID.BITFIELD); //// for (int i = 0; i < set.size();) { //// byte data = 0; //// for (int j = 128; i < set.size() && j > 0; j >>= 1, i++) { //// if (set.get(i)) { //// data |= j; //// } //// } //// buf.put(data); //// } //// assert buf.remaining() == 0; //// return buf; // // ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 5, MessageID.DONT_HAVE); // buf.putInt(dontHave.getIndex()); //// buf.putInt(dontHave.getStart()); //// buf.putInt(dontHave.getLength()); // return buf; // } // // @Override // public ByteBuffer encode(ByteBuffer a, WinUpdate winUpdate) { // ByteBuffer buf = prepareMessage(a, 5, MessageID.WIN_UPDATE); // buf.putInt(winUpdate.getIndex()); //// buf.putInt(dontHave.getStart()); //// buf.putInt(dontHave.getLength()); // return buf; // } // //// ssize_t btStream::Send_DontHave(size_t idx) //// { //// char msg[H_LEN + H_DONTHAVE_LEN]; //// //// msg_Dbg( p_sys->p_btc, "GoalbitParser|DONT_HAVE_OUT|%d|%lld", p_sys->p_btc->i_object_id, mdate()); //// //// set_nl(msg, H_DONTHAVE_LEN); //// msg[H_LEN] = (char)M_DONT_HAVE; //// set_nl(msg + H_LEN + H_BASE_LEN, idx); //// //// return out_buffer.Put(sock, msg, H_LEN + H_DONTHAVE_LEN); //// } //// //// //// ssize_t btStream::Send_WinUpdate(size_t idx) //// { //// char msg[H_LEN + H_WIN_UPDATE]; //// //// msg_Dbg( p_sys->p_btc, "GoalbitParser|WIN_UPDATE_OUT|%d|%lld", p_sys->p_btc->i_object_id, mdate()); //// //// set_nl(msg, H_WIN_UPDATE); //// msg[H_LEN] = (char)M_WIN_UPDATE; //// set_nl(msg + H_LEN + H_BASE_LEN, idx); //// //// return out_buffer.Put(sock,msg,H_LEN + H_WIN_UPDATE); //// } }