/* * RSSFeed - Azureus2 Plugin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.kmallan.azureus.rssfeed; //import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.*; import javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; public class TorrentDownloader { // private View view; private TorrentManager torrentManager; private DownloadManager downloadManager; // public TorrentDownloader(View view, TorrentManager torrentManager, DownloadManager downloadManager) { // this.view = view; // this.torrentManager = torrentManager; // this.downloadManager = downloadManager; // } public TorrentDownloader(TorrentManager torrentManager, DownloadManager downloadManager) { // this.view = view; this.torrentManager = torrentManager; this.downloadManager = downloadManager; } public boolean addTorrent(ListBean listBean) { return addTorrent(null, listBean); } public void addTorrentThreaded(final ListBean listBean) { new Thread("TorrentDownloaderThread") { public void run() { addTorrent(listBean); // if(view.isOpen() && view.display != null && !view.display.isDisposed()) // view.display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // if(view.listTable == null || view.listTable.isDisposed()) return; // ListTreeItem listItem = view.treeViewManager.getItem(listBean); // listItem.update(); // } // }); } }.start(); } public boolean addTorrent(FilterBean filterBean, ListBean listBean) { return addTorrent(listBean.getLocation(), listBean.getFeed(), filterBean, listBean); } public boolean addTorrent(String link, final UrlBean urlBean, final FilterBean filterBean, final ListBean listBean) { boolean ret = true; String err = ""; File torrentLocation = null; try { boolean saveTorrents = false; String torrentDirectory = ""; try { saveTorrents = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Save Torrent Files", true); torrentDirectory = COConfigurationManager.getDirectoryParameter("General_sDefaultTorrent_Directory"); } catch(Exception egnore) {} if(saveTorrents && torrentDirectory != null && torrentDirectory.length() > 0) { torrentLocation = getTorrent(link, urlBean, listBean, torrentDirectory); if(torrentLocation == null) return false; Torrent curTorrent = torrentManager.createFromBEncodedFile(torrentLocation); String storeFile = null; if((curTorrent.getFiles()).length == 1) storeFile = curTorrent.getName(); String defaultPath = ""; if(filterBean != null && filterBean.getStoreDir().length() > 0) { defaultPath = filterBean.getStoreDir(); } else if(urlBean != null && urlBean.getStoreDir().length() > 0) { defaultPath = urlBean.getStoreDir(); } else if(COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Use default data dir", true)) { defaultPath = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Default save path", ""); } if(defaultPath.length() > 0) { File dataLocation = setFile(defaultPath, storeFile); final Download download = addTorrent(curTorrent, torrentLocation, dataLocation); ret = (download != null); Plugin.debugOut("ret: " + ret + " download: " + download); if(ret) { if(filterBean != null) { // view.histAdd(listBean, download, dataLocation, filterBean); try { if (filterBean.getMoveTop()) { // for (int iLoop = 1; iLoop <= download.getIndex(); iLoop++) { // download.moveUp(); // } } if (Constants.compareVersions(Constants.getBaseVersion(), "") >= 0) { if (filterBean.getRateUseCustom()) { // download.setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(filterBean.getRateUpload() * 1024); } } else { // download.setPriority(filterBean.getPriority()); } switch (filterBean.getState()) { case 1: download.setForceStart(true); break; case 2: // download.stop(); break; } if (filterBean.getRateUseCustom()) System.out.println("download.setMaximumDownloadKBPerSecond"); // download.setMaximumDownloadKBPerSecond(filterBean.getRateDownload()); if (filterBean.getCategory().length() > 0) System.out.println("download.setCategory"); // download.setCategory(filterBean.getCategory()); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { /** < Azureus **/ } catch (Exception e) { } } else { if(!Plugin.getBooleanParameter("AutoStartManual")) // download.stop(); System.out.println("download.stop"); // // view.histAdd(listBean, download, dataLocation); } } } else { ret = false; err = "No Default Data Directory Set (Options > Files > Save to default data directory)"; } } else { ret = false; err = "No Torrent Save Directory Set (Options > Files > Torrents > Save .torrent files)"; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to add torrent: '" + link + "'"); err = e.getMessage(); ret = false; } if(!ret) { listBean.setState(ListBean.DOWNLOAD_FAIL); if(!"".equals(err)) listBean.setError(err); } if(!ret && torrentLocation != null) torrentLocation.delete(); return ret; } public boolean addTorrent(Torrent curTorrent, File torrentLocation, ListBean listBean, String storeLoc, String storeFile) throws Exception { File dataLocation = null; if(storeLoc != null && storeLoc.length() > 0) { dataLocation = setFile(storeLoc, storeFile); } else if(listBean != null && (listBean.getFeed()).getStoreDir().length() > 0) { dataLocation = setFile((listBean.getFeed()).getStoreDir(), null); } Download download = addTorrent(curTorrent, torrentLocation, dataLocation); // if(download != null) view.histAdd(listBean, download, dataLocation); return (download != null); } private Download addTorrent(Torrent curTorrent, File torrentLocation, File dataLocation) throws Exception { Download download = null; if(torrentLocation != null && dataLocation != null) { download = downloadManager.addDownload(curTorrent, torrentLocation, dataLocation); } return download; } private File setFile(String storePath, String storeFile) { File file = null; // if(!storePath.endsWith(view.rssfeedConfig.separator)) // storePath = storePath + view.rssfeedConfig.separator; try { if(storeFile != null && storeFile.length() > 0) file = new File(storePath, storeFile); else file = new File(storePath); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return file; } public File getTorrent(String url, final UrlBean urlBean, final ListBean listBean, String directoryName) throws Exception { listBean.resetInfo(); Downloader downloader = new Downloader(); downloader.addListener(new DownloaderListener() { public void downloaderUpdate(int state, int percent, int amount, String err) { listBean.setState(state); if(percent > 0) listBean.setPercent(percent); if(amount > 0) listBean.setAmount(amount); if(!err.equalsIgnoreCase("")) listBean.setError(err); // if(view.isOpen() && view.display != null && !view.display.isDisposed()) // view.display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // if(view.listTable == null || view.listTable.isDisposed()) return; // ListTreeItem listItem = view.treeViewManager.getItem(listBean); // if (listItem == null || listItem.isDisposed()) { // return; // } // listItem.update(); // } // }); } }); downloader.init(url, "application/x-bittorrent, application/x-httpd-php", (urlBean.getLocRef()?urlBean.getLocation():urlBean.getReferer()), (urlBean.getUseCookie()?urlBean.getCookie():null), 0, null); listBean.downloader = downloader; if(downloader.getState() == Downloader.DOWNLOADER_CANCELED || downloader.getState() == Downloader.DOWNLOADER_ERROR) { return null; } String filename = downloader.fileName; if(!downloader.fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".torrent")) filename = "temp-" + Long.toString((new Date()).getTime()) + "-" + Long.toString((new Random()).nextLong()) + ".torrent"; File torrentLocation = new File(directoryName, filename); torrentLocation.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fileout = new FileOutputStream(torrentLocation, false); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int read; while((read = downloader.read(buf)) != -1) { fileout.write(buf, 0, read); if(downloader.getState() == Downloader.DOWNLOADER_CANCELED) break; } fileout.flush(); fileout.close(); if(downloader.getState() == Downloader.DOWNLOADER_CANCELED || downloader.getState() == Downloader.DOWNLOADER_ERROR) { listBean.downloader = null; downloader.done(); torrentLocation.delete(); return null; } if(!downloader.fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".torrent")) { Plugin.debugOut("contentType: " + downloader.contentType); if(downloader.contentType != null && downloader.contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/html")) { // html file encountered, look for link to torrent String href = findTorrentHref(torrentLocation, url, listBean); Plugin.debugOut("href: " + href); torrentLocation.delete(); if(href != null) { listBean.downloader = null; downloader.done(); return getTorrent(href, urlBean, listBean, directoryName); } else throw new Exception("Html content returned, but no links to torrent files found."); } else if(downloader.contentType != null && !downloader.contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("application/x-bittorrent")) { // something else encountered, just move it to outputdir File newFile = new File(directoryName, downloader.fileName != null?downloader.fileName:torrentLocation.getName()); if(!torrentLocation.renameTo(newFile)) Plugin.debugOut("failed to move " + torrentLocation); Plugin.debugOut("Non-torrent download encountered and moved: " + newFile + " (" + downloader.contentType + ")"); torrentLocation = null; } else { Torrent torrent = torrentManager.createFromBEncodedFile(torrentLocation); String name = torrent.getName() + ".torrent"; File newFile = new File(directoryName, name); if(torrentLocation.renameTo(newFile)) { downloader.fileName = name; torrentLocation = newFile; } torrent = null; } } listBean.downloader = null; downloader.done(); return torrentLocation; } protected static String findTorrentHref(File htmlDoc, String baseUrl, ListBean listBean) throws IOException { BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(htmlDoc))); HtmlAnalyzer parser = new HtmlAnalyzer(baseUrl, listBean); new ParserDelegator().parse(bufReader, parser, true); return parser.getTorrentUrl(); } }