package ch.cyberduck.core; /* * Copyright (c) 2005 David Kocher. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * Bug fixes, suggestions and comments should be sent to: * */ import ch.cyberduck.core.serializer.Deserializer; import ch.cyberduck.core.serializer.DeserializerFactory; import ch.cyberduck.core.serializer.Serializer; import ch.cyberduck.core.serializer.SerializerFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Encapsulating UNIX file permissions. * * @version $Id: 5625 2009-12-19 21:39:15Z dkocher $ */ public class Permission implements Serializable { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Permission.class); private static final int EMPTY_MASK = 0; public static final Permission EMPTY = new Permission(EMPTY_MASK); public <T> Permission(T dict) { this.init(dict); } public <T> void init(T serialized) { final Deserializer dict = DeserializerFactory.createDeserializer(serialized); final String maskObj = dict.stringForKey("Mask"); if(maskObj != null) { this.init(maskObj); } } public <T> T getAsDictionary() { final Serializer dict = SerializerFactory.createSerializer(); dict.setStringForKey(this.getMask(), "Mask"); return dict.<T>getSerialized(); } /** * Index of OWNER bit */ public static final int OWNER = 0; /** * Index of GROUP bit */ public static final int GROUP = 1; /** * Index of OTHER bit */ public static final int OTHER = 2; /** * Index of READ bit */ public static final int READ = 0; /** * Index of WRITE bit */ public static final int WRITE = 1; /** * Index of EXECUTE bit */ public static final int EXECUTE = 2; // {read, write, execute} // --- = 0; {false, false, false} // --x = 1; {false, false, true} // -w- = 2; {false, true, false} // -wx = 3; {false, true, true} // r-- = 4; {true, false, false} // r-x = 5; {true, false, true} // rw- = 6; {true, true, false} // rwx = 7; {true, true, true} private boolean[] owner = new boolean[3]; private boolean[] group = new boolean[3]; private boolean[] other = new boolean[3]; /** * Copy * * @param p */ public Permission(Permission p) { this.init(p.getMask()); } /** * @param mask the access string to parse the permissions from. * Must be something between --------- and rwxrwxrwx */ public Permission(String mask) { this.init(mask); } /** * @param mask */ private void init(String mask) { if(mask.length() != 9) { log.error("Invalid mask:" + mask); throw new NumberFormatException("Must be a nine digit string"); } this.owner = this.getOwnerPermissions(mask); = this.getGroupPermissions(mask); this.other = this.getOtherPermissions(mask); // log.debug("Permission:"+this.toString()); } /** * @param p A 3*3 boolean array representing read, write and execute permissions * by owner, group and others. (1,1) is the owner's read permission */ public Permission(boolean[][] p) { this.init(p); } /** * @param p */ private void init(boolean[][] p) { this.owner[READ] = p[OWNER][READ]; this.owner[WRITE] = p[OWNER][WRITE]; this.owner[EXECUTE] = p[OWNER][EXECUTE];[READ] = p[GROUP][READ];[WRITE] = p[GROUP][WRITE];[EXECUTE] = p[GROUP][EXECUTE]; this.other[READ] = p[OTHER][READ]; this.other[WRITE] = p[OTHER][WRITE]; this.other[EXECUTE] = p[OTHER][EXECUTE]; // log.debug("Permission:"+this.toString()); } /** * @param octal The permissions as a 3 digit octal number */ public Permission(int octal) { String octalString = String.valueOf(octal); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int leadingZeros = 3 - octalString.length(); while(leadingZeros > 0) { sb.append('0'); leadingZeros--; } sb.append(octalString); octalString = sb.toString(); log.debug("Permission(octalString):" + octalString); if(octalString.length() != 3) { log.error("Invalid octal value:" + octal); throw new NumberFormatException("Must be a three digit number"); } switch(Integer.parseInt(octalString.substring(0, 1))) { case (0): this.owner = new boolean[]{false, false, false}; break; case (1): this.owner = new boolean[]{false, false, true}; break; case (2): this.owner = new boolean[]{false, true, false}; break; case (3): this.owner = new boolean[]{false, true, true}; break; case (4): this.owner = new boolean[]{true, false, false}; break; case (5): this.owner = new boolean[]{true, false, true}; break; case (6): this.owner = new boolean[]{true, true, false}; break; case (7): this.owner = new boolean[]{true, true, true}; break; } switch(Integer.parseInt(octalString.substring(1, 2))) { case (0): = new boolean[]{false, false, false}; break; case (1): = new boolean[]{false, false, true}; break; case (2): = new boolean[]{false, true, false}; break; case (3): = new boolean[]{false, true, true}; break; case (4): = new boolean[]{true, false, false}; break; case (5): = new boolean[]{true, false, true}; break; case (6): = new boolean[]{true, true, false}; break; case (7): = new boolean[]{true, true, true}; break; } switch(Integer.parseInt(octalString.substring(2, 3))) { case (0): this.other = new boolean[]{false, false, false}; break; case (1): this.other = new boolean[]{false, false, true}; break; case (2): this.other = new boolean[]{false, true, false}; break; case (3): this.other = new boolean[]{false, true, true}; break; case (4): this.other = new boolean[]{true, false, false}; break; case (5): this.other = new boolean[]{true, false, true}; break; case (6): this.other = new boolean[]{true, true, false}; break; case (7): this.other = new boolean[]{true, true, true}; break; } // log.debug("Permission:"+this.toString()); } /** * @return The unix access permissions */ public String getMask() { return this.getRwxString(); } /** * @return a thee-dimensional boolean array representing read, write * and execute permissions (in that order) of the file owner. */ public boolean[] getOwnerPermissions() { return owner; } /** * @return a thee-dimensional boolean array representing read, write * and execute permissions (in that order) of the group */ public boolean[] getGroupPermissions() { return group; } /** * @return a thee-dimensional boolean array representing read, write * and execute permissions (in that order) of any user */ public boolean[] getOtherPermissions() { return other; } private boolean[] getOwnerPermissions(String s) { return new boolean[]{ s.charAt(0) == 'r', s.charAt(1) == 'w', s.charAt(2) == 'x' || s.charAt(2) == 's' || s.charAt(2) == 'S' || s.charAt(2) == 't' || s.charAt(2) == 'T' || s.charAt(2) == 'L'}; } private boolean[] getGroupPermissions(String s) { return new boolean[]{ s.charAt(3) == 'r', s.charAt(4) == 'w', s.charAt(5) == 'x' || s.charAt(5) == 's' || s.charAt(5) == 'S' || s.charAt(5) == 't' || s.charAt(5) == 'T' || s.charAt(5) == 'L'}; } private boolean[] getOtherPermissions(String s) { return new boolean[]{ s.charAt(6) == 'r', s.charAt(7) == 'w', s.charAt(8) == 'x' || s.charAt(8) == 's' || s.charAt(8) == 'S' || s.charAt(8) == 't' || s.charAt(8) == 'T' || s.charAt(8) == 'L'}; } /** * @return i.e. rwxrwxrwx (777) */ @Override public String toString() { return this.getMask() + " (" + this.getOctalString() + ")"; } /** * @return The unix equivalent access string like rwxrwxrwx */ private String getRwxString() { String owner = this.getAccessString(this.getOwnerPermissions()); String group = this.getAccessString(this.getGroupPermissions()); String other = this.getAccessString(this.getOtherPermissions()); return owner + group + other; } /** * @return The unix equivalent octal access code like 777 */ public String getOctalString() { String owner = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getOwnerPermissions()); String group = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getGroupPermissions()); String other = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getOtherPermissions()); return owner + group + other; } public int getOctalNumber() { String owner = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getOwnerPermissions()); String group = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getGroupPermissions()); String other = "" + this.getOctalAccessNumber(this.getOtherPermissions()); return Integer.parseInt(owner + group + other, 8); } /** * @return 0 = no permissions whatsoever; this person cannot read, write, or execute the file * 1 = execute only * 2 = write only * 3 = write and execute (1+2) * 4 = read only * 5 = read and execute (4+1) * 6 = read and write (4+2) * 7 = read and write and execute (4+2+1) */ private int getOctalAccessNumber(boolean[] permissions) { if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{false, false, false})) { return 0; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{false, false, true})) { return 1; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{false, true, false})) { return 2; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{false, true, true})) { return 3; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{true, false, false})) { return 4; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{true, false, true})) { return 5; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{true, true, false})) { return 6; } if(Arrays.equals(permissions, new boolean[]{true, true, true})) { return 7; } return -1; } private String getAccessString(boolean[] permissions) { String read = permissions[READ] ? "r" : "-"; String write = permissions[WRITE] ? "w" : "-"; String execute = permissions[EXECUTE] ? "x" : "-"; return read + write + execute; } public int hashCode() { return this.getOctalNumber(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if((o != null) && (o instanceof Permission)) { Permission other = (Permission) o; return this.getOctalNumber() == other.getOctalNumber(); } return false; } }