package org.opendedup.sdfs.servers; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.opendedup.collections.HashtableFullException; import org.opendedup.sdfs.Main; import org.opendedup.sdfs.filestore.HashChunk; import org.opendedup.sdfs.filestore.HashStore; import org.opendedup.sdfs.filestore.gc.ChunkStoreGCScheduler; public class HashChunkService { private static double kBytesRead; private static double kBytesWrite; private static final long KBYTE = 1024L; private static long chunksRead; private static long chunksWritten; private static long chunksFetched; private static double kBytesFetched; private static int unComittedChunks; private static int MAX_UNCOMITTEDCHUNKS = 100; private static HashStore hs = null; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("sdfs"); private static ChunkStoreGCScheduler csGC = null; /** * @return the chunksFetched */ public static long getChunksFetched() { return chunksFetched; } static { try { hs = new HashStore(); csGC = new ChunkStoreGCScheduler(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to start hashstore", e); System.exit(-1); } } private static long dupsFound; public static boolean writeChunk(byte[] hash, byte[] aContents, int position, int len, boolean compressed) throws IOException, HashtableFullException { if(aContents.length > Main.chunkStorePageSize) throw new IOException("content size out of bounds [" +aContents.length + "] > [" + Main.chunkStorePageSize + "]"); chunksRead++; kBytesRead = kBytesRead + (position / KBYTE); boolean written = hs.addHashChunk(new HashChunk(hash, 0, len, aContents, compressed)); if (written) { unComittedChunks++; chunksWritten++; kBytesWrite = kBytesWrite + (position / KBYTE); if (unComittedChunks > MAX_UNCOMITTEDCHUNKS) { commitChunks(); } return false; } else { dupsFound++; return true; } } public static boolean hashExists(byte[] hash) throws IOException { return hs.hashExists(hash); } public static HashChunk fetchChunk(byte[] hash) throws IOException { HashChunk hashChunk = hs.getHashChunk(hash); byte[] data = hashChunk.getData(); kBytesFetched = kBytesFetched + (data.length / KBYTE); chunksFetched++; return hashChunk; } public static byte getHashRoute(byte[] hash) { byte hashRoute = (byte) (hash[1] / (byte) 16); if (hashRoute < 0) { hashRoute += 1; hashRoute *= -1; } return hashRoute; } public static void processHashClaims() throws IOException { hs.processHashClaims(); } public static void removeStailHashes() throws IOException { hs.evictChunks(System.currentTimeMillis() - Main.evictionAge*60*60*1000); } public static void commitChunks() { // H2HashStore.commitTransactions(); unComittedChunks = 0; } public static long getSize() { return hs.getEntries(); } public static long getMaxSize() { return hs.getMaxEntries(); } public static int getPageSize() { return Main.chunkStorePageSize; } public static long getChunksRead() { return chunksRead; } public static long getChunksWritten() { return chunksWritten; } public static double getKBytesRead() { return kBytesRead; } public static double getKBytesWrite() { return kBytesWrite; } public static long getDupsFound() { return dupsFound; } public static void close() { csGC.stopSchedules(); hs.close(); } public static void init() { } }