package org.opendedup.sdfs.servers; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.opendedup.sdfs.Main; import org.opendedup.sdfs.filestore.HashChunk; import; import; import org.opendedup.util.StringUtils; import com.reardencommerce.kernel.collections.shared.evictable.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap; public class HCServiceProxy { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("sdfs"); public static HashMap<String, HashClientPool> writeServers = new HashMap<String, HashClientPool>(); public static HashMap<String, HashClientPool> readServers = new HashMap<String, HashClientPool>(); public static HashMap<String, HashClientPool> writehashRoutes = new HashMap<String, HashClientPool>(); public static HashMap<String, HashClientPool> readhashRoutes = new HashMap<String, HashClientPool>(); private static int cacheLenth = 10485760 / Main.CHUNK_LENGTH; private static ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<String, ByteCache> readBuffers = ConcurrentLinkedHashMap .create( ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.EvictionPolicy.LRU, cacheLenth, Main.writeThreads, new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.EvictionListener<String, ByteCache>() { public void onEviction(String key, ByteCache writeBuffer) { } }); private static HashMap<String, byte[]> readingBuffers = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); // private static LRUMap existingHashes = new // LRUMap(Main.systemReadCacheSize); private static ReentrantLock readlock = new ReentrantLock(); // private static boolean initialized = false; public static long getChunksFetched() { return -1; } private static long dupsFound; public static long getSize() { if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { return HashChunkService.getSize(); }else { return -2; } } public static long getMaxSize() { if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { return HashChunkService.getMaxSize(); }else { return -1; } } public static int getPageSize() { if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { return HashChunkService.getPageSize(); }else { return -1; } } private static HashClient getReadHashClient(String name) throws Exception { HashClient hc = (HashClient) readhashRoutes.get(name).borrowObject(); return hc; } private static void returnObject(String name, HashClient hc) throws IOException { readhashRoutes.get(name).returnObject(hc); } private static HashClient getWriteHashClient(String name) throws Exception { HashClient hc = (HashClient) readhashRoutes.get(name).borrowObject(); return hc; } public static boolean writeChunk(byte[] hash, byte[] aContents, int position, int len, boolean sendChunk) throws IOException { boolean doop = false; if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { doop = HashChunkService.hashExists(hash); if (!doop && sendChunk) { try { doop = HashChunkService.writeChunk(hash, aContents, 0, Main.CHUNK_LENGTH, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } else { byte[] hashRoute = { hash[0] }; String db = StringUtils.getHexString(hashRoute); HashClient hc = null; try { hc = getWriteHashClient(db); doop = hc.hashExists(hash); if (!doop && sendChunk) { try { hc.writeChunk(hash, aContents, 0, len); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to use hashclient", e); hc.close(); hc.openConnection(); hc.writeChunk(hash, aContents, 0, len); } } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to write chunk " + hash, e1); throw new IOException("Unable to write chunk " + hash); } finally { if (hc != null) returnObject(db, hc); } } return doop; } public static boolean hashExists(byte[] hash) throws IOException { boolean exists = false; if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { exists = HashChunkService.hashExists(hash); } else { String hashStr = StringUtils.getHexString(hash); if (readBuffers.containsKey(hashStr)) { return true; } /* * if (existingHashes.containsKey(hashStr)) { return true; } */ String db = null; HashClient hc = null; try { byte[] hashRoute = { hash[0] }; db = StringUtils.getHexString(hashRoute); hc = getWriteHashClient(db); } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to execute find hash for " + hashStr); throw new IOException(e1); } try { exists = hc.hashExists(hash); if (exists) { // existingHashes.put(hashStr, hashStr); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new IOException(e); } finally { try { returnObject(db, hc); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log .log( Level.SEVERE, "unable to return network thread object to pool", e); } } } return exists; } public static boolean cacheContains(String hashStr) { return readBuffers.containsKey(hashStr); } public static byte[] fetchChunk(byte[] hash) throws IOException { if (Main.chunkStoreLocal) { HashChunk hc = HashChunkService.fetchChunk(hash); return hc.getData(); } else { String hashStr = StringUtils.getHexString(hash); boolean reading = false; ByteCache cache = null; try { cache = (ByteCache) readBuffers.get(hashStr); if (cache != null) { return cache.getCache(); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { readlock.lock(); reading = readingBuffers.containsKey(hashStr); if (!reading) { readingBuffers.put(hashStr, hash); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { readlock.unlock(); } if (reading) { int z = 0; while (readingBuffers.containsKey(hashStr)) { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } z++; if (readBuffers.containsKey(hashStr)) { readingBuffers.remove(hashStr); break; } else if (z > Main.multiReadTimeout) { if (Main.multiReadTimeout > 0)"Timeout waiting for read " + hashStr); readingBuffers.remove(hashStr); break; } } } try { cache = (ByteCache) readBuffers.get(hashStr); if (cache != null) { readingBuffers.remove(hashStr); return cache.getCache(); } } catch (Exception e) { } String db = null; HashClient hc = null; try { byte[] hashRoute = { hash[0] }; db = StringUtils.getHexString(hashRoute); hc = getReadHashClient(db); byte[] data = hc.fetchChunk(hash); ByteCache _b = new ByteCache(data); readlock.lock(); readBuffers.put(hashStr, _b); readingBuffers.remove(hashStr); // kBytesFetched = kBytesFetched + (data.length / KBYTE); // chunksFetched++; return data; } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to fetch buffer " + hashStr, e); throw new IOException("Unable to fetch buffer " + hashStr); } finally { if (hc != null) returnObject(db, hc); if (readlock.isLocked()) readlock.unlock(); } } } public static long getChunksRead() { return -1; } public static long getChunksWritten() { return -1; } public static double getKBytesRead() { return -1; } public static double getKBytesWrite() { return -1; } public static long getDupsFound() { return dupsFound; } }